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Review Article

Drugs37: 58-72 (1989)

© ADIS Press Limited
All rights reserved.

Sulphonylurea Antidiabetic Drugs

An Update of Their Clinical Pharmacology and Rational
Therapeutic Use

Arne Melander, Per-Olof Bitzen, Ole Faber and Leif Groop

Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Research in Primary Health Care ,
Lund University Health Sciences Centre, Dalby , Sweden ; Department of Community
Health, Lund University Health Sciences Centre, Dalby, Sweden; Department of
Medicine, Hersholm Hospital, Hersholm, Denmark; and Fourth Department of
Medicine, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland

Contents Summary 59
I. Clinical Pharmacology ; 60
1.1 Chemistry and Mechanism of Action of Sulphonylureas 60
1.2 Additional Effects of Sulphonylureas 61
1.2.1 Increased Insulin Action 61
1.2.2 Reduced Hepatic Extraction of Insulin 61
1.2.3 Effects on Plasma Lipids 61
1.2.4 Effects on Platelets and Fibrinolysis 61
1.2.5 Effect on Basement Membranes 62
1.3 Pharmacological and Pharrriacokinetic Differences amongSulphonylureas 62
1.3.1 Potencies 62
1.3.2 Onset and Duration of Action 62
2. Indication for Sulphonylurea Use 63
3. Treatment of NIDDM 63
3.1 Therapeutic Aims in the Treatment of NIDDM 63
3.1.1 Normalisation of Blood Glucose 63
3.1.2 Improved Acute Insulin Release 63
3.1.3 Improved Insulin Action 64
3.1.4 Breaking the Vicious Circle of Hyperglycaemia 64
3.2 The Role of Sulphonylureas in Reducing Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality .64
3.3 Screening and Early Intervention 65
3.4 Efficacy of Diet Regulation and Sulphonylurea Use in Early NIDDM 65
3.5 Clinical Comparisons Between Sulphonylureas 65
3.6 B Cell Desensitisation by Continuous Exposure to Sulphonylureas 66
3.7 Primary and Secondary Treatment Failures of Sulphonylureas 66
4. Adverse Effects of Sulphonylureas 66
4.1 Long Lasting Hypoglycaemia 67
4.1.1 Chlorpropamide 67
4.1.2 Glibenclamide 67
5. Selection of a Sulphonylurea 68
6. Sulphonylurea Dosage 68
6.1 Optimal Dosage and Time of Administration 68
Clinical Pharmacology of Sulphonylureas 59

6.2 Number of Daily Doses 68

7. Drug Interactions 68
8. Conclusions 69

Summary Apartfrom the amelioration ofsymptoms, a majoraim ofthe treatment ofnon-insulin-

dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM, type 2 diabetes) should be the prevention of car-
diovascular complications. These are associated with the chronic hyperglycaemia that is
characteristic of NIDDM, and the risk of complications is already increased in subjects
with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). For these reasons, and because hyperglycaemia
appears to be a self-perpetuating condition, treatment should be introduced as early as
possible and should be aimed at normalisation ofbloodglucose. To enable earlydetection
and intervention, screening is necessary. As diet regulation alone rarely suffices to nor-
malise bloodglucose, addition of sulphonylurea drugs is indicated in many cases. If in-
troduced in the IGT phase, sulphonylureas drugs combinedwith diet regulation may post-
pone the development of IGT to manifest NIDDM, and may reduce the increased risk of
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
Sulphonylureas stimulate insulin release, possibly via interaction with receptors in the
pancreatic B cells. In addition, such treatment enhances the reduced insulin action. This
might be a primary effect but is also a consequence ofthe increased access to insulin and
the subsequent reduction of hyperglycaemia. Sulphonylureas may enhance insulin avail-
ability by reducing insulin clearance. Effects on bloodlipids are probably secondary phe-
Fast and short acting sulphonylureas may improve the impaired meal-induced acute
insulin release. If combined with weight-reducing diet regulation and introduced early,
such treatment can maintain (near) normal bloodglucose levels and an improved insulin
actionfor several years without increasing basal insulin secretion, without chronic hyper-
insulinaemia, and without weight increase. If not combined with diet regulation, sul-
phonylurea therapy is likely to fail. If introduced when NIDDM is advanced, the efficacy
ofthesedrugs is limited, withsecondary failures developing at a rateof 5 to /0% peryear.
Continuous (24-hour-a-day) exposure to drug treatment could possibly desensitise the B
cell to sulphonylurea stimulation.
'Second-generation 'sulphonylurea drugs have a higherpotency than 'first-generation '
drugs, but this need not signify a greater clinical efficacy. The effect of several of these
drugs may be increased if they are ingested half an hour before meal(s). Short acting
sulphonylureas may be saferthan long acting ones, which seem more likely to causelong
lastingandfatal hypoglycaemia, at least in elderly patients. Hypoglycaemia may be aug-
mented by the concomitant use ofalcohol, aspirin, sulphonamides and trimethoprim, and
by intercurrent illness with decreased caloric intake. Thiazides and s-blockers may coun-
teract the efficacy of sulphonylurea drugs.

