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Refraction of Light 1

F F

The bending of the ray of light passing from one medium to the other medium is called refraction.

Incident ray
i Rarer medium Denser medium

r 

Denser medium Refracted ray Rarer medium

Deviation  = (i – r) Deviation  = (r – i )

Snell’s law
The ratio of sine of the angle of incidence to the angle of refraction (r) is a constant called refractive index
sin i  sin i
i.e.   (a constant). For two media, Snell's law can be written as 1  2  2 
sin r  1 sin r
  1  sin i   2  sin r i.e.  sin   constant

Also in vector form : ˆi  nˆ  μ (rˆ  nˆ )

Refractive Index.
Refractive index of a medium is that characteristic which decides speed of light in it. It is a scalar, unit less
and dimensionless quantity.
(1) Types : It is of following two types

Absolute refractive index Relative refractive index

(i) When light travels from air to any transparent (i) When light travels from medium (1) to medium (2)
medium then R.I. of medium w.r.t. air is called it’s then R.I. of medium (2) w.r.t. medium (1) is called it’s
c  v
absolute R.I. i.e. air  medium  relative R.I. i.e. 1  2  2  1 (where v1 and v2 are the
v 1 v 2
speed of light in medium 1 and 2 respectively).
(ii) Some absolute R.I. (ii) Some relative R.I.
3 4 (a) When light enters from water to glass :
a  glass   1 . 5 , a water   1 . 33 g 3 / 2 9
2 3 w g   
w 4 / 3 8
a diamond  2 . 4 , a Cs 2  1 . 62
(b) When light enters from glass to diamond :
a  crown  1 . 52 ,  vacuum  1 ,  air  1 . 0003  1  D 2 .4 8
g D   
 g 1 .5 5
2 Refraction of Light

Note :  Cauchy’s equation :   A 2
  ...... ( Red   violet so  Red   violet ) 1
 4 

 2 1 v 1 1
 If a light ray travels from medium (1) to medium (2), then 1  2    
1  2 v 2 v
(2) Dependence of Refractive index
(i) Nature of the media of incidence and refraction.
(ii) Colour of light or wavelength of light.
(iii) Temperature of the media : Refractive index decreases with the increase in temperature.
(3) Principle of reversibility of light and refraction through several media :
Principle of reversibility Refraction through several media
Incident ray 1



1 2  1 2  2  3  3 1  1
2 1

Refraction Through a Glass Slab and Optical Path

(1) Lateral shift
The refracting surfaces of a glass slab are parallel to each other. When a light ray passes through a glass
slab it is refracted twice at the two parallel faces and finally emerges out
parallel to it's incident direction i.e. the ray undergoes no deviation  = 0.
The angle of emergence (e) is equal to the angle of incidence (i) rr 
t N
The Lateral shift of the ray is the perpendicular distance between the 
incident and the emergent ray, and it is given by MN = t sec r sin (i – r) M

Normal shift
 1
Normal shift OO '  x   1   t
  Glass
O O'
x slab
Or the object appears to be shifted towards the slab by the distance x


(2) Optical path :

Refraction of Light 3

It is defined as distance travelled by light in vacuum in the same time in which it travels a given path
length in a medium.
 Time taken by light ray to pass through the medium  ; where x =
Light c
geometrical path and x = optical path

1 2
Light For two medium in contact optical path = 1 x 1   2 x 2

x1 x2

Note :  Since for all media   1, so optical path length (x ) is always greater than the geometrical path
length (x).
Real and Apparent Depth.
If object and observer are situated in different medium then due to refraction, object appears to be
displaced from it’s real position. There are two possible conditions.

(1) When object is in denser medium and observer is (1) Object is in rarer medium and observer is in denser
in rarer medium medium.

O d
O h

h 
h O

Real depth h h'

(2)    ' (2)  
Apparent depth h h
Real depth >Apparent depth that's why a coin at the Real depth < Apparent depth that's why high flying
bottom of bucket (full of water) appears to be aeroplane appears to be higher than it's actual height.

 1 (3) d  (  1)h
(3) Shift d  h  h '   1   h
 

4 h h
(4) For water   d  (4) Shift for water d w 
3 4 3
3 h h
For glass   d  Shift for glass d g 
2 3 2

1 d1
Note :  If a beaker contains various immisible liquids as shown then 2 d2
3 d3
4 Refraction of Light

d1 d 2 d 3
Apparent depth of bottom     ....
1  2  3

d AC d  d 2  ..... 2 1  2
 combination =  1 (In case of two liquids if d 1  d 2 than   )
d App . d1 d 2 1   2
  ....
1  2

Total Internal Reflection.

When a ray of light goes from denser to rarer medium it bends away from the normal and as the angle of
incidence in denser medium increases, the angle of refraction in rarer medium also increases and at a certain
angle, angle of refraction becomes 90o, this angle of incidence is called critical angle (C).
When Angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle than light ray comes back in to the same medium after
reflection from interface. This phenomenon is called Total internal reflection (TIR).

Rarer r

Denser i  


Important formula μ  cosec C ; where   Rerer  Denser
sin C

Note :  When a light ray travels from denser to rarer medium, then deviation of the ray is
    2    max. when   min.  C 

i.e.  max  (  2 C ) ; C  critical angle  

(1) Dependence of critical angle

(i) Colour of light (or wavelength of light): Critical angle depends upon wavelength as    sin C

(a)  R   V  C R  C V
1   v
(b) Sin C   R  D  D (for two media) (c) For TIR from boundary of two media
R D  D R v R
i  sin 1
(ii) Nature of the pair of media: Greater the refractive index lesser will be the critical angle.
(a) For (glass- air) pair  C glass  42 o (b) For (water-air) pair  C water  49 o

(c) For (diamond-air) pair  C di amond  24 o

(iii) Temperature: With temperature rise refractive index of the material decreases therefore critical angle
Refraction of Light 5

(2) Examples of total internal reflection (TIR)

(i) Rarer
i>C Sky I
O i>C
Rarer O
I Desner
Earth Earth

Mirage : An optical illusion in deserts Looming : An optical illusion in cold countries

(ii) Brilliance of diamond : Due to repeated internal reflections diamond sparkles.

(iii) Optical fibre : Optical fibres consist of many long high quality composite glass/quartz fibres. Each
fibre consists of a core and cladding. The refractive index of the material of the core (1) is higher than that of
the cladding (2).
When the light is incident on one end of the fibre at a small angle, the light passes inside, undergoes
repeated total internal reflections along the fibre and finally comes out. The angle of incidence is always larger
than the critical angle of the core material with respect to its cladding. Even if the fibre is bent, the light can
easily travel through along the fibre
2 Cladding
A bundle of optical fibres can be used as a 'light pipe'
in medical and optical examination. It can also be used for
optical signal transmission. Optical fibres have also been 1

used for transmitting and receiving electrical signals which

are converted to light by suitable transducers.
(iv) Field of vision of fish (or swimmer) : A fish (diver) inside the water can see the whole world
through a cone with.
(a) Apex angle  2 C  98 o
(b) Radius of base r  h tan C 
2 1 C  >C
h 2
(c) Area of base A 
( 2  1)
9h 2
Note :  For water   4 so r 
and A  .
3 7 7
(v) Porro prism : A right angled isosceles prism, which is used in periscopes or binoculars. It is used to
deviate light rays through 90 o and 180 o and also to erect the image.
B A
90o A
45o 45o 45o
45o 45o
90o 45o 45o 45o
6 Refraction of Light


 In case of refraction of light frequency (and hence colour) and phase do not change (while wavelength and velocity will
 In the refraction intensity of incident light decreases at it goes from one medium to another medium.
 A transparent solid is invisible in a liquid of same refractive index (Because of No refraction).
 When a glass slab is kept over various coloured letters and seen from the top, the violet colour letters appears closer

(Because v   R so  V   R and from   ' if  increases then h' decreases i.e. Letter appears to be closer)

 Water drop in air and air bubble in water behaves as a lens.

Ai Water Ai Water Water

r r Ai

Like convex lens Like concave lens

Example: 1 A beam of monochromatic blue light of wavelength 4200 Å in air travels in water (  4 / 3) . Its
wavelength in water will be
(a) 2800 Å (b) 5600 Å (c) 3150 Å (d) 4000 Å
1   1 2
Solution: (c)   1  2     2  3150 Å
  2 1 4 4200
Example: 2 On a glass plate a light wave is incident at an angle of 60o. If the reflected and the refracted waves are
mutually perpendicular, the refractive index of material is

3 3 1
(a) (b) 3 (c) (d)
2 2 3

Solution: (b) From figure r  30 o

60 60
sin i sin 60 o ° °
    3 90
sin r sin 30 o r °

Example: 3 Velocity of light in glass whose refractive index with respect to air is 1.5 is 2 × 10 8 m / s and in certain
liquid the velocity of light found to be 2 .50  10 8 m / s . The refractive index of the liquid with respect to air

(a) 0.64 (b) 0.80 (c) 1.20 (d) 1.44

1  li v g  2  10 8
Solution: (c)     l    l  1 .2
v g vl 1 . 5 2 . 5  10 8
Refraction of Light 7

Example: 4 A ray of light passes through four transparent media with refractive indices  1 . 2 ,  3 , and  4 as shown in
the figure. The surfaces of all media are parallel. If the emergent ray CD is parallel to the incident ray AB,
we must have
(a) 1   2 D
1 2 3 4
(b)  2   3
(c)  3   4
(d)  4   1
Solution: (d) For successive refraction through difference media  sin   constant.

Here as  is same in the two extreme media. Hence 1   4

Example: 5 A ray of light is incident at the glass–water interface at an angle i, it emerges finally parallel to the surface
of water, then the value of  g would be

(a) (4/3) sin i r w=4/3

(b) 1/ sin i r

(c) 4/ 3 Glass
(d) 1 i

sin i sin r
Solution: (b) For glass water interface g   ......(i) and For water-air interface  a  .....(ii)
sin r sin 90
 g     a  sin i  g 
sin i
Example: 6 The ratio of thickness of plates of two transparent mediums A and B is 6 : 4. If light takes equal time in
passing through them, then refractive index of B with respect to A will be
(a) 1.4 (b) 1.5 (c) 1.75 (d) 1.33
Solution: (b) By using t 
B x 6 3
  A   AB   1 .5
A xB 4 2

Example: 7 A ray of light passes from vacuum into a medium of refractive index , the angle of incidence is found to
be twice the angle of refraction. Then the angle of incidence is
(a) cos 1  / 2  (b) 2 cos 1  / 2  (c) 2 sin 1   (d) 2 sin 1  / 2 

sin i sin 2r 2 sin r cos r

Solution: (b) By using      ( sin 2  2 sin  cos  )
sin r sin r sin r
 
 r  cos 1   . So, i  2r  2 cos 1   .
2 2
Example: 8 A ray of light falls on the surface of a spherical glass paper weight making an angle  with the normal and
is refracted in the medium at an angle  . The angle of deviation of the emergent ray from the direction of
the incident ray is
(a)     (b) 2     (c)     / 2 (d)    

Solution: (b) From figure it is clear that OBC is an isosceles triangle,

8 Refraction of Light

Hence OCB   and emergent angle is 

Also sum of two in terior angles = exterior angle B  –  – C
  

   (   )       2   

Example: 9 A rectangular slab of refractive index  is placed over another slab of refractive index 3, both slabs being
identical in dimensions. If a coin is placed below the lower slab, for what value of  will the coin appear to
be placed at the interface between the slabs when viewed from the top
(a) 1.8 (b) 2 (c) 1.5 (d) 2.5
x x
Solution: (c) Apparent depth of coin as seen from top   x
1  2
2 =  x
1 1 1 1
  1    1    1 .5
1  2 3  1 = 3 x

Example: 10 A coin is kept at bottom of an empty beaker. A travelling microscope is focussed on the coin from top, now
water is poured in beaker up to a height of 10 cm. By what distance and in which direction should the
microscope be moved to bring the coin again in focus
(a) 10 cm up ward (b) 10 cm down ward (c) 2.5 cm up wards (d) 2.5 cm down wards
h 10
Solution: (c) When water is poured in the beaker. Coin appears to shift by a distance d    2 . 5 cm
4 4
Hence to bring the coil again in focus, the microscope should be moved by 2.5 cm in upward direction.
 4
Example: 11 Consider the situation shown in figure. Water   w   is filled in a breaker upto a height of 10 cm. A
 3
plane mirror fixed at a height of 5 cm from the surface of water. Distance of image from the mirror after
reflection from it of an object O at the bottom of the beaker is
(a) 15 cm (b) 12.5 cm (c) 7.5 cm (d) 10 cm
Solution: (b) From figure it is clear that object appears to be raised by cm 2 . 5 cm 
4 5 cm
Hence distance between mirror and O '  5  7 . 5  12 . 5 cm
10 cm
So final image will be formed at 12.5 cm behind the plane mirror. 10 O'
4 O
Example: 12 The wavelength of light in two liquids 'x' and 'y' is 3500 Å and 7000 Å, then the critical angle of x relative to y
will be
(a) 60o (b) 45o (c) 30o (d) 15o
 2 1 3500 1
Solution: (c) sin C      C  30 o
 1  2 7000 2
Example: 13 A light ray from air is incident (as shown in figure) at one end of a glass fiber (refractive index  = 1.5)
making an incidence angle of 60o on the lateral surface, so that it undergoes a total internal reflection.
How much time would it take to traverse the straight fiber of length 1 km
(a) 3.33  sec
Air 60o
(b) 6.67  sec Glass
(c) 5.77  sec
Refraction of Light 9

(d) 3.85  sec

Solution: (d) When total internal reflection just takes place from lateral surface then i = C i.e. C = 60o
1 1 2
From     
sin C sin 60 3


 1  10 3 
Hence time taken by light traverse some distance in medium t   t  3 . 85  sec .
C 3  10 8
Example: 14 A glass prism of refractive index 1.5 is immersed in water (  4 / 3) . A light beam incident normally on
the face AB is totally reflected to reach the face BC if

(a) sin   8 / 9 B A

(b) 2 / 3  sin   8 / 9
(c) sin   2 / 3
(d) cos   8 / 9
Solution: (a) From figure it is clear that
Total internal reflection takes place at AC, only if  > C
1 
 sin   sin C  sin   
 g

1 8
 sin    sin   C
9/8 9
Example: 15 When light is incident on a medium at angle i and refracted into a second medium at an angle r, the graph
of sin i vs sin r is as shown in the graph. From this, one can conclude that
(a) Velocity of light in the second medium is 1.73 times the velocity of light in the I medium
(b) Velocity of light in the I medium is 1.73 times the velocity in the
II medium
sin r
(c) The critical angle for the two media is given by sin ic 
1 sin i
(d) sin ic 
sin r 1  2 v1
Solution: (b, c) From graph tan 30 o    1 2  3    1 . 73  v 1  1 . 75 v 2
sin i 1  2 1 v 2
1 1 1 1
Also from    sin C   sin C   .
sin C 
Rarer Denser 
1 2 3
Example: 16 A beam of light consisting of red, green and blue colours is incident on a right angled prism. The refractive
indices of the material of the prism for the above red, green and blue wavelength are 1.39, 1.44 and 1.47
respectively. The prism will

(a) Separate part of red colour from the green and the blue colours
(b) Separate part of the blue colour from the red and green colours
(c) Separate all the colours from one another
(d) Not separate even partially any colour from the other two
10 Refraction of Light
Solution: (a) At face AB, i = 0 so r = 0, i.e., no refraction will take place. So light will be incident on face AC at an angle
of incidence of 45o. The face AC will not transmit the light for which i   C , i.e., sin i  sin  C
or sin 45 o  1 /   i.e.,   2 ( 1 . 41)

Now as  R   while  G and  B   , so red will be transmitted through the

face AC while green and blue will be reflected. So the prism will separate red
colour from green and blue. B C
Example: 17 An air bubble in a glass slab   1 . 5  is 6 cm deep when viewed from one
face and 4 cm deep when viewed from the opposite face. The thickness of the glass plate is
(a) 10 cm (b) 6.67 cm (c) 15 cm (d) None of these
Solution: (c) Let thickness of slab be t and distance of air bubble from one side is x
6 cm 4 cm
When viewed from side (1) : 1 . 5   x  9 cm

When viewed from side (2) : 1 . 5 

(t  x )
 1 .5 
t  9   t  15 cm Side 1 x
Side 2
4 4 t

Tricky example: 1

One face of a rectangular glass plate 6 cm thick is silvered. An object held 8 cm in front of the first
face, forms an image 12 cm behind the silvered face. The refractive index of the glass is
(a) 0.4 (b) 0.8 (c) 1.2 (d) 1.6
Solution : (c) From figure thickness of glass plate t = 6 cm. x

Let x be the apparent position of the silvered surface.

