The Single European Act

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Single European Act

The Single European Act (SEA)

revises the Treaties of Rome in order to add new momentum to European
integration and to complete the internal market. It amends the rules governing the
operation of the European institutions and expands Community powers, notably in
the field of research and development, the environment and common foreign policy.


The SEA, signed in Luxembourg on 17 February 1986 by the nine Member States
and on 28 February 1986 by Denmark, Italy and Greece, is the first major
amendment of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (EEC). It
entered into force on 1 July 1987.

The main stages which led to the signature of the SEA were:

 the solemn declaration of Stuttgart of 19 June 1983

This text, prepared on the basis of the plan drafted by Hans Dietrich
Genscher, the German Minister for Foreign Affairs and his Italian
counterpart, Emilio Colombo, was accompanied by declarations by the
Member States concerning the objectives to be achieved as regards inter-
institutional relations, the Community's powers and political cooperation. The
Heads of State and Government undertook to review the progress made in
these areas and to decide whether they should be incorporated in a Treaty
on European Union;
 the draft Treaty establishing the European Union
Under the impetus of the Italian parliamentarian Altiero Spinelli, a
Parliamentary Committee on Institutional Affairs was created with a view to
preparing a treaty replacing the existing communities by the European Union.
The European Parliament adopted the draft Treaty on 14 February 1984.
 The Fontainebleau European Council of 25 and 26 June 1984.
Inspired by the Parliament's draft Treaty, an ad hoc committee consisting
of personal representatives of the Heads of State and Government and
chaired by the Irish senator Dooge examined the institutional questions. The
Dooge Committee's report invited the European Council to convene an inter-
governmental conference to negotiate a Treaty on European Union.
 The White Paper on the Internal Market of 1985
The Commission, under the impetus of its new President, Jacques Delors,
published a White Paper which identified the 279 legislative measures
needed to complete the internal market. It put forward a schedule and
proposed a deadline of 31 December 1992.

The Milan European Council of 28 and 29 June 1985 finally proposed convening an
Inter-Governmental Conference (IGC), which opened under the Luxembourg
Presidency on 9 September 1985 and closed in The Hague on 28 February 1986.


The chief objective of the SEA was to add new momentum to the process of the
European construction so as to complete the internal market. However, this goal
was difficult to achieve on the basis of the existing treaties, notably because of
the decision-making process at the Council, which imposed unanimity for the
harmonisation of legislation.

This is why the Inter-Governmental Conference which culminated in the SEA had a
dual mandate. It was necessary to conclude, on the one hand, a Treaty relating to
common foreign and security policy and, on the other hand, an act amending the
EEC Treaty, notably at the level of:

 the decision-making procedure within the Council;

 the Commission's powers
 the European Parliament's powers;
 the extension of the Communities' responsibilities.


The Act consists of a preamble and four titles and includes a series of declarations
adopted by the conference.

The preamble states the fundamental goals of the Treaty and expresses the
Member States' determination to transform their relations as a whole with a view
to creating a European Union. The preamble also establishes the unique character
of the act, which brings together the common provisions as regards cooperation in
the field of foreign policy and the European Communities. Finally, it focuses on the
two objectives of revising the treaties, i.e. "to improve the economic and social
situation by extending common policies and pursuing new objectives" and "to ensure
a smoother functioning of the Communities".

Title I contains provisions common to political cooperation and the European

Community. Title II is devoted to amendments of the treaties establishing the
European Communities and Title III to European cooperation in the field of foreign
policy. Title IV concerns general and final provisions.


To facilitate the establishment of the internal market, the act provides for
increasing the number of cases in which the Council can take decisions by qualified
majority voting instead of unanimity. This facilitated decision-making and avoided
the frequent delays inherent to the search for a unanimous agreement among the
twelve Member States. Unanimity is no longer required for measures designed to
establish the Single Market, with the exception of measures concerning taxation,
the free movement of persons, and the rights and interests of employed persons.

The SEA established the European Council, which formalises the conferences or
summits of the Heads of States and Government. However, the competencies of
this body are not specified. The European Council has no decision-making powers or
powers of constraint vis-à-vis the other institutions.