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus cose. In addition, the action of insulin is reduced

(NIDDM, type 2 diabetes) is a condition charac- (DeFronzo et al. 1983).
terised by chronic hyperglycaemia and a relative In more than 75% of NIDDM patients the dis-
insulin deficiency. The kinetics of insulin secretion ease is diagnosed after the age of 40. The majority
are changed, with reduced or absent acute insulin of patients are overweight, and diet regulation with
release in response to stimulation by meals or glu- weight reduction is necessary in most. As this rarely
Clinical Pharmacology of Sulphonylureas 60

leads to euglycaemia, the addition of sulphonyl- volves binding to, and activation of, receptors on
urea drugs is indicated in many patients. the B cell surface; sulphonylureas might mimic the
action of some gastrointestinal peptide with insu-
1. Clinical Pharmacology lin-releasing properties (Brown & Foubister 1984;
l.l Chemistry and Mechan ism of Action of Geisen et al. 1985;Siconolfi-Baez& Lebovitz 1985).
Sulphonylureas Therapy with sulphonylureas may also improve in-
sulin secretion secondarily, as reduction of hyper-
By definition, sulphonylureas share the same glycaemia improves B cell function (Ferner et al.
structure (fig. I), and have a common mechanism 1988; section 3.1.4).
of action, leading to blood glucose reduction by re- In the 'first-generation' sulphonylureas, such as
lease of insulin from the pancreatic B cells (Jack- tolbutamide and chlorpropamide (fig. 1), R, is a
son & Bressler 1981). It is possible that this in- phenyl ring with simple substituent groups and R 2

A, R2

Compound R, R2 Compound

Carbutamide -CH2CH2CH2CH3 Glibornuride CH3 0

NH2 0

Tolbutamide CH3 0
-CH2CHzCHzCH3 Gliclazide CH3 0 -(])
-CHzCHzCH3 Glibenclamide 9H ZCHZ O
- -0
g -
CH3 - C O
-0 (rG"'
CI ~

Tolazarnide CH3 0
-0 Glipizlde fH zCHZ O
C= O

Glisoxepide yH ZCHZ O
CH(' <, O/

Fig. 1. Chemical structur es of sulphonylureas,

Clinical Pharmacology of Sulphon ylureas 61

is .an aliphatic side chain. In the 'second genera- concentrations of very low density lipoprotein
tion' drugs, for example glibenclamide(glyburide) (VLDL), while the concentration of low density
and glipizide (fig. 1), R 1 is a more complex radical lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol is usually normal
and R z is a cyclohexyl group instead of the ali- (Greenfield et al. 1982b; Howard et al. 1978; Tas-
phatic side chain. These substitutions have given kinen et al, 1982; Taylor et al. 1981).
the newer sulphonylureas drugs a much higher se- There are controversial data on the effect of sul-
lective binding capacity to the B cells (Siconolfi- phonylureas on plasma lipids. In several cross-sec-
Baez & Lebovitz 1985), and this might explain why tional studies , treatment with sulphonylureas has
the newer agents have a 1000-fold higher potency been associated with low HDL-cholesterol concen-
than the older ones (Melander 1987). trations (Berry & Bar-On 1981; Calvert et al. 1978;
Eder 1980; Kennedy et al. 1978; Lisch & Sailer
1.2 Additional Effects of Sulphonylureas 1981), but this may be related to inadequate blood
glucose control rather than to a direct drug effect.
1.2.1 Increased InsulinAction Results from prospective studies are inconsistent:
Sulphonylurea therapy is associated with an in- sulphonylurea drugs have been reported to in-
creased tissue sensitivity to insulin (improved in- crease (Paisey et al. 1978), to decrease (Tarnai et
sulin action) [Beck-Nielsen et al. 1979; Feldman & al. 1981), and to have no effect on (Greenfield et
Lebovitz 1969; Greenfield et al. 1982a; Kolterman al. 1982b; Taylor et al, 1982) plasma HDL-chol-
& .Olefsky 1984; Lebovitz et al. 1977; Simonson et esterol. Lowering of the plasma glucose concentra-
al. 1984; Ward et al. 1985]. This may be a primary tion is usually associated with a lowering of the
effect, but it is also a consequence of the increased triglyceride concentration. It should also be noted
access to insulin and the ensuing reduction of that there is an inverse relationship between plasma
hyperglycaemia following the increased exposure triglyceride and plasma HDL-cholesterol concen-
to insulin (see section 3.1.3). trations. In addition, the plasma insulin concen-
tration shows an inverse correlation with the plasma
1.2.2 Reduced Hepatic Extraction of Insulin HDL-cholesterol concentration (Groop et al.
Recent studies suggest that sulphonylureas may 1987a). Thus, if the plasma insulin concentration
promote an increased systemic availability of in- is raised by treatment, the HDL-cholesterol con-
sulin due to reduced hepatic extraction of the in- centration tends to fall.
sulin secreted from the pancreas. So far, evidence In a Hl-year study conducted in subjects with
suggestive of reduced hepatic extraction of insulin impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), tolbutamide-
has been demonstrated only for glipizide (Almer et treated subjects had a reduction of total serum tri-
al, 1982; Groop et al. 1987a, 1988; Scheen et al. glycerides and cholesterol (Sartor et al. 1980b).
1984) and glibenclamide (Beck-Nielsen et al. 1986). Direct effects of sulphonylureas on plasma lip-
This could be either a primary or a secondary ef- ids are unlikely; in NIDDM subjects whose insulin
fect, dependent on the increased rate of insulin se- secretion had been attenuated and who had been
cretion (Shapiro et al. 1987). Even effective diet maintained on exogenous insulin , glipizide had no
regulation seems to reduce hepatic insulin extrac- influence on plasma lipids in a double-blind pla-
tion; hence the effect may also be a consequence cebo-controlled study (Sartor et al, 1987).
of glucose reduction and improved insulin action
in the liver (Bitzen et aI., unpublished data). 1.2.4 Effects on Platelets and Fibrinolysis
Several reports suggest that sulphonylureas, and
1.2.3 Effects on Plasma Lipids particularly gliclazide, may reduce platelet adhe-
Untreated NIDDM is characterised by low con- siveness and platelet aggregation (Holmes et al,
centrations of high density lipoprotein (HDL)- 1984). However, it is likely that the antiplatelet ef-
cholesterol, hypertriglyceridaemia and elevated fects are secondary to the blood glucose reduction
Clinical Pharmacology of Sulphonylureas 62