According to property of plane mirror
Object Image
x + 8 = 12 + 6 – x  x = 5 cm

t 6 8 cm 12 cm
Also     1 .2
x 5
12 +(6–x)
Tricky example: 2

A ray of light is incident on a glass sphere of refractive index 3/2. What should be the angle of
incidence so that the ray which enters the sphere doesn't come out of the sphere

2 2 1

(a) tan 1   (b) sin 1   (c) 90o (d) cos 1  
3 3 3

Solution : (c) Ray doesn't come out from the sphere means TIR takes place.
Hence from figure ABO  OAB  C i
1 1 2 O
   sin C  
sin C  3

sin i 3 3 3 2
Applying Snell's Law at A   sin i  sin C    1  i  90 o
sin C 2 2 2 3
Refraction of Light 11

Tricky example: 3

The image of point P when viewed from top of the slabs will be
(a) 2.0 cm above P (b) 1.5 cm above P (c) 2.0 cm below P (d) 1 cm above P
Solution: (d) The two slabs will shift the image a distance

1.5 cm
 1  1 
d  2  1   t  2  1   1 . 5   1 cm 1.5 cm
   1 .5  1.5 cm
2.0 cm
Therefore, final image will be 1 cm above point P. P

Refraction From Curved Surface.

1 2 1 2

 1  Refractive index of the medium from which light rays are coming (from object).

 2  Refractive index of the medium in which light rays are entering.

u = Distance of object, v = Distance of image, R = Radius of curvature

 2  1  2 1
Refraction formula :   (use sign convention while solving the problem)
R v u

Note:  Real image forms on the side of a refracting surface that is opposite to the object, and virtual
image forms on the same side as the object.
I  v
 Lateral (Transverse) magnification m   1 .
O  2u
Specific Example
In a thin spherical fish bowl of radius 10 cm filled with water of refractive index 4/3 there is a small fish at a distance
of 4 cm from the centre C as shown in figure. Where will the image of fish appears, if seen from E
(a) 5.2 cm (b) 7.2 cm (c) 4.2 cm (d) 3.2 cm
 2 1   1
Solution : (a) By using   2
v u R
where 1  ,  2  1, u  6 cm , v = ?
3 4 cm

On putting values v  5 . 2 cm
12 Refraction of Light

Lens is a transparent medium bounded by two refracting surfaces, such that at least one surface is
(1) Type of lenses

Convex lens (Converges the light rays) Concave lens (Diverges the light rays)

Double convex Plano convex Concavo convex Double concave Plane concave Convexo concave
Thick at middle Thin at middle
It forms real and virtual images both It forms only virtual images

(2) Some definitions

Optical axis

C1, C2 – Centre of curvature,

C2 C1 C1 C2 R1, R2 – Radii of curvature

– R2 +R1 – R1 +R2

(i) Optical centre (O) : A point for a given lens through which light ray passes undeviated (Light ray
passes undeviated through optical centre).
(ii) Principle focus
First principle focus Second principle focus

F1 F1 F2 F2

Note :  Second principle focus is the principle focus of the lens.

 When medium on two sides of lens is same then | F1 | | F2 | .
f1 
 If medium on two sides of lens are not same then the ratio of two focal lengths  1
f2  2

1 2
Refraction of Light 13

(iii) Focal length (f) : Distance of second principle focus from optical centre is called focal length
fconvex  positive, fconcave  negative, fplane  

(iv) Aperture : Effective diameter of light transmitting area is called aperture.

Intensity of image  (Aperture) 2
(v) Power of lens (P) : Means the ability of a lens to converge the light rays. Unit of power is Diopter
1 100
P  ; Pconvex  positive, Pconcave  negative, Pplane  zero .
f (m ) f (cm )

Note :  Thick lens Thin lens

PfR Pf R

(3) Image formation by lens

Lens Location of Location of the Nature of image

the object image
Magnificatio Real Erect
n virtual inverted
Convex At infinity At focus i.e. v  f m 1 Real Inverted
i.e. u   diminished

Away from 2f Between f and 2f m 1 Real Inverted

i.e. f  v  2 f diminished
i.e. (u  2 f )

At 2f or (u  2 f ) At 2f i.e. (v  2 f ) m 1 Real Inverted

same size
Between f and 2f Away from 2f i.e. m 1 Real Inverted
i.e. f  u  2 f (v  2 f ) magnified
2f f f 2f
At focus At infinity i.e. v   m Real Inverted
i.e. u  f magnified
Between optical At a distance m 1 Virtual Erect
centre and greater than that of magnified
focus, u  f object v  u

Concave At infinity At focus i.e. v = f m 1 Virtual Erect

i.e. u   diminished
Anywhere Between optical m 1 Virtual Erect
between infinity centre and focus diminished
and optical

Note :  Minimum distance between an object and it’s real image formed by a convex lens is 4f.
 Maximum image distance for concave lens is it’s focal length.
14 Refraction of Light

(4) Lens maker’s formula

1  1 1 
The relation between f, , R1 and R2 is known as lens maker’s formula and it is  (  1)  
f  R1 R 2 

Equiconvex lens Plano convex lens Equi concave lens Plano concave lens
R1  R and R 2   R R 1  , R 2   R R1   R , R 2   R R1   , R 2  R

f  f  f  f 
2(  1) (  1) 2(  1) 2(  1)

for   1 . 5 , f  R for   1 . 5 , f  2 R for   1 . 5 f   R for   1 . 5, f  2 R

(5) Lens in a liquid

Focal length of a lens in a liquid ( fl ) can be determined by the following formula

fl ( a μ g  1)
 (Lens is supposed to be made of glass).
fa ( l μ g  1)

Note :  Focal length of a glass lens (  1 .5) is f in air then inside the water it’s focal length is 4f.
 In liquids focal length of lens increases () and it’s power decreases ().
(6) Opposite behaviour of a lens
In general refractive index of lens ( L )  refractive index of medium surrounding it ( M ) .

L > M L < M L = M

(7) Lens formula and magnification of lens

1 1 1
(i) Lens formula :   ; (use sign convention)
f v u
(ii) Magnification : The ratio of the size of the image to the size of object is called magnification.
I v f f v
(a) Transverse magnification : m     (use sign convention while solving the
O u f u f
Refraction of Light 15

I v 2  v1
(b) Longitudinal magnification: m  . For very small object
O u 2  u1
2 2 2
dv  v   f   f v
m         
du  u   f u  f 
Ai  f 
(c) Areal magnification: m s   m 2    , (Ai = Area of image, Ao = Area of object)
Ao  f u
(8) Relation between object and image speed
If an object move with constant speed (Vo ) towards a convex lens from infinity to focus, the image will
 f 
move slower in the beginning and then faster. Also Vi    . Vo
 f u
(9) Focal length of convex lens by displacement method
(i) For two different positions of lens two images (I1 and I 2 ) of an object is formed at the same location.

D2  x 2 x x
(ii) Focal length of the lens f  
4D m1  m 2 Object

I1 I I2
where m 1  and m 2  2
O O D > 4f I1

(iii) Size of object O  I1 . I 2 Screen

(10) Cutting of lens

(i) A symmetric lens is cut along optical axis in two equal parts. Intensity of image formed by each part
will be same as that of complete lens.
(ii) A symmetric lens is cut along principle axis in two equal parts. Intensity of image formed by each part
will be less compared as that of complete lens.(aperture of each part is times that of complete lens)

f, P

2f 2f f, P
f, P P/2 P/2

(11) Combination of lens

(i) For a system of lenses, the net power, net focal length and magnification given as follows:
1 1 1 1
P  P1  P2  P3 .......... ,     .......... . , m  m 1  m 2  m 3  .......... ..
F f1 f2 f3
(ii) In case when two thin lens are in contact : Combination will behave as a lens, which have more power
or lesser focal length.
16 Refraction of Light

1 1 1 f1 f2
   F and P  P1  P2
F f1 f2 f1  f2
(iii) If two lens of equal focal length but of opposite nature are in contact then combination will behave as
a plane glass plate and Fcombinatio n  
(iv) When two lenses are placed co-axially at a distance d from each other then equivalent focal length (F).

f1 f2

1 1 1 d
   and P  P1  P2  dP1 P2
F f1 f2 f1 f2

(v) Combination of parts of a lens:

 and
F = f/2
f F =f F=f

(12) Silvering of lens

On silvering the surface of the lens it behaves as a mirror. The focal length of the silvered lens is
1 2 1
 
F fl fm

where fl  focal length of lens from which refraction takes place (twice)

fm  focal length of mirror from which reflection takes place.

(i) Plano convex is silvered

 +  +

F fl fm F fl fm

fm  , fl  so F  fm  , fl  so F 
2 (  1) 2 (  1) 2 (  1)
(ii) Double convex lens is silvered

R R  +
Since fl  , fm 
2 (  1) 2
F fl fm
Refraction of Light 17

So F 
2 (2   1)

Note :  Similar results can be obtained for concave lenses.

(13) Defects in lens
(i) Chromatic aberration : Image of a white object is coloured and blurred because  (hence f) of lens
is different for different colours. This defect is called chromatic aberration.

Real Violet
White  V   R so fR  fV
light FV FR
Mathematically chromatic aberration = f R  f V  ωfy

 = Dispersion power of lens.
fy = Focal length for mean colour  f R fV
Removal : To remove this defect i.e. for Achromatism we use two or more lenses in contact in place of single
1  2
Mathematically condition of Achromatism is :   0 or  1 f2   2 f1
f1 f2
Note :  Component lenses of an achromatic doublet cemented by canada blasam because it is
transparent and has a refractive index almost equal to the refractive of the glass.
(ii) Spherical aberration : Inability of a lens to form the point image of a point object on the axis is
called Spherical aberration.
In this defect all the rays passing through a lens are not focussed at a single point and the image of a point
object on the axis is blurred.
Marginal rays

Paraxial ray F F F F

Removal : A simple method to reduce spherical aberration is to use a stop before and infront of the lens.
(but this method reduces the intensity of the image as most of the light is cut off). Also by using plano-convex
lens, using two lenses separated by distance d = F – F ', using crossed lens.
Note :  Marginal rays : The rays farthest from the principal axis.
Paraxial rays : The rays close to the principal axis.
 Spherical aberration can be reduced by either stopping paraxial rays or marginal rays, which can
be done by using a circular annular mask over the lens.
 Parabolic mirrors are free from spherical aberration.
(iii) Coma : When the point object is placed away from the principle axis and the image is received on a
screen perpendicular to the axis, the shape of the image is like a comet. This defect is called Coma.
It refers to spreading of a point object in a plane  to principle axis.
18 Refraction of Light

Image of P


Removal : It can be reduced by properly designing radii of curvature of the lens surfaces. It can also be
reduced by appropriate stops placed at appropriate distances from the lens.
(iv) Curvature : For a point object placed off the axis, the image is spread both along and perpendicular
to the principal axis. The best image is, in general, obtained not on a plane but on a curved surface. This defect
is known as Curvature.
Removal : Astigmatism or the curvature may be reduced by using proper stops placed at proper
locations along the axis.
(v) Distortion : When extended objects are imaged, different portions of the object are in general at
different distances from the axis. The magnification is not the same for all portions of the extended object. As a
result a line object is not imaged into a line but into a curve.

Object Distorted images

(vi) Astigmatism : The spreading of image (of a point object placed away from the principal axis) along
the principal axis is called Astigmatism.
 If a sphere of radius R made of material of refractive index  2 is placed in a medium of refractive index 1 , Then if the
 1 
object is placed at a distance   R from the pole, the real image formed is equidistant from the sphere.

  2  1 
1 2

O P1 P2 I

x 2x x

 The lens doublets used in telescope are achromatic for blue and red colours, while these used in camera are achromatic for
violet and green colours. The reason for this is that our eye is most sensitive between blue and red colours, while the
photographic plates are most sensitive between violet and green colours. 1
 Position of optical centre 2
Equiconvex and equiconcave Exactly at centre of lens 3
Convexo-concave and concavo-convex Outside the glass position
Plano convex and plano concave On the pole of curved surface
Refraction of Light 19

 Composite lens : If a lens is made of several materials then

Number of images formed = Number of materials used
Here no. of images = 5

Example: 18 A thin lens focal length f1 and its aperture has diameter d. It forms an image of intensity I. Now the
central part of the aperture upto diameter d/2 is blocked by an opaque paper. The focal length and image
intensity will change to
f I I 3f I 3I
(a) and (b) f and (c) and (d) and
2 2 4 4 2 4
d 1  d 2 
Solution: (d) Centre part of the aperture up to diameter th area is blocked  A 
is blocked i.e. . Hence
2 4  4 

3 I A 3 3
remaining area A   A . Also, we know that intensity  Area     I  I .
4 I A 4 4
Focal length doesn't depend upon aperture.
Example: 19 The power of a thin convex lens (a  g  1 . 5) is + 5.0 D. When it is placed in a liquid of refractive index
a l , then it behaves as a concave lens of local length 100 cm. The refractive index of the liquid a l will
(a) 5 / 3 (b) 4 / 3 (c) 3 (d) 5 / 4
fl a g 1 g 1 .5 1 1
Solution: (a) By using  ; where l g   and fa   m  20 cm
fa l g  1 l l P 5
100 1 .5  1
   l  5 / 3
20 1 .5
Example: 20 A double convex lens made of a material of refractive index 1.5 and having a focal length of 10 cm is
immersed in liquid of refractive index 3.0. The lens will behave as
(a) Diverging lens of focal length 10 cm (b) Diverging lens of focal length 10 / 3 cm
(c) Converging lens of focal length 10 / 3 cm (d) Converging lens of focal length 30 cm
fl a g 1fl 1 .5  1
Solution: (a) By using    fl  10 cm (i.e. diverging lens)
fa l g  1  10 1 .5
Example: 21 Figure given below shows a beam of light converging at point P. When a concave lens of focal length 16 cm
is introduced in the path of the beam at a place O shown by dotted line such that OP becomes the axis of
the lens, the beam converges at a distance x from the lens. The value x will be equal to

(a) 12 cm
(b) 24 cm P

(c) 36 cm O 12 cm

(d) 48 cm
Solution: (d) From the figure shown it is clear that
For lens : u = 12 cm and v = x = ?
20 Refraction of Light

1 1 1
By using  
f v u
P' P
1 1 1
    x = 48 cm.
 16 x  12 x

Example: 22 A convex lens of focal length 40 cm is an contact with a concave lens of focal length 25 cm. The power of
combination is
(a) – 1.5 D (b) – 6.5 D (c) + 6.5 D (d) + 6.67 D
1 1 1 1 1 1
Solution: (a) By using     
F f1 f2 F  40  25

200 100 100

 F cm , hence P   1 . 5 D
3 f (cm )  200 / 3
Example: 23 A combination of two thin lenses with focal lengths f1 and f2 respectively forms an image of distant
object at distance 60 cm when lenses are in contact. The position of this image shifts by 30 cm towards
the combination when two lenses are separated by 10 cm. The corresponding values of f1 and f2 are

(a) 30 cm, – 60 cm (b) 20 cm, – 30 cm (c) 15 cm, – 20 cm (d) 12 cm, – 15 cm

Solution: (b) Initially F  60 cm (Focal length of combination)

1 1 1 1 1 1 f1 f2
Hence by using       ......(i)
F f1 f2 f1 f2 60 f1  f2

1 1 1 d 1 1 1 10
Finally by using    where F   30 cm and d = 10 cm     ......(ii)
F  f1 f2 f1 f2 30 f1 f2 f1 f2

From equations (i) and (ii) f1 f2   600 .

