Pmls 1 - Lesson 1 - Overview and History of MT

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PMLS 1 - Analyze chemical content or a chemical reaction

and determine concentrations of compounds

HISTORY OF MT such as blood glucose, cholesterol levels, type
By Phill Galaroza, RMT and crossmatching blood samples for
- Use instrumentation to check
ASCLS – American Society for Clinical Laboratory

Microscope – primary tool of MT’s HISTORY OF MT

- Involves 70% of the job  Hippocrates (460 BC) – Father of medicine

- Correlated anatomical parts with chemical
findings and causes of diseases
- With the delay of chemistry, scientists
used Alchemy
- Combination of medicine and technology - Adopted triad of regimen with use of drugs,
- Application of procedures to develop a highly surgery, and bloodletting in treating diseases
sophisticated solution to medical problems, the  They searched for the Elixir of Life (which was
prevention of diseases, and monitoring o good claimed to be made in China during the Tang
health. dynasty, but instead they made arsenic)
- Applied science for it employs scientific  The willow tree was used to synthesize aspirin
investigation to come up with diagnostic  Crude surgery was made (despite surgery being
findings. a taboo)
- Auxiliary branch of laboratory medicine which
deals with examination of tissues, secretion,  Vivian Herrick – believed that intestinal infection
excretion of the human body and body fluids by dated back to 1550 BC and is caused by Ascaris
various electronic, chemical, microscopic, and lumbricoides and Taenia species (published in Ebers
other medical lab procedures. Papyrus)
 Anenzona (1550 BC) – Arabian physician proved tha
RA 5527 or Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969
parasites are the etiological agent of scabies
- Approved on June 21, 1969  Professor Ruth Williams – mentioned ( An
Introduction to the Profession of Medical
Technology) with urinalysis being a fad
WHO ARE MT, CLS, & BIOMEDICAL SCIENTISTS? - back then, crude urinalysis was used
- color, smell, taste, consistency, etc.
MT – used in Asian countries  Anna Fagelson (19th century)
MLS – USA, AU, NZ, - Italian physician at the University of Bologna
confirmed the beginning of MT when she
CLS – Florida, USA correlated the cause of death of Alexander
Gillani (a laboratory worker under her
MLT (Medical Laboratory Technologist) – Canada
Biomedical Scientists – UK  Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)
- Dutch businessman
- Medical investigator, performing sophisticated
- Invented the first Microscope
analysis using state-of-the-art instrumentation.
- 1t scientist to observe and describe the
- Examines blood and other fluids, make culture
appearance of RBC and differentiate bacteria
of body fluids and tissue samples to determine
and their shapes
presence of bacteria, fungi, parasites, and other
- Used Rainwater as his first sample.
18th CENTURY - used a microscope and blood counting machine
in the hospital
 William Occam – English philosopher who used lab
 The first lab established at U. Michigan
findings as a preliminary evidence in diagnosing and
- The largest and best equipped laboratory related
evaluation a patient’s disease.
to medicine
 Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow – Father of Microscopic
- Dr. Douglas was first to give lab instructions
 1887 – University hospital in Philadelphia was
- Emphasized the study of manifestation of
established by Dr. Douglas and Dr. George Dock,
disease with the use of the microscope in the
then later at the University Hospital in Ann Arbor.
cellular level
- First hospital to mandate urinalysis and blood
 Dr. Calvin Ellis – first to utilize the microscope in
examining specimens
 1885 – Sir John Burdon-Sanderson
 Baron Karl von Humboldt
- Applied lab methods to his practice of medicine
- Formulated the Apothecaries Act of 1815
formally used laboratory findings for the 1887 – Sanderson concludes the use of laboratory
treatment of diseases and infections methods in clinical medicine educates pathological
throughout England and Wales. problems
- Required the instruction of botany, chemistry,
 John Hopkins establishes first clinical lab in 1896
material medical and physics.
 Another lab opened at U.Penn. called the William
 1854 – The Medical College of St. Bartholomew,
Pepper Lab.
LONDON established similar labs
 1900’s – a census of 100 male technicians
 1858 – all part-time clinicians were reinforced as
- Clinical labs were then established in 1896
teachers by whole-time professional units by
- this increased to 3,500 in 1920
applying new tech.
- in 1922, there were now 3,050 hospitals with
clinical labs

