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English Project

Name: Melquiades Bravo, Cesar Fernando

My trip to Cajacay:

I’m going to talk about my trip to the cajacay district located in Anchash al norte de
The region is Quechua, temperate and dry climate, Since culture has been made, this
tradition has taken place in a rural area, it starts sacrificing a bovine, I had never seen
something like that, The tradition goes back to last Inca resistance, this consists of
staging the Spanish abuse, the capture, rescue and death of the Inca Atahualpa, the
people disguised as Francisco Pizarro, his maidens and natives, where the Spanish
abuse is staged. The Lord of Chayuan is venerated. The celebrations last the whole
week starts the first of May,. . The orchestra has been very loud but harmonious. The
food and drink is free during the whole festive week, they gave me pachamanca but
this one was very delicious, I had never tasted it before. I have drunk until I lost
consciousness I have danced a little, during the night the party still continues. This
patronal party connects people. Also, I have visited Chayan which is a huge touch on a
mountain, tell the locals who has been protector of the area. Since ancient times
wheat, potatoes, alfalfa have been cultivated; but not quinoa because it does not grow
due to geographical conditions. I have known small towns that are caserio de cajacay,
there people raise chickens, cows, pigs, etc. I have spent a lot of time in this place, if
you have not visited yet, do it
La región es quechua, clima templado y seco,

Como se ha hecho cultura, esta tradicion tiene lugar en un área rural

inicia sacrificando un bovino, yo nunca vi algo como eso,

La tradición consiste en escenificar el abuso español, se remonta ultimas resistencias incaicas,

se escenifica el abuso español . se venera el señor de chayuan.

Fiesta dura 6 dias inicia el primero de mayo, se escenifica la captura, rescate y muerte del inca
Atahualpa. La gente se disfraza de francisco pizarro, sus doncellas . La orquesta ha sido muy
ruidosa pero armoniosa.

La comida y bebida es gratis durante toda la semana festiva, ellos me dieron pachamanca
pero esta era muy deliciosa, yo nunca antes había probado una asi.

Yo he bailado un poco, durante la noche la fiesta aun continua.

Esta fiesta patronal conecta personas.

Yo he visitado Chayan que es una enorme toca sobre una montaña, cuentan los lugareños
que ha sido protector de la zona.

Desde tiempos antiguos se ha culvitadoTrigo, papa, alfalfa pero no quinua pues esta no crece
debido a las condiciones geográficas.

Yo he conocido pueblitos que son caserios de cajacay, un caserio is like a farmhouse.

He pasado un muy tiempo en este lugar, Si tu no lo has visitado aun, hazlo.

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