From equation (i) f1  f2  10 …..(iii)

Also, difference of focal lengths can written as f1  f2  ( f1  f2 ) 2  4 f1 f2  f1  f2  50 …..(iv)

From (iii)  (iv) f1  20 and f2  30

Example: 24 A thin double convex lens has radii of curvature each of magnitude 40 cm and is made of glass with
refractive index 1.65. Its focal length is nearly
(a) 20 cm (b) 31 cm (c) 35 cm (d) 50 cm
R 40
Solution: (b) By using f   f   30 . 7 cm  31 cm .
2  1  21 . 65  1 

Example: 25 A spherical surface of radius of curvature R separates air (refractive index 1.0) from glass (refractive index
1.5). The centre of curvature is in the glass. A point object P placed in air is found to have a real image Q in
the glass. The line PQ cuts the surface at a point O and PO  OQ . The distance PO is equal to

(a) 5 R (b) 3 R (c) 2 R (d) 1.5 R

 2 1   1
Solution: (a) By using   2
v u R
Refraction of Light 21

Where  1  1,  2  1 . 5, u = – OP, v = OQ
1 .5 1 1 .5  1 1 .5 1 0 .5
Hence     
OQ  OP  R  OP OP R

 OP = 5 R
Example: 26 The distance between an object and the screen is 100 cm. A lens produces an image on the screen when
placed at either of the positions 40 cm apart. The power of the lens is
(a) 3 D (b) 5 D (c) 7 D (d) 9 D
2 2 2 2
D x 100  40
Solution: (b) By using f   f   21 cm
4D 4  100
100 100
Hence power P     5D
F cm  21
Example: 27 Shown in figure here is a convergent lens placed inside a cell filled with a liquid. The lens has focal length
+20 cm when in air and its material has refractive index 1.50. If the liquid has refractive index 1.60, the
focal length of the system is

(a) + 80 cm
(b) – 80 cm Lens

(c) – 24 cm
(d) – 100 cm
1 1 1  3
Solution: (d) Here  1 . 6  1     .......(i)
f1   20  100
1  1 1  1
 1 . 5  1     .......(ii)  + +
f2  20  20  20
1  1 1 3
 1 . 6  1     .......(iii) f1 f2 f3
f3   20   100 F

1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3
By using         F   100 cm
F f1 f2 f3 F 100 20 100
Example: 28 A concave lens of focal length 20 cm placed in contact with a plane mirror acts as a
(a) Convex mirror of focal length 10 cm (b) Concave mirror of focal length 40 cm
(c) Concave mirror of focal length 60 cm (d) Concave mirror of focal length 10 cm
1 2 1
Solution: (a) By using  
F fl fm
 +
fl 20
Since fm    F    10 cm
2 2
(After silvering concave lens behave as convex mirror) F Fe Fm
Example: 29 A candle placed 25 cm from a lens, forms an image on a screen placed 75 cm on the other end of the lens.
The focal length and type of the lens should be
(a) + 18.75 cm and convex lens (b) – 18.75 cm and concave lens
(c) + 20.25 cm and convex lens (d) – 20.25 cm and concave lens
Solution: (a) In concave lens, image is always formed on the same side of the object. Hence the given lens is a convex
lens for which u = – 25 cm, v = 75 cm.
22 Refraction of Light

1 1 1 1 1 1
By using       f = + 18.75 cm.
f v u f  75   25 
Example: 30 A convex lens forms a real image of an object for its two different positions on a screen. If height of the
image in both the cases be 8 cm and 2 cm, then height of the object is
(a) 16 cm (b) 8 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 2 cm
Solution: (c) By using O  I1 I 2  O  8  2  4 cm
Example: 31 A convex lens produces a real image m times the size of the object. What will be the distance of the object
from the lens
m 1 m 1 m 1
(a)  f (b) (m  1) f (c)  f (d)
 m   m  f

f  f  1 f u
u m 1
Solution: (a) By using m  here  m     u   . f
f u  f   u m f f  m 
Example: 32 An air bubble in a glass sphere having 4 cm diameter appears 1 cm from surface nearest to eye when
looked along diameter. If a  g  1 .5 , the distance of bubble from refracting surface is
(a) 1.2 cm (b) 3.2 cm (c) 2.8 cm (d) 1.6 cm
Solution: (a) By using
 2 1   1
  2 1=1.5
v u R
where u = ? , v = – 1 cm,  1  1 . 5 ,  2  1 , R = – 2 cm. C
1 1 .5 1  1 .5 6
   u    1 . 2 cm . v =1cm
1 u  2  5 R = 2cm

Example: 33 The sun's diameter is 1 .4  10 9 m and its distance from the earth is 10 11 m . The diameter of its image,
formed by a convex lens of focal length 2m will be
(a) 0.7 cm (b) 1.4 cm (c) 2.8 cm (d) Zero (i.e. point image)
Solution: (c) From figure f
D 10 11 2  1 . 4  10 9
  d   2 . 8 cm . (D) 
d 2 10 11  (d)
1011 m

Example: 34 Two point light sources are 24 cm apart. Where should a convex lens of focal length 9 cm be put in
between them from one source so that the images of both the sources are formed at the same place
(a) 6 cm (b) 9 cm (c) 12 cm (d) 15 cm
Solution: (a) The given condition will be satisfied only if one source (S1) placed on one side such that u < f (i.e. it lies
under the focus). The other source (S2) is placed on the other side of the lens such that u > f (i.e. it lies
beyond the focus).
1 1 1 1 1 1
If S 1 is the object for lens then      ........(i)
f y x y x f

I1 S1 S2

x (24 –
24 cm 4)
Refraction of Light 23

1 1 1 1 1 1
If S 2 is the object for lens then      ........(ii)
f  y  (24  x ) y f (24  x )
From equation (i) and (ii)
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
        x 2  24 x  108  0
x f f (24  x ) x (24  x ) f 9
On solving the equation x  18 cm , 6 cm

Example: 35 There is an equiconvex glass lens with radius of each face as R and a g  3 / 2 and a w  4 / 3 . If there
is water in object space and air in image space, then the focal length is
(a) 2R (b) R (c) 3 R/2 (d) R 2
Solution: (c) Consider the refraction of the first surface i.e. refraction from rarer medium to denser medium
3 4 4 3
  
 2  1   2 3 3
 1  2    2  v1  9 R
R  u v1 R  v1
I I1
Now consider the refraction at the second surface of the lens i.e.
refraction from denser medium to rarer medium Water Air

3 3
2   2  1  v   3  R
R 9R v2 2
The image will be formed at a distance do R . This is equal to the focal length of the lens.
Tricky example: 4

A luminous object is placed at a distance of 30 cm from the convex lens of focal length 20 cm. On
the other side of the lens. At what distance from the lens a convex mirror of radius of curvature 10
cm be placed in order to have an upright image of the object coincident with it
[CBSE PMT 1998; JIPMER 2001, 2002]

(a) 12 cm (b) 30 cm (c) 50 cm (d) 60 cm

1 1 1 1 1 1
Solution : (c) For lens u  30 cm , f  20 cm , hence by using       v  60 cm
f v u  20 v  30

The final image will coincide the object, if light ray falls normally
on convex mirror as shown. From figure it is seen clear that
reparation between lens and mirror is 60 – 10 = 50 cm.
30 cm 10 cm
60 cm
Tricky example: 5

A convex lens of local length 30 cm and a concave lens of 10 cm focal length are placed so as to have
the same axis. If a parallel beam of light falling on convex lens leaves concave lens as a parallel
beam, then the distance between two lenses will be
(a) 40 cm (b) 30 cm (c) 20 cm (d) 10 cm

Solution : (c) According to figure the combination behaves as plane glass plate (i.e., F= )
24 Refraction of Light

1 1 1 d
Hence by using   
F f1 f2 f1 f2

1 1 1 d
     d = 20 cm
  30  10 30  10 

Prism is a transparent medium bounded by refracting surfaces, such that the incident surface (on which
light ray is incidenting) and emergent surface (from which light rays emerges) are plane and non parallel.
Commonly used prism :

Equilateral prism Right angle prism Right angled isosceles


(1) Refraction through a prism

A A  r1  r2 and i  e  A  
A i – Angle of incidence, e – Angle of emergence,

e sin i A – Angle of prism or refracting angle of
For surface AC   ;
i r1 r2
sin r1 prism,
r1 and r2 – Angle of refraction,
 sin r2  – Angle of deviation
For surface AB  
C B sin e

(2) Deviation through a prism

For thin prism   (  1) A . Also deviation is different for different colour light e.g.  R   V so  R   V .
 Flint   Crown so  F   C

Maximum deviation Minimum deviation

ma It is observed if
x e
i = 90o
r2 i  e and r1  r2  r
r1 = C i e
r r
then :

In this condition of maximum deviation  i  90 o , (i) Refracted ray inside the prism is parallel to the base of
the prism
r1  C, r2  A  C and from Snell’s law on emergent

 sin( A  C ) 
surface e  sin 1  
 sin C 

A A  m
(ii) r  and i 
2 2
Refraction of Light 25

A  m
sin i 2
(iii)   or  
sin A / 2 sin A / 2

Note :  If  m  A then   2 cos A / 2

(3) Normal incidence on a prism
If light ray incident normally on any surface of prism as shown

i = 0o e = 0o
r1 = 0o and r2 = 0o
r2 e i r1 or

sin i
In any of the above case use   and   i  A
sin A
(4) Grazing emergence and TIR through a prism
When a light ray falls on one surface of prism, it is not necessary that it will exit out from the prism. It
may or may not be exit out as shown below

Normal incidence Grazing incidence

Ray –1 : General emergence Ray –1 : General emergence
A < C and A < 2C and
 < cosec A A  < cosec (A/2)

Ray – 2: Grazing emergence Ray – 2: Grazing emergence

A = C and Ray - 1 A = 2C and
Ray - 1 Ray - 3  = cosec (A/2)
Ray - 3  = cosec A
Ray – 3: TIR Ray - 2 Ray – 3: TIR
Ray - 2 A > C and A > 2C and
 > cosec A  > cosec (A/2)
A = angle of prism and C = Critical angle for the material of
the prism

Note :  For the condition of grazing emergence. Minimum angle of incidence

i min  sin 1  μ 2  1 sinA  cosA  .
 
(5) Dispersion through a prism
The splitting of white light into it’s constituent colours is called dispersion of light.


Incident R
white light Y

(i) Angular dispersion ( ) : Angular separation between extreme colours i.e. θ  δ V  δ R  (μ V  μ R ) A .

It depends upon  and A.
26 Refraction of Light

   R    R 
(ii) Dispersive power () :    V wher e  y  V 
y y  1  2 
 It depends only upon the material of the prism i.e.  and it doesn't depends upon angle of prism A
Note :  Remember  Flint   Crown .
(6) Combination of prisms
Two prisms (made of crown and flint material) are combined to get either dispersion only or deviation

Dispersion without deviation (chromatic combination) Deviation without dispersion (Achromatic

Flint combination) Flint

V A A
Crown Crown

A' ( y  1) A' (   R )
(i)  (i)  V
A ( ' y 1) A (  ' V  ' R )

 '   
(ii)  net    1    (   '  ' ) (ii)  net    1  
   ' 

Scattering of Light
Molecules of a medium after absorbing incoming light radiations, emits them in all direction. This
phenomenon is called Scattering.
(1) According to scientist Rayleigh : Intensity of scattered light 
(2) Some phenomenon based on scattering : (i) Sky looks blue due to scattering.
(ii) At the time of sunrise or sunset it looks reddish. (iii) Danger signals are made from red.
(3) Elastic scattering : When the wavelength of radiation remains unchanged, the scattering is called
(4) Inelastic scattering (Raman’s effect) : Under specific condition, light can also suffer inelastic
scattering from molecules in which it’s wavelength changes.
Rainbow is formed due to the dispersion of light
suffering refraction and TIR in the droplets present in the
atmosphere. Red

(1) Primary rainbow : (i) Two refraction and one TIR.

42o 40o
(ii) Innermost arc is violet and outermost is red. (iii) Subtends
an angle of 42 o at the eye of the observer. (iv) More bright
Refraction of Light 27

(2) Secondary rainbow : (i) Two refraction and two TIR. (ii) Innermost arc is red and outermost is
(iii) It subtends an angle of 52 .5 o at the eye. (iv) Comparatively less bright.

Colour is defined as the sensation received by the eye (rod cells of the eye) due to light coming from an
(1) Types of colours
Spectral colours Colours of pigment and dyes
Green (P) Yellow (P)

Cyan (S) Yellow (S) Green (S) Orange (S)

white Black

Blue (P) Red (P) Blue (P) Red (P)

Magenta (S) Radish violet (S)
(i) Complementary colours : (i) Complementary colours :
Green and magenta yellow and mauve
Blue and yellow Red and green
Red and cyan Blue and orange
(ii) Combination : (ii) Combination :
Green + red + blue = White Yellow + red + blue = Black
Blue + yellow = White Blue + orange = Black
Red + cyan = White Red + green = Black
Green + magenta = White Yellow + mauve = Black
(2) Colours of object : The perception of a colour by eye depends on the nature of object and the light
incident on it.
Colours of opaque object Colours of transparent object
(i) Due to selective reflection. (i) Due to selective transmission.
(ii) A rose appears red in white light because it reflects (ii) A red glass appears red because it absorbs all
red colour and absorbs all remaining colours. colours, except red which it transmits.
(iii) When yellow light falls on a bunch of flowers, then (iii) When we look on objects through a green glass or
yellow and white flowers looks yellow. Other flowers green filter then green and white objects will appear
looks black. green while other black.

Note :  A hot object will emit light of that colour only which it has observed when it was heated.
28 Refraction of Light

The ordered arrangements of radiations according to wavelengths or frequencies is called Spectrum.

Spectrum can be divided in two parts (I) Emission spectrum and (II) Absorption spectrum.
(1) Emission spectrum: When light emitted by a self luminous object is dispersed by a prism to get the
spectrum, the spectrum is called emission spectra.

Continuous emission Line emission spectrum Band emission spectrum

(i) It consists of continuously (i) It consist of distinct bright lines. (iii) It consist of district bright
varying wavelengths in a definite bands.
wavelength range.
(ii) It is produced by solids, liquids (ii) It is produced by an excited (ii) It is produced by an excited
and highly compressed gases heated source in atomic state. source in molecular state.
to high temperature.
(iii) e.g. Light from the sun, filament (iii) e.g. Spectrum of excited (iii) e.g. Spectra of molecular H 2 ,
of incandescent bulb, candle flame helium, mercury vapours, sodium CO, NH 3 etc.
etc. vapours or atomic hydrogen.

(2) Absorption spectrum : When white light passes through a semi-transparent solid, or liquid or gas,
it’s spectrum contains certain dark lines or bands, such spectrum is called absorption spectrum (of the
substance through which light is passed).
(i) Substances in atomic state produces line absorption spectra. Polyatomic substances such as H 2 , CO 2
and KMnO 4 produces band absorption spectrum.
(ii) Absorption spectra of sodium vapour have two (yellow lines) wavelengths D1 (5890 Å) and D 2 (5896 Å)

Note :  If a substance emits spectral lines at high temperature then it absorbs the same lines at low
temperature. This is Kirchoff’s law.
(3) Fraunhoffer’s lines : The central part (photosphere) of the sun is very hot and emits all possible
wavelengths of the visible light. However, the outer part (chromosphere) consists of vapours of different
elements. When the light emitted from the photosphere passes through the chromosphere, certain wavelengths
are absorbed. Hence, in the spectrum of sunlight a large number of dark lines are seen called Fraunhoffer lines.
(i) The prominent lines in the yellow part of the visible spectrum were labelled as D-lines, those in blue
part as F-lines and in red part as C-line.
(ii) From the study of Fraunhoffer’s lines the presence of various elements in the sun’s atmosphere can be
identified e.g. abundance of hydrogen and helium.
(4) Spectrometer : A spectrometer is used for obtaining pure spectrum of a source in laboratory and
calculation of  of material of prism and  of a transparent liquid.
It consists of three parts : Collimator which provides a parallel beam of light; Prism Table for holding the
prism and Telescope for observing the spectrum and making measurements on it.
The telescope is first set for parallel rays and then collimator is set for parallel rays. When prism is set in
minimum deviation position, the spectrum seen is pure spectrum. Angle of prism (A) and angle of minimum
Refraction of Light 29

deviation ( m ) are measured and  of material of prism is calculated using prism formula. For  of a
transparent liquid, we take a hollow prism with thin glass sides. Fill it with the liquid and measure ( m ) and A
of liquid prism.  of liquid is calculated using prism formula.
(5) Direct vision spectroscope : It is an instrument used to observe pure spectrum. It produces
dispersion without deviation with the help of n crown prisms and (n  1) flint prisms alternately arranged in a
tabular structure.
For no deviation n (  1) A  (n  1) ( '1) A ' .


 When a ray of white light passes through a glass prism red light is deviated less than blue light.

 For a hollow prism A  0 but   0

 If an opaque coloured object or crystal is crushed to fine powder it will appear white (in sun light) as it will lose it's
property of selective reflection.