Parliament's powers were enhanced by including the requirement of Parliament

assent when concluding an association agreement. Besides, the act institutes the
cooperation procedure, which reinforces the position of the European Parliament in
interinstitutional dialogue and gives it the possibility of two readings of the
proposed legislation. However the scope of application of this procedure remained
limited to cases in which the Council acts by qualified majority, with the exception
of environmental matters.

The Act clarifies existing provisions concerning implementing powers. Article 10

amends Article 145 of the EEC Treaty, providing, as a general rule, that the Council
confer on the Commission powers for the implementation of the rules which the
Council lays down. The Council can only reserve the right to exercise directly
implementing powers in specific cases. The SEA creates the foundations for the
Court of First Instance (CFI). All cases may be transferred to this court with the
exception of preliminary rulings requested by the Member States or the
institutions as well as references for preliminary rulings.


Article 8A clearly defines the objective of the Act, which is to progressively

establish the internal market over a period expiring on 31 December 1992. The
Single Market is defined as "an area without internal frontiers in which the free
movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with the
provisions of this Treaty".

As regards monetary capacity, the Act does not permit the implementation of a
new policy, but proceeds to insert provisions on monetary capacity. The
convergence of economic and monetary policy already belongs in the framework of
existing powers.

Social policy is already regulated by the EEC Treaty, but the act introduces two
new articles in this area. Article 118A of the EC Treaty authorises the Council
acting by a qualified majority in the framework of the cooperation procedure to
take the minimum requirements with a view to "encouraging improvements,
especially in the working environment, as regards the health and safety of
workers". Article 118B of the EC Treaty entrusts the Commission with the task of
developing dialogue between management and labour at European level.

The Act establishes a Community policy of economic and social cohesion to

counterbalance the effects of the completion of the internal market on the less
developed Member States and to reduce development discrepancies between the
regions. The Community intervenes via the European Agriculture Guidance and
Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
As regards research and technical development, Article 130F of the EC Treaty
establishes the objective "to strengthen the scientific and technological basis of
European industry and to encourage it to become more competitive at international
level". To this end the act provides for the implementation of framework
multiannual programmes adopted unanimously by the Council.

Concern for environmental protection at Community level is already reflected in

the Treaty of Rome. The act adds three new articles (Artices130R, 130S and 130T
of the EC Treaty) which permit the Community "to preserve, protect and improve
the quality of the environment, to contribute towards protecting human health, and
to ensure a prudent and rational utilization of natural resources". It specifies that
the Community can only intervene in environmental matters when this action can be
attained better at Community level than at the level of the individual Member
States (subsidiarity).

Article 30 provides that Member States must endeavour jointly to formulate and
implement a European foreign policy. To this end they undertake to consult one
another on questions of foreign policy that might be relevant to the security of
the Member States. The presidency of the Council is responsible for initiating
action and coordinating and representing the positions of the Member States in
relations with third countries in this area.


The SEA provided for the transformation of the Common Market into a single
market on 1 January 1993. By creating new Community competencies and reforming
the institutions the SEA opened the way to political integration and economic and
monetary union to be enshrined in the Treaty of Maastricht on the European Union.


 Treaty on European Union, known as the "Maastricht Treaty" (1992)

The Maastricht Treaty brought the three Communities (Euratom, ECSC,
EEC) and institutionalised cooperation in the fields of foreign policy,
defence, police and justice together under one umbrella, the European Union.
The EEC was renamed, becoming the EC. Furthermore, this Treaty created
economic and monetary union, put in place new Community policies (education,
culture, cooperation and development) and increased the powers of the
European Parliament (codecision procedure).
 Treaty of Amsterdam (1997)
The Treaty of Amsterdam increased the powers of the Union by creating a
Community employment policy, transferring to the Communities some of the
areas which were previously subject to intergovernmental cooperation in the
fields of justice and home affairs, introducing measures aimed at bringing
the Union closer to its citizens and enabling closer cooperation between
certain Member States (enhanced cooperation). It also extended the
codecision procedure and qualified majority voting and simplified and
renumbered the articles of the Treaties.
 Treaty of Nice (2001)
The Treaty of Nice was essentially devoted to the "leftovers" of
Amsterdam, i.e. the institutional problems linked to enlargement which were
not resolved in 1997. It dealt with the make-up of the Commission, the
weighting of votes in the Council and the extension of the areas of qualified
majority voting. It simplified the rules on use of the enhanced cooperation
procedure and made the judicial system more effective.

The Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe was signed in October 2004. It
was designed to repeal and replace by a single text all the existing treaties (with
the exception of the Euratom Treaty), and consolidates 50 years of European
treaties. To enter into force, the Treaty establishing the Constitution had to be
ratified by all the Member States in accordance with each one's constitutional
rules, namely either parliamentary ratification or referendum. Following the
difficulties in ratifying the Treaty in some Member States, the Heads of State
and Government decided, at the European Council meeting on 16 and 17 June 2005,
to launch a "period of reflection" on the future of Europe. At the European Council
meeting on 21 and 22 June 2007, European leaders reached a compromise and
agreed to convene an IGC to finalise and adopt, not a Constitution, but a "reform
treaty" for the European Union.

This Treaty has also been amended by the following treaties of accession:

 Treaty of Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden (1994) which

increased the number of Member States of the European Community to 15.
 Treaty of Accession of Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia (2003)
This Treaty increased the number of Member States of the European
Community from 15 to 25.
 Treaty of Accession of Bulgaria and Romania (2005). This Treaty
increased the number of Member States of the European Community from
25 to 27.

Moved by the will to continue the work undertaken on the basis of the Treaties
establishing the European Communities and to transform relations as a whole among
their States into a European Union, in accordance with the Solemn Declaration of
Stuttgart of 19 June 1983.
Resolved to implement this European Union on the basis, firstly, of the
Communities operating in accordance with their own rules and, secondly, of
European co-operation among the signatory States in the sphere of foreign policy
and to invest this Union with the necessary means of action.
Determined to work together to promote democracy on the basis of the
fundamental rights recognized in the constitutions and laws of the Member States,
in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
and the European Social Charter, notably freedom, equality and social justice.
Convinced that the European idea, the results achieved in the fields of economic
integration and political co-operation, and the need for new developments
correspond to the wishes of the democratic peoples of Europe, for whom the
European Parliament, elected by universal suffrage, is an indispensable means of

Animati de vointa de a continua opera intreprinsa începând cu Tratatele de

instituire a Comunităţilor Europene şi de a transforma ansamblul relaţiilor dintre
statele lor într-o uniune europeană, în conformitate cu Declaraţia solemnă de la
Stuttgart din 19 iunie 1983.
Hotarati să pună în aplicare această uniune europeană, în primul rând, pe baza
Comunităţilor care funcţionează conform propriilor norme şi, în al doilea rând, pe
baza cooperării europene între statele semnatare în materie de politică externă şi
să învestească această uniune cu mijloacele de acţiune necesare.
Decisi să conlucreze pentru promovarea democraţiei pe baza drepturilor
fundamentale recunoscute în constituţiile şi legislaţiile statelor membre, Convenţia
privind apărarea drepturilor omului şi a libertăţilor fundamentale şi Carta Socială
Europeană, în special libertatea, egalitatea şi justiţia socială.
Convinsi de faptul că ideea europeană, rezultatele obţinute în domeniile integrării
economice şi cooperării politice, precum şi necesitatea unor noi evoluţii corespund
dorinţelor popoarelor democratice ale Europei, pentru care Parlamentul European,
ales prin vot universal, reprezintă un mijloc de expresie indispensabil.

The European Communities and European Political Co-operation shall have as their
objective to contribute together to making concrete progress towards European
The European Communities shall be founded on the Treaties establishing the
European Coal and Steel Community, the European Economic Community, the
European Atomic Energy Community and on the subsequent Treaties and Acts
modifying or supplementing them.
Political Co-operation shall be governed by Title III. The provisions of that Title
shall confirm and supplement the procedures agreed in the reports of Luxembourg
(1970), Copenhagen (1973), London (1981), the Solemn Declaration on European
Union (1983) and the practices gradually established among the Member States.
The European Council shall bring together the Heads of State or of Government of
the Member States and the President of the Commission of the European
Communities, They shall be assisted by the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and by a
Member of the Commission.
The European Council shall meet at least twice a year.

