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Exercise 1 Exercise 2


Luz said, The sampaguita is a flower.

” I am clean and pretty.” It is white and it smells sweet.
I wash my face. I put on a The sampaguita is our national
clean dress. flower.
I trim my nails. The gumamela is a flower too.
I comb my hair. It does not smell sweet.
Look at me. Some gumamela flowers are
Am I not pretty?” red.
Some are pink and some are
1. Who is talking? white.
A. Mother
B. Luz 1. Which is our national flower?
C. a Boy A. Sampaguita
2. What does she do with her face? B. Gumamela
A. She washes it. C. Rose
B. She combs it. 2. How does the sampaguita smell?
C. She cuts it. A. bad
3. What does she do with her nails? B. sweet
A. She cleans them. C. no smell
B. She trims them. 3. Which flower does not smell
C. She washes them. sweet?
4. What does she do with her hair? A. Camia
A. She cleans it. B. Sampaguita
B. She combs it. C. Gumamela
C. She washes it. 4. Which is not a flower?
5. What does she say? A. Butterfly
A. “I am clean and pretty.” B. Gumamela
B. “I am big and strong.” C. Sampaguita
C. “I am strong and healthy.” 5. Is there a white gumamela?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Did not say

Exercise 3 Exercise 4

Our school is big. “Mother, what’s this?”

It is beautiful. Sherbet asked showing a shell she
We have a flag in front of our found on the beach.
school. “That is an empty home of a
We have a garden in our school, small animal called shellfish.
too. Shellfish has soft body so it needs
Our school is clean. hard shell to protect it from
We help clean our school. starfish, crabs, fish or even birds.

1. What does the story tell 1. Who found a shell?

about? A. Mother
A. House B. Sherbet
B. School C. Fisherman
C. Garden 2. Where did she find the shell?
2. Which word tells about the A. On the beach
school? B. In the sea
A. Small C. In the yard
B. Dirty 3. What animal lived in the shell?
C. Beautiful A. Fish
3. What do we do to make our B. Crab
school clean? C. Shellfish
A. Play inside 4. What kind of body does a
B. Help clean shellfish have?
C. Put paint A. Hard
4. What do we have in front of B. Soft
our school? C. Hairy
A. Flag 5. What sea animal eats shellfish?
B. House A. Fish
C. Store B. Dog
5. What else has our school? C. Cat
A. Garden
B. Flowers
C. Grass

Exercise 5 Exercise 6

“Can you guess who I am?” It was Saturday.

asked Tito. “Let us clean the house,” said
“I teach children. Gloria.
I teach them to read and write. “I will clean the yard,” said Nilo.
I teach them to be good. “I will pull the grass.
I teach them how to be polite I will sweep the yard.
and helpful.” I will burn the dry leaves.”
“I will water the plants,” said
1. Who is talking in the story? Lina.
A. Tito
B. Brother 1. What day was it?
C. Father A. Monday
2. What did he ask the other B. Saturday
children to guess? C. Friday
A. What he is 2. Who asked that they clean the
B. Where he is house?
C. Who he is A. Nilo
3. What does a teacher teach in B. Mother
school? C. Gloria
A. Jump and run 3. What will Nilo do?
B. Sleep and play A. He will clean the garden.
C. Read and Write B. He will help clean the
4. What else does she teach in house.
school? C. He will clean the yard.
A. How to ear 4. What will Nilo do with the grass?
B. How to cross the street A. Water them
C. How to be good B. Plant them
5. What else does she teach the C. Pull them out
children? 5. Who will water the plants?
A. To watch TV A. Lina
B. To be polite and helpful B. Nilo
C. To go home C. Gloria

Exercise 7 Exercise 8

It is raining. “Let us fly our kites,” said Celo.