 Our eye is most sensitive to that part at the spectrum which lies between the F line (sky green) one the C-line (red) of
hydrogen equal to the refractive index for the D line (yellow) of sodium. Hence for the dispersive power, the following
  C
formula is internationally accepted   F
D  1

 Sometimes a part of prism is given and we keep on thinking whether how should we proceed ? To solve such problems
first complete the prism then solve as the problems of prism are solved


60o 70o 60o 70o
 Some other types of prism

Example: 36 When light rays are incident on a prism at an angle of 45 o, the minimum deviation is obtained. If
refractive index of the material of prism is 2 , then the angle of prism will be
(a) 30o (b) 40o (c) 50o (d) 60o
30 Refraction of Light
sin i sin 45 A 2 1 A
Solution: (d)   2   sin     30 o  A  60 o
A A 2 2 2 2
sin sin
2 2
Example: 37 Angle of minimum deviation for a prism of refractive index 1.5 is equal to the angle of prism. The angle of
prism is (cos 41 o  0 . 75 )
(a) 62o (b) 41o (c) 82o (d) 31o
A  m AA
sin sin
2 2 sin A A  A A
Solution: (c) Given  m  A , then by using      2 cos sin A  2 sin cos 
A A A 2  2 2
sin sin sin
2 2 2
 1 . 5  2 cos  0 . 75  cos  41 o   A  82 o .
2 2 2
Example: 38 Angle of glass prism is 60o and refractive index of the material of the prism is 1.414,then what will be the
angle of incidence, so that ray should pass symmetrically through prism
(a) 38o 61' (b) 35o 35' (c) 45o (d) 53o 8'
Solution: (c) incident ray and emergent ray are symmetrical in the cure, when prism is in minimum deviation position.
sin i  A 1
Hence in this condition    sin i   sin    sin i  1 . 414  sin 30 o   i  45 o
A  2 2
Example: 39 A prism (  1 . 5 ) has the refracting angle of 30o. The deviation of a monochromatic ray incident normally
on its one surface will be (sin 48 o 36 '  0 . 75 )
(a) 18o 36' (b) 20o 30' (c) 18o (d) 22o 1'
sin i sin i
Solution: (a) By using    1 .5   sin i  0 . 75  i  48 o 36 '
sin A sin 30
Also from   i  A    48 o 36 '30 o  18 o 36 '
Example: 40 Angle of a prism is 30o and its refractive index is 2 and one of the surface is silvered. At what angle of
incidence, a ray should be incident on one surface so that after reflection from the silvered surface, it
retraces its path
(a) 30o (b) 60o (c) 45o (d) sin 1 1 . 5
Solution: (c) This is the case when light ray is falling normally an second surface.
sin i sin i 1
Hence by using    2   sin i  2  i  45 o
sin A sin 30 o 2
Example: 41 The refracting angle of prism is A and refractive index of material of prism is cot . The angle of
minimum deviation is
(a) 180 o  3 A (b) 180 o  2 A (c) 90 o  A (d) 180 o  2 A
A  m A  m A A  m
sin sin cos sin
2 A 2 2  2
Solution: (d) By using    cot  
A 2 A A A
sin sin sin sin
2 2 2 2
 A  A  m  A A  m
 sin 90    sin   90     m  180  2 A
 2  2  2 2
Refraction of Light 31

Example: 42 A ray of light passes through an equilateral glass prism in such a manner that the angle of incidence is
equal to the angle of emergence and each of these angles is equal to 3/4 of the angle of the prism. The
angle of deviation is
(a) 45o (b) 39o (c) 20o (d) 30o
3 3
Solution: (d) Given that A  60 o and i  e  A   60  45 o
4 4
By using i  e  A    45  45  60      30 o
Example: 43 PQR is a right angled prism with other angles as 60o and 30o. Refractive index of prism is 1.5. PQ has a
thin layer of liquid. Light falls normally on the face PR. For total internal reflection, maximum refractive
index of liquid is
(a) 1.4
(b) 1.3 P Q
60 30°
(c) 1.2 ° 

(d) 1.6
Solution: (c) For TIR at PQ   C R
From geometry of figure   60 i.e. 60  C  sin 60  sin C
3  Liquid 3 3
    Liquid    Pr ism   Liquid   1 . 5   Liquid  1 . 3 .
2  Pr ism 2 2
Example: 44 Two identical prisms 1 and 2, each will angles of 30o, 60o and 90o are placed in contact as shown in figure.
A ray of light passed through the combination in the position of minimum deviation and suffers a
deviation of 30o. If the prism 2 is removed, then the angle of deviation of the same ray is

(a) Equal to 15o

(b) Smaller than 30o
(c) More than 15o
(d) Equal to 30o 60o 90 90 60o
o o

Solution: (a)   (  1) A as A is halved, so  is also halves

Example: 45 A prism having an apex angle 4o and refraction index 1.5 is located in front of a vertical plane mirror as
shown in figure. Through what total angle is the ray deviated after reflection from the mirror
(a) 176o
(b) 4o 4°
(c) 178o 2°
(d) 2o 2°

Solution: (c)  Pr ism  (  1) A  (1 . 5  1)4 o  2 o
  Total   Pr ism   Mirror  (  1) A  (180  2i)  2 o  (180  2  2)  178 o
Example: 46 A ray of light is incident to the hypotenuse of a right-angled prism after travelling parallel to the base
inside the prism. If  is the refractive index of the material of the prism, the maximum value of the base
angle for which light is totally reflected from the hypotenuse is
1 1   1 1
(a) sin 1   (b) tan 1   (c) sin 1   (d) cos 1  

  
     
Solution: (d) If   maximum value of vase angle for which light is totally reflected from hypotenuse.
(90   )  C  minimum value of angle of incidence an hypotenuse for TIR
1 1
sin(90   )  sin C     cos 1   (90-)
 
90° 
Example: 47 If the refractive indices of crown glass for red, yellow and violet colours are 1.5140, 1.5170 and 1.5318
respectively and for flint glass these are 1.6434, 1.6499 and 1.6852 respectively, then the dispersive
powers for crown and flint glass are respectively
32 Refraction of Light
(a) 0.034 and 0.064 (b) 0.064 and 0.034 (c) 1.00 and 0.064 (d) 0.034 and 1.0
 v   r 1 . 5318  1 . 5140  v'   r' 1 . 6852  1 . 6434
Solution: (a)  Crown    0 . 034 and  Flint    0 . 064
y  1 (1 . 5170  1)  y'  1 1 . 6499  1
Example: 48 Flint glass prism is joined by a crown glass prism to produce dispersion without deviation. The refractive
indices of these for mean rays are 1.602 and 1.500 respectively. Angle of prism of flint prism is 10o, then
the angle of prism for crown prism will be
(a) 12 o 2 . 4 ' (b) 12 o 4 ' (c) 1 . 24 o (d) 12o
A (  1) A (1 . 602  1)
Solution: (a) For dispersion without deviation C  F    A  12 . 04 o  12 o 2 . 4 '
AF ( C  1) 10 (1 . 500  1)

Tricky example: 6

An achromatic prism is made by crown glass prism ( A C  19 o ) and flint glass prism ( A F  6 o ) . If
C  1 . 5 and F v  1 . 66 , then resultant deviation for red coloured ray will be
(a) 1.04o (b) 5o (c) 0.96o (d) 13.5o
Solution : (d) For achromatic combination w C  w F  [( v   r ) A]C  [( v   r ) A] F
 [ r A]C  [ r A] F  [ v A]C  [ v A] F  1 . 5  19  6  1 . 66  38 . 5
Resultant deviation   [( r  1) A]C  [( r  1) A] F
 [ r A]C  [ r A] F  ( A C  A F )  38 . 5  (19  6 )  13 . 5 o
Tricky example: 7
The light is incident at an angle of 60o on a prism of which the refracting angle of prism is 30o. The
refractive index of material of prism will be
(a) 2 (b) 2 3 (c) 2 (d) 3
Solution : (d) By using i  e  A    60  e  30  30  e  0 .
sin i sin 60
Hence ray will emerge out normally so by using the formula     3
sin A sin 30

Refraction of Light 33

F F

Refraction of light at plane surface

Basic Level

1 When a light ray incident from air to glass and reflected, angle of incidence is 57 o. What will be the incident angle for reflection
again when incident from water to glass

(a)   57 o (b)   57 o (c)   57 o (d) Can't be determined

2 When light travels from glass to air, the incident angle is  1 and the refracted angle is  2 . The true relation is

(a)  1   2 (b)  1   2 (c) 1   2 (d) Not predictable

3 White light is incident on the interface of glass and air as shown in the figure. If green light is just totally internally reflected then
the emerging ray in air contains

(a) Yellow, Orange, Red Air Green

(b) Violet, Indigo, Blue Glass

(c) All colours White

(d) All colours except green
4 A beam of light composed of red and green ray is incident obliquely at a point on the face of rectangular glass slab. When coming
out on the opposite parallel face, the red and green ray emerge from
(a) Two points propagating in two different non-parallel directions
(b) Two points propagating in two different parallel directions
(c) One point propagating in two different directions
(d) One point propagating in the same directions
5 When light waves suffer reflection at the interface between air and glass, the change of phase of the reflected wave is equal to
(a) Zero (b)  / 2 (c)  (d) 2
6 A plane glass slab is kept over various coloured letters, the letter which appears least raised is
(a) Blue (b) Violet (c) Green (d) Red
7 Monochromatic light is refracted from air into the glass of refractive index  . The ratio of the wavelength of incident and
refracted waves is

(a) 1 :  (b) 1 :  2 (c)  :1 (d) 1 : 1

8 When light travels from one medium to the other of which the refractive index is different, then which of the following will

(a) Frequency, wavelength and velocity (b) Frequency and wavelength

(c) Frequency and velocity (d) Wavelength and velocity
9 A microscope is focussed on a coin lying at the bottom of a beaker. The microscope is now raised up by 1 cm. To what depth
should the water be poured into the beaker so that coin is again in focus ? (Refractive index of water is 4/3)
34 Refraction of Light
(a) 1 cm (b) cm (c) 3 cm (d) 4 cm
10 A diver at a depth of 12 m in water (  4 / 3) sees the sky in a cone of semi-vertical angle

(a) sin 1 (4 / 3) (b) tan 1 (4 / 3) (c) sin 1 (3 / 4 ) (d) 90 o

11 A point source of light is placed 4 m below the surface of water of refractive index 5/3. The minimum diameter of a disc which
should be placed over the source on the surface of water to cut-off all light coming out of water is
(a) 2 m (b) 6 m (c) 4 m (d) 3 m
12 The time required to pass the light through a glass slab of 2 mm thick is (glass  1 . 5 )

(a) 10 5 s (b) 10 11 s (c) 10 9 s (d) 10 13 s

13 The refractive index of water is 1.33. The direction in which a man under water should look to see the setting sun is
(a) 49o to the horizontal (b) 90o with the vertical (c) 49o to the vertical (d) Along the horizontal
14 Why sun has elliptical shape on the time when rising and sun setting
(a) Refraction (b) Reflection (c) Scattering (d) Dispersion
15 Which of the following statement is true
(a) Velocity of light is constant in all media (b) Velocity of light in vacuum is maximum
(c) Velocity of light is same in all reference frames (d) Laws of nature have identical form in all reference frames
16 When a ray of light enters a glass slab from air, then

(a) It’s wavelength decreases (b) It’s wavelength increases

(c) It’s frequency decreases (d) Neither its wavelength nor its frequency changes
17 A ray of light is incident on a transparent glass slab of refractive index 1.62. The reflected and the refracted rays are mutually
perpendicular. The angle of incidence is
(a) 58.3o (b) 50o (c) 35o (d) 30o
18 Light travels through a glass plate of thickness t and having refractive index n. If c is the velocity of light in vacuum, the time
taken by the light to travel this thickness of glass is
t nt tc
(a) (b) tnc (c) (d)
nc c n
19 When a light wave goes from air into water, the quantity that remains unchanged is its

(a) Speed (b) Amplitude (c) Frequency (d) Wavelength

20 Ray optics is valid, when characteristic dimensions are
(a) Of the same order as the wavelength of light (b) Much smaller than the wavelength of light
(c) Of the order of one millimetre (d) Much larger than the wavelength of light
21 An under water swimmer is at a depth of 12 m below the surface of water. A bird is at a height of 18 m from the surface of water,
directly above his eyes. For the swimmer the bird appears to be at a distance from the surface of water equal to (Refractive Index
of water is 4/3)
(a) 24 m (b) 12 m (c) 18 m (d) 9 m
22 Consider the following statements
Assertion (A) : The frequencies of incident, reflected and refracted beam of monochromatic light incident from one medium to
another are same
Reason (R) : The incident, reflected and refracted rays are coplanar
Of these statements
Refraction of Light 35
(a) Both A and R are true and the R is a correct explanation of the A
(b) Both A and R are true but the R is not a correct explanation of the A
(c) A is true but the R is false
(d) Both A and R are false
(e) A is false but the R is true
23 The refractive indices of glass and water w.r.t. air are 3/2 and 4/3 respectively. The refractive index of glass w.r.t. water will be

(a) 8/9 (b) 9/8 (c) 7/6 (d) None of these

24 Each quarter of a vessel of depth H is filled with liquids of the refractive indices n1, n2, n3 and n4 from the bottom
respectively. The apparent depth of the vessel when looked normally is
1 1 1 1 
H     
H (n1  n 2  n 3  n 4 ) n
 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 
(a) (b)
4 4
1 1 1 1 
H     
(n1  n 2  n 3  n 4 ) n
 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 
(c) (d)
4H 2
25 How does refractive index (  ) of a material vary with respect to wavelength (  )? A and B are constants
(a)   A  (b)   A  B 2 (c)   A (d)   A  B 
2 
26 Light of wavelength is 7200 A in air has a wavelength in glass (  1 . 5 ) equal to (when the refractive index of glass is 1.5)

(a) 7200 Å (b) 4800 Å (c) 10800 Å (d) 7201.5 Å

27 The distance travelled by light in glass (refractive index = 1.5) in a nanosecond will be
(a) 45 cm (b) 40 cm (c) 30 cm (d) 20 cm
28 A mark at the bottom of a liquid appears to rise by 0.1 m. The depth of the liquid is 1 m . The refractive index of the liquid is

9 10
(a) 1.33 (b) (c) (d) 1.5
10 9
29 The splitting of white light into several colours on passing through a glass prism is due to
(a) Refraction (b) Reflection (c) Interference (d) Diffraction
3 4
30 Absolute refractive indices of glass and water are and . The ratio of velocity of light in glass and water will be
2 3
(a) 4 : 3 (b) 8 : 7 (c) 8 : 9 (d) 3 : 4
31 The ratio of thickness of plates of two transparent mediums A and B is 6 : 4. If light takes equal time in passing through them,
then refractive index of B with respect to A will be
(a) 1.4 (b) 1.5 (c) 1.75 (d) 1.33
32 A tank is filled with benzene to a height of 120 mm. The apparent depth of a needle lying at a bottom of the tank is measured by a
microscope to be 80 mm. The refractive index of benzene is
(a) 1.5 (b) 2.5 (c) 3.5 (d) 4.5
33 Consider the following statements
Assertion (A) : The speed of light in a rarer medium is greater than that in a denser medium
Reason (R) : One light year equals to 9.5 × 1012 km
Of these statements
(a) Both A and R are true and the R is a correct explanation of the A
(b) Both A and R are true but the R is not a correct explanation of the A
36 Refraction of Light
(c) A is true but the R is false
(d) Both A and R are false
(e) A is false but the R is true
34 Velocity of light in air is 3  10 8 m / s and refractive index of water is 1.33. The time taken by light to travel a distance of 500 m in
water is
(a) 1.25 s (b) 2.22 s (c) 12.5 s (d) 22.6 s
35 A ray of light is incident on the surface of separation of a medium with the velocity of light at an angle 45 o and is refracted in the
medium at an angle 30 o . What will be the velocity of light in the medium
(a) 1 . 96  10 8 m / s (b) 2 . 12  10 8 m / s (c) 3 . 18  10 8 m / s (d) 3 . 33  10 8 m / s
36 Refractive index of glass is 3/2 and refractive index of water is 4/3. If the speed of light in glass is 2 . 00  10 8 m / s , the speed in
water will be
(a) 2 . 67  10 8 m / s (b) 2 . 25  10 8 m / s (c) 1 . 78  10 8 m / s (d) 1 . 50  10 8 m / s
37 Which of the following is a correct relation
(a) a r  a w  r w (b) a r  r w  w  a (c) a r  r a  0 (d) a r / w r  a w
38 The bottom of a container filled with liquid appear slightly raised because of
(a) Refraction (b) Interference (c) Diffraction (d) Reflection
39 Electromagnetic radiation of frequency n, wavelength , travelling with velocity v in air, enters a glass slab of refractive index .
The frequency, wavelength and velocity of light in the glass slab will be respectively
n  v  v v n 
(a) , , (b) n, , (c) n,  , (d) , ,v
       
40 If  0 and 0 are respectively, the electric permittivity and the magnetic permeability of free space,  and  the corresponding
quantities in a medium, the refractive index of the medium is
  0 0 0
(a) (b) (c) (d)
0 0 0 0   0

41 To an observer on the earth the stars appear to twinkle. This can be ascribed to
(a) The fact that stars do not emit light continuously (b) Frequent absorption of star light by their own atmosphere
(c) Frequent absorption of star light by the earth's atmosphere (d) The refractive index fluctuations on the earth's
42 At sun rise or sunset, the sun looks more red than at mid-day because
(a) The sun is hottest at these times (b)Of the scattering of light
(c) Of the effects of refraction (d)Of the effects of diffraction

43 If î denotes a unit vector along incident light ray, m r̂ a unit vector along refracted ray into a medium of refractive index  and
n̂ unit vector normal to boundary of medium directed towards incident medium, then law of refraction is
(a) ˆi . nˆ   (rˆ . nˆ ) (b) ˆi  nˆ   (nˆ  rˆ ) (c) ˆi  nˆ   (ˆr  nˆ ) (d)  (ˆi  nˆ )  rˆ  nˆ
44 A vessel of depth 2d cm is half filled with a liquid of refractive index 1 and the upper half with a liquid of refractive index  2 .
The apparent depth of the vessel seen perpendicularly is
    1 1   1 1   1 
(a) d  1 2 
 (b) d   
 (c) 2 d   
 (d) 2 d  

 1   2  
 1  2  
 1  2   1  2 
45 The refractive index of a piece of transparent quartz is the greatest for
(a) Red light (b) Violet light (c) Green light (d) Yellow light
46 On heating a liquid, the refractive index generally
(a) Decreases (b) Increases or decreases depending on the rate of heating
(c) Does not change (d) Increases
47 At what angle does the diver in water see the setting sun, when the refractive index of water is 1.33
Refraction of Light 37

(a) 0 o (b) 41 o (c) 90 o (d) 60 o

48 A beam of light propagating in medium A with index of refraction n(A) passes across an interface into medium B with index of
refraction n(B) . The angle of incidence is greater than the angle of refraction : v(A) and v(B) denotes the speed of light in A and
B. Then which of the following is true?
(a) v( A)  v(B) and n ( A)  n (B) (b) v( A)  v(B) and n ( A)  n (B) (c) v( A)  v(B) and n ( A)  n (B) (d) v( A)  v(B) and n ( A)  n (B)

49 The wavelength of light diminishes  times (   1 .33 for water) in a medium. A diver from inside water looks at an object
whose natural colour is green. He sees the object as
(a) Green (b) Blue (c) Yellow (d) Red
50 If i  j represents refractive index when a light ray goes from medium i to medium j, then the product 2  1  3  2  4  3 is equal to