evoked by such drugs, and there is no convincing 1.3.2 Onset and Duration ofAction
evidence that gliclazide is superior to any other sul- The structural alterations among the various
phonylurea with regard to . antiplatelet effects sulphonylurea drugs also cause differences in phar-
(Holmes et at. 1984; King et at. 1977). macokinetics , i.e. in the rate and degree of absorp-
Glipizide and gliclazide may be able to increase tion, and in the rate and extent of distribution, me-
the fibrinolytic activity , whereas chlorpropamide is tabolism and excretion. These differences in turn
associated with low fibrinolytic activity (Almer lead to clinically relevant variations in the rate of
1980). onset and in the duration of action. The rate of
onset is significant since it relates to the capacity
to improve acute insulin release (see sections 3.1.2,
1.2.5 Effect on Basement Membranes
3.4 and 3.6). The duration of action is particularly
In subjects with .chemical diabetes (impaired
important as it may influence the probability of
glucose tolerance), glipizide reportedly reversed the
certain adverse effects (see sections 4 and 4.1) and
increase in basement membrane thickness that may also relates to the issue of discontinuous sul-
be a sign of diabet ic microangiopathy (Camerini- phonylurea exposure (see sections 3.4 and 3.6). It
Davalos et at. 1983). The relevance of this finding may be noted in this context that certain individ-
has been discussed and debated previously (Johan- uals have a much slower absorption of sulphonyl-
sen 1983; Mizroch 1983; Siperstein 1983). urea drugs than do other patients, as shown for
gliclazide, glipizide and glibenclamide (Campbell
1.3 Pharmacological and Pharmacokinetic et al. 1980; Hartling et at. 1987b; Ikegawi et at.
Differences among Sulphonylureas 1986).
The most fast and short acting sulphonylurea
presently available is glipizide, which also has
1.3.1 Potencies
complete absorption (Wahlin-Boll et at. I982a).
While sulphonylureas appear to have 'Similar
Chlorpropamide is the most slow and long acting
principal pharmacodynamic properties, their
one (Jackson & Bressler 1981; Melander 1987).
clinical effects may differ due to variations in
Glibenclamide is slower in onset than glipizide,
chemical structure, causing dissimilarities in selec-
partly because it is more slowly and incompletely
tive B cell binding and thus in potency. Tolbut-
absorbed , at least. from the non-micronised form-
amide and chlorpropamide appear to be active only ulation that is the only available one in North and
when their plasma concentrations exceed 50 to 100 South America, Asia and some other areas (Arn-
Ilmol/L (Melander 1987), and acetohexamide and qvist et at. 1983). However, glibenc1amide is slower
tolazamide seem to have a potency in the same in onset even when these 2 drugs are infused at
range (Ferner & Chaplin 1987; Jackson & Bressler equal rates and at similar plasma concentrations
1981). Glibenclamide, glipizide and presumably (Groop et at. 1987b), and it also has a slower onset
glisoxepide are much more potent , being active at and a longer duration than glipizide in the perfused
concentrations of 50 to 100 nmol/L (Melander isolated rat pancreas (Artini et at. 1973).
1987). Gliquidone, glibornuride and gliclazide are The longer duration of glibenclamide may also
intermediate in potency (Ferner & Chaplin 1987; be due partly to a longer elimination half-life, al-
Jackson & Bressler 1981). The 1000:1 potency ratio though there are highly divergent reports on this
between the least and the most potent sulpho- parameter, from less than 2 hours (Jackson & Bres-
nylureas parallels the difference in selec~ive bind- sler 1981) to 25 hours (Behrle 1980). Another pos-
ing to B cells (Melander 1987; Siconolfi-Baez & Le- sible hypothesis, which has not been examined,
bovitz 1985). However, it must be emphasised that suggests a slower distribution, and a third option
the .diversity in potency does not signify a corre- is accumulation of a polar, active metabolite (Behrle
sponding difference in clinical efficacy (section 3.5). 1980).
Clinical Pharmacology of Sulphonylureas 63

