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The summer after Emily Grierson’s father’s death at Jefferson Town, the construction of the

sidewalks ordered by the town has already begun. The company that led the construction came with
many workers including a foreman named Homer Barron – a big, dark, ready Yankee with a big voice
and eyes lighter than his face who became popular in town and attracted the grieving Emily Grierson.
They seem to see each other and have afternoon drives on a buggy.

Being a Grierson, this became the talk of the townspeople but at first, the people still assumed
that she will not be attracted with a guy like Homer. However, some are still worried that her sorrow will
make her forget of her status and will become involve with a man beneath her station.

As the affair continues and Emily’s reputation worsens, she was more pitied by the townspeople
who wishes that she will be visited by her relatives that has no communication with them since years

Though even with all the rumors, she would never be affected and would still carry her head
high and even demanded the recognition of her dignity as the last Grierson. Like when she was over
thirty and bought the rat poison after a year that gossips started and while being visited by her two

“I want some poison”

(the druggist looks at her)

“ I want some poison,” (she repeated)

“Yes, Miss Emily. What kind? For rats and such? If so, I’d reco-“ ----druggist

“Whatever! All I need is the best that you have. I really don’t care what kind.” (cutting in)

“We have (enumerates a lot of poisons) They’ll kill anything up to an elephant. But what you
want is ---

“I want arsenic”

(the druggist paused and stared at her but she just looked back not blinking)

“Yes, why of course”

(gets the bottle of poison)

(continues) “ If this is really what you want. But there’s one condition. The law requires you to
tell what you are going to use it for”

(she glared at him) (the druggist looked away and readied the arsenic)

NARRATOR “The Negro delivery boy then, brought to her the package and never came back.
When she opened the package at home, it simply says on the box, “FOR RATS”

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