(a) 3 1 (b) 32 (c) (d) 4 2

51 Velocity of light in glass whose refractive index with respect to air is 1.5 is 2 × 10 8 m / s and in certain liquid the velocity of light
found to be 2 . 50  10 8 m / s . The refractive index of the liquid with respect to air is
(a) 0.64 (b) 0.80 (c) 1.20 (d) 1.44
52 A beam of light is converging towards a point I on a screen. A plane parallel plate of glass whose thickness in the direction of
the beam = t, refractive index =  , is introduced in the path of the beam. The convergence point is shifted by

 1  1  1  1
(a) t  1   away (b) t  1   away (c) t  1   nearer (d) t  1   nearer
           
53 Immiscible transparent liquids A, B, C, D and E are placed in a rectangular container of glass with the liquids-making layers
according to their densities. The refractive index of the liquids are shown in the adjoining diagram. The container is illuminated
from the side and a small piece of glass having refractive index 1.61 is gently dropped into the liquid layer. The glass piece as it
descends downwards will not be visible in
A 1.51
(a) Liquid A and B only B 1.53
C 1.61
(b) Liquid C only
D 1.52
(c) Liquid D and E only
E 1.65
(d) Liquid A, B, D and E
54 Light takes 8 minutes 20 seconds to reach from sun on the earth. If the whole atmosphere is filled with water, the light will take
the time (a  w  4 / 3)

(a) 8 minutes 20 seconds (b) 8 minutes (c) 6 minutes 11 seconds (d) 11 minutes 6 seconds
55 V1 is velocity of light in first medium, V2 is velocity of light in second medium, then refractive index of second medium with
respect to first medium is

(a) V1 / V2 (b) V2 / V1 (c) V1 / V2 (d) V2 / V1

56 Velocity of light in water, glass and vacuum have the values Vw , Vg and Vc respectively. Which of the following relations is true

(a) Vw  Vg  Vc (b) Vw  Vg but Vw  Vc (c) Vw  Vg but Vw  Vg (d) Vc  Vw and Vw  Vg

57 A rectangular block of glass is placed on a printed page lying on a horizontal surface. Then the minimum value of refractive index
of glass for which the letters on the page are not visible from any of the vertical faces of the block is

(a) Equal to 2 (b) More than 2 (c) Less than 2 (d) > = < 2

Advance Level
38 Refraction of Light

58 The optical path of a monochromatic light is same if it goes through 4.0 cm of glass or 4.5 cm of water. If the refractive index of
glass is 1.53, the refractive index of the water is
(a) 1.30 (b) 1.36 (c) 1.42 (d) 1.46
59 An observer can see through a pin–hole the top end of a thin rod of height h, placed as shown in the figure. The beaker height is
3h and its radius h. When the beaker is filled with a liquid up to a height 2h, he can see the lower end of the rod. Then the
refractive index of the liquid is

(b)  

(c)  
2 h

3 2h
60 A diverging beam of light from a point source S having divergence angle , falls symmetrically on a glass slab as shown. The
angles of incidence of the two extreme rays are equal. If the thickness of the glass slab is t and the refractive index n, then the
divergence angle of the emergent beam is

(a) Zero
(b)  i i
(c) sin 1 (1 / n)
n t
(d) 2 sin (1 / n)

61 How much water should be filled in a container 21 cm in height, so that it appears half filled when viewed from the top of the
container (given that a  w  4 / 3 )

(a) 8.0 cm (b) 10.5 cm (c) 12.0 cm (d) None of these

62 A fish is vertically below a flying bird moving vertically down towards water surface. The bird will appear to the fish to be

(a) Moving faster than its real speed and also away from the real distance

(b) Moving slower than its real speed and also nearer than its real distance

(c) Moving faster than its real speed and nearer than its real distance

(d) Moving slower than its real speed and away from the real distance
63 A fish rising vertically up towards the surface of water with speed 3 ms–1 observes a bird diving vertically down towards it with
speed 9 ms–1. The actual velocity of bird is

(a) 4.5 ms–1
(b) 5. ms–1 y'
(c) 3.0 ms–1
(d) 3.4 ms–1
Refraction of Light 39
64 A stationary swimmer S1 inside a liquid of refractive index 1, is at a distance d from a fixed point P inside the liquid. A
rectangular block of width t and refractive index 2 (2 < 1) is now placed between S and P, S will observe P to be at a distance
         
(a) d  t  1  1  (b) d  t  1  2  (c) d  t  1  2  (d) d  t  1  1 
 2   1   1   2 
65 Two beams of light are incident normally on water ( = 4/3). If the beam 1 passes through a glass ( = 3/2) slab of height h as
shown in the figure, the time difference for both the beams for reaching the bottom is
(a) Zero
2 1
(c) Glass
66 A beaker containing liquid is placed on a table, underneath a microscope which can be moved along a vertical scale. The
microscope is focussed, through the liquid onto a mark on the table when the reading on the scale is a. It is next focussed on the
upper surface of the liquid and the reading is b. More liquid is added and the observations are repeated, the corresponding
readings are c and d. The refractive index of the liquid is
d b b d d c b a d b
(a) (b) (c) (d)
d c b a d c b a d b ab cd

Total Internal Reflection

Basic Level

67 The critical angle for diamond (refractive index = 2) is

(a) About 20 o (b) 60 o (c) 45 o (d) 30 o
68 The critical angle for total internal reflections, from a medium to vacuum is 30 o .Then velocity of light in the medium is

(a) 1 . 5  10 8 m / s (b) 2  10 8 m / s (c) 3  10 8 m / s (d) 6  10 8 m / s

69 Consider telecommunication through optical fibres. Which of the following statements is not true
(a) Optical fibres may have homogeneous core with a suitable cladding
(b) Optical fibres can be graded refractive index
(c) Optical fibres are subject to electromagnetic interference from outside
(d) Optical fibres have extremely low transmission loss
70 Light wave enters from medium 1 to medium 2. Its velocity in 2 nd medium is double from 1st. For total internal reflection the
angle of incidence must be greater than
(a) 30o (b) 60o (c) 45o (d) 90o
71 Critical angle of light passing from glass to air is minimum for
(a) Red (b) Green (c) Yellow (d) Violet
72 Optical fibres are related with
(a) Communication (b) Light (c) Computer (d) None of these
73 Relation between critical angles of water and glass is
(a) Cw  C g (b) Cw  C g (c) Cw  C g (d) Cw  C g  0

74 If critical angle for a material to air is 30o, the refractive index of the material will be
(a) 1.0 (b) 1.5 (c) 2.0 (d) 2.5
40 Refraction of Light
75 The phenomenon utilized in an optical fibre is
(a) Refraction (b) Interference (c) Polarization (d) Total internal reflection
76 The reason for shining of air bubble in water is
(a) Diffraction of light (b) Dispersion of light (c) Scattering of light (d) Total internal reflection
77 With respect to air critical angle in a medium for light of red colour [1 ] is  . Other facts remaining same, critical angle for light
of yellow colour [2 ] will be

(a)  (b) More than  (c) Less than  (d)
78 The angle of polarisation for any medium is 60o, what will be critical angle for this
(a) sin 1 3 (b) tan 1 3 (c) cos 1 3 (d) sin 1
79 The velocity of light in a medium is half its velocity in air. If ray of light emerges from such a medium into air, the angle of
incidence, at which it will be totally internally reflected, is
(a) 15o (b) 30o (c) 45o (d) 60o
80 The refractive index of water is 4/3 and that of glass is 5/3. What will be the critical angle for the ray of light entering water from
the glass
4 5 1 2
(a) sin 1 (b) sin 1 (c) sin 1 (d) sin 1
5 4 2 1
81 For total internal reflection to take place, the angle of incidence i and the refractive index  of the medium must satisfy the

1 1
(a)  (b)  (c) sin i   (d) sin i  
sin i sin i
82 When a ray of light emerges from a block of glass, the critical angle is
(a) Equal to the angle of reflection
(b) The angle between the refracted ray and the normal
(c) The angle of incidence for which the refracted ray travels along the glass-air boundary
(d) The angle of incidence
83 For which of the following pairs the critical angle is smallest
(a) Water to air (b) Glass to water (c) Glass to air (d) Glass to glass
84 The critical angle for light going from a medium in which wavelength is 4000 Å to a medium in which its wavelength is 6000 Å is

(a) 30 o (b) 45 o (c) 60 o (d) sin 1 (2 / 3)

85 When a light ray approaches a glass-air interface from the glass side at the critical angle, the angle of refraction is
(a) 0 o (b) 45 o
(c) 90 o (d) Equal to the angle of incidence
86 A fish is a little away below the surface of a lake. If the critical angle is 49 o then the fish could see things above the water surface
within an angular range of  o where
(a)   49 o
(b)   90 o Water
 
(c)   98 o

(d)   24
Refraction of Light 41
87 A diver in a swimming pool wants to signal his distress to a person lying on the edge of the pool by flashing his water proof flash

(a) He must direct the beam vertically upwards

(b) He has to direct the beam horizontally
(c) He has to direct the beam at an angle to the vertically which is slightly less than the critical angle of incidence for total
internal reflection
(d) He has to direct the beam at an angle to the vertical which is slightly more than the critical angle of incidence for the total
internal reflection
88 A film of air is enclosed between a pair of thin microscope slides and the combination is then inserted in water. A ray of white
light is projected through water and the light reflected by the film of air sandwiched between the two slides is received on a
screen. If the angle of incidence of the ray on the film is gradually decreased from 90 o , the reflected light
(a) Will turn red and then vanish (b) Will remain white and then vanish
(c) Will remain white at all angles of incidence (d) Will turn blue and then vanish

89 The critical angle for a medium is 60 o . The refractive index of the medium

(a) 2 / 3 (b) 2 /3 (c) 3 (d) 3 /2

90 A ray of light propagates from glass (refractive index = 3/2) to water (refractive index = 4/3). The value of the critical angle

 8
(a) sin–1(1/2) (b) sin 1   (c) sin 1 (8 / 9 ) (d) sin 1 (5 / 7 )
 9 
 

91 A ray of light travelling inside a rectangular glass block of refractive index 2 is incident on the glass-air surface at an angle of
incidence of 45 o . The refractive index of air is 1. Under these conditions the ray
(a) Will emerge into the air without any deviation
(b) Will be reflected back into the glass
(c) Will be absorbed

(d) Will emerge into the air with an angle of refraction equal to 90 o

Advance Level

92 A ray of light travels from an optically denser to rarer medium. The critical angle for the two media is C. The maximum possible
deviation of the ray will be

 
(a)   C  (b) 2C (c)   2 C (d)   C
 2 

93 A rectangular glass slab ABCD, of refractive index n1, is immersed in water of refractive index n2 (n1>n2). A ray of light
in incident at the surface AB of the slab as shown. The maximum value of the angle of incidence max, such that the ray
comes out only from the other surface CD is given by
 n1  n 
(a) sin 1  cos  sin 1 2 
 n 2  n1  A D

  1  max n1 n2
(b) sin 1 n1 cos  sin 1 

  n2  C
n 
(c) sin 1  1 
n 2 
42 Refraction of Light
n 
(d) sin 1  2 
 n1 
94 A ray of light is incident at an angle i from denser to rare medium. The reflected and the refracted rays are mutually
perpendicular. The angle of reflection and the angle of refraction are respectively r and r , then the critical angle will be

(a) sin 1 (sin r)

(b) sin 1 (tan r ) r

(c) sin 1 (tan i)

(d) tan 1 (sin i)

95 A ray of light travelling in a transparent medium falls on a surface separating the medium from air at an angle of incidence of
45 o . The ray undergoes total internal reflection. If n is the refractive index of the medium with respect to air, select the possible
value (s) of n from the following
(a) 1.3 (b) 1.4 (c) 1.5 (d) 1.6
96 Light enters at an angle of incidence in a transparent rod of refractive index n. For what value of the refractive index of the
material of the rod the light once entered into it will not leave it through its lateral face whatsoever be the value of angle of

(a) n  2 (b) n  1 (c) n  1 . 1 (d) n  1 . 3

97 An optical fibre consists of core of 1 surrounded by a cladding of 2 < 1. A beam of light enters from air at an angle  with axis
of fibre. The highest  for which ray can be travelled through fibre is

(a) cos 1  22  12

(b) sin 1  22  12

(c) tan 1 12   22

(d) sec 1 12   22

98 A 2.5 cm cube is constructed of a material whose refractive index is 1.65. Calculate the least radius of an opaque circular disc,
which must be placed centrally over each face of the cube, so that a small air bubble at its centre shall be invisible from an
external point

r r
(a) 0.95 cm
(b) 0.59 cm

(c) 1.25 cm

(d) 0.75 cm

99 A rod of glass ( = 1.5) and of square cross section is bent into the shape shown in the figure. A parallel beam of light
falls on the plane flat surface A as shown in the figure. If d is the width of a side and R is the radius of circular arc
then for what maximum value of light entering the glass slab through surface A emerges from the glass through

(a) 1.5 d

(b) 0.5 A
Refraction of Light 43
(c) 1.3
(d) None of these

Refraction of light at spherical surface (lens)

Basic Level

100 A plano-convex lens of refractive index 1.5 and radius of curvature 30 cm is silvered at the curved surface. Now this lens has been
used to form the image of an object. At what distance from this lens an object be placed in order to have a real image of the size of
the object
(a) 20 cm (b) 30 cm (c) 60 cm (d) 80 cm
101 At what distance from a convex lens of focal length 30 cm, an object should be placed so that the size of the image be 1/2th of the
(a) 30 cm (b) 60 cm (c) 15 cm (d) 90 cm
102 A beam of parallel rays is brought to a focus by a plano-convex lens. A thin concave lens of the same focal length is joined to the
first lens. The effect of this is
(a) The focal point shifts away from the lens by a small distance (b) The focus remains undisturbed
(c) The focus shifts to infinity (d) The focal point shifts towards the lens by a small distance
103 When light rays from the sun fall on a convex lens along a direction parallel to its axis
(a) Focal length for all colours is the same (b) Focal length for violet colour is the shortest
(c) Focal length for yellow colour is the longest (d) Focal length for red colour is the shortest
104 A double convex lens (R1  R 2  10 cm ) having focal length equal to the focal length of a concave mirror. The radius of curvature
of the concave mirror is
(a) 10 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 40 cm (d) 15 cm
105 The image of an object is formed on a screen using a lens. If the lower half portion of the lens is covered
(a) The whole image will disappear (b) The upper half of the image will disappear
(c) Brightness of the whole image will be reduced (d) The lower half of the image will disappear
106 In order to obtain a real image of magnification 2 bring a converging lens of focal length 20 cm, where should be an object be

(a) 50 cm (b) 30 cm (c) – 50 cm (d) – 30 cm

107 An object is placed at a distance of 20 cm from a convex lens of focal length 10 cm. The image is formed on the other side of the
lens at a distance
(a) 20 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 40 cm (d) 30 cm
108 Two lenses of power 6D and – 2D are combined to form a single lens. The focal length of this lens will be

3 1 1
(a) m (b) m (c) 4 m (d) m
2 4 8

3 5
109 A convex lens of focal length 12 cm is made of glass of   . What will be its focal length when immersed in liquid of  
2 4

(a) 6 cm (b) 12 cm (c) 24 cm (d) 30 cm

44 Refraction of Light
110 A biconvex lens with equal radii curvature has refractive index 1.6 and focal length 10 cm. Its radius of curvature will be

(a) 20 cm (b) 16 cm (c) 10 cm (d) 12 cm

111 The chromatic aberration in lenses becomes due to
(a) Disimilarity of main axis of rays (b) Disimilarty of radii of curvature
(c) Variation of focal length of lenses with wavelength (d) None of these
112 A plano convex lens is made of glass of refractive index 1.5. The radius of curvature of its convex surface is R. Its focal length is

(a) R / 2 (b) R (c) 2R (d) 1.5 R

113 When the convergent nature of a convex lens will be less as compared with air
(a) In water (b) In oil (c) In both (d) None of these
114 An equiconvex lens is cut into two halves along (i) XOX' and (ii) YOY' as shown in the figure. Let f, f', f" be the focal lengths of the
complete lens of each half in case (i) and of each half in case (ii) respectively

X X


Choose the correct statement from the following ]

(a) f '  2 f, f ' '  f (b) f '  f, f ' '  f (c) f '  2 f, f ' '  2 f (d) f '  f , f ' '  2 f

115 If in a plano-convex lens, the radius of curvature of the convex surface is 10 cm and the focal length of the lens is 30 cm, then the
refractive index of the material of lens will be
(a) 1.5 (b) 1.66 (c) 1.33 (d) 3
116 A convex lens of focal length f produces an image times then that of the size of the object. The distance of the object from the
lens is
(a) nf (b) (c) (n  1) f (d) (n  1) f
117 If two +5 diopter lenses are mounted at some distance apart, the equivalent power will always be negative if the distance is

