Basic Principles of The Hellenic Ethnic Religion

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Basic Principles of the

Hellenic Ethnic Religion

The True Being The Cosmos (World)

The most important principle for us Hellenes is that of the All the parts of the “True Being” which are governed by or-
“True Being”1. The True Being is unborn and eternal (it has no der at its current form constitute the Cosmos. Those few re-
beginning and no end), a given and imperishable whole which maining parts constitute the Tartarus, a word deriving ety-
contains with in it an endless evolution of forms and states. mologically from the word “ταραχή” which means disorder.
The True Being is unique, homogeneous, immovable, in- In Greek mythology Tartarus is the brother of Cosmos and
finite and perfect. These last two characteristics of it do not their father is Chaos, so we can say that Tartarus is the sub-
contradict the fact that, what it contains is quantitatively stance (Ουσία) that has its qualities still undefined.
measurable and it evolves. The True Being is axiomatically We Hellenes define the Cosmos as a part of the infinite Be-
the image of infinity and perfection, because nothing exists ing that has attained harmony and beauty. Cosmos in an-
outside of it, so there is nothing that, compared with it, would cient Greek means a jewel or adornment. Like the “True Be-
make it determined as “finite” and “imperfect”. ing” the Cosmos is imperishable and uncreated6, its internal
Since nothing exists outside the True Being, it is axiomat- order has been designed by itself and consists of a logically
ically identified with the Divinity. This is where we Hellenes organized sum7. Just like the “True Being”, the Cosmos is not
differ from Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity a “person” but the first division of the whole Being8.
and Islam, all of which consider their supposed god as pre-ex- For us Hellenes the Cosmos in its totality is alive and materi-
isting and outside2 the True Being. This way they profanely de- al (a living substance), and is constituted of two levels of life that
grade the True Being into something created or constructed. differ only in the qualitative characteristics of the common Sub-
Everything that “exists”3 (υπάρχει) or “is”4 (υφίσταται), is stance. The first level is the invisible world of imperishability,
part of the True Being and shares its stable and unchangeable the world of the immortal things that have not been detached
substance5 (ουσία). from the creative “Cause” and are characterized by immortal-
ity, infinity and knowledge. The other level is the visible world
1 The word “Ον” is a neuter gender participle of the verb “ειμί” which means “to and perishable world, with beings that have be separated from
be”. “Being” is everything that is.
2 For the Abrahamics or Monotheists, God supposedly pre-existed the universe,
the creative “Cause” and are characterized by mortality, form
and created it from nothing. For us nothing can be created from nothing (“ουδέν or appearance, and limited or complete lack of knowledge.
εξ ουδενός”, “ex nihilo nihil”).
3 It has an existence (ύπαρξις) from “ypo” [“υπό”, under] and “archo” (“άρχω”, 6 It was never “born” neither “created” by anyone, but each one of its forms
“I start or cause to start”), it is drawn from a higher source or a creative Principle emerged through its preceding one. Therefore, the “Cosmos” (“Κόσμος”) for us
(“Αρχή”). Axiomatically, an existence (ύπαρξις) comes after and is not equal with Hellenes “emerged out of itself” (“ανεδύθη αφ’ εαυτού”).
its creative “Αρχή”. 7 For this reason the Cosmos can be approached and explained logically, some-
4  It has substance (υπόστασις), that is support in order to manifest (“υπό” and thing the Hellenes achieved. The greatest gift of the Hellenes to the rest of hu-
“στάσις”). Therefore, whatever has “υπόστασις” is outside and under some su- manity is the logical understanding and definition of the Cosmos.
perior source or creative Principle (“Αρχή”). Axiomatically, each “υπόστασις” 8 We define a “person” (“πρόσωπον”) as an ephemeral self-conscious being that,
comes after its creative “Αρχή”. due to its limited nature, (its primary feature is its “όψις” i.e. “look”, that’s why
5 Substance is that which consists and defines the “Being”. The word “ουσία” in the word derives from the preposition “προς” i.e. towards and the noun “ωψ” i.e.
Greek comes from the feminine participle “ούσα” of the verb “ειμί”. eye) it is led to understand the Whole (Όλον) as an “external” and alien reality.
The Gods

