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The financial globalization is increasing considerably and is created by the new economic

globalization has had positive and negative effects on countries in opportunities for industrialized

countries and developing countries. The greatest impact has been in developing countries, which are

now capable of attracting investors and foreign capital. This has produced positive effects

development. And negative in those countries. The best standard of living The economic level

globalization gives the governments of countries. Foreign loans. When these funds are in the

infrastructure, as in development, access to roads, health, education and social services, the standard

of living in the country increases. Without rhodow, if the money is used in selective, not all citizens

participate in the benefits.

It is easier for a central country to be seen in this globalizing process. Decrease in protagonism of

national governments, for the benefit of financial markets Speculating movement of financial flows,

which carries monetary instability of monetary overaging heating and deterioration of ozone layer

The arrival of foreign companies to developing increases in employment in many countries,

especially for qualified workers. However, the improvements in technology come with new

businesses and that technology extends to national companies. Automation in manufacturing and

agricultural sectors reduces the need for non-qualified labor and unemployment increases in these

sectors. If there is no infrastructure to help instruct the unemployed by the globalized economy,

social services in the country can reach weakening when trying to take charge of the new marginal


Globalization to a more free trade among countries. This is one of its greatest benefits for developing

countries. The local industries fall to fall commercial barriers and have access to a much broader

international market. The growth that this generates allows companies to develop new technologies

and produce new products and services. Expansion of the disparity in income Although the influx of
companies and foreign capital creates a reduction in unemployment and poverty in general, you can

also increase the wage gap between those who are instructed and those that are not long. Education

levels will increase as the financial health development development of developing countries

improves, but in short term, some poor sectors will be more poor. Not everyone will participate in

the elevation of the standard of living stand

From my point of view, globalization brings enough benefits for a nation. Allows the development of

the same in terms of economic growth that makes a positive pocion in the ancient market that

encourages foreign investment. In turn due to the implementation of new processes and procedures

with technological aids generates a deficit in the employment sector, since the work of hand must be

very qualified and this makes the unemployment increase.

Globalization is good or bad depends on the point of view from which it is looked.


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