Comunităţile Europene şi cooperarea politică europeană au drept obiectiv să

contribuie împreună la realizarea unui progres concret către unitatea europeană.
Comunităţile Europene se întemeiază pe tratatele de instituire a Comunităţii
Europene a Cărbunelui şi Oţelului, a Comunităţii Economice Europene, a Comunităţii
Europene a Energiei Atomice, precum şi pe tratatele şi actele ulterioare de
modificare sau completare a acestora.
Cooperarea politică este reglementată de titlul III. Dispoziţiile acestui titlu
confirmă şi completează procedurile convenite în rapoartele de la Luxemburg
(1970), Copenhaga (1973), Londra (1981) şi în Declaraţia solemnă privind Uniunea
Europeană (1983), precum şi în practicile stabilite treptat între statele membre.
Consiliul European reuneşte şefii de stat sau de guvern ai statelor membre şi pe
Preşedintele Comisiei Comunităţilor Europene. Aceştia sunt asistaţi de către
miniştrii afacerilor externe şi de către un membru al Comisiei.
Consiliul European se reuneşte cel puţin de două ori pe an.

În scopul promovării unei dezvoltări armonioase a ansamblului Comunităţii, aceasta

dezvoltă şi urmăreşte acţiuni care conduc la întărirea coeziunii sale economice şi
Comunitatea urmăreşte, în special, reducerea decalajelor dintre diferitele regiuni
şi a rămânerii în urmă a regiunilor defavorizate.
Statele membre îşi promovează politicile economice şi le coordonează astfel încât
să îndeplinească şi obiectivele stabilite la articolul 130a. Punerea în aplicare a
politicilor comune şi a pieţei interne ia în considerare obiectivele stabilite la
articolele 130a şi 130c şi contribuie la realizarea lor. Comunitatea sprijină
realizarea acestor obiective prin acţiunile întreprinse prin intermediul Fondurilor
Structurale (Fondul European de Orientare şi Garantare Agricolă, Secţiunea de
Orientare, Fondul Social European, Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională), al
Băncii Europene de Investiţii şi al altor instrumente financiare existente.
Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională este menit să contribuie la corectarea
principalelor dezechilibre regionale din cadrul Comunităţii prin participarea la
dezvoltarea şi adaptarea structurală a regiunilor rămase în urmă şi la reconversia
regiunilor industriale aflate în declin.

In order to promote its overall harmonious development, the Community shall

develop and pursue its actions leading to the strengthening of its economic and
social cohesion.
In particular the Community shall aim at reducing disparities between the various
regions and the backwardness of the least-favoured regions.
Member States shall conduct their economic policies, and shall co-ordinate them, in
such a way as-, in- addition, to attain the objectives set out in Article 130a. The
implementation of the common policies and of the internal market shall take into
account the objectives set out in Article 130a and in Article 130c and shall
contribute to their achievement. The Community shall support the achievement of
these objectives by the action it takes through the structural Funds (European
Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, Guidance Section, European Social Fund,
European Regional Development Fund), the European Investment Bank and the
other existing financial instruments.
The European Regional Development Fund is intended to help redress the principal
regional imbalances in the Community through participating in the development and
structural adjustment of regions whose development is lagging behind and in the
conversion of declining industrial regions.

Obiectivul Comunităţii acela de a întări baza tehnologică şi ştiinţifică a industriei

europene şi de a o încuraja să devină mai competitivă la nivel internaţional.
În acest scop, Comunitatea încurajează activităţile de cercetare şi dezvoltare
tehnologică ale întreprinderilor, inclusiv ale întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii, ale
centrelor de cercetare şi ale universităţilor; aceasta sprijină eforturile acestora
de cooperare, în special cu scopul de a permite întreprinderilor să exploateze pe
deplin potenţialul pieţei interne a Comunităţii, în special prin atribuirea de
contracte de achiziţii publice naţionale, definirea de standarde comune şi
îndepărtarea barierelor juridice şi fiscale din calea cooperării respective.
Pentru atingerea acestor obiective, se va ţine cont în special de legătura dintre
efortul comun de cercetare şi dezvoltare tehnologică, stabilirea pieţei interne şi
punerea în aplicare a unor politici comune, în special în ceea ce priveşte concurenţa
şi comerţul.
Statele membre îşi coordonează politicile şi programele realizate la nivel naţional.
În strânsă legătură cu statele membre, Comisia poate lua orice iniţiative utile
pentru a promova această coordonare.