The Gods have emerged from the “True Being” as a simple

multiplication of itself into separate entities9, and for this
reason they retain all its qualities, which are immortali-
ty, infinity and knowledge. The mission of the Gods is the
establishment and maintenance of the unity and the or-
der of the Cosmos10.
Thus the true Gods are perfect beings that impose order
and possess immortality and knowledge. They infuse the
world without any obstructions by acting on it. They are
subject to the natural laws that they serve, and they par-
take in the eternal rebirth and continuous synthesis and
decomposition of the forms.
As to their nature the true and natural Gods are perfect,
virtuous, immortal, unchangeable, infinite, just, all-wise,
eternal, non-personal, without gender11, unifying, ethere-
al and permeate all matter.
It is self-evident that these true and natural Gods do not
retire, or combine in one person, cannot be substituted
and do not cease to exist. They cannot be defeated accord-
ing to the desires of profane mortals or even organized
systems of irreverence.
The Human Being
The Mortal Beings
The human being is a biological species that is, although
Every living being and everything that exists in the visi- feebly, connected with the divine because Nature has ac-
ble world of perishability12, has been physically born. Its tivated in its brain the “Logos”, making it the only mor-
body has a temporal beginning and thus a temporal end, tal being capable for logical thinking and true knowledge.
making it subject to corruption and mortality. “The only being, understanding science and accepting it
The characteristics of perishability and mortality are because of reason” according to Speusippus.
unrelated to the time it takes for them to be manifested. As logical beings, humans are differentiated from other
Humans, animals, plants and rocks are without excep- primary biological species that socialize based on laws of
tion perishable in form and thus mortal. Death, which nature, and form complex social groupings (from families
will discuss later, dissolves and funnels the matter of to nations) and adopt laws and institutions. Humans show
the forms, towards the creation of new forms and at the a constant curiosity to examine and understand their own
same time it gives to the immortals their material ani- kind and their environment, but also construct and invent
mate quantity. ceaselessly13 developing new tools and capabilities. So hu-
mans create law, civilization, and technology.
9 They consist of a multiplied Whole.
10 Cornutus defines them as “organizers and makers of all creation” (“θετήραςκαι The greatest achievement of the Hellenic Ethnic Religion
ποιητάς των γινομένων”), and Herodotus writes that they are named “Θεοί” be- and its timeless gift to humanity is “Humanism”, that is
cause “they gave and arranged everything in proper order and they also ruled”
(“ότι κόσμωι θέντες τα πάντα πράγματα και πάντας νομάς είχον”).
the respect afforded to the human substance. For us Hel-
11 The Gods are distant from the nature of mortal beings primarily because no lenes the Human being consists of a value in itself14, and all
God can be differentiated from the “Prime Cause” (that is the Primeval Divinity humans are related because of their logical nature15. But
that is equated with the “True Being” and is the instigator of the Universe or
Cosmos). Sallust writes: “ Every God is Good, without passions, and not subject only those human beings that have their logical nature
to change. Is uncreated and not contained in a body or in space, it cannot be ethically activated through Arete (excellence or goodness)
separated from the “Prime Cause” nor from the other Gods, in the same way that
thoughts cannot be separated from the mind.” truly connect with the Divine.
12 Contrary to what the Abrahamic or monotheistic religions, and their contem-
porary “Secular” successors, maintain, everything is material and animate. 13 Either for creative or destructive purposes. The character of every human
innovation is defined by good intentions and Arete (which will discuss later) or
their opposites.
14 A self-contained and absolute Value. Humanism is in essence the respect
shown towards the divine substance “Logos-Reason” that human beings embody.
15 They are “participants in a common intellectual nature” as defined by Marcus
Life The Purpose of Human Life.

Every being in the undefined world of incorruptibility, The end purpose «τέλος» of all individual beings is the
form the “True Being” to its endless multiplications (Gods, preservation and subsequent perfection of the “True Be-
etc.…) is immortal and thus eternally alive. On the other ing”. The word «τέλος» means completion, purpose, per-
hand every being in the observable world of corruptibility, fection17.
from the biggest to the smallest, partakes through its indi- The purpose of life for the human being is its partial per-
vidual lifespan in the phenomenon that is Life. So we can fection with the aid of its weak but direct closeness with
define Life at this level of the manifested world as the sum the Divine through Reason.
of the natural biological expressions. For us Hellenes, the purpose of the being that possess
Life in this manifested world is depended exclusively on reason is to view the truth and well ordering of the Cos-
the laws set by Nature16. Laws which are innumerable, un- mos and to understand and contribute to them18 through
bendable, and inviolable. Laws that have been regulated acts of virtue as much as its mortal nature allows. The re-
down to the minute detail. The ceaseless work of Nature sult of such actions is the likeness with the Gods, the eth-
through those unbendable laws is the birth, support, and ical brilliance, and the perfection of our nature through a
reconstitution (death) of all the individual mortal beings. perfect life19.
Socrates said that in all its aspects human life should im-
16 Nature, in Greek «Φύσις-Physis» comes from the verb «φύω» meaning to be itate the beauty and the perfection of masterpieces of art.
developed or to be produced. It is the substantiation of the “True Being” through
the dynamic sum of all the mortal beings, the self-emerged and self-developed
universe. Through this Hellenic realization, Nature is almost equated with the Arete

The tool that leads to human perfection and likeness to

THE SUPREME COUNCIL the Gods is Arete20, which is the conscious and actual per-
17 The word «Τελετή» ritual comes from the same root.
OF ETHNIKOI HELLENES 18 “Considering them the truth and the proper order of all, and cooperating in
their creation according to their powers” Apollonius of Rhodes 19 Some of us also believe that reaching perfection releases the soul which is
governed by personal attributes from the circles of corporeality.
20 In Greek «Αρετή» (roughly translated as excellence, goodness or even virtue
e-mail: in English) is derived from the verb «άρω» meaning to pair up, to unite or to sta-
bilize. The words Arithmetic and Harmony come from the same root.

