Soal Tentang Greeting

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Bahasa Inggris

- - | GREETING | - -
GREETING 2. Ranti meets her teacher, Mr Bakri at the post
(SALAM SAPA) office.
1. Heru is a new neighbour. Ranti : Good afternoon, Sir.
Mr Bakri : Good afternoon. You are ....
Ary : Hello. I’m Ary.
Ranti : Ranti, Sir. My name is Ranti.
Heru : Hello. I’m Heru.
How are you?
Ary : You are the new neighbour, right?
Mr Bakri : I am fine, thank you. And how
Heru : Yes, I am. I just moved from
about you?
Ranti : I am fine, too.
Ary : Well, nice to meet you, Heru.
Mr Bakri : Well, Ranti. I have to go now.
Heru : Nice to meet you, too.
Pleased to meet you.
Translate Into Indonesia : Ranti : Pleased to meet you, too, Sir.
Translate Into Indonesia :
Ary : …………………………………
Ranti : …………………………….
Heru : …………………………………
Ary : …………………………………
Mr Bakri : …………………………….
Heru : …………………………………
Ranti : …………………………….
Ary : …………………………………..
Mr Bakri : …………………………….
Heru : …………………………………..
Vocabulary :
Ranti : ……………………………..

Hello : Halo Mr Bakri : ……………………………...

I : Saya ……………………………..
I’m : saya adalah
You : Kamu Ranti : ……………………………..
You are : Kamu adalah ……………………………..
The : ini
New : baru Vocabulary :
Neighbour : tetangga Meet : bertemu
Right : baik Meets : bertemu lagi
Yes : Ya (s menyatakan sering atau banyak)
Just : hanya Her : dia (perempuan)
Moved : pindah Teacher : guru
From : dari At the : di
Well : Baik Post Office : Kantor Pos
Nice to meet you : senang bertemu denganmu Good afternoon : selamat siang
Too : Juga Sir : Pak
My name : nama saya
How are you : bagaimana kabarmu?
I’m fine : saya baik
I have to go now : saya harus pergi

Bimbel SD|SMP|SMA – Aqila Course 1

Bahasa Inggris

3. Citra is Ari’s friend. One night she wants to 4. Anto is Ucok’s best friend.
see Ari at his home, but he is not home. Ari’s Anto : Hi, Ucok. Are you coming to the
brother, Sigit, is at home. basket ball game?
Citra : Good evening, Sigit. Ucok : Hi, Anto. Yes, I’m coming to the
Sigit : Good evening, Citra. game.
Citra : Is Ari at home? Anto : OK, then. See you there. Bye.
Sigit : I’m sorry, Citra. Ari is not at home. Ucok : Bye.
Citra : Oh, well. That’s OK. Good night,
then. Translate Into Indonesia :
Sigit : Good night. ………………………………………..
Translate Into Indonesia : Anto : ………………………………….
Ucok : ………………………………….
Anto : ………………………………….
Ucok : ………………………………….

Citra : ………………………………… Vocabulary :

Sigit : …………………………………
Citra : ………………………………… Best : terbaik
Best friend : teman sejati
Sigit : ………………………………… Hi : hai
Citra : ………………………………… Coming : datang
Game : permainan
……………………………. See you there : sampai jumpa disana
Sigit : ………………………………… Bye : sampai jumpa
Vocabulary :
Dalam teks diatas terdapat salam yang
Friend : Teman berbeda-beda antara lain :
One : satu
Night : malam Ary : Hello. I’m Ary.
She : dia (perempuan) Heru : Hello. I’m Heru
Want : ingin Ary : Well, nice to meet you, Heru.
See : melihat
His : dia (laki-laki) Heru : Nice to meet you, too.
Home : rumah Ranti : Good afternoon, Sir.
But : tetapi
He : dia (laki-laki) Mr Bakri : Good afternoon. You are ....
Brother : saudara (laki-laki) Citra : Good evening, Sigit.
Good evening : selamat malam
Is Ari at home : Apakah Ari dirumah ? Sigit : Good evening, Citra.
I’m sorry : saya minta maaf Citra : Oh, well. That’s OK. Good night, then.
That OK : Baiklah
Good night : Selamat malam Sigit : Good night.
Anto : Hi, Ucok. Are you coming to the basket
ball game?
Ucok : Hi, Anto. Yes, I’m coming to the game.