Finally , there is evidence that glibenclamide, in partially related to the chronic hyperglycaemia, and
contrast to other sulphonylureas, may accumulate the risk of cardiovascular complications is already
within B cells (Hellman et al. 1984). Irrespective increased in early NIDDM and even in the pre-
of the mechanism(s) involved, glibenclamide ap- NIDDM or borderline phase (Donahue et al. 1987;
pears long acting. A comprehensive review of the Fuller et al. 1980; Jarrett et al. 1982; Persson 1977).
kinetic-dynamic relationships of the various drugs Therefore, and because hyperglycaemia seems to
has recently been published (Ferner & Chaplin be a self-perpetuating condition (Unger & Grundy
1987). 1985), treatment should be introduced as early as
possible, and should be aimed at normalisation of
2. Indication for Sulphonylurea Use
blood glucose (Holman & Turner 1977; Kilo 1985).
The exclusive indication for sulphonylurea To enable early intervention, screening or case
treatment is NIDDM, and these agents are effec- finding programmes must be employed (Bitzen &
tive only in NIDDM subjects with a.certain degree Schersten 1986). Although hypocaloric diet regu-
of insulin secretion. By measuring the B cell secre- lation can be very effective in reducing fasting blood
tory capacity, it is possible to identify those patients glucose (Bitzen et al. 1988a; Liu et al. 1985)it rarely
whose B cell impairment is so advanced that sul- suffices to maintain euglycaemia (Bitzen et al.
phonylurea treatment will not succeed (Hartling et 1988a; Gerich 1985; Hadden et al. 1986; UK
al. 1987a). The most widely applied test is based Prospective Study 1983). Therefore, sulphonylu-
on measurement of the C-peptide increase in re- reas must be added to therapy in many patients
sponse to intravenous glucagon (Hartling et al. (see section 3.4). Indeed, if introduced in the IGT
1987a; Madsbad et al. 1981). phase, a sulphonylurea drug in combination with ,
In recent years, combination therapy with sul- diet restriction may postpone the development of
phonylureas and insulin has been extensively tested, IGT to manifest NIDDM (Sartor et al. 1980b), may
mainly in NIDDM patients with residual B cell reduce cardiovascular morbidity (Persson 1977)and
function. In general, glycaemic control has been the may even lessen the increased risk of cardiovas-
same irrespective of whether a sulphonylurea drug cular mortality (Knowler et al. 1987) [see section
has been added; the only difference has been that 3.2].
those receiving sulphonylurea required a lower in-
sulin dose (Gerich 1985; Groop et al. 1984; Ha- 3.1.2 Improved Acute Insulin Release
melbeck et al. 1982). No effect of sulphonylureas An early defect in IGTINIDDM is the delayed
has been recorded in insulin-dependent diabetes and reduced acute insulin release in response to
mellitus (IDDM) subjects (Grunberger et al. 1982) meals or glucose, which helps to explain the pro-
or in NIDDM subjects with attenuated insulin se- longed elevation of postprandial glucose and the
cretion (Sartor et al. 1987). However, this need not subsequent hyperinsulinaemia (Cerasi et al . 1973;
signify that combination therapy is useless in sub- DeFronzo et al. 1983; Luft et al. 1981; O'Rahilly
jects with residual insulin secretion; the comb ina - et al. 1986; Turtle 1970). Although diet regulation
tion of insulin at night and a sulphonylurea in the is able to improve the acute insulin release under
daytime may be of value. strict, short term conditions (Savage et al. 1979),
little or no such improvement may be achieved
3. Treatment of NIDDM
even by intense diet regulation efforts in outpatient
3.1 Therapeutic Aims in the Treatment of
care (Bitzen et al. 1988a). In the latter situation,
however, fast acting sulphonylureas can improve
3.1.1 Normalisation of Blood Glucose the acute insulin release and postprandial glucose
Apart from alleviating subjective symptoms, a control (Bitzen et al. 1988b). This also supports the
major aim of treatment should be the prevention view that diet regulation and sulphonylurea use are
or minimisation of complications. These are at least complementary rather than alternative treatments.
Clinical Pharmacology of Sulphonylureas 64