USA The sudden rise of labs was attributed to the ff.:

- Science was highly developed through Medical - WWI (being the Trench war) causing Trench fever.
Education reforms - The Immigration of Germans/ Prusians to America
 1871 – Harvard University established learning by together with their foreign diseases.
- Considered to be the first internship program  1908 – Publication of a Laboratory guide “Manual of
- It was then followed by the University of Chemical Diagnosis” by James C. Todd.
Pennsylvania, and the University of Michigan. - later by Dr. Arthur Stanford entitled “Clinical
 John Hopkins School of Medicine – provided 2 Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods” which was
years of instruction in basic sciences edited by Drs. Davidson and Henry
 Late 1870’s - William Welch (who was a student of
Dr. Henry then went on to revise the book and establish
Virchow) and Mitchell Purden
what we now call as the MT’s and Pathologists’ bible,
- They were the first to apply clinical pathology to
the Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis
medical diagnosis (Bellevue Hospital Medical
College)  1911 – revolution in the development of laboratory
 1875 – Dr. Welch established another lab at science was approved by the Insurance Act
Bellevue Hospital – a teaching lab.  1915 – state legislation of Pennsylvania enacted a
 1885 – Dr. Welch became the first professor of law requiring hospitals to have adequate
pathology at John Hopkins laboratories.
- Soon became one of the Big 4 of John Hopkins  1940 – US required a two-year collegiate education
 1880’s - Dr. William Osler a clinical professor at U. with
Penn  1950 – a student curriculum was formalize for a
Bachelor degree
PHILIPPINES • Dr. Antonio Gabriel and Dr. Gustavo Reyes of the
FACULTY of Pharmacy, University of Sto. Tomas o#ered
 WWII (1939-1945)
medical technology as an elec5ve subject to 4th and 5th
1949 – US bases were built in Luzon and Leyte where year B.S. Pharmacy students.Rev.Fr. Lorenzo Rodriguez
the Americans brought members of the healthcare Decided to o#er it as a course because of the popularity
team of medical technology among pharmacy students.JUNE
17,1957> Temporary permit was issued by the Dept. of
- They resolved the health of American and Filipino Educa5on, for :rst to third year student.
 THE 26TH MEDICAL INFANTRY OF THE 6TH US University of the Philippines> O#ers a similar course but
ARMY. First Clinical Laboratory in the Philippines the degree being conferred in B.S. Public Healt


HEALTH) The lab o#ered training programs to high
school graduates as early as FEBRUARY,1944.1943


• Endorsed it to the NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF


• The Department rendered the laboratory non-

func5onal forsome5me.DR. PIO DE RODA


from the remnants of the deserted laboratory.

• OCTOBER 1,1945o With Dr. Mariano Icasiano as his

assistant and who was then the MANILA CITY HEALTH

• Training of high school graduates to work as medical

technicians by Dr. Pio de Roda and Dr. Prudencia de Sta.

• No period of training was set and no cer5:cates were


• A 6 months laboratory training with cer45cate upon

comple5on was given to the trainees.

• Dr. Sta. Ana prepared the syllabus for the training

program.Medical Technology Educa4on in the

• The Training program o#ered by Dr. Pio De Roda did

not lastlong.

• The FIRST B.S. Degree course in Medical Technology

was o#ered by the PHILIPPINE UNION COLLEGE and

• A=er 2 years, PUC produced its :rst graduate, Dr. Jesse

Umali, now a successful OB-Gynecologist.1957-1958

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