“It is raining hard,” said Lani. “It is good to fly kites now.
The rain is falling on the houses. The wind will help us fly our
The rain is falling on the trees. kites.
There is water on the streets. The boys made their kites fly.
“I will not go to school today,” They had blue kites, red kites,
said Tita. green kites, and yellow
“I might catch cold.” kites.
Their kites went up, up in the
1. Who will not go to school? sky.
A. Tita They looked like birds up in the
B. Lani sky.
C. A girl
2. Why will she not go to school? 1. Who asked the boys to fly kites?
A. It is cold. A. Celo

B. It is raining. B. Celso
C. Cenon
C. It is warm.
2. What helped them fly the kites?
3. What filled the streets with
A. Wind
B. Rain
A. Wind
C. Clouds
B. Clouds 3. What are the colors of the kites?
C. Rain A. White, black, orange
4. Where is the rain falling? B. Green, white, yellow
A. On the houses and trees C. Blue, red, green, yellow
B. In the classroom 4. Where did the kites fly?
C. In the garden A. Up in the sky
5. Why will Tita not go to school? B. Up on the trees
A. She may catch cold. C. Up on the houses

B. She has no umbrella. 5. What did the kites look like?

A. Birds
C. She will play.
B. Clouds
C. Sheep

Exercise 9 EXERCISE 10

Berto is big and strong. Mother Duck sat on her eggs

He eats good breakfast before to hatch. One morning, the eggs
going to school. began to crack. Five pretty chicks
He drinks milk. came out of their shells.
He eats vegetables, too. But one egg had not hatched.
He plays in the yard. So Mother Duck sat down and
These things help Berto become waits. Then, the egg finally
big and strong. cracked. Out came a chick was not
a duckling. It was beautiful swan
1. Who is the boy in the story? when it grew up.
A. Tito
B. Berto 1. What did Mother Duck do?
C. Lito A. Sat on her eggs

2. Which one tells about him? B. Swam in the pond

C. Played with her chicks
A. He is big and strong
2. Why did Mother Duck sit on her
B. He is small and thin
C. He is lazy.
A. To hide them
3. What does Berto eat before
B. To crack them
he goes to school? C. To hatch them
A. A good dinner 3. How many eggs were hatched first?
B. A good breakfast A. Four
C. A good supper B. Five
4. What other things make Berto C. Six
big and strong? 4. What kind of chick came out last?
A. Milk and vegetables A. Beautiful duckling
B. Coffee and candy B. Big duckling

C. Milk and coffee C. Ugly duckling

5. When it grew up, the ugly duckling
5. Where does Berto play?
was actually a _________________.
A. In the house
A. mother hen
B. In the yard
B. wild turkey
C. Under the sun
C. beautiful swan

Exercise 11 Exercise 12

I love to see the birds fly. “Look Father,” shouted Leon.

I love to hear their pretty songs. “Our beans have fruits.
Birds are our friends. Our patola plants have fruits,
They eat harmful insects on our too.”
plants. “Let us pick some of them,”
They are very pretty. Father said.
They make us happy. “We shall sell them in the market.
We must be kind to birds. Mother will cook some, too.”

1. What do we love to see? 1. Who saw the fruits of beans and

A. Birds patola?
B. Chickens A. Leon

C. Geese B. Father
C. Mother
2. What do birds do?
2. What will they do with the fruits?
A. They talk
A. They will eat all of them.
B. They fly
B. They will sell some and eat
C. They swim
3. What do we love to hear? C. They will give them away.
A. Birds’ songs 3. What will Mother do with some of
B. Birds’ talk the fruits?
C. Birds’ call A. Give them away.
4. What do birds do for us? B. Cook them.
A. They make us sad. C. Throw them away.
B. They make us happy. 4. What does Father want to do?
C. they make us angry. A. He wants to water the

5. How do birds help us? vegetables.

B. He wants to pick some of the
A. They eat sweet fruits.
B. They eat harmful insects.
C. He wants to eat the
C. They eat green plants.
5. Where will Father take the
A. To the store
B. To the kitchen
C. To the market
Exercise 13 Exercise 14

“Let us go to Heng’s store,” said Tito and Belen were going home.
Cora. Tito saw a nest.
“I will buy a pencil.” It has three little birds.
“Heng is a Chinese.” “I will take the birds home,” said
Aling Maria is a Filipino. Tito.
We should buy from Filipino “No, Tito,” said Belen.
stores. “For sure, the mother bird will
We should help Filipino sellers,” look for her baby birds.
Delia said. Do not take them away.”