3.1.3 Improved Insulin Action reciprocally promote and aggravate each other and
Reduced insulin action is another early defect hence establish a vicious circle. Conversely, reduc-
in IGT/NIDDM. Strict diet regulation, leading to tion of hyperglycaemia improves both B cell func-
significant weight reduction , improves insulin ac- tion (Ferner et al. 1988) and insulin action, irre-
tion considerably (Beck-Nielsen et al. 1980; Bitzen spective of the type of treatment (see section 3.1.3).
et al. 1988a; Henry et al. 1986; Liu et al. 1985; This is a strong argument in favour of early inter-
Savage et al. 1979), and sulphonylurea treatment vention, with complete normalisation of blood glu-
also improves insulin action (Beck-Nielsen et al. cose as a major therapeutic aim.
1979; DeFronzo et al. 1983; Feldman & Lebovitz
1969; Greenfield et al. 1982a; Lebovitz et al. 1977; 3.2 The Role of Sulphonylureas in Reducing
Liu et al. 1985; Mandarino & Gerich 1984; Si- Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality
monson et al. 1984; Ward et al. 1985). Insulin ac-
tion is improved both in the liver and in extra- The University Group Diabetes Program
hepatic tissues, probably as a result ofa postreceptor (UGDP) study caused an intense debate concern-
effect (Mandarino & Gerich 1984; Simonson et al. ing the efficacyand toxicity of sulphonylureas. The
1984). UGDP report maintained that the long term effi-
Recent in vitro studies indicate that sulphonyl- cacy of sulphonylureas (tolbutamide) was negligi-
urea drugs can enhance insulin action by a direct ble whereas the risk of cardiovascular mortality was
effect (Neufeld et al. 1987;Rogers et al. 1987; Wang increased (University Group Diabetes Program
et al. 1987). However, improved insulin action 1970). However, this report has been criticised
during therapy has only been observed in NIDDM (Fuller 1983; Karam et al. 1975; Kilo et al. 1980;
patients with residual B cell function; no such ef- Williamson & Kilo 1979), and re-evaluations sug-
fect occurs in NIDDM patients whose insulin se- gest that the increased incidence of cardiovascular
cretion has been attenuated (Sartor et al. 1987), or mortality need not have been due to the drug; it
in IDDM patients (Grunberger et al. 1982). There- may have been caused by over-representation of
fore it is most likely that the improvement in in- high risk patients in the tolbutamide group (Wil-
sulin action seen in NIDDM patients with residual liamson & Kilo 1979). Alternatively, tolbutamide
B cell function is a consequence of the enhanced may exert a hazardous effect in patients with ad-
access to insulin, and the subsequent reduction of vanced NIDDM, whereas this drug seems to have
hyperglycaemia. a beneficial potential in early and pre-NIDDM, as
outlined below.
3.1.4 Breaking the Vicious Circle of Treatment of IGT subjects for 10 to 12 years
Hyperglycaemia with a combination of diet advice and tolbutamide
There is reason to assume that hyperglycaemia, appeared to postpone the development ofNIDDM
albeit with varying intensity and rate, is a self-per- (Sartor et al. 1980b). In addition, the increased risk
petuating condition leading to a vicious circle un- of cardiovascular morbidity was considerably re-
less firm therapeutic measures are taken (Unger & duced by the combination of diet advice and tol-
Grundy 1985). Elevation of blood glucose impairs butamide (Persson 1977), and this was associated
both the rate and extent of insulin secretion (Luft with reduced blood pressure and reduced blood
et al. 1981; Reaven 1980), and also impairs insulin lipids (Sartor et al. 1980b). Furthermore, the rate
action (Luft et al. 1981;Olefsky et al. 1985; Reaven of both total and cardiovascular mortality was re-
1980). This further signifies that impaired B cell duced in the tolbutamide group according to a pre-
function leads to impaired insulin action and vice liminary study (Knowler et al. 1987). Although
versa. Thus, it may be a purely academic issue these observations need confirmation, they em-
whether the primary defect in NIDDM is impaired phasise the importance of early detection and treat-
insulin secretion or impaired insulin action; they ment of NIDDM.
Clinical Pharmacology of Sulphonylureas 65