The Community’s aim shall be to strengthen the scientific and technological basis
of European industry and to encourage it to become more competitive at
international level.
In order to achieve this, it shall encourage undertakings including small and
medium-sized undertakings, research centres and universities in their research and
technological development activities; it shall support their efforts to co-operate
with one another, aiming notably at enabling undertakings to exploit the
Community’s internal market potential to the full, in particular through the opening
up of national public contracts. the definition of common standards and the
removal of legal and fiscal barriers to that co-operation.
In the achievement of these aims, special account shall be taken of the connection
between the common research and technological development effort, the
establishment of the internal market and the implementation of common policies,
particularly as regards competition and trade.

Member States shall co-ordinate among themselvesthe policies and programmes

carried out at national level. In close contact with the Member States, the
Commission may take any useful initiative to promote such coordination.

1. Amendment procedure - the way in which the treaties are updated, it
involves an IGC, which must agree by unanimity, and then ratification in
every member state. The the new constitution proposes a new, simpler
method for some minor changes in the future.
Amendament- Îmbunătățire, modificare adusă unui proiect de act normativ
sau de tratat.

2. Amsterdam treaty - a set of reforms to the treaties that were agreed in

June 1997.
Tratatul de la Amsterdam - un set de reforme al tratatelor care au fost
aceeptate in 1997.

3. Budget- the money that is available to an organization or person, or a plan

of how it will be spent.
Buget - Bilanț al veniturilor și cheltuielilor unui stat, ale unei întreprinderi
etc. pe o perioadă determinată.
4. Citizen - someone who legally belongs to a particular country and has rights
and responsibilities there, whether they are living there or not.
Cetatean - Locuitor al unui stat, care se bucură de drepturi civile și politice
și care are anumite obligații față de acel stat.

5. Council - a group of people that are chosen to make rules, laws, or decisions,
or to give advice.
Consiliu - Colectiv organizat, cu sarcini de conducere, de administrare sau de
avizare etc. a activității unei organizații, firme, societăți comerciale,
instituții etc.

6. Common market - a shorthand and old-fashioned way of referring to the


Piata comuna - un mod invechit de a se referi la CEE.

7. Communityacquis - is the body of common rights and obligations which bind

all the Member States together within the European Union.
Acquis-ul comunitar - este ansamblul de drepturi și obligații asumate de
statele membre ale Uniunii Europene, normele juridice ce reglementează
activitatea Comunităților Europene și a instituțiilor UE, acțiunile și politicile

8. Council of Europe - separate from the EU, it is based in Strasbourg, France,

and deals with issues such as human rights and youth policy. It is strictly

Consiliul Eurpei - cu sediul la Strasbourg, a luat naştere la 4 mai 1949 şi

reuneşte toate statele Uniunii Europene precum şi alte state din centrul şi
estul Europei. Este independent de Uniunea Europeană, şi este diferit şi de
Consiliul European sau de Consiliul Uniunii Europene.

9. Council of Ministers - the main decision-making body in the EU. Sometimes

it uses qualified majority voting, sometimes it votes by unanimity; this
depends on the issue. It normally meets in secret rather than in public. It is
properly called just the "Council".
Consiliul de ministry - este instituţia Uniunii Europene care reprezintă direct
statele membre şi în care participă fiecare   prin reprezentanţi la şedinţele
care se ţin, de obicei la Bruxelles. Conform Tratatului Comunităţii Europene,
Consiliul a fost creat pentru a asigura coordonarea politicilor economice
generale, pentru a acţiona ca organ de luare a deciziilor şi pentru a defini
operaţiile de management general ale Comisiei.

10. Constitution - a set of basic laws and principles that a country or

organization is governed by.
Constitutie - Lege fundamentală a unui stat, investită cu o forță juridică
superioară celorlalte legi, care cuprinde principiile esențiale ale organizării
lui, stabilește drepturile și datoriile principale ale cetațenilor, sistemul
electoral, organizarea organelor supreme și locale etc.
11. Culture - the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared
and accepted by people in a particular society.
Cultura - Totalitatea valorilor materiale și spirituale create de omenire și a
instituțiilor necesare pentru comunicarea acestor valori.

12. Debate - discussion of a particular subject that often continues for a

long time and in which people express different opinions.
Dezbatere - analiză amănunțită, discutare, deliberare; discuție largă asupra
unei probleme de interes general.