1. What did Cora want to buy? 1. What did Tito see?

A. Book A. A hen’s nest
B. Pencil B. A bird’s nest
C. A bag C. A duck’s nest
2. Where would she buy a pencil? 2. How many little birds were
A. At Heng’s store there?
B. At the market A. Four
C. At Aling Maria’s store B. Three
3. Who wanted to buy at Aling C. Two
Maria’s store? 3. What did Tito want to do?
A. Cora A. Take the birds home.
B. The children B. Sell the birds.
C. Delia C. Cook the birds.
4. Where should we buy the things 4. Who did not want Tito to take
we need? the birds home?
A. From Chinese stores A. Mother
B. From Filipino stores B. Brother
C. From any store C. Belen
5. Whom should we help? 5. Who will look for the birds?
A. Chinese sellers A. The mother bird
B. Filipino sellers B. Tito’s mother
C. Old sellers C. Tito’s sister

B. Honest
C. Kind
Exercise 15 Exercise 16

Ben was on his way to school. I wish I were a farmer.

While walking, he found a A farmer good and wise.
ten- peso bill. I want to my countrymen.
He went to his teacher’s By growing lots of rice.
“Good morning, Miss Reyes,” 1. What is the title of the
said Ben. poem?
“I found this on the street.” A. A Farmer
He gave the ten-peso bill to B. A Wish
his teacher. C. A Seller
2. What does the one talking in
1. Where was Ben going? the poem want to be?
A. To school A. A farmer
B. To church
B. A policeman
C. To the market
C. A seller
2. What did he find?
A. A five-centavo coin
3. Who does he want to help?
B. A ten-peso coin A. People in his town
C. A ten-peso bill B. People in his school
3. Where did Ben find it? C. People in his country
A. On the street 4. What does he want to grow?
B. In the playground
A. Lots of rice
C. In the classroom
B. Lots of corn
4. To whom did he give the
C. Lots of vegetables
A. To his Mother 5. What kind of a farmer does
B. To his sister he want to be?
C. To his teacher A. A lazy one
5. Which word tells about Ben? B. A big one
A. Polite
C. Good and wise
Exercise 17
Exercise 18

Keep your home and yard I pray to God before I go to

clean. bed.
Dust and wipe all your things I pray to God when I awake.
Throw your trash in garbage Thank you, God, for my parents.
cans Thank you, God for my brothers
and sisters.
And love you will surely win.
Thank you, God for the food I
1. What is the celebration for the
Thank you, God for my good
A. Clean-up Week
B. Cleaning Week
1. What have you just read?
C. Parent’s Week
A. A letter
2. What should we keep clean?
B. A prayer
A. Our neighbors’ things
C. A wish
B. Our home and yard
2. When does the child pray?
C. Our garbage cans
A. Before eating
3. What should we do with our
B. Before going to school
C. Before going to bed and
A. Put them in garbage cans.
after waking up
B. Throw them on the
3. To whom does he pray?
A. To Mother
C. Throw them into canals.
B. To Father
4. What should we do every day?
C. To God
A. Clean all around
4. What does he thank God for?
B. Play all around
A. For his toys and books
C. Have fun all around
B. For his parents, food and
5. What do we win if we are clean?
good health
A. Neighbors
C. For his home and pets
B. Prize
5. What should you remember to
C. Love
do every day?
A. Play C. She did not know how to count
B. Pray money.
C. Eat
Exercise 19 Exercise 20