3.3 Screening and Early Intervention improved insulin action (Bitzen 1988). Moreover,
this combination was effectivein maintaining (near)
The findings described above support the view normal blood glucose control for almost 4 years
that sulphonylurea therapy is beneficial rather than (mean fasting blood glucose 6.7 mmol/L), without
harmful. However, they also suggest that such increasing basal insulin secretion, without chronic
treatment may be most beneficial when initiated hyperinsulinaemia, and without weight increase
in the very early phase of NIDDM, or even in the (Bitzen 1988).
pre-NIDDM phase. The final 25% (with initial values of 8.2 mmol/
To enable early treatment to be implemented, L) had no reduction of fasting blood glucose de-
screening or case finding programmes must be em- spite the addition of 20mg glipizide and 1.0g met-
ployed..A simple case finding procedure has been formin daily. Before treatment these patients did
devised and applied in primary health care, based not differ from the glipizide responders in weight,
on a single random blood glucose sample taken any glucose control, basal insulin secretion or glucose
time during the day (Bitzen & Schersten 1986). This and insulin responses to a test dose of glipizide.
study shows that a random value ~ 7 mmol/L sug- However, they did differ in compliance with diet
gests the presence ofNIDDM with high specificity, regulation as judged from the absence of weight
predictability and sensitivity. In subjects thus de- reduction, and the drug failure was probably due
tected, an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) can to non-compliance with diet rather than to a pri-
then be used to confirm (or refute) the diagnosis. mary inability to respond to sulphonylurea therapy
The study also demonstrates that urine glucose tests (Bitzen 1988).
are unreliable for early NIDDM screening.
3.5 Clinical Comparisons Between
3.4 Efficacy of Diet Regulation and Sulphonylureas
Sulphonylurea Use in Early NIDDM
There are few well-controlled long term clinical
In 32 screening-detected NIDDM patients re- comparisons, particularly between short and long
cruited as described above (Bitzen & Schersten lasting sulphonylureas (Ferner & Chaplin 1987). A
1986), the efficacy of diet regulation alone and in recent investigation compared glibenclamide and
combination with glipizide, a fast and short acting glipizide in a placebo-controlled crossover study
drug, has been studied over a 4-year period (Bitzen during two 6-month periods (Groop et al. 1987a).
1988; Bitzen et al. 1988a,b). The results indicate Dosage was governed by the basal glucose level so
that weight-reducing diet regulation alone has little that the daily dose was increased until fasting blood
or no influence on the acute insulin release and glucose was < 8 mmol/L, or until a maximum daily
hence on the net postprandial glucose elevation, dose of 25mg had been reached. There were great
but can be highly effective in reducing fasting blood interindividual differences in the final daily dose,
glucose. About 25% of the subjects maintained but the mean final doses were similar, about 15mg
(near) normal fasting blood glucose levels (~ 6 of both drugs, and most patients took the drugs 3
mmol/L) for more than 4 years by hypocaloric diet times daily. While minor differences could be seen
regulation alone, and these subjects also had a pro- in the influence of the 2 agents on insulin secretion
nounced improvement in insulin action (Bitzen and insulin action, the overall glucose control was
1988; Bitzen et al. 1988a). similar, with a 24-hour mean blood glucose reduc-
About 50% ofthe subjects (who had a mean pre- tion from about 10.5 to about 8.5 mmol/L (Groop
treatment blood glucose of 9.0 mmol/L) attained et al. 1987a). This supports the view that, when
(near) normal fasting blood glucose levels after the dosage is individualised and governed by the effect
addition of 20mg glipizide or less to maintained on fasting blood glucose, there is little or no dif-
hypocaloric diet regulation, and they also had an ference in clinical efficacy between su1phonylureas.
Clinical Pharmacolog y of Sulphonylureas 66

This is also the overall impression from most other dosage has been necessary to obtain normalisation
comparisons of different sulphonylurea agents of blood glucose initially , subsequent dose reduc-
(Ferner & Chaplin 1987). However, this does not tion might be appropriate. Indeed, maintenance of
signify that the choice of drug is irrelevant in the high dosage could promote a secondary failure.
long term perspecti ve.
3.7 Primary and Secondary Failures of
3.6 B Cell Desensitisation by Continuous Sulphonylureas
Exposure to Sulphonylureas
It is well known that some NIDDM patients gain
A recent study (Karam et aI. 1986) showed that little or no blood glucose reduction during treat-
the insulin-releasing effect of a single injection of ment with sulphonylureas. One reason for such
tolbutamide disappeared during treatment with an- primary failures is an inappropriate indication, i.e.
other such drug (tolazamide) and reappeared after the patient has too little B cell capacity to secrete
withdrawal of the second sulphonylurea. This sug- insulin. Another, and probably more common,
gests that chronic, continuous exposure may de- cause is that the patient has not complied with diet
sensitise the B cell to sulphonylurea, in analogy with regulation (Bitzen et aI., unpublished data; Liu et
the desensitisation of any cell to continuous stimu- aI. 1985).
lation by an endogenous or exogenous agonist Some secondary failures may also relate to non-
(Karam et aI. 1986). It is of interest in this context compliance with diet regulation, e.g. in situations
that sulphonylureas in high concentrations inhibit where the patient has maintained a hypocaloric diet
insulin biosynthesis in vitro- (Andersson & Borg regulation for some time during sulphonylurea
1980). therapy but does not continue this dietary regimen.
This also suggests that the insulintropic effect Another cause of secondary failures could be
of sulphonylureas might be best maintained during chronic, continuous exposure at high dosage, as
long term therapy if the dosage promotes a dis- suggested above.
continuous exposure, i.e. if the plasma drug con- Perhaps the most common cause of both pri-
centration falls below the threshold level during mary and secondary failures is that the drugs are
(part ot) the night. In a long term study, the im- not introduced until the disease is advanced. On
provement of acute insulin release caused by a average, the rate of secondary failures is about 5
single dose of glipizide was maintained for a pro- to 10% per year (Gerich 1985; Shen & Bressler
longed period in subjects whose sulphonylureas ex- 1977).
posure was discontinuous (~ 10mg once daily), but
it was attenuated in subjects with continuous ex- 4. Adverse Effects of Sulphonylureas
posure (~ 20mg in divided doses) [Bitzen et aI.,
unpublished data] . It must be emphasised, how- The frequency of adverse effects is low, and they
ever, that this difference could also relate to dif- are mostly mild and reversible upon withdrawal of
ferences in the severity of NIDDM. the drug. Adverse effects include nausea , dizziness ,
On the other hand, an increase in the dosage of headache, alcohol intolerance (mainly with chlor-
g1ipizide from 15 to 25mg may impair rather than propamide), water retention and hyponatraemia
improve glucose control (WAhlin-BolI et aI. 1982b), (mainly with chlorpropamide), allergic reactions
suggesting the possibility of desensitisation at high (mostly urticaria and erythema), agranulocytosis
and continuous exposure to sulphonylureas. These and thrombocytopenia, icterus , and hypoglycae-
findings indicate that such treatment may be most mia (Jackson & Bressler 1981). The inference that
efficacious in the long term if performed with fast sulphonylureas may enhance cardiovascular mor-
and short acting drugs in low and/or once-daily tality (University Group Diabetes Program 1970)
dosage. Moreover, it seems probable that, if high is apparently unfounded (see section 3.2).
Clinical Pharmacology of Sulphonylureas 67