(a) Greater then 40 cm (b) Equal to 40 cm (c) Equal to 10 cm (d) Less then 10 cm
118 A convex lens produces a real image m times the size of the object. What will be the distance of the object from the lens

m 1 m 1 m 1
(a)  f (b) (m  1) f (c)  f (d)
 m   m  f
119 A convex lens is made up of three different materials as shown in the figure. For a point object placed on its axis, the number of
images formed are [KCET (Engg./Med.) 2002]

(a) 1
(b) 5
(c) 4
Refraction of Light 45
(d) 3
120 An equiconvex lens of refractive index 1.6 has power 4D in air. Its power in water is
(a) 1.5 D (b) 2.0 D (c) 1.3 D (d) 3.2 D
121 A point object O is placed in front of a glass rod having spherical end of radius of curvature 30 cm. The image would be formed at
[Orissa JEE 2002]
(a) 30 cm left
O Air Glass
(b) Infinity
15 cm 30 cm
(c) 1 cm to the right
(d) 18 cm to the left
122 An object is placed 12 cm to the left of a converging lens of focal length 8 cm.
Another converging lens of 6 cm focal length is placed at a distance of 30 cm to the right of the first lens. The second lens will
(a) No image (b) A virtual enlarged image (c) A real enlarged image (d) A real smaller image
123 An air bubble in sphere having 4 cm diameter appears 1 cm from surface nearest to eye when looked along diameter. If
a  g  1 . 5 , the distance of bubble from refracting surface is

(a) 1.2 cm (b) 3.2 cm (c) 2.8 cm (d) 1.6 cm

124 A plano-convex lens (f = 20 cm) is silvered at plane surface. Now it's focal length will be
(a) 20 cm (b) 40 cm (c) 30 cm (d) 10 cm
125 If the central portion of a convex lens is wrapped in black paper as shown in the figure

(a) No image will be formed by the remaining portion of the lens

(b) The full image will be formed but it will be less bright
(c) The central portion of the image will be missing
(d) There will be two images each produced by one of the exposed portions of the lens
126 An object has image thrice of its original size when kept at 8 cm and 16 cm from a convex lens. Focal length of the lens is

(a) 8 cm (b) 16 cm (c) Between 8 cm and 16 cm (d) Less then 8 cm

127 A convex lens forms a real image of an object for its two different positions on a screen. If height of the image in both the
cases be 8 cm and 2 cm, then height of the object is
(a) 16 cm (b) 8 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 2 cm
128 The radius curvature of a thin plano-convex lens is 10 cm (of curved surface) and the refractive index is 1.5. If the plane surface is
silvered, then the focal length will be
(a) 15 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 5 cm (d) 10 cm
129 A convex lens of focal length 40 cm is an contact with a concave lens of focal length 25 cm. The power of combination is

(a) – 1.5 D (b) – 6.5 D (c) + 6.5 D (d) + 6.67 D

130 A double convex thin lens made of glass (refractive index   1 . 5 ) has both radii of curvature of magnitude 20 cm. Incident light
rays parallel to the axis of the lens will converge at a distance L such that
(a) L = 20 (b) L = 10 (c) L = 40 (d) L = 20/3
131 An achromatic combination of lenses is formed by joining
(a) 2 convex lenses (b) 2 concave lenses
(c) 1 convex lens and 1 concave lens (d) Convex lens and plane mirror
132 An equiconvex lens of glass of focal length 0.1 metre is cut along a plane perpendicular to principle axis into two equal parts. The
ratio of focal length of new lenses formed is
46 Refraction of Light
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 2 :
133 A convex lens of focal length 0.5 m and concave lens of focal length 1 m are combined. The power of the resulting lens will be

(a) 1 D (b) – 1 D (c) 0.5 D (d) – 0.5 D

134 Two thin lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 are in contact and coaxial. The combination is equivalent to a single lens of power

f1 f2 1 f1  f2
(a) f1  f2 (b) (c) ( f1  f2 ) (d)
f1  f2 2 f1 f2

135 A candle placed 25 cm from a lens, forms an image on a screen placed 75 cm on the other end of the lens. The focal length and
type of the lens should be
(a) + 18.75 cm and convex lens (b) – 18.75 cm and concave lens
(c) + 20.25 cm and convex lens (d) – 20.25 cm and concave lens
136 We combined a convex lens of focal length f1 and concave lens of focal lengths f2 and their combined focal length was F. The
combination of these lenses will behave like a concave lens if
(a) f1  f2 (b) f1  f2 (c) f1  f2 (d) f1  f2

137 A double convex thin lens made of glass of refractive index 1.6 has radii of curvature 15 cm each. The focal length of this lens
when immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.63 is
(a) – 407 cm (b) 250 cm (c) 125 cm (d) 25 cm
138 Chromatic aberration of lens be corrected by
(a) Reducing its aperature (b) Proper polishing of its two surfaces
(c) Suitably combining it with another lens (d) Providing different suitable curvature to its two surfaces
139 The relation between n1 and n 2 , if behaviour of light rays is as shown in figure is

(a) n1  n 2
n1 n2
(b) n 2  n1

(c) n1  n 2 Lens

(d) n1  n 2

140 The focal length of a lens is 10 cm and its refractive index is 1.5. If the radius of curvature of one surface is 7.5 cm, the radius of
curvature of the second surface will be ]
(a) 7.5 cm (b) 15.0 cm (c) 75 cm (d) 5.0 cm
141 The object distance u, the image distance v and the magnification m in a lens follow certain linear relations. These are

1 1
(a) versus (b) m versus u (c) u versus v (d) m versus v
u v
142 A lens of power +2 diopters is placed in contact with a lens of power – 1 diopter. The combination will behave like

(a) A convergent lens of focal length 50 cm (b) A divergent lens of focal length 100 cm
(c) A convergent lens of focal length 100 cm (d) A convergent lens of focal length 200 cm
Refraction of Light 47
143 The plane faces of two identical plano-convex lenses each having focal length of 40 cms are pressed against each other to form a
usual convex lens. The distance from this lens, at which an object must be placed to obtain a real, inverted image with
magnification one is
(a) 80 cm (b) 40 cm (c) 20 cm (d) 162 cm
144 A lens of refractive index n is put in a liquid of refractive index n' of focal length of lens in air is f, its focal length in liquid will be

fn' (n  1) f (n'n) n' (n  1) fn' n

(a)  (b)  (c)  (d)
n ' n n' (n  1) f (n'n) n  n'

145 An object of height 1.5 cm is placed on the axis of a convex lens of focal length 25 cm. A real image is formed at a distance of 75
cm from the lens. The size of the image will be
(a) 4.5 cm (b) 3.0 cm (c) 0.75 cm (d) 0.5 cm
146 A symmetric double convex lens is cut in two equal parts by a plane perpendicular to the principal axis. If the power of the
original lens was 4D, the power of a cut lens will be
(a) 2 D (b) 3 D (c) 4 D (d) 5 D
147 A convex lens is used to form real image of an object on a screen. It is observed that even when the positions of the object and
that screen are fixed there are two positions of the lens to form real images. If the heights of the images are 4 cm and 9 cm
respectively, the height of the object is
(a) 2.25 cm (b) 6.00 cm (c) 6.50 cm (d) 36.00 cm
148 The shortest distance between an object and its real image produced by a converging lens of focal length 20 cm is
(a) 20 cm (b) 40 cm (c) 60 cm (d) 80 cm
149 A double convex lens of glass of   1 . 5 has radius of curvature of each of its surface is 0.2 m. The power of the lens is

(a) + 10 D (b) – 10 D (c) – 5 D (d) +5 D

150 A lens of focal power 0.5 D is
(a) A convex lens of focal length 0.5 m (b) A concave lens of focal length 0.5 m
(c) A convex lens of focal length 2 m (d) A concave lens of focal length 2 m
151 A plano convex lens is made of refractive index 1.6. The radius of curvature of the curved surface is 60 cm. The focal length of the
lens is
(a) 50 cm (b) 100 cm (c) 200 cm (d) 400 cm
152 A concave lens of focal length 20 cm placed in contact with a plane mirror acts as a
(a) Convex mirror of focal length 10 cm (b) Concave mirror of focal length 40 cm
(c) Concave mirror of focal length 60 cm (d) Concave mirror of focal length 10 cm
153 The plane surface of a plano-convex lens of focal length f is silvered. It will behave as
(a) Plane mirror (b) Convex mirror of focal length 2f
(c) Concave mirror of focal length f / 2 (d) None of the above
154 A converging lens is used to form an image on a screen. When upper half of the lens is covered by an opaque screen

(a) Half the image will disappear (b) Complete image will be formed of same intensity
(c) Half image will be formed of same intensity (d) Complete image will be formed of decreased intensity
155 A double convex lens of focal length 20 cm is made of glass of refractive index 3 / 2. When placed completely in water
( a  w  4 / 3) , its focal length will be

(a) 80 cm (b) 15 cm (c) 17.7 cm (d) 22.5 cm

156 A thin double convex lens has radii of curvature each of magnitude 40 cm and is made of glass with refractive index 1.65. Its focal
length is nearly
48 Refraction of Light
(a) 20 cm (b) 31 cm (c) 35 cm (d) 50 cm
157 A achromatic combination is made with a lens of focal length f and dispersive power  with a lens having dispersive power of
2 . The focal length of second will be
(a) 2f (b) f /2 (c) – f / 2 (d) – 2f
158 Two lenses having f1 : f2  2 : 3 has combination to make no dispersion. Find the ratio of dispersive power of glasses used

(a) 2 : 3 (b) 3 : 2 (c) 4 : 9 (d) 9 : 4

159 The focal length of a converging lens is measured for violet, green and red coulours. It is respectively fv , f g , fr . We will find

(a) fv  fr (b) fv  fr (c) fv  fr (d) f g  fr

160 A concave and convex lens have the same focal length of 20 cm and are put into contact to form a lens combination. The
combination is used to view an object of 5 cm length kept at 20 cm from the lens combination. As compared to the object, the
image will be
(a) Magnified and inverted (b) Reduced and erect
(c) Of the same size as the object and erect (d) Of the same size as the object but inverted
161 Which of the following form (s) a virtual and erect image for all positions of the object
(a) Convex lens (b) Concave lens (c) Convex mirror (d) Concave mirror
162 fv and fr are the focal lengths of a convex lens for violet and red light respectively and Fv and Fr are the focal lengths of a
concave lens for violet and red light respectively, then keeping the sign of focal length in view we must have

(a) fv  fr and Fv  Fr (b) fv  fr and Fv  Fr (c) fv  fr and Fv  Fr (d) fv  fr and Fv  Fr

163 If a lens is cut into two pieces perpendicular to the principal axis and only one part is used, the intensity of the image
(a) Remains same (b) times (c) 2 times (d) Infinite
164 Two thin lenses whose powers are + 2D and – 4D respectively combine, then the power of combination is
(a) – 2D (b) +2D (c) – 4D (d) + 4D
165 A lens is placed between a source of light and a wall. It forms images of area A1 and A 2 on the wall for its two different
positions. The area of the source or light is
1 2
A1  A 2  1 1   A1  A 2 
(a) (b)    (c) A1 A 2 (d)  
2 A
 1 A 2   2 
 
166 The focal length of convex lens 30 cm and the size of image is quarter of the object, then the object distance is
(a) 90 cm (b) 60 cm (c) 30 cm (d) 40 cm
167 A convex lens forms a real image of a point object placed on its principal axis. If the upper half of the lens is painted black, the
image will
(a) Be shifted downwards (b) Be shifted upwards (c) Not be shifted (d) Shift on the principal axis
168 In the figure an air lens of radii of curvature 10 cm ( R 1  R 2  10 cm ) is cut in a cylinder of glass (  1 . 5 ) . The focal length and
the nature of the lens is

(a) 15 cm, concave

(b) 15 cm, convex
(c)  , neither concave nor convex
(d) 0, concave
Refraction of Light 49
169 A lens (focal length 50 cm) forms the image of a distant object which subtends an angle of 1 milliradian at the lens. What is the
size of the image
(a) 5 mm (b) 1 mm (c) 0.5 mm (d) 0.1 mm
170 A diminished image of an object is to be obtained on a screen 1 m from it. This can be achieved by approximately placing

(a) A convex mirror of suitable focal length (b) A concave mirror of suitable focal length
(c) A convex lens of focal length less then 0.25 m (d) A concave lens of suitable focal length
171 In the adjoining diagram, distance between two lenses will be (F1 and F2 are focal lengths of two lenses)

(a) F1

(b) F2

(c) F1  F2

(d) F1  F2

172 A biconvex lens forms a real image of an object placed perpendicular to its principal axis. Suppose the radii of curvature of the
lens tend to infinity. Then the image would
(a) Disappear (b) Remain as real image still
(c) Be virtual and of the same size as the object (d) Suffer from aberrations
173 The radius of curvature of convex surface of a thin plano-convex lens is 15 cm and refractive index of its material is 1.6. The
power of the lens will be
(a) + 1D (b) – 2D (c) + 3D (d) + 4D
174 The graph between the lateral magnification (m) produced by a lens and the distance of the image (v) is given by

(a) m (b) m (c) m (d) m

0 0 0 0
v v v v
175 An object is placed first at infinity and then at 20 cm from the object side focal plane of the convex lens. The two images thus
formed are 5 cm apart. The focal length of the lens is
(a) 5 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 15 cm (d) 20 cm
176 A parallel beam of light falling on a glass sphere of radius 3.6 cm and refractive index 1.4 will come to a focus
(a) Inside the sphere (b) At the surface of the sphere (c) Outside the sphere (d) At infinity
177 In displacement method the lengths of images in two positions of lens between object and screen are 9 cm and 4 cm respectively.
The length of object must be
(a) 6.25 cm (b) 3 / 2 cm (c) 6 cm (d) 36 cm
178 A thin convex lens of refractive index 1.5 has a focal length of 15 cm in air. When the lens is placed in liquid of refractive index 4
/ 3, its focal length will be
(a) 15 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 30 cm (d) 60 cm
179 An object is placed 9 cm from a magnifying lens of focal length 24 cm. What is the magnitude of magnification
(a) 1.2 (b) 1.6 (c) 2.0 (d) 2.4
180 A parallel beam of white light falls on a convex lens. Images of blue, yellow and red light are formed on other side of the lens at a
distance of 0.20 m, 0.205 m and 0.214 m respectively. The dispersive power of the material of the lens will be
(a) 619 / 1000 (b) 9 / 200 (c) 14 / 205 (d) 5 / 214
50 Refraction of Light
181 An object is placed at a distance of f / 2 from a convex lens. The image will be
(a) At one of the foci, virtual and double its size (b) At 3f / 2, real and inverted
(c) At 2f, virtual and erect (d) None of these
182 A convex lens and a concave lens of 10 cm focal length combine, the combination lens behaves as
(a) Convex lens (b) Concave lens (c) As a slab of glass (d) As convex mirror
183 Magnification produced by a concave lens is always
(a) Less then one (b) More then one (c) One (d) Less or more then one
184 The graph shows variation of v with change in u. Points plotted above the point P on the curve are for values of v

(a) Smaller then f

(b) Smaller then 2f P

(c) Larger then 2f

(d) Larger than f u

185 Two lenses are placed in contact with each other and the focal length of combination is 80 cm. If the focal length of one is 20 cm,
then the power of the other will be
(a) 1.66 D (b) 4.00 D (c) – 1.00 D (d) – 3.75 D
186 Sixteen thin convex lenses focal lengths f, 2f, 4f, 8f....... are placed in contact with each other. The combination will behave as a
convex lens of focal length approximately
(a) 136 f (b) 39 f (c) 2 f (d) f / 2
187 A lens behaves as a converging lens in air and a diverging lens in water. The refractive index of the material is

(a) Equal to unity (b) Equal to 1.33 (c) Between unity and 1.33 (d) Greater than 1.33
188 For getting enlarged and real image by a convex lens of focal length 15 cm, the object is to be placed at a distance of ..... from the
optical centre
(a) Between 0 and 15 cm (b) Between 15 and 30 cm (c) Between 30 and 45 cm (d) Between 45 and 60 cm

Advance Level

189 A thin plano-convex lens acts like a concave mirror of focal length 0.2 m when silvered form its plane surface. The refractive
index of the material of the lens is 1.5. The radius of curvature of the convex surface of the lens will be
(a) 0.4 m (b) 0.2 m (c) 0.1 m (d) 0.75 m
190 The size of the image of an object, which is at infinity, as formed by a convex lens of focal length 30 cm is 2 cm. If a concave lens
of focal length 20 cm is placed between the convex lens and the image at a distance of 26 cm from the convex lens, calculate the
new size of the image
(a) 1.25 cm (b) 2.5 cm (c) 1.05 cm (d) 2 cm
191 A hollow double concave lens is made of very thin transparent material. It can be filled with air or either of two liquids L1 and
L 2 having refractive indices n1 and n 2 respectively (n 2  n1  1) . The lens will diverge a parallel beam of light if it is filled with

