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Contemporary - present, timely, recent Stylistic Terms – we refer to it as ‘’indigenous’’

to emphasize the idea that our ancestors have
Art – expressing emotion through art been making art even before colonization.
Contemporary Art – “art of the present” Cultural Terms – describe as a ‘’pre - colonial’’
Modern Art – started at Post War Republic as a term to use for the general way of life
(1946-1969) before colonization.

Neo Classic – traditional FAQS

- depicts reality as closely as possible and *The art of the Filipinos were woven into the
idealize it fabric of everyday life.
Subject Matter – represents your subject *Their art is about how they express their living
ART MOVEMENT – shifting of style CREATIVE FORMS – pottery, weaving, carving,
Xyza Bacani – a Filipina , 52 y.o , Fujifilm metalwork and jewelry.
Ambassador , works at Hongkong as Domestic *The pre – colonial Filipino hunted food. They
Helper. (About / Migrant workers and human imitated the movement and sounds of animals
right issues). and prey. In that activity it involves ritual,
HR Ocampo - the painter of ‘’The Contrast” music, dance, theater and literature.
produce in 1960 MAYVANUVANUA – in Batanes
Victorio Edades – “The Father of the Modern - a similar ritual known as CANAO or KANYAW
Philippine Art” (studied in America) is found in CAR. Officiated by a shaman or
mumbaki (people).
- brought modern art in the Philippines.
He is the first who broke the rule of art CANAO – involves animal sacrifice, read
through a process of divination that is
performed either for healing, announce the
birth of child, coming of age, during wakes,
weddings, burial ceremonies.
KASHAWING – in Lake Lanao in Mindanao
INTEGRATIVE – integrate means ‘’ combine or - a Kashawing ritual to ensure the abundance
mixed ’’. during rice planting. This ritual involves a
– medium (the materials that you use in the reenactment of the pact made by the ancestors
artwork) *liquid materials* of the community and the unseen spirits that
- you can use any material and mixed different inhabit the lake.
art style. TAGBANWA – In Palawan
PROCESS BASED – the artist starts not with the - believe that every 13th moon, three goddesses
final product but begins with the development descend from heaven to bless the planting of
of a concept. rice.


flutes, zithers, drums, string instruents
COLLABORATIVE – the artist can collaborate
about their knowledge in artwork. *KUDYAPI – a three string guitar
*KULINTANG – an array of bossed gongs
INTERACTIVE – the audience can change or add *GANSA or FLAT GONG
to the meaning of an artwork. *BAMBOO PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS
*AGONG – a large bossed gong.
INSTALLATION ART – location and artwork (site
specific), content of the location that you can PANGALAY – in Sulu
interpret the art. - mimetic the movement of seabirds *eg.
Mandayas kinabua, banog – banog of Higaonon
and the B’laan, (The man-manok of the bagobos
Historical Terms – we refer art before the of Mindanao imitate the movements of
coming of the first colonizers as “pre conquest” predatory birds.)

TALIP DANCE – of the ifugaos belief system, the reverence for spirits and
- is used in courtship and is mimetic the nature.
movement of wild fowls.
TRADITIONAL WEAVING – the fibers are
INAMONG - of Matigsalugs and Kadaliwas gathered from plants like cotton, abaca,
Dance of T’bolis pineapple leaves while the pigments are
-represent the comedic movements of extracted from clay, roots, and leaves of plants.
A Backstrap loom or a Pedal loom is used to
TINIKLING – a popular Tagalog folk dance often weave designs that hold special meaning for a
showcased for tourists. Evocative the particular cultural groups.
movement of the crane.
FAQS siyabit