4.1 Long Lasting Hypoglycaemia be more severe than those evoked by chlorpropam-
ide. A retrospective study reviewed all serious cases
The most serious adverse effect of sulphonylu- of sulphonylurea-associated hypoglycaemia re-
reas is long lasting hypoglycaemia, which may lead ported to the Swedish Board of Health and Welfare
to permanent neurological damage and may even from 1975 to 1982 (Asplund et al. 1983). Of the 60
have a fatal outcome, at least in the elderly. It glibenclamide-associated cases, 24 were long last-
should also be emph asised that long lasting hypo- ing and severe, and 10 of these patients died. Of
glycaemia may be misdiagnosed as a cerebrovas- the 14 chlorpropamide-associated cases, 12 were
cular insult. In a review of almost 800 cases of long lasting but none was fatal. None of the few
hypoglycaemia, more than 200 were prolonged and cases associated with glipizide or tolbutamide was
hence severe. Most subjects had been taking chlor- long lasting, and none of the patients died.
propamide, a long acting sulphonylurea (Seltzer Normally , hypoglycaemia will promote release
1979). Of all hypoglycaemic patients referred to of counter-regulatory ho~ones such as adrenaline
hospitals, 10% died and 3% had permanent neu- and glucagon, whereby hepatic glucose output is
rological damage (Seltzer 1979). In another study, increased and the hypoglycaemia counteracted. It
12 of 14 reported chlorpropamide-induced hypo- follows that a long lasting hypoglycaemic reaction
glycaemic reactions were prolonged, but none of can occur only if there is sustained suppression of
these subjects died (Asplund et al. 1983). hepatic glucose output. In a recent study (Groop
et al. 1987b), glibenclamide was shown to cause a
4.1.1 Chlorpropamide 50% greater suppression of hepatic glucose output
A probable reason for the ability of chlorpro-
than glipizide, at similar plasma concentrations of
pamide to provoke long lasting hypoglycaemia is
the 2 compounds. This provides experimental sup-
that this drug disappears very slowly and hence ac-
port for the suggestion that treatment with gliben-
cumulates easily; its elimination half-life is ~ 36
clamide may be more liable to provoke long lasting
hours, as compared with about 8 hours for tolbut-
hypoglycaemia than is treatment with glipizide.
amide (Jackson & Bressler 1981). The very long
A recent Swiss study (Berger et al. 1986) also
half-life is a consequence of a slow and incomplete
suggests that long lasting, severe hypoglycaemia is
metabolic degradatio n in conjunction with slow
renal excretion of the unchanged compound. AI- more common after glibenclamide and chlorpro-
kalinisation of the urine accelerates the elimination pamide than after more short acting agents such as
of chlorpropamide because this increases the ion- glipizide, glibornuride and tolbutamide. In the
ised fraction (Neuvo nen & Karkkainen 1983). treatment of hypoglycaemia it may be noted that,
in contrast to effects on chlorpropamide (Neuvo-
4.1.2 Glibenclamide nen & Karkkainen 1983), urine alkalinisation can-
In most European and many other countries, not promote the elimination of glibenclamide and
glibenclamide has replaced chlorpropamide as the most other sulphonylureas, as they are metabolised
sulphonylurea drug most frequently employed in to a much greater extent (Ferner & Chaplin 1987).
clinical practice. It has also become the sulphonyl- All the patients with severe hypoglycaemia in
urea most commonly associated with long lasting the Swedish study were over the age of 75 years
and sometimes fatal hypoglycaemia. It is reason- (Asplund et al. 1983). In addition, most had a com-
able to suggest that this is at least in part due to plicating factor such as a drug interaction or acute
the widespread use of this potent drug. However, energy deprivation due to gastroenteritis (Asplund
glibenclamide may also be more likely than most et al. 1983). This argues for particular caution in
other sulphonylureas to provoke long lasting hypo- using sulphonylureas in the very old, especially in
glycaemia (Ferner & Neil 1988). Indeed, the hy- combination with other drugs. In fact one may en-
poglycaemic reactions following glibenclamide may tirely refrain from using sulphonylurea therapy in
Clinical Pharmacolog y of Sulphonylureas 68