(a) Air and placed in air (b) Air and immersed in L1 (c) L1 and immersed in L 2 (d) L 2 and immersed in L1
Refraction of Light 51
192 Two lenses, one convex and the other concave of same power are placed such that their principal axes coincide. If the separation
between the lenses is x, then
(a) Real image is formed for x = 0 only (b) Real image is formed for all values of x
(c) Virtual image is formed for all value of x other than zero (d) System will behave like a glass plate for x = 0
193 The focal length of a convex lens of R.I. 1.5 is f when it is placed in air. When it is immersed in a liquid it behaves as a converging
lens its focal length becomes xf (x > 1). The refractive index of the liquid
(a) > 3/2 (b) < (3/2) and > 1 (c) < 3/2 (d) All of these
194 A point object O is placed on the principal axis of a convex lens of focal length 20 cm at a distance of 40 cm to the left of it. The
diameter of the lens is 10 cm. If the eye is placed 60 cm to the right of the lens at a distance h below the principal axis, then the
maximum value of h to see the image will be
(a) 0 (b) 5 cm (c) 2.5 cm (d) 10 cm
195 A concave lens of glass, refractive index 1.5, has both surfaces of same radius of curvature R. On immersion in a medium of
refractive index 1.75 it will behave as a

(a) Convergent lens of focal length 3.5 R (b) Convergent lens of focal length 3.0 R

(c) Divergent lens of focal length 3.5 R (d) Divergent lens of focal length 3.0 R

196 A plano-convex lens when silvered in the plane side behaves like a concave mirror of focal length 30 cm. However, when silvered
on the convex side it behaves like concave mirror of focal length 10 cm. Then the refractive index of its material will be

(a) 3.0 (b) 2.0 (c) 2.5 (d) 1.5

197 A glass hemisphere of radius 0.04 m and R.I. of the material 1.6 is placed centrally over a cross mark on a paper (i) with the flat
face (ii) with the curved face in contact with the paper. In each case the cross mark is viewed directly from above. The position of
the images will be

(a) (i) 0.04 m from the flat face; (ii) 0.025 m from the flat face

(b) (i) At the same position of the cross mark; (ii) 0.025 m below the flat face

(c) (i) 0.025 m from the flat face; (ii) 0.04 m from the flat face

(d) For both (i) and (ii) 0.025 m from the highest point of the hemisphere
198 Diameter of a plano-convex lens is 6 cm and thickness at the centre is 3 mm. If the speed of light in the material of the lens is
2  10 8 m / sec the focal length of the lens is
(a) 15 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 30 cm (d) 10 cm
199 The angle subtended at the eye by the sun is . The diameter of image of the sun formed by a convex lens of focal length 25 cm
25 25
(a) 12.5 cm (b) 12.5 mm (c) mm (d) mm
36 36

200 A glass sphere of radius r  5  10 2 m has a small bubble 2  10 2 m from its centre. The bubble is viewed along a diameter of
the sphere from the side on which it lies. Refractive index of glass is 1.5. Distance from surface at which the bubble will appear is
(a) 2.5 cm (b) 5.2 cm (c) – 5.2 cm (d) – 2.5 cm
201 Two thin equi-convex lenses of focal lengths 10 cm and 20 cm are placed inside a thin-walled glass box with curved sides, side by
side, such that these are tightly fitted inside. The glass is then filled with water and used as a lens. Determine the position of an
object so that an image twice the size of the object is formed due to this lens combination.  glass  3 / 2 and  water  4 / 3

(a) 10 cm. 15 cm
(b) 12 cm, 4 cm
f1 f2
52 Refraction of Light
(c) 15 cm, 5 cm
(d) 8 cm, 3 cm
202 A thin lens of focal length f has aperture a. It forms an image of intensity I. Inner part of a lens upto diameter d/3 is painted
black, the intensity of image will be
(a) I / 3 (b) I / 9 (c) 8I / 9 (d) I
203 In figure if points F represent the principal foci, which diagram illustrates the passage of a ray of light through a converging lens

(a) (b) (c) (d)

204 A ray of light strikes a piece of glass shaped as shown in figure. Along which path does the ray continue
(a) 1 (1)
(b) 3
(c) 4 Ray striking
(d) 5 Glass

205 From shows five rays from an object passing through a converging lens. There of these rays are correctly drawn. The two rays,
not drawn correctly, are
(a) (ii) and (iv) (iii (i)
(b) (I) and (iii) (ii (iii
) (v) )(iv
(c) (iii) and (iv) (ii )
(d) (i) and (iv)
206 A convex lens is used a real image of the object shown in the following figure

1 2
4 3

Then the real inverted images is as shown in the following figure

1 2 2 1 4 3 3 4
4 3 3 4 1 2 2 1

(a) a (b) b (c) c (d) d

207 An object is placed at a point distant x from the focus of a convex lens and its image is formed at I as shown in the figure. The
distances x, x' satisfy the relation
x  x'
(a)  f
(b) f  xx ' O F F'
x x'
(c) x  x'  2 f

(d) x  x '  2 f
Refraction of Light 53
208 The graph shows how the magnification m produced by a convex thin lens varies with image distance v. What was the focal
length of the used
b m
bc b
c a c
(d) v
209 The distance between object and the screen is D. Real images of an object are formed on the screen for two positions of a lens
separated by a distance d. The ratio between the sizes of two images will be

(a) D/d (b) D 2 / d 2 (c) (D  d ) 2 /(D  d ) 2 (d) (D / d )

210 A convex lens of focal length f is placed some where in between an object and a screen. The distance between the object and the
screen is x. If the numerical value of the magnification produced by the lens is m1 the focal of the lens is
mx mx (m  1) 2 (m  1) 2
(a) (b) (c) x (d) x
(m  1) 2 (m  1) 2 m m
211 The slab of a material of refractive index 2 shown in figure has curved surface APB of radius of curvature 10 cm and a plane
surface CD. On the left of APB is air and on the right of CD is water with refractive indices as given in figure. An object O is placed
at a distance of 15 cm from pole P as shown. The distance of the final image of O from P, as viewed from the left is
(a) 20 cm P C' O n3 
(b) 30 cm n2 = 2.0

(c) 40 cm B D
15 cm
20 cm
(d) 50 cm
212 An object is kept at a distance of 16 cm from a thin and the image formed is real. If the object is kept at a distance of 6 cm from
the same lens the image formed is virtual. If the size of the images formed are equal, the focal length of the lens will be
(a) 15 cm (b) 17 cm (c) 21 cm (d) 11 cm
213 A concave lens forms the image of an object such that the distance between the object and image is 10 cm and the magnification
produced is 1/4. The focal length of the lens will be
(a) 8.6 cm (b) 6.2 cm (c) 10 cm (d) 4.4 cm
214 A plano convex lens fits exactly into a plano concave lens. Their plane surface are parallel to each other. If the lenses are made of
different materials of refractive indices  1 and  2 and R is the radius of curvature of the curved surface of the lenses, then focal
length of the combination is
R 2R R R
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1   2 1   2 2( 1   2 ) 2  ( 1   2 )
215 Optic axis of a thin equiconvex lens is the x-axis. The co-ordinates of a point object and its image are (– 40 cm, 1cm) and (50 cm,
– 2 cm) respectively. Lens is located at
(a) x  20 cm (b) x  30 cm (c) x  10 cm (d) Origin
216 Focal length of a thin convex lens is 30 cm. At a distance of 10 cm from the lens there is a plane refracting surface of refractive
index 3/2. Where will the parallel rays incident on lens converge
(a) At a distance of 27.5 cm from the lens (b) At a distance of 25 cm from the lens
(c) At a distance of 45 cm from the lens (d) At a distance of 40 cm from the lens

217 A ray incident at an angle of incidence 60o enters a glass sphere of refractive index   3 . This ray is reflected and refracted at
the further surface of the sphere. The angle between reflected and refracted rays at this surface is
(a) 90o (b) 60o (c) 70o (d) 40o
54 Refraction of Light
218 A double convex lens, lens made of a material of refractive index  1 , is placed inside two liquids or refractive indices  2 and
 3 , as shown.  2   1   3 . A wide, parallel beam of light is incident on the lens from the left. The lens will give rise to

(a) A single convergent beam 2 2

(b) Two different convergent beams
(c) Two different divergent beams 3 3

(d) A convergent and a divergent beam

219 A thin, symmetric double-convex lens of power P is cut into three parts A, B and C as shown. The power of
(a) A is P
(b) A is 2P A

(c) B is
2 B C

(d) B is

220 The distance between a convex lens and a plane mirror is 10 cm. The parallel rays incident on the convex lens after
refraction from the mirror form image at the optical centre of the lens. Focal length of lens will be

(a) 10 cm
(b) 20 cm O
(c) 30 cm
(d) Cannot be determined

Prism Theory & Dispersion

Basic Level

221 If the angle of prism is 60o and the angle of minimum deviation is 40o, the angle of refraction will be
(a) 30o (b) 60o (c) 100o (d) 120o
222 A ray of light is incident on an equilateral glass prism placed on a horizontal table. For minimum deviation which of the following
is true

(a) PQ is horizontal
(b) QR is horizontal
(c) RS is horizontal S
(d) Either PQ or RS is horizontal

223 The refractive index of the material of prism is 2 and its refracting angle is 300. One of the refracting surfaces of the prism is
made a mirror inwards. A beam of monochromatic light entering the prism from the other face will retrace its path after
reflection from the mirrored surface if its angle of incidence on the prism is
(a) 45o (b) 60o (c) 0 (d) 30o
224 The refractive index of a particular material is 1.67 for blue light, 1.65 for yellow light and 1.63 for red light. The dispersive power
of the material is
(a) 0.0615 (b) 0.024 (c) 0.031 (d) 1.60
225 Rainbow is formed due to
Refraction of Light 55
(a) Refraction (b) Dispersion and total internal reflection
(c) Total internal reflection (d) Scattering
226 A monochromatic light is passed through a prism,.......... colour shows minimum deviation
(a) Red (b) Violet (c) Yellow (d) Green

227 The angle of a prism is 60o and its refractive index is 2 . The angle of minimum deviation suffered by a ray of light in passing
through it is
(a) About 20o (b) 30o (c) 60o (d) 45o
228 In the given figure, what is the angle of prism

(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D A B

229 A ray of light incident normally on an isosceles right angled prism angled prism travels as shown in the figure. The least value of
the refractive index of the prism must be

(a) 2

(b) 3
(c) 1.5 90°
(d) 2.0 C B

230 The refractive index of a prism for a monochromatic wave is 2 and its refracting angle is 60o for minimum deviation, the angle
of incidence will be
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) 75o
231 A ray of light passes through the equilateral prism such that angle of incidence is equal to the angle of emergence if the angle of
incidence is 45o. The angle of deviation will be
(a) 15o (b) 75o (c) 60o (d) 30o
232 The Cauchy's dispersion formula is

(a) n  A  B  2  C  4 (b) n  A  B  2  C  4 (c) n  A  B  2  C  4 (d) n  A  B  2  C  4

233 The angle of a prism is 30o. The rays incident at 60o at one refracting face suffer a deviation of 30o. The angle of emergence is

(a) 0o (b) 30o (c) 60o (d) 90o

234 Which one of the following spherical lenses does not exhibit dispersion? The radii of curvature of the surfaces of the lenses are as
given in the diagrams

(a) R1 R2 (b) (c) R R (d) R 

R1  R2
235 Flint glass prism is joined by a crown glass prism to produce dispersion without deviation. The refractive indices of these for
mean rays are 1.602 and 1.500 respectively. Angle of prism of flint prism is 10 o, then the angle of prism for crown prism will be

(a) 12o2.4' (b) 12o4' (c) 1.24o (d) 12o

56 Refraction of Light
236 The light ray is incidence at angle of 60o on a prism of angle 45o. When the light ray falls on the other surface at 90o,the refractive
index of the material of prism  and the angle of deviation  are given by

3 3
(a)   2 ,   30 o (b)   1 . 5,   15 o (c)  ,   30 o (d)   ,   15 o
2 2
237 A thin prism P1 with angle 4o and made from glass of refractive index 1.54 is combined with another thin prism P2 made from
glass of refractive index 1.72 to produce dispersion without deviation. The angle of prism P2 is

(a) 2.6o (b) 3o (c) 4o (d) 5.33o

238 Angle of a prism is 30o and its refractive index is 2 and one of the surface is silvered. At what angle of incidence. A ray should
be incident on one surface so that after reflection from the silvered surface. It retraces its path

(a) 30o (b) 60o (c) 45o (d) sin 1 1 . 5

239 A prism ABC of angle 30o has its face AC silvered. A ray of light incident at an angle of 45o at the face AB retraces its path after
refraction at face AB and reflection at face AC. The refractive index of the material of the prism is
(a) 1.5 A
2 Silvered
(c) 2
240 A ray passes through a prism of angle 60o in minimum deviation position and suffers a deviation of 30o. What is the angle of
incidence on the prism
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) 90o

241 If the refractive angles of two prisms made of crown glass are 10 o and 20o respectively, then the ratio of their colour deviation
powers will be
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 : 1 (c) 4 : 1 (d) 1 : 2
242 When a glass prism of refracting angle 60o is immersed in a liquid its angle of minimum deviation is 30o. The critical angle of
glass with respect to the liquid medium is
(a) 42o (b) 45o (c) 50o (d) 52o

243 Three prisms 1, 2 and 3 have the prism angle A  60 o , but their refractive indices are respectively 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 if  1 ,  2 ,  3 be
their respective angles of deviation then
(a)  3   2   1 (b)  1   2   3 (c)  1   2   3 (d)  2   1   3

244 Which one of the following alternative is FALSE for a prism placed in a position of minimum deviation
(a) i1  i2 (b) r1  r2 (c) i1  r1 (d) All of these

245 In the visible region the dispersive powers and the mean angular deviations for crown and flint glass prisms are  ,  ' and d, d'
respectively. The condition for getting deviation without dispersion when the two prisms are combined is

(a)  d  ' d'  0 (b)  ' d   d '  0 (c)  d   ' d '  0 (d) ( d )2  ( ' d ' )2  0

246 When white light enters a prism, it gets split into its constituent colours. This is due to
(a) High density of prism material (b) Because  is different for different 
(c) Diffraction of light (d) Velocity changes for different frequencies
247 The dispersive powers of crown and flint glasses are 0.02 and 0.04 respectively. In an achromatic combination of lenses the focal
length of flint glass lens is 40 cm. The focal length of crown glass lens will be
Refraction of Light 57
(a) – 20 cm (b) + 20 cm (c) – 10 cm (d) + 10 cm
248 Consider the following statements
Assertion (A) : The refractive index of a prism depends only on the kind of glass of which it is made of and the colour of light
Reason (R) : The refractive index of a prism depends upon the refracting angle of the prism and the angle of minimum deviation
Of these statements
(a) Both A and R are true and the R is a correct explanation of the A
(b) Both A and R are true but the R is not a correct explanation of the A
(c) A is true but the R is false
(d) Both A and R are false
(e) A is false but the R is true
249 When a ray of light is incident normally on one refracting surface of an equilateral prism (Refractive index of the material of
the prism = 1.5)
(a) Emerging ray is deviated by 30o
(b) Emerging ray is deviated by 45o
(c) Emerging ray just grazes the second refracting surface
(d) The ray undergoes total internal reflection at the second refracting surface
250 Under minimum deviation condition in a prism, if a ray is incident at an angle 30 o, the angle between the emergent ray and the
second refracting surface of the prism is
(a) 0o (b) 30o (c) 45o (d) 60o
251 The angle of prism is 5o and its refractive indices for red and violet colours are 1.5 and 1.6 respectively. The angular dispersion
produced by the prism is
(a) 7.75o (b) 5o (c) 0.5o (d) 0.17o
252 A prism of refracting angle 60o is made with a material of refractive index  . For a certain wavelength of light, the angle of
minimum deviation is 30o. For this wavelength the value of refractive index of the material is
(a) 1.231 (b) 1.820 (c) 1.503 (d) 1.414
253 A ray of light passes through an equilateral glass prism in such a manner that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of
emergence and each of these angles is equal to 3/4 of the angle of the prism. The angle of deviation is

(a) 45o (b) 39o (c) 20o (d) 30o

254 A parallel beam of monochromatic light is incident at one surface of a equilateral prism. Angle of incidence is 55 o and angle of
emergence is 46o. The angle of minimum deviation will be
(a) Less then 41o (b) Equal to 41o (c) More one 41o (d) None of the above
255 The refracting angle of a prism A is small. The correct statement for the dispersive power of a prism is that dispersive power

(a) Depends upon the material of the prism (b) Depends upon both material and angle of prism
(c) Depends only upon refracting angle of prism (d) Is same for all colors of white light
256 If a thin prism of glass is dipped into water then minimum deviation (with respect to air) of light produced by prism will be left
 3 4
 w g  and a  w  
 2 3

1 1 1
(a) (b) (c) 2 (d)
2 4 5
257 The refractive index of the material of the prism for violet colour is 1.69 and that for red is 1.65. If the refractive index for mean
colour is 1.66, the dispersive power of the material of the prism
(a) 0.66 (b) 0.06 (c) 0.65 (d) 0.69
58 Refraction of Light
258 The deviation caused red, yellow and violet colours for crown glass prism are 2.84o, 3.28o and 3.72o respectively. The dispersive
power of prism material is
(a) 0.268 (b) 0.368 (c) 0.468 (d) 0.568
259 Dispersion of light is due to
(a) Wavelength (b) Intensity of light (c) Density of medium (d) None of these
260 If red light and violet light rays are of focal lengths f R and fV , then which of the following is true