The Characteristics of the Hellenic Ethnic Religion

The natural religion of the Hellenes is the Hellenic Ethnic Religion and its characteristics are the following:

1.  It is Indigenous. Its theology and religious prac- fessional priesthood. From the dawn of time un-
tices were developed, through the millennia in til today it is an integral and organic part of the
this specific geographical area were the Hellen- entire political and cultural substance of the Hel-
ic Nation lived freely, as a unique religion spe- lenes.
cific to the character of the place and its people.
4.  It is Polytheistic. It accepts the natural law of the
2.  It is Natural. It developed logically and natu- requisite multiplicity of “Being”.
rally through the systematic observation of the
Cosmos, by countless enlightened and spiritu- 5.  It is Ethnic in Nature. It recognizes its own spe-
al individuals that practiced continuously in ap- cific ethnic pantheon and its own unique body
proaching and understanding the divine. of cosmological narratives, reflecting its world-
view, the ways and the tradition of the nation of
3.  It is Organic. It is not a religion which is separat- the Hellenes.
ed from the common people and served by a pro-
fection and superiority. This can be achieved when the mate matter22, while the consciousness of the “True Being”
attributes of the Gods have been understood and adopt- is enriched with the memory of one more biography. That
ed by humans as ethical standards to be followed in life21. which lives in the Hades of the Hellenes, is not the true
The 15th century philosopher George Gemistos- Plethon, soul of the dead, but a shadow of their previous life, a stor-
to whom the Hellenic Ethnic Religion in a large degree ing into the consciousness of the “True Being”, that can
owes its survival today, gave a good definition for Arete. only be recalled by living beings through memorial and
“Arete is the habit through which we become virtuous. honor giving rituals.
In reality only the divine is virtuous, and we humans be-
come virtuous by imitating it in the degree allowed by The Soul (Psyche)
our abilities.”
The soul23 (in Greek Psyche) is the invisible cause of all
Death bio-physiological manifestations or in other words the
ethereal connecting element of the beings of the visible
Everything in the visible world of corruptibility is subdi- universe. For us the soul is immortal, universal and there is
vided corporeal and animate matter, in the same way that absolutely no outstanding question whether or not it will
in the invisible world of incorruptibility everything is sub- be “saved”. It is revealed in the world of perishability by
divided Divinity. We Hellenes face Death calmly as one of animating the heavy matter of mortal beings, and passes
many natural laws of this world of mortality. Death serves after their biological death in an unseen state, returning
evolution, by endlessly renewing the forms of the mani- to the Immortal sphere until it will be revealed again and
fested life. again eternally, contributing to the continuation of life
Only those who lack knowledge, worry about if they will and the perfection of the whole Being.
lose or not the temporary and inconsequential sum of per- Every individual being (person) of the revealed world
sonal characteristics that they understand as “self”. In of perishability, contains a large or small, strong or weak,
the universal level, “loss” and “non-being” lack meaning, quantity of the world of incorruptibility. As we stated al-
since nothing that is contained in the “True Being” can be ready, the further perfection of the whole being is served
lost. Absolutely no loss is possible in a given and imper- by the further perfection of the individual spiritual quan-
ishable sum, which contains an endless evolution of forms tities. Some of us further believe that the spiritual quanti-
and situations. ty of sentient beings obtains personal qualities that are re-
Death simply disrupts a life, by funneling corporeal mat- tained even after the soul has returned to the sphere of the
ter into new uses and by returning to the Divine the ani- incorruptible beings.
22 To reveal the simplicity of this process, the inspired mythology of our nation
presents Death as the brother of Sleep. Sleep, necessary for every corporeal life,
21 A few of the dozens of Virtues in the value system of the Hellenes are: Justice, is a temporary and brief “death”, during which the natural
Friendship, Self-Restraint, Wisdom, Bravery, Generosity, Piety, Ingenuity, Pru- 23  The Greek word ψυχή (psyche) is derived from the verb ψύχω meaning to
dence, Honesty, Kindness, Diligence and Magnanimity. breathe lightly.

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- Introductory Note •  The Gods Statue
- About Religions in General •  The Mortal Beings and other Sacred Objects.
•  The Human Being - The Official Calendar of the
- The natural diversity of Nations
•  Life Hellenic Ethnic Religion.
and Ethnic Religions.
•  The Purpose of Human Life. - The Basic Ritual of the
- The Characteristics of the •  Arete
Hellenic Ethnic Religion Hellenic Ethnic Religion
•  Death •  Thanksgiving Ceremony
- The Helalenic Ethnic Religion in •  The Soul (Psyche) (Public Worship)
Modern Times
- The Ritual Practice of the •  Thanksgiving Ceremony
- Basic Principles of the Hellenic Ethnic Religion (Household Worship)
Hellenic Ethnic Religion •  The Altars •  Marriage Ceremony

•  The True Being •  The Statues •  Funerary Rite
•  The Cosmos (World) •  Consecration of the Altar, the

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