this age segment, unless subjective symptomatic of appearance of drug in blood relative to the time
hyperglycaemia necessitates drug use. of meal intake may be more important than the
dose size; a dose of glibenclamide 2.5mg half an
5. Selection 0/ a Sulphonylurea hour before breakfast is more effective than 7.5mg
together with breakfast (Sartor et al. 1982). Glipi-
As stated previously, there is little or no evi- zide (Wahlin-Boll et al. 1980)and tolbutamide (Sil-
dence that one sulphonylurea has a higher clinical ins et .al. 1984) are also more effective when given
efficacy than another, at least not when dosage is half an hour before, rather than with, a meal. The
individualised according to the fasting glucose lev- efficacy of glipizide is highly dependent on its ab-
els. Tradition and the abundance of previous sorption rate (Bitzen et al. 1988b; Wahlin-Boll et
clinical experience should favour the older sul- al. 1982a), and the time to reach the threshold con-
phonylureas, and tolbutamide, the oldest one still centration correlates with the time to the nadir of
in use, also has an excellent safety record. The use blood glucose (Hartling et al. 1987b). These find-
of chlorpropamide might be discouraged, as it ings also emphasise the significance of developing
seems to carry the largest risk of adverse reactions. optimum biopharmaceutic formulations of sul-
If, on the other hand, it is assumed that the drug phonylureas (Arnqvist et al. 1983; Ferner & Chap-
with the highest potency will be most likely to at- lin 1987; Wahlin-Boll et al. I982a).
tain maximum clinical efficacy, glibenclamide or
glipizide should be selected. As there is little or no 6.2 Number of Daily Doses
difference in efficacy between these agents (Groop
et al. 1987a), either one could be used. However, By tradition, tolbutamide is usually admini-
if the safety aspect is included, glipizide may be stered in doses of 0.5 to lg 3 times daily; whether
favoured as it seems less likely than glibenclamide tolbutamide could be equally effective when given
to cause long lasting, and hence severe and even once or twice daily has not been studied. Two in-
fatal, hypoglycaemia. Moreover, if the concept of dependent studies suggest that once-daily and 3
discontinuous sulphonylurea exposure in long term times daily adm inistration of glipizide are thera-
treatment is adopted, glipizide would offer another peutically equivalent, provided the total daily dose
advantage as it is the most fast and short acting of is 7.5mg or more (Ostman et al. 1981; Wahlin-Boll
these drugs. et al. 1986). With such dosage regimens, an effec-
tive concentration is present for at least 16 hours
6. Sulphonylurea Dosage per day even with once-daily administration
6.1 Optimal Dosage and Time of (Wahlin-Boll et al. 1986).
Administration Glibenclamide has frequently been admini-
stered once daily. However, use of a divided dos-
The optimum daily dosage of the drug selected age regimen of this drug has been associated with
for treatment is difficult to define, as it is depend- slightly improved blood glucose control (Matsuda
ent on the degree of impairment of B cell function et al. 1983). The reason for this is obscure in view
before treatment, as well as the degree of compli- of the long duration of action of this drug.
ance with diet regulation. Furthermore, the dose-
response curve may be bell-shaped (Wahlin-Boll et 7. Drug Interactions
al. 1982b), and the steady-state concentrations of
several, if not all, sulphonylureas show a large Several drugs can interfere with the efficacy of
interindividual variation following standard doses sulphonylureas, by influencing either pharmaco-
(Ferner & Chaplin 1987; Melander et al. 1978; Sar- kinetics or pharmacodynamics, or both. Alcohol,
tor et al. I980a). aspirin, sulphonamides, trimethoprim and anti-
Moreover, the rate of absorption and the time cholinergic agents have all been involved in serious
Clinical Pharmacology of Sulphonylureas 69

instances of sulphonylurea-related hypoglycaemia ing sulphonylurea therapy can enhance meal-stim-

(Asplund et al. 1983). ulated insulin secretion and improve insulin action
Alcohol (ethanol) can cause hypoglycaemia in without an increase in basal insulin secretion, with-
itself, and can also prolong the hypoglycaemic ef- out chronic hyperinsulinaemia, and without weight
fect of sulphonylurea, as recently shown with glip- increase. These drugs may also be safer than long
izide (Hartling et al. 1987b). The significance of acting ones, since the latter may be more apt to
ethanol related sulphonylurea-hypoglycaemia is provoke long lasting, severe hypoglycaemia. This
emphasised by the fact that 80% of all severe cases is most likely to occur in the elderly and may be
with signs of irreversible brain damage were caused augmented by intercurrent illness, alcohol, aspirin
by sulphonylurea drugs and/or by excessive ethanol and some other drugs. Thiazides and ,a-blockers
intake (Seltzer 1979). should be avoided in patients receiving sulphonyl-
On the ,other hand, thiazides (Murphy et al. urea therapy, since such combinations may result
1982) and ,a-blockers (Zaman et al. 1982) may re- in diminished blood glucose lowering effects.
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