(a)  R   V (b)  R   V (c) R  V (d)  R   V

261 A thin prism P1 of angle of prism 4o and refractive index 1.54 is combined with another thin prism P2 of refractive index 1.72 for
dispersion without deviation. The angle of prism of P2 is

(a) 5.33o (b) 4o (c) 3o (d) 2.6o

262 White light is passed through a prism whose angle is 5o. If the refractive indices for rays of red and blue colour are respectively
1.64 and 1.66 the angle of deviation between the two colours will be
(a) 0.1 degree (b) 0.2 degree (c) 0.3 degree (d) 0.4 degree
263 Which of the following diagrams, shows correctly the dispersion of white light by a prism

(a) V (b) (c) (d) V

264 When light of wavelength  is incident on an equilateral prism kept in its minimum deviation position, it is found that the angle
of deviation equals the angle of the prism itself. The refractive index of the material of the prism for the wavelength  is, then

(a) 3 (b) (c) 2 (d) 2

265 We use flint glass prism to disperse polychromatic light because light of different colours

(a) Travel with same speed

(b) Travel with same speed but deviate differently due to the shape of the prism

(c) Have different anisotropic properties while travelling through the prism

(d) Travel with different speeds

266 Light rays from a source are incident on a glass prism of index of refraction  and angle of prism  . At near normal incidence,
the angle of deviation of the emerging rays is

(a) (  2) (b) (  1) (c) (  1) (d) (  2)

267 The angle of minimum deviation measured with a prism is 30o and the angle of prism is 60o. The refractive index of prism
material is

(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 3/2 (d) 4/3

268 Dispersion can take place for
(a) Transverse waves only but not for longitudinal waves (b) Longitudinal waves only but not for transverse waves
(c) Both transverse and longitudinal waves (d) Neither transverse nor longitudinal waves
269 A light ray is incident upon a prism in minimum deviation position and suffers a deviation of 34o. If the shaded half of the prism
is knocked off, the ray will

(a) Suffer a deviation of 34o

Refraction of Light 59
(b) Suffer a deviation of 68o
(c) Suffer a deviation of 17o
(d) Not come out of the prism
270 A ray is incident at an angle of incidence i on one surface of a prism of small angle A and emerges normally from the opposite
surface. If the refractive index of the material of the prism is  ,the angle of incidence i is nearly equal to

(a) A/ (b) A / 2  (c) A (d) A / 2

271 The minimum deviation produced by a hollow prism filled with a certain liquid is found to be 30o. The light ray is also found to
be refracted at angle of 30o. The refractive index of the liquid is

3 3
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) (d)
2 2

272 The refractive indices of violet and red light are 1.54 and 1.52 respectively. If the angle of prism is 10 o, then the angular dispersion

(a) 0.02 (b) 0.2 (c) 3.06 (d) 30.6

273 In a thin prism of glass (refractive index 1.5), which of the following relations between the angle of minimum deviations  m and
angle of refraction r will be correct
(a)  m  r (b)  m  1 . 5 r (c)  m  2r (d)  m 
274 A medium is said to be dispersive, if
(a) Light of different wavelengths propagate at different speeds
(b) Light of different wavelengths propagate at same speed but has different frequencies
(c) Light is gradually bent rather than sharply refracted at an interface between the medium and air
(d) Light is never totally internally reflected
275 A ray of light is incident at an angle of 60o on one face of a prism of angle 30o. The ray emerging out of the prism makes an angle
of 30o with the incident ray. The emergent ray is
(a) Normal to the face through which it emerges (b) Inclined at 30o to the face through which it emerges
(c) Inclined at 60o to the face through which it emerges (d) None of these
276 The respective angles of the flint and crown glass prisms are A' and A. They are to be used for dispersion without deviation, then
the ratio of their angles A'/A will be

( y  1) ( y'  1)
(a)  (b) (c) ( y'  1) (d) ( y  1)
( y'  1) ( y  1)

277 When white light passes through the achromatic combination of prisms, then what is observed
(a) Only deviation (b) Only dispersion (c) Deviation and dispersion (d) None of the above
278 The dispersion for a medium of wavelength  is D, then the dispersion for the wavelength 2 will be
(a) D / 8 (b) D / 4 (c) D / 2 (d) D
279 Three glass prisms A, B and C of same refractive index are placed in contact with each other as shown in figure with no air gap
between the prisms. Monochromatic ray of light OP passes through the prism assembly and emerges as QR. The conditions of
minimum deviation is satisfied in the prisms

(a) A and C B
(b) B and C A
(c) A and B
60 Refraction of Light
(d) In all prisms A, B and C
280 Angle of minimum deviation for a prism of refractive index 1.5 is equal to the angle of prism. The angle of prism is (cos 41 o =

(a) 62o (b) 41o (c) 82o (d) 31o

281 A prism (  1 . 5 ) has the refracting angle of 30o. The deviation of a monochromatic ray incident normally on its one surface will
be (sin 48o 36' = 0.75)
(a) 18o 36' (b) 20o 30' (c) 18o (d) 22o 1'
282 A prism of angle 60o produces a minimum deviation of 39o in a light of certain colour. The refractive index for the prism material
is (sin 49.5o = 0.76)
(a) 1.50 (b) 1.32 (c) 1.64 (d) 1.52
283 The critical angle between a equilateral prism and air is 42 o. If the incident ray is perpendicular to the refracting surface, then

(a) After deviation it will emerge from the second refracting surface
(b) It is totally reflected on the second surface and emerges out perpendicularly from third surface in air
(c) It is totally reflected from the second and third refracting surfaces and finally emerges out from the first surface
(d) It is totally reflected from all the three sides of prism and never emerges out
284 When light rays are incident on a prism at an angle of 45 o, the minimum deviation is obtained. If refractive index of the material
of prism is 2 , then the angle of prism will be
(a) 30o (b) 40o (c) 50o (d) 60o
285 A convex lens, a glass slab, a glass prism and a solid sphere all are made of the same glass, the dispersive power will
(a) In the glass slab and prism (b)In the lens solid sphere (c) Only in prism (d) In all the four
286 A ray of monochromatic light is incident on one refracting face of a prism of angle 75 o. It passes through the prism and is incident
on the other face at the critical angle. If the refractive index of the material of the prism is 2 . The angle of incidence on the first
face of the prism is
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) 0o

Advance Level

287 A light ray is incident perpendicular to one face of a 90o prism and is totally internally reflected at the glass air interface. If the
angle of reflection is 45o,we conclude that the refractive index n
(a) n 

(b) n  2
(c) n 
2 45o

(d) n  2
288 A prism of refractive index  and angle A is placed in the minimum deviation position. If the angle of minimum deviation is A,
then the value of A in terms of  is
Refraction of Light 61

  1  

(a) sin 1   (b) sin 1 (c) 2 cos 1   (d) cos 1  
2 2 2 2
289 A given ray of light suffers minimum deviation in an equilateral prism P. Additional prisms Q and R of identical shape and
material are now added to P as shown in the figure. The ray will suffer [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2001; KCET 2003]

(a) Greater deviation Q

(b) Same deviation

(c) No deviation
(d) Total internal reflection
290 A ray PQ incident on the refracting face BA is refracted in the prism BAC as shown in the figure and emerges from the other
refracting face AC as RS such that AQ = AR. If the angle of prism A = 60o and the refractive index of the material of prism is 3,
then the angle of deviation of the ray is
60 R
(a) 60o °
(b) 45o
(c) 30o
(d) None of these
291 Angle of prism is A and its one surface is silvered. Light rays falling at an angle of incidence 2A on first surface return back
through the same path after suffering reflection at second silvered surface. Refractive index of the material of prism is
(a) 2 sin A (b) 2 cos A (c) cos A (d) tan A
292 An isosceles prism of angle 120o has a refractive index of 1.44. Two parallel monochromatic rays enter the prism parallel to each
other in air as shown. The rays emerging form the opposite faces

(a) Are parallel to each other

(b) Are diverging 120°
(c) Make an angle 2 sin (0 . 72 ) with each other

(d) Make an angle 2 sin 1 (0 . 72 )  30 o with each other

Defects of Images and Spectrum

293 The dark lines of solar spectrum are known as

(a) Planck's lines (b) Kepler's lines (c) Fraunhofer's lines (d) Black lines
294 Colour of the sky is blue due to
(a) Scattering of light (b) Total internal reflection (c) Total emission (d) None of the above
295 In the formation of a rainbow light from the sun on water droplets undergoes
(a) Dispersion only (b) Only total internal reflection
(c) Dispersion and total internal reflection (d) None of these
296 The solar spectrum during a complete solar eclipse is
(a) Continuous (b) Emission line (c) Dark line (d) Dark band
297 Fraunhofer spectrum is a
62 Refraction of Light
(a) Line absorption spectrum (b) Band absorption spectrum (c) Line emission spectrum (d) Band emission spectrum
298 The nature of sun's spectrum is
(a) Continuous spectrum with absorption lines (b) Line spectrum
(c) The spectrum of the helium atom (d) Band spectrum
299 The spectrum obtained from an electric lamp is
(a) Line spectrum (b) Band spectrum (c) Absorption spectrum (d) Continuous spectrum
300 Which radiation in sunlight, causes heating effect
(a) Ultraviolet (b) Infrared (c) Visible light (d) All of these
301 Consider the following statements
Assertion (A) : Blue colour of sky appears due to scattering of blue colour
Reason (R) : Blue colour has shortest wavelength in visible spectrum
Of these statements
(a) Both A and R true and the R is a correct explanation of the A
(b) Both A and R true and the R is not a correct explanation of the A
(c) A is true but the R is false
(d) Both A and R are false
(e) A is false but the R is true
302 Which of the prism is used to see infrared spectrum of light
(a) Rock Salt (b) Nicol (c) Flint (d) Crown
303 Consider the following two statements A and B and identify the correct choice in the given answers
A : Line spectra is due to atoms in gaseous state
B : Band spectra is due to molecules
(a) Both A and B are false (b) A is true and B is false (c) A is false and B is true (d) Both A and B are true
304 A real image of a distant object is formed by a plano-convex lens on its principal axis. Spherical aberration
(a) Is absent (b) Is smaller if the curved surface of the lens faces the object
(c) Is smaller if the plane surface of the lens faces the object (d) Is the same whichever side of the lens faces the object
305 From which source a continuous emission spectrum and a line absorption spectrum are simultaneously obtained
(a) Bunsen burner flame (b) The sun
(c) Tube light (d) Hot filament of an electric bulb
306 A white screen illuminated by green and red light appears to be
(a) Green (b) Red (c) Yellow (d) White
307 Stars are not visible in the day time because
(a) Stars hide behind the sun
(b) Stars do not reflect sun-rays during day
(c) Stars vanish during the day
(d) Atmosphere scatters sunlight into a blanket of extreme brightness through which faint stars cannot be visible
308 A neon sign does not produce
(a) Line spectrum (b) An emission spectrum (c) An absorption spectrum (d) Photons
309 Which of the following spectrum have all the frequencies from high to low frequency range
(a) Band spectrum (b) Continuous spectrum (c) Line spectrum (d) Discontinuous spectrum
310 The light from a sodium vapour lamp passes through a single narrow slit and then through two close parallel narrow slits. The
single slit lies on the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the two close parallel slits. An observer looking towards the lamp
through the double slit will see
Refraction of Light 63
(a) A continuous yellow band (b) A continuous black band
(c) Alternate black and yellow bands (d) A coloured spectrum
311 Missing lines in a continuous spectrum reveal
(a) Defects of the observing instrument
(b) Absence of some elements in the light source
(c) Presence in the light source of hot vapours of some elements
(d) Presence of cool vapours of some elements around the light source
312 A source emits light of wavelength 4700 Å, 5400 Å and 6500 Å. The light passes through red glass before being tested by a
spectrometer. Which wavelength is seen in the spectrum
(a) 6500 Å (b) 5400 Å (c) 4700 Å (d) All the above
313 Dark lines on solar spectrum are due to
(a) Lack of certain elements (b) Black body radiation
(c) Absorption of certain wavelengths by outer layers (d) Scattering
314 When seen in green light, the saffron and green portions of our National Flag will appear to be
(a) Black (b) Black and green respectively
(c) Green (d) Green and yellow respectively
315 Chromatic aberration in the formation of images by a lens arises because
(a) Of non-paraxial rays (b) The radii of curvature of the two sides are not same
(c) Of the defect in grinding (d) The focal length varies with wavelength
316 Spherical aberration in a thin lens can be reduced by
(a) Using monochromatic light (b) Using a doublet combination
(c) Using a circular annular mask over the lens (d) Increasing the size of lens
317 Band spectrum is obtained when the source emitting light is in the form of
Band spectrum is characteristic of
(a) Atoms (b) Molecules (c) Plasma (d) None of the above
318 An achromatic combination of lenses produces
(a) Images in black and white
(b) Coloured images
(c) Images unaffected by variation of refractive index with wavelength
(d) Highly enlarged images
319 The band spectrum (characteristic of molecular species) is due to emission of radiation
(a) Gaseous state (b) Liquid state (c) Solid state (d) All of three states
320 When light emitted by a white hot solid is passed through a sodium flame, the spectrum of the emergent light will show

(a) The D1 and D 2 bright yellow lines of sodium (b) Two dark lines in the yellow region

(c) All colours from violet to red (d) No colours at all

321 What will be the colour of sky as seen from the earth, if there were no atmosphere
(a) Black (b) Blue (c) Orange (d) Red
322 At the time of total solar eclipse, the spectrum of solar radiation would be
(a) A large number of dark Fraunhofer lines (b) A less number of dark Fraunhofer lines
(c) No lines at all (d) All Fraunhofer lines changed into brilliant colours
64 Refraction of Light
323 The dispersive powers of the materials of the two lenses are in the ratio 4 : 3. If the achromatic combination of these two lenses in
contact is a convex lens of focal length 60 cm then the focal lengths of the component lenses are
(a) – 20 cm and 25 cm (b) 20 cm and – 25 cm (c) – 15 cm and 40 cm (d) 15 cm and – 20 cm
324 The number of wavelengths in the visible spectrum
(a) 4000 (b) 6000 (c) 2000 (d) Infinite
325 Light coming from a commercial lighted mercury fluorescent tube consists of

(a) Emission lines of mercury only (b) Emission lines of mercury with a continuous background

(c) Emission lines of mercury atoms with few bands of Hg 2 (d) Emission lines of mercury and those of electrode material

326 An incandescent electric lamp gives a spectrum consisting of

(a) Sharp lines (b) Bands (c) A continuum (d) Diffused lines
327 Objects are visible in light due to
(a) Scattering (b) Refraction (c) Absorption (d) Fluorescence
328 In the formation of primary rainbow, the sunlight rays emerge at minimum deviation from rain-drop after
(a) One internal reflection and one refraction (b) One internal reflection and two refractions
(c) Two internal reflections and one refraction (d) Two internal reflections and two refractions
329 Chromatic aberration will be absent if for two thin lenses in contact
(a) ( 1 / F1 )  ( 2 / F2 )  0 (b) ( 1 / F2 )  ( 2 / F1 )  0 (c) (F1 /  2 )  (F2 /  1 )  0 (d) (1   2 )  (F1  F2 )  0

330 Chromatic aberration of a lens can be corrected by

(a) Providing different suitable curvatures of its two surfaces (b) Proper polishing of its two surfaces
(c) Suitably combining it with another lens (d) Reducing its aperture
331 An achromatic telescope objective is to be made by combining the lenses of flint and crown glass. The proper choice is
(a) Convergent of crown, divergent of flint (b) Divergent of crown, convergent of flint
(c) Both divergent (d) Both convergent
332 Two lenses of focal length +10 cm and – 15 cm when put in contact behave like a convex lens. They will have zero longitudinal
chromatic aberration if their dispersive powers are in the ratio
(a) +3/2 (b) +2/3 (c) – 3/2 (d) – 2/3
333 In a room containing smoke particles the intensity due to source of light will
(a) Obey the law of inverse-square
(b) Fall off faster with distance from the source than inverse-square law
(c) Increase faster with distance from the source than the inverse-square law
(d) Remain constant at all distances
334 One cannot see through fog because
(a) Fog absorbs light (b) Light is scattered by the droplets in fog
(c) Light suffers total reflection at the droplets in fog (d) The refractive index of fog is infinity
92 Refraction of Light

F F

Answer Sheet

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
c b a b c d c d d c b b c c b a a c c d
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
a b b b a b d c a c b a b b b b d a b a
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
d b c a b a b b a c c a b d a b a b b b
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
c a, c a d d a d a c a d a a c d d c d b a
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
a c c d c c c d a c d c a c c, d a b a b a
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
d c b b c d a b d d c c c d c c a a d c
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
a c a d b c c d a a c a a d a a a c b b
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
a,d c b a b a b d d c b a c d a b c a c c
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
b,c a a a c a c a c b, c c c d b b c c d b c
181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
a c a c d d c b b b d d b c a d b c d d
201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220
c c d d b c d d c a b d d a c d a d a, c b
221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240
a b a a b a c c a b d a a c a d b c c b
241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260
d b a c c b a c d d c d d a a b b a a b
261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280
c a b a c b a a c c a b a a a a a a c c
281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300
a d b d d b b c b a b d c a c a a a d b
301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320
a a d b b c d c b c d a c b d c b c a b
321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334
a d d d b c a b a c a b b b

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