Mother told Nena to go to the King frog was very sad.

store. He wanted to have wings.
She told her t buy bread and He wanted to fly up in the sky.
tomatoes. He saw a hawk flying by.
Nena went to the store. He asked the hawk to take him it
up to the sky.
She bought six big tomatoes. The hawk took him up,
She bought a loaf of bread. Then it dropped King Frog.
The loaf was soft and fresh. King Frog fell to the ground.
Nena was a good buyer.
1. Who was very sad?
1. Where did Mother ask Nena to go? A. King Frog
A. To school B. The hawk
B. To the market C. The bird
C. To the store 2. What did he want to have?
2. What did Nena buy? A. Claws
A. Milk and eggs B. Feet
B. Tomatoes and bread C. Wings
C. Bread and butter
3. Who took king frog up to the
3. What kind of tomatoes did Nena
A. A hawk
A. Big ones
B. A frog
B. Soft ones
C. Green ones
C. A bird
4. What kind of bread did Nena buy? 4. What did the hawk do?
A. Hard and big A. It dropped King Frog.
B. Sweet but small B. It took King Frog to many
C. Soft and fresh places.
5. What kind of a buyer was Nena? C. It ate King Frog
A. She was a good buyer. 5. What happened to King Frog?
B. She did not know how to buy A. He flew and flew.
things. B. He fell to the ground
C. He did not like to fly. B. They are small.
C. They have pretty colors.

Exercise 21 Exercise 22

Cora has a beautiful flower Mang Isko was watching a group of

garden. boys on the street.

When a car passed by, the children
There are many plants in her
had to stop playing and stay
out of its way.
There are big plants. One day, Mang Isko saw a big
There are small plants. vacant lot near the end of
Many plants have flowers. the street.

The flowers have pretty colors. Tall grass grew on it.

“This is a good place for a
Many flowers smell sweet.
playground,” said Mang Isko to
1. What does Cora have? He called the children and together
A. A fountain they cleaned the vacant lot.
B. Fruit trees “Now, you can play safely here!”
C. A flower garden Mang Isko said happily.

2. What kind of plants is in the

1. Who was Mang Isko watching?
A. Jeep passing by
A. Big trees and small trees B. Children playing
B. Big plants and small plants C. Big vacant lots
C. Grass and trees 2. Where were the children playing?
3. What do the plants have? A. On the sidewalk
B. In the school playground
A. Insects
C. On the street
B. Flowers
3. What did Mang Isko see one day?
C. Fruits A. A big vacant lot
4. What do the flowers have? B. A wide, clean playground
A. Pretty colors C. A grassy garden
B. Big petals 4. What did he plan to do?
A. Plant vegetables on the lot
C. Small petals
B. Build house on it
5. What can you tell about many of
C. Turn it into a playground
the flowers? 5. Who helped him clean the lot?
A. They smell sweet.
A. The neighbors B. Father and Mother
B. The children C. Grandmother and Grand
C. His sons

Exercise 23
Exercise 24
Some seeds of plants travel and
It was Sunday morning.
grow where they fall without
Fe and Lito went to church.
the help of people.
They went to church with their
This happens when the seeds are
Father and Mother.
eaten by animals such as
They prayed in the church.
They thanked God for all the
The seeds form part of the
good things they had.
birds' waste.
They thanked God for their food,
When the birds excrete these
their clothes and their
seeds on the land, they will
grow when the soil
1. What day was it?
conditions are favorable.
A. Monday
Other seeds travel when they are
B. Wednesday
carried by wind and water.
C. Sunday
1. What are the great travelers?
2. Where did Fe and Lito go?
A. Plants
A. To church B. People
B. To school C. Seeds
C. To the market 2. Which of these carry seeds to other

3. What did they do in the church? places?

A. Flowers
A. Played
B. Birds
B. Prayed
C. Fish
C. Planted 3. In what condition of the soil do seeds
4. Who did they thank in their grow?
prayers? A. Dry