13. Policy - a way of doing something that has been officially agreed and
chosen by a political party, business, or other organization.
Politica - Activitate a claselor sociale, a grupurilor sociale, în raport cu
statul, determinată de interesele și de scopurile lor; activitate a organelor
puterii și conducerii de stat în domeniul treburilor publice interne și externe,
care reflectă orânduirea socială și structura economică a țării; participare la
treburile statului.
14. Declaration - an important official statement about a particular
situation or plan, or the act of making this statement.
Declaratie - act oficial prin care se aduce la cunoștință, se întărește o
măsură luată; notificare.

15. Development - the process of gradually becoming bigger, better,

stronger, or more advanced.
Dezvoltare - Acțiunea de a (se) dezvolta și rezultatul ei; creștere, evoluare;

16. EEC - European Economic Community, an old name for the European
CEE- comunitatea economica europeana, un vechi nume pentru Uniunea
17. Employment - the condition of having a paid job, the number of people
who have jobs.
Serviciu - Ocupație pe care o are cineva în calitate de angajat; slujbă.
18. Environment - The totality of circumstances surrounding an organism
or group of organisms.
Mediul inconjurator - Natura înconjurătoare alcătuită din totalitatea
factorilor externi în care se află ființele și lucrurile.

19. European Council - a meeting of the heads of the national

governments, which is held normally four times a year. Disagreements at the
Council of Ministers are sometimes referred here.
Consiliul European - este forul politic suprem al Uniunii Europene. În cadrul
UE acesta este instituţia care a promovat în mod decisiv procesul de
integrare europeană.

20. European Commission - the equivalent of the government in a member

state. It has 25 Commissioners. It is not a huge bureaucracy: it has fewer
staff than a typical local authority in Britain.
Comisia Europeana - este organul executiv al Uniunii Europene, având rolul de
a întocmi proiecte de legi şi de a monitoriza aplicarea acestora. Comisia este
un organ al Comunităţilor Europene, independent de statele membre, având
deci un caracter cu adevărat supranaţional.

21. European Parliament - the part of the European Union directly

elected by the citizens. A unique institution, it is the only supranational
directly-elected parliament in the world
Parlamentul European - Parlamentul european este unul din organele
Comunităţilor Europene. Începând cu anul 1979 este ales direct, o dată la 5
ani, prin alegeri generale, libere şi secrete.

22. Euro - the new currency of the EU, which has replaced the national
currencies of twelve member states.
Euro - este moneda comună pentru cele mai multe state din Uniunea
Europeană. Monedele Euro (şi bancnotele euro) au intrat în circulaţie pe 1
ianuarie 2002, dar anul emiterii lor poate să meargă înapoi până în anul 1999,
când moneda a fost lansată oficial.

23. European elections - held every five years to elect the European
Parliament, they are the only international elections in the world.
Alegeri Europene - se tin o data la 5 ani pentru a allege parlamentul
European, alegerile europene sunt singurele alegeri international din lume.

24. European integration - the means by which the rule of law and
international democracy (i.e. federalism) have come to replace war and the
threat of force in Europe.

Integrarea europeana - Integrarea europeană este procesul de politice,

juridice, economice (şi, în unele cazuri, sociale şi culturale) de integrare a
statelor în întregime sau parţial, în Europa. In the present day, European
Integration is primarily achieved through the European Union and the Council
of Europe . În ziua de azi, de integrare europeană este realizata, in principal
prin intermediul Uniunii Europene şi Consiliul Europei.
25. Government - the group of people who govern a country or state

Guvern - Organ de stat care exercită puterea executivă; cabinet, consiliu de


26. Globalisation - the idea that money, trade and information can flow
around the world much more quickly and easily than before.
Globalizare - descrie un proces permanent prin care economiile regionale,
societati, şi culturile au devenit integrate printr-un glob-întinde reţea de
comunicare şi de execuţie. The term is sometimes used to refer specifically
to economic globalization : the integration of national economies into the
international economy through trade , foreign direct investment , capital
flows , migration , and the spread of technology . [ 1 ] However, globalisation is
usually recognized as being driven by a combination of economic,
technological, sociocultural, political, and biological factors. [2]
The term can
also refer to the transnational circulation of ideas, languages, or popular
culture through acculturation .