*PEOPLE OF THE CORDILLERAS CARVE THE *A headpiece woven by Tausug of Sulu and
BULUL malong exquisite tapestry panels called
LANGKIT woven by the Maranao of Lanao del
*The ANTHROMORPHIC BULUL also appears in Sur.
containers, bowls, and spoons.
– also known as HUMAN FORMS *Other Forms of Weaving include mat and
basket weaving
HAGABI – produced by ifugaos
- a wooden bench that marks the socio *The Colorful doubled layered tepo mat of the
economic status of the owner. Sama tawi-tawi made of pandan leaves is an
example of mundane.
*LAGUNA and PAMPANGA are known for
carving SANTOS or Sculptures of Saints. OVALOID BASKETS – in ityabat, Batanes
- it is made of nito and bamboo are used as a
*THE SOUTHERN PHIL. CUVILINEAR head sling to carry harvests.
DECORATIONS called the “okir” or “ukkil” are
employed in woodcarving. BUBO – In Ilocos Region
– okir designs can also be found in the Panolong - it is a bamboo strips are woven to create a fish
in the sultans house is called the TOROGAN trap.

*To grave markers are called SUNDUK BOXER CODEX – in the 16th century, it is the
illustrated manuscript. Featured the
*Some ancient forms are made out of representations of various ethnolinguistic

*The MANUNGGUL JAR, discovered at TAGALOG COUPLE – was portrayed wearing

Manunggul Cave, Lipuun Point, Palawan. gold jewelry
Neolithic Period (890-710 BC).
– it is a secondary burial vessel, where buried VISAYANS – are shown fully covered tattoo
and exhumed bones are placed. (a boatman is - visayans is referred as “Islas de los Pintados”.
paddling to transport his deceased charge,
TATTOOS were valued because it was believed
whose journey through water is interpreted as a
to protect the individual from evil spirits, and it
metaphor of AFTERLIFE.
is also a badge of maturity and bravery.
–another type of A/JARS was produced during
the Metal Age (5 BC-225AD). It was found in JEWELRY is also believed to make the wearer
Ayub Cave in Maitum, Saranggani province. more attractive to the opposite sex .

*Pottery that remain in use are the palayok for THE T’BOLI are known to wear brass chains,
cooking and containers such as the bangga and bells, and colorful beads.
tapayan for fermenting food.
METALWORKS such as lotoans or betel nut
*The Traditional Pagbuburnay in Vigan thrives boxes . it is made of brass or bronze produced
and valued in ilocos. by Maranao of Lanao Del Sur.

TEXTILE WEAVING – are not only functional,

they also impart knowledge about peoples

LOST WAX or CIRE PERDUE – process which RETABLO – It is a decorative altar niche were
involves the use of moulds filled with liquefied the Santos are displayed. (colonial churches)
metal that eventually hardens.
VIA CRUSIS – is important in colonial churches
BRASS KENDI and GADUR – which are used in which are presented as a series of 14 paintings
ceremonies and are cherished as status symbols or relief sculptures depicting Christ crucifixion
or as heirloom piece. and resurrection.

KENDI – is a vessel used for pouring liquids. It TROMP l’oeil (seen at Taal Basilica in Batangas)
has a round body with no handle. - French for “Fooling the eye”
- It refers to paintings that give a heightened
GADUR – is a container with a tapered top, a
illusion of three dimensionality.
round body, and a flared base.
RELLEVES – It is the carved figurative
II. ISLAMIC COLONIAL protrusions on the surface of church altar
decoration. Or with organic design of
III. SPANISH COLONIAL hammered silver or plateria.
LOWLAND CHRISTIANS – called to the PLATERIA TECHNIQUE – Applied in the body of
inhabitants in an island carroza, where the santos are paraded during
*The art forms from that period are referred to town processions.
stylistically and culturally as religious art. *The Spaniards brought western musical ins.
*The natives were relocate to plaza complex to Like the pipe organ, violin, guitar, and piano.
became a means of organizing and gaining *Phil. Musical forms took a European flavor
control. with new rhythms, melodies & musical forms.
*The complex was a town center and consisted *Catholic Liturgical music was introduced in
of municipio or local government office & 1742.
PASYON or PABASA (holy week) – It is
*During this period, Cruciform Churches follow sometimes called biblical narration of Christ
the shape of the Latin Cross. passion.
BAROQUE STYLE – It has drama, and elaborate SECULAR MUSIC FORMS – such as awit and the
details that appealed to the emotions of the corrido soon flourished. It is a musical form that
artwork. chanted stories is based on European literature
*The Façade of Mig-ao Church surrounded by and history.
reliefs or relleves motifs like palm fronds and KUNDIMAN – which usually spoke of
papaya trees. resignation fatalism. The lyrics were unrequited
*The use of adobe, limestone, or brick reinforce love who could be cleverly concealed as a
the church structure to make it more resistant beautiful woman. (e.g Kundiman ni Abdon /
to earthquakes. Abdon’s Love Song) – the kundiman use in the
protest actions against Martial Law during the
*The native and European elements refer to the seventies. Bayan Ko (My Country) renewed
style as colonial baroque or tropical baroque. popularity during the EDSA PPR of 1986.