A. God B. Watery
C. Favorable
B. Their teacher
4. What two other things help seeds to
C. Father and Mother
5. Who went with them to church? A. People and wind
A. Their playmates B. Wind and water

C. Sun and water A. Butterflies
5. How do the birds carry the seeds to B. Girls and boys
other places?
C. Flowers and children
A. In their waste
B. Between their beaks
C. On their legs
Exercise 25
Nita saw a pretty thing.
“Oh! A butterfly!” she cried. “Come, Pepe,” said Raul.
“Look! Nilo, look! “Let us water our plants.”
Look at the yellow butterfly.” “Let us see who can water more
“It’s pretty,” said Nilo. plants,” said Pepe.
“It is on the red flower. Pepe watered five rows of pechay
See it fly from flower to flower. plants.
It likes flowers.” Raul watered all three rows of
“The flower likes it, too,” said tomato plants.
Nita. He watered five rows of cabbage
plants, too.
1. What did Nita see? Pepe and Raul made their Father
A. A fly happy.
B. A bee
C. A butterfly 1. Who did Pepe and Raul help?
A. Father
2. Where was the butterfly?
B. Sister
A. On a red flower
C. Mother
B. On a white flower 2. What plants did Pepe water?
C. On a yellow flower A. Eggplant
3. What does the butterfly like? B. Pechay

A. Fruits C. Beans
3. How many rows of pechay did Pepe
B. Flowers
C. Children
A. Three rows
4. Where do butterflies like to fly? B. Five rows
A. From house to house C. Ten rows
B. From flower to flower 4. Which plants did Raul water?

C. From tree to tree A. Beans and cabbage plants

B. Tomatoes and cabbage plants
5. What do flowers like?
C. Pechay and beans plants

5. Who was happy for what the boys did? B. Happy
A. Father C. Sorry
B. Mother
5. Is saving money good?
C. Sister
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
Exercise 27
LET US SAVE Exercise 28
Let us save fifty-centavos a day.
Let us save from Monday to “Come with me Rosa,” said Mother.
Sunday. “Let us buy the things you need in
Let us save every day. school.”
Let us save our money in a piggy Mother and Rosa went to the
bank. store.
We can also save money in the There were many things in the
bank. store.
It is wise to save money. There were pencils and paper.
We might need the money There were crayons and bags.
someday. There were toys and candy.

1. How much should we save a day? 1. Who would buy things for Rosa?
A. Sister
A. Fifty-centavos
B. Father
B. Five-centavos
C. Mother
C. Ten-centavos
2. Where would mother take Rosa?
2. On what days should we save?
A. To school
A. Monday to Friday B. To a store
B. Monday to Saturday C. To church
C. Monday to Sunday 3. What would Mother buy for her?
3. Where can we put our money? A. Toys and candy
A. In the store B. Dress and bag
B. In a piggy bank C. Things Rosa need in school
C. In the house 4. What other things are found in the
4. How will you feel if you have store?

saved money? A. Chairs and tables

B. Fish and rice
A. Sad
C. Toys and candles
5. Were there many things in the B. Eat plenty of vegetable.
store? C. Brush their teeth regularly.
A. Yes 5. What will the dentist teach them?
B. No A. How to brush properly
C. Maybe B. How to chew their food
C. What food to eat

Exercise 29 Exercise 30

A dentist came to visit the school. Classes were over.

