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Evidence: The happiness advantage:

Shawn Achor considers that happiness is the key to success and states that if you can
find a way to get your brain positive; your success rate will increase.

Taking into account Achor’s statement, share an anecdote where you describe a story
that shaped your personal view about success and happiness. Use the anecdote
template from the study material. Also, make sure you use the past perfect, at least eight
adjectives from the introductory material, and the time expressions you have practiced
in this learning activity.


I’ll never forget the day I learned to type without looking at the keyboard. I wanted to be
able to type while in bed with the lights off. If I want to turn off the lights, I have to get out
of bed. It was really annoying because when you are falling asleep, the last thing you
want to do is to get up. I had tried many times before, but I usually got frustrated or
impatient really quickly. Anyway, I went online and browsed around, reading reviews
about different free online typing programs until I finally found one that I found suitable.
I followed the instructions and did not skip a class. It was hard; sometimes I felt miserable
because I couldn’t do it. In less than a month, I was typing in the dark. It felt so good; it
felt, it still does, like magic. I felt super satisfied. I had taught myself how to do something
extraordinary (to me). The secretaries at school who were able to look at you in the eye
while typing had always mesmerized me! So, the moral of the story is that in order to be
happy and successful, you need to find something that motivates you to grow as a
person; something that makes you feel you can be a little bit better every day.
I will never forget the day I learned to ride a bicycle, I remember that I was only seven
years old. I didn’t have a bike, but I had a friend who already knew how to ride and when
I wasn’t using it I borrowed it and since I had no wheels I started pushing with my feet
and when I had some momentum, I put my feet on the pedals and tried to pedal. So
started practicing, until one day I can pedal in a straight line without falling, then practice
like spinning and finally I learned to ride alone in the friend's bike. And never forget how
to ride a bike and although at the moment I don’t have one, every time I have the
opportunity, I take a bike ride.
Oscar Martínez.

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