27. IGC - Inter-Governmental Conference, that brought together

representatives of the national governments to discuss amendments to the
treaties. It concluded with a meeting of the European Council and agreed
the new constitutional treaty closely based on a proposal from the

CIG - Conferinţă interguvernamentală este procedura formală de negociere

modificări ale tratatelor fondatoare ale Uniunii Europene. Under the
treaties, an IGC is called into being by the European Council , and is
composed of representatives of the member states, with the Commission ,
and to a lesser degree the Parliament also participating. În temeiul
tratatelor, o CIG este pusă în curs de către Consiliul European, şi este
format din reprezentanţi ai statelor membre, cu Comisia, şi într-o mai mică
măsură a Parlamentului, de asemenea, participante.

28. Intergovernmental - describing institutions which cover more than

one country and which are controlled entirely by national governments. It is
the opposite of supranational.
Interguvernamental- între, dintre guverne; interstatal.

29. Institution - a large organization that has a particular kind of work or


Institutie - Formă de organizare a raporturilor sociale, potrivit normelor

juridice stabilite pe domenii de activitate; institute.

30. Legislation - a law or set of laws

Legislatie - Totalitatea legilor unei țări sau ale unui domeniu juridic.

31. Maastricht treaty - agreed at the end of 1991, this transformed the
European Community into the European Union as we know it today.

Tratatul de la Maastricht - semnat in 1991, a transformat Comunitatea

Europeana in Uniunea Europeana.

32. Mandate - if a government or official has a mandate to make

important decisions, they have the authority to make the decisions because
they have been elected by the people to do so.

Mandat - Împuternicire dată cuiva de către o persoană sau de către o

autoritate de a vorbi sau de a lucra în numele său.

33. Nice treaty - this is the latest set of amendments to the treaties to
come into force.

Tratatul de la Nisa - a fost semnat de liderii europeni la 26 februarie 2001 şi

intrat în vigoare la 1 februarie 2003. It amended the Maastricht Treaty (or
the Treaty on European Union) and the Treaty of Rome (or the Treaty
establishing the European Community). Acesta a fost modificat Tratatul de
la Maastricht (sau Tratatul privind Uniunea Europeană), precum şi Tratatul
de la Roma (sau Tratatul de instituire a Comunităţii Europene).

34. Nationalism - the desire by a group of people of the same race,

origin, language etc to form an independent country.
Nationalism - Doctrină politică bazată pe apărarea (uneori exagerată) a
drepturilor și aspirațiilor naționale.

35. Parliament - the group of people who are elected to make a country's
laws and discuss important national affairs.

Parlament - Organ legislativ din unele țări, compus din una sau din două
camere și constituit din reprezentanți ai diferitelor partide politice aleși,
total sau parțial, prin votul cetățenilor.

36. Petition - A written request signed by a lot of people, asking someone

in authority to do something or change something.

Petitie - Expunere scrisă adresată de o persoană sau de un grup de persoane

unei instituții, unei organizații, unei autorități, în care se formulează o
cerere, o revendicare, un punct de vedere etc.

37. Presidency - each member state takes it in turn for six months at a
time to be responsible for chairing meetings of the Council of Ministers.

Presedintie - Funcția și activitatea de conducere a președintelui; perioada

de activitate a unui președinte.

38. Referendum - a common way for a member state to decide European

issues, such as whether or not to join the European Union or ratify the
constitution. These questions are often extremely controversial, so they are
decided by the citizens rather than the national government. Each country
decides for itself whether to hold a referendum.
Referendum - Consultare directă a cetățenilor, chemați să se pronunțe, prin
vot, asupra unui proiect de lege de o deosebită importanță pentru stat sau
asupra unor probleme de interes general.

39. Right - something that you are morally, legally, or officially allowed to
do or have.
Drept - Totalitatea regulilor și normelor juridice care reglementează
relațiile sociale dintr-un stat.

40. Single European Act - intended to eliminate barriers on trade and

capital flows between and among European countries.