He talked to all the children. “Here is our bus,” said Manuel.
“I am glad to be in your school,” The children waited for the bus to
the dentist said. stop.
“We should all take care of our They got on the bus one by one.
teeth. They did not push each other.
Let us brush our teeth regularly, An old woman got on the bus.
so we will have strong A boy stood up and said,
teeth. “Have a seat, Ma’am.”
I will teach you how to brush and “Thank you,” said the old woman.
take care of your teeth
properly.” 1. Where did the children come from?
A. From home
1. Who came to visit the school? B. From school
A. A farmer C. From church
B. A doctor 2. Where did the children ride?
C. A dentist A. On a bus
2. Who did he talk to? B. In a jeepney
A. To the teachers C. In a car
B. To the parents 3. What did the children do before
C. To the children getting on the bus?
3. What did he tell the children to A. They ran for the bus.
do? B. They stopped the bus.
A. To plant C. They waited for the bus to stop.
B. To study 4. Who also got on the bus?
C. To take care of their teeth A. An old man
4. What should the children do? B. A teacher
A. Eat plenty of food. C. An old woman
5. Who gave his seat to the old 5. How did the children study their
woman? lesson?
A. A boy A. Quietly
B. A girl B. Noisily
C. A man
C. Happily


Dinner time was over. Lina and Elena were going to school.
Tess cleaned the table. “Let us walk fast, Lina,” said Elena.
Liza washed the dishes. “We will be late.”
“We can cross the street here.
Romy dried the dishes.
This is a short way to our school,”
Then the children got their
said Lina.
books. “No, we should not cross here.
They studied their lessons. Let us cross at the right place,”
They studied quietly. said Elena.
The girls crossed at the right place.
Before crossing, they looked to the left.
1. When was study time for the
They also looked to the right.
1. Who wanted to walk fast?
A. After lunch
A. Lina
B. After dinner
B. Elena
C. After breakfast C. The teacher
2. Who washed the dishes? 2. Who wanted to cross at the wrong
A. Tess place?
B. Mother A. Lina
C. Lisa B. Elena
3. What did Tess do? C. The teacher
A. Set the table 3. Where did the girls cross the

B. Cleaned the table street?

A. At the wrong place
C. Washed the dishes
B. At the right place
4. Who dried the dishes?
C. In the middle of the street
A. Lisa
4. What should you do before crossing
B. Tess
the street?
C. Romy
A. Walk on the left side.
B. Look for your friend. C. Gardens
C. Look to your right and to your 5. Who help keep the barangay clean?
left. A. The children
5. Where do you think were Elena and B. The girls
Lina going? C. The people
A. To school
B. To play on the street
C. To their home
The people in the barangay are
happy. The church bells were ringing.
They are healthy and strong. It was six o’clock in the evening.
They drink clean water. “Come, Luz and Vicki.
Their houses and yards are Come, Raul,” called Mother.
always clean. “It is time to pray.”
Their homes have clean toilets. The children went into the room.
They all have garbage cans. They prayed with their Mother.
They help one another to make “Thank you, God,” they said.
their barangay clean. “Thank you for all the good
things You give us.”
1. Who are happy?
A. The children in the barangay 1. At what time is the Angelus?
B. The people in the barangay A. Five o’clock in the afternoon
C. The boys in the barangay B. Six o’clock in the morning
2. Which one tells about the people in C. Six o’clock in the evening
the barangay? 2. What does Raul’s family do at
A. Healthy and strong
Angelus time?
B. Healthy and weak
A. They eat dinner
C. Healthy and poor
B. They pray together
3. What do they drink?
C. They all go to sleep
A. Clean water
B. Safe coffee
3. Who called the children to play?
C. Soft drinks A. Grandmother
4. What can be found in all the B. Father
houses? C. Mother
A. Clean toilets 4. Where did they pray?
B. Pigs and chickens A. In the church
B. In the room A. White shoes

C. In the yard B. Brown shoes

C. Red shoes
5. What did Mother say?
5. What kind of shoes did Rico want?
A. “Let us pray.”
A. Black shoes
B. “It is time to pray.” B. Any kind of shoes
C. “We will pray.” C. Brown shoes


“Get ready, children,” said Mother. Malik is an Eskimo boy.