*During the 17th century, chinese artisans make BALITAO – sentimental love songs
icons or saints or (santos) made of wood and
ivory. MANGYANS – who inhabit the island province
of Mindoro.
*The painting of Nuestra Senora del Rosario in
Bohol – the image was inspired from kuanyin, *Bamboo poles are cut into smaller nodes and
the Deity of mercy in East Asian Buddhism. are etched with baybayin script

*The Greek and Roman classical can be seen as BAYBAYIN SCRIPT – used to compose short
formality of expression poems that tell of courtship and other
emotional concerns.
*The Baroque Style is in expressive and
emotional characteristics of the Santo.

*In the town of Ticao, located in southern century. Applying the technique of xylography
province of Leyte, a huge stone was discovered or woodcut printing.
that contained Baybayin writing believed to be
an invocation for a safe journey by sea. DOCTRINA CHRISTIANA (The Teachings of
Christianity) – was printed in 1593. It is a first
*The shamanistic rituals, dances, and chants or printed book in the phil. Compiling song lyrics,
pre-colonial were the earliest forms of theater. commandments, sacraments etc.

*During the 19th century, a popular form of ESTAMPAS – it is a prayer booklet and its
musical theater was imported from Spain. smaller counterpart of ESTAMPITAS,
printmaking, and engraving.
ZARZUELA or SARSUELA was an operetta –
which features singing and dancing with prose *In 1734, the priest Fr. Pedro Murillo Velarde
of dialogue which the story to be carried out in collaborated with the artist Francisco Suarez
song. and the engraver Nicolas de la Cruz Bagay to
produce Carta Hydrographica y Chorographica
*Severino Reyes and Hermogenes Ilagan , who de las Yslas Filipinas it is the first scientific map
wrote sarsuwelas in Tagalog. of the phil.
TIPOS DEL PAIS – It is the everyday life that
written in 1704 by Gaspar Aquino de Belen. shows the different “types” of people.
– it is narrating the Christ passion and death on
the cross. It conveys Christ suffering as a LITHOGRAPHY – reproduction of color plates as
metaphor for the suffering of Filipinos under well as mass printing of newspaper and
Spanish rule. periodicals.

KOMEDYA – is another local theater form that THE AUGUSTINIAN botanist Fr. Manuel Blanco
emerged during this period. in Flora de Filipinas produce an extensive
compilation of phil. Plants in Flora de Filipinas
Two Types:
Komedya de santo or religious komedya – it
centers the life of Christ. ILUSTRADO or ENLIGHTENED – The enlivened
trade and commercial ventures also presented
Secular Komedya – MoroMoro is a type of SK. to them the opportunity to study in Europe.
The word “moro” is derived from the Spanish
word for Moor or the North African Arabs . A VIRINA – A bell shaped glass case; or urna; a
typical moro-moro story would usually involve a humbler , a domestic version of retablo.
love story between a Christian hero and an
Islamic heroine or vice versa. *The miniature Style that allowed the artist to
reveal meticulous details that signify the
*In Nueva Ecija, the senakulo is called araguio wealth.
or arakyo and it is performed all throughout the
*Simon Flores’s painting Portrait of the
seven days of Holy Week.
Quiazon Family, 1800 documents the family’s
HEAVEN, EARTH & HELL (1850) – a mural by affluence; the magnificent interior of the
Jose Dans in Paete Church, Laguna. It is a map family’s home, mothers jewelry, the delicate
of the universe features a terrifying depiction of fabric, and embroidery of clothing.
DAMIAN DOMINGO – The painter known for
*PROF. BRENDA FAJARDO proposes the friars his watercolor albums of tipos del pais.