Actul unic European - (SEA) a fost prima revizuire majoră a Tratatului de

1957 de la Roma. Acesta a intrat în vigoare la 1 iulie 1987, în cadrul Comisiei

41. Subsidiarity - the idea that no decision should be taken by the

European Union if it can be taken by its member states instead.
Subsidiaritate - este principiul conform caruia Uniunea nu intreprinde
actiuni (cu exceptia domeniilor care tin exclusiv de competenta sa) daca
acestea nu sunt mai eficiente decat actiunile intreprinse la nivel national,
regional sau local.
42. Summits - gatherings of the heads of government of the member
states, normally meeting in secret and voting by unanimity. Often criticised
for being a less democratic and efficient means of taking decisions than the
Community method.

Summit - O reuniune (de obicei între liderii de grup aceluiaşi), în cazul în

care bugetele financiare, previziuni, şi / sau produse similare sunt discutate.
It can also serve as an informative session . Acesta poate servi, de
asemenea, ca o sesiune de informativ.

43. Single market - a free market among all European Union member
states. It is the richest trading block in the world.

Piata unica - O piaţă comună este un tip de bloc de comerţ care este compus
din vamale, o uniune cu politicile comune privind reglementarea produsului,
precum şi libertatea de mişcare a factorilor de producţie (de capital şi a
forţei de muncă), precum şi de întreprindere. The goal is that the movement
of capital, labour, goods, and services between the members is as easy as
within them. Scopul este ca circulaţie a capitalului, a forţei de muncă, bunuri
şi servicii între membrii este la fel de uşor ca în cadrul ei. This is the fourth
stage of economic integration . Aceasta este a patra etapă de integrare

44. Taxation - A contribution for the support of a government required

of persons, groups, or businesses within the domain of that government.

Impozit - Plată obligatorie stabilită prin lege, pe care cetățenii, instituțiile

etc. o varsă din venitul lor în bugetul statului; dare.

45. Treaty - an international agreement amongst the member states that

is binding upon them. In addition to agreement by the national governments,
it will normally need to be ratified in each member state.

Tratat - Înțelegere scrisă încheiată între două sau mai multe state, în
vederea determinării, într-un anumit domeniu, a drepturilor și a obligațiilor
părților contractante sau în scopul stabilirii unor norme juridice; acord
internațional, convenție internațională.

46. Treaty of Rome - signed in 1957, it created what was then called the
European Economic Community. It has since been amended by the Single
European Act, the Maastricht treaty, the Amsterdam treaty and the Nice
treaty, but much of it still applies.
Tratatul de la Roma: Tratatelor de la Roma sunt două dintre cele tratate ale
Uniunii Europene, semnat la 25 martie 1957. Both treaties were signed by
The Six : Belgium , France , Italy , Luxembourg , the Netherlands and West
Germany . Ambele tratate au fost semnate de către Şase: Belgia, Franţa,
Italia, Luxemburg, Olanda si Germania de Vest.
47. Transparency - the idea that the decisions and actions of the
European Union institutions should be as visible to citizens as are those of
national governments, because the process of European integration should
increase and not reduce the level of democracy.
Transparenta - idea conform careia deciziile si actiunile Institutiilor Uniunii
Europene ar trebui sa fie la fel de vizibile cum sunt si pentru guvernele
nationale, deoarece procesul de integrare europeana ar trebui sa mareasca si
nu sa reduca nivelul democratiei.

48. Unanimity - the idea that decisions can be taken by the Council of
Ministers or the European Council only if every member state agrees. Any
one country can, on its own, prevent agreement.
Unanimitate: Acord total de idei, de opinii, de sufragii; totalitate de
49. Veto - the power that each member state has to prevent a decision
being reached in the Council of Ministers, when decisions are taken by
Veto: Drept excepțional pe care îl are cineva (recunoscut prin lege sau prin
convenții) de a se opune adoptării unei propuneri sau unei hotărâri; formulă
prin care se exercită acest drept.

50. Vote - an act of voting in an election or meeting,or the choice that you
make when you vote:
Vot - exprimarea opiniei cetățenilor unui stat în legătură cu alegerea
reprezentanților lor în organele de conducere; opinie exprimată de membrii
unei adunări constituite în legătură cu o candidatură, cu o propunere sau cu o
hotărâre; adeziune dată în acest scop.


Single European Act (1986)

Official Journal L 169 of 29 June 1987

Palmowski Jan, A Dictionary of Contemporary World History , 2004

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

EUABC, Dictionar de termini UE

Marcu, Florin, Marele Dictionar de Neologisme

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