“We will go to the shoe store.” He is seven years old.
The children clapped their hands. His skin is yellow.
“Christmas is coming.
His face is shiny.
I will buy you shoes for Christmas.”
He washes his face with oil.
“I like white shoes,” said Leni.
Malik lives in a very cold place.
“I like black shoes,” said Rico.
He does not wear shoes like
Mother bought the shoes they
wanted. your shoes.
How happy they were!
1. Who is Malik?
1. Where did Mother take Rico and Leni? A. A Japanese boy
A. To a shoe store B. A Filipino boy
B. To a sari-sari store
C. An Eskimo boy
C. To a fruit store
2. How old is Malik?
2. How did the children show they were
happy? A. Seven years old
A. They ran and jumped. B. Eight years old
B. They clapped their hands. C. Ten years old
C. They sang and shouted. 3. With what does he wash his
3. Why did Mother buy shoes for the
A. Water
A. They were going to wear the shoes
to a party.
B. Milk
B. They were going to wear the shoes C. Oil
to school. 4. What can you tell about his skin?
C. They were going to wear them for A. It is yellow.
B. It is very white.
4. What kind of shoes did Leni want?
C. It is black.
5. Where does Malik live? A. A tree and birds
A. In a very cold place B. A cross and arrow
B. In a very warm place C. A sun and stars
C. In a very hot place 5. What does our flag stand for?
A. Our school
B. Our home
C. Our country

“Our flag is beautiful,” said Ana.
“It is red, white and blue. Jose Rizal was only three years
It has a sun and three stars.” old.
“We should love our flag,” said He could read the alphabet.
Tony. His Mother taught him to read.
“Yes, we should,” said Ana. He learned to read and write
“Our flag stands for our when he was five years old.
country.” His Mother was his first teacher.

1. What are the colors of our flag? 1. How old was Jose Rizal when he
A. White, blue yellow could read the alphabet?
B. Red, white, blue A. Three years old
C. Red, green, violet B. Six years old
2. How many stars does the C. Seven years old
Philippine flag have? 2. What could he do when he was
A. Three five years old?
B. Four A. He could swim.
C. Two B. He could draw.
3. What did Ana say about our C. He could read and write.
flag? 3. Who was his first teacher?
A. It is big. A. His sister
B. It is beautiful. B. His Mother
C. It is clean. C. His Father
4. What picture do we see in our 4. Where did he study when he was
flag? small?
A. At home 4. How did he wish his countrymen
B. In school to live?
C. In the church A. As rich as a king
5. Which word tells about Jose? B. As one happy family
A. Poor C. As good neighbors
B. Kind 5. What did Jose Rizal wish to see?
C. Bright A. Rich neighbors
B. Happy people
C. Rich country


Jose Rizal loved his country. Apolinario Mabini was very poor.
He loved his countrymen. His parents had to work very
Jose Rizal had a great wish. hard.
He wanted to see his country He helped his Mother work at
free. home.
He wanted to see the people He took care of their carabaos.
happy. He helped his Father work on the
He wanted to see them live as farm.
one happy family. Apolinario loved to read books.
His Mother was his first teacher.
1. Who did Jose Rizal love? Apolinario is a hero like Rizal.
A. His countrymen He, too, helped his country.
B. His enemies
C. His neighbors 1. Why did Apolinario’s Father and

2. What did he wish his country to Mother work very hard?

A. They were rich.
B. They were poor.
A. To be free
C. They had enough.
B. To be nice 2. How did Apolinario help his Father and
C. To be big Mother?
3. What did he wish his people to A. He worked at home and on the

be? farm.
B. He took care of the babies.
A. To be strong
C. He took care of the pets.
B. To be sad
3. Who taught him how to read?
C. To be happy
A. His Father
B. His Mother
C. His sister
4. What did Apolinario Mabini love to do?
A. He loved to play.
B. He loved to sing.
C. He loved to read books.
5. Why is Apolinario Mabini a hero like
Dr. Jose Rizal?
A. He loved to read, too.
B. He helped his parents, too.
C. He helped his country, too.


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