BASI REVOLT – a series of 14 paintings by Academia de Dibujo – The first art school in the
Esteban Villanueva. It chronicles the defeat of country
Ilocanos who rebelled against the Spanish gov.
of basi or rice wine in 1821. The paintings *In 1884, Juan Luna and Felix Resurrection
illustrate the bloody consequences of insurgent Hidalgo won medal s in the Madrid exposition.
actions. Luna won gold for SPOLIARIUM (basement of
roman coliseum it is where the dead gladiators
THE REPROGRAPHIC ART – of printmaking was dump ); while Hidalgo garnered a silver medal
introduced in the Philippines as early as 16th for Virgenes christianas expuestas al
populacho (painting)

TECHNIQUES IN CONTEMPORARY ARTS 5. Artist who enjoy broad acceptance

through prestigious national or
Collage – Adhering flat elements such as
international recognition awards.
newspaper or magazines to a flat surface to
create a flat layer. GOALS

Decalcomania – Process of applying - Recognize them who have great

GOVACHE to a paper or glass then contribution
transferring a reversal of that image.
- Artistic Accomplishment
Decoupage – Done by adhering cut-outs or
- Promote cultural identity / heritage
paper and coating these with one or more
coats or varnish. *INSIGNIA – Red, white, blue it means
Katotohanan, Kabutihan, Kagandahan
Frottage – Technique of rubbing with
crayon on a piece of paper which has placed *Proclamation No. 1001 / S. April 27, 1972
over an object.
*Agencies (National Commision for culture
Montage – Used for photography or film and the arts) RA 7356 / S. April 2, 1992
where a pictorial image is JUXTAPOSED to
make another picture. NATIONAL ARTISTS

Trapunto – A decorative quilted design ARCHITECTURE

worked through atleast 2 layers of cloth by
Juan F. Nakpil (1976) Quezon Hall
outlining the design in running stitch and
padding it from underside. Pablo S. Antonio (1976) White Cross

Digital Application – Artistic work or Leandro V. Locsin (1990) Folk Arts Theater
practices that uses digital technology as
part of the creative process.
Carlos V. “Botong” Francisco (1973) Fiesta
Guillermo Tolentino (1973) Bonifacio
- The highest national recognition given to
Filipino individuals who have made
significant contributions to the Fernando Amorsolo (1972) Planting Rice
development of Philippine arts, namely
music, dance, theater, visual arts, literature
film, and broadcast art, and architecture Fernando Poe Jr. (2006) Durugin si Totoy
arts. Bato

CRITERIA / QUALIFICATIONS Eddie S. Romero (2003) Kamakalawa

1. Living artist who have been Filipino Lino Brocka (1997) Insiang
citizens for the last ten years
2. Artist who have been helped build a
Nestor Vicente Madali Gonzalez (1997) The
Filipino sense of nationhood
Bamboo Dancers
3. Artist who distinguished themselves by
Carlos P. Romulo (1982) I walked with
pioneering in a mode of creative expression
4. Artist who have created a significant
Sionil Jose (2001) Mass
body of works and have consistency
displayed excellence in the practice of their Levi Celerio (Oct. 9 1997) Music : Ang pasko
art form. ay sumapit


Ramon Valera (2000) Terno’s


Ramon Obusan (2006) Noon po sa amin

Francisca Reyes Aquino (1973) Mother of

Philippine Dancing Book: Philippine
National Dances

Leonor Orosa Goquingco (1976) Mother of

Philippine Dance / The Magic Garden


Ramon Santos (2014) Klintang

Lucresia Roces Kasilag (1989) Ang Pamana

Antonio J. Molina (1973) Hatinggabi


Daisy H. Avellano

Severino Montano

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