Bimbel SD|SMP|SMA – Aqila Course 2

Bahasa Inggris

GREETING AND RESPONSE Sebenarnya artinya sama tetapi penggunaanya

yang berbeda.
Greeting Response
Formal Formal Saya : I my mine
· Good Morning! · Good Morning!
· Good Afternoon! · Good Afternoon! - I go to school
· Good Evening! · Good Evening! Aku pergi ke sekolah
· Morning, John! · Morning, Shirley!
- This is my school Ini
Informal Informal adalah sekolahku
· Hi, John! · Hi Shirley
- This book is mine
· Hello, John! · Hello Shirley
· Hi guy(s)! · Hi Buku ini punyaku
· Hi Chick(s)! · Hi
Dia (laki-laki) : He his him
· Hello everybody! · Hello
· Hi class! · Hi - He go to school by bus
· Hi folk! · Hi Dia pergi ke sekolah naik bus
· How are you? · Fine, thanks.
· How do you do? · How do you - His school is number one in this state
do? Sekolahnya nomor satu di kabupaten ini
· How are you doing? · Not bad.
- I borrow this book from him
Aku meminjam buku darinya
John dan shirley nama orang
Good Morning! : selamat pagi Good I my mine
Afternoon! : selamat siang Good He his him
Evening! : selamat malam Morning, She her her
John! : Pagi, John We our us
Hi, John! : Hai, john They their thme
Hello, John! : Halo, John
Hi guy(s)! : Hai, teman (guy = bukan
Hi Chick(s)! : Hai, manis (chick = bukan
Hello everybody! : Halo semuanya
Hi class! : Hai kelas (penghuni kelas)
Hi folk! : Hai saudara

Ada beberapa kata yang membuat kita jadi

bingung karena kata berbeda dalam bahasa
inggris, tetapi mempunyai arti yang sama. Misal :

Her : dia (perempuan)

She : dia (perempuan)

He : dia (laki-laki)
His : dia (laki-laki)

Bimbel SD|SMP|SMA – Aqila Course
Bahasa Inggris

Task 1.1 Task 1.2.

Example : Miss Dina : Good morning,
Rosita : Good afternoon, Sir. students.
Mr Sembiring : Good afternoon. Are you a new Students : Good morning, Ma’am.
Rosita student? Miss Dina : How are you this morning?
: Yes, Sir. I am Rosita Siregar. I Students : We’re fine, thank you.
am in 1F. How are you? Miss Dina : Nita, you’re a new student. Come
Mr Sembiring : Fine. My name is Sembiring. I here and introduce your self.
am a science teacher. Do you Nita : Good morning, everyone. I am
come from Medan? Ranita. Call me Nita.
Rosita : Yes, Sir. My parents live there.
But I live here with my uncle. Answer these questions:
Mr Sembiring : Pleased to meet you, Rosita. 1. What is Miss Dina saying to her students?
Rosita : Yes, pleased to meet you, too, …………………………………………………
Mr Sembiring.
1. Roger : Good morning, Ma’am. …………………………………………………
2. Is the class in the morning?
Mrs Felix : ……………….
Roger : Yes, Ma’am. I am Roger
Sondakh. I am in 1C. ……….
3. What is Nita saying to her classmates?
Mrs Felix : ……………………………….
My name is Felicia Felix. I am
an English teacher. Do you
4. Do you also introduce your self to your
come from Manado?
new friends?
Roger : Yes, Ma’am. My parents live
there. But I live here with my
Mrs Felix : Nice to meet you, Roger.
Roger : ……………………
2. Mirza : Hi, Togur.

Togur : Hi, Mirza. ………………. ?

Mirza : Not too bad. Thanks.
3. Ranto : Hello, Sandra. …………….?

Sandra : …………………………….?
Ranto : Fine. Thanks.
4. You : Hi, ……………………….. ?

Your friend : Hi, . ……………………….

You : …………………………….

Bimbel SD|SMP|SMA – Aqila Course 4


: “Let me introduce you to my

twin, Setiawan.”
: “How do you do, Setiawan.”
: “How do you do?It’s nice to
meet you.”
: “_______”

Bahasa Inggris
a. Have a nice dream!
Latihan Soal KODEK 7401 b. Enjoy your day!
1. A : “…., Dewi!” c. See you tomorrow!
B : “Good morning, Anto!” d. Good luck!
a. Good morning
b. Good evening 5. Tina says “…” to his father and
c. Good night mother, before she goes to sleep.
d. Good afternoon a. good afternoon
b. good morning
2. A : “How are you, Mr. Deni ? c. good bye
B : “…, thank you.” d. good night
a. I am fine
b. How about you 6. Mega : “Mr.Bambang, _____my
c. Wish you luck father.”
d. Hello Bambang : “How do you do, Mr.
3. Diana meets Toni in the evening. She says Soekarno : “How do you do
… to him. Mr.Bambang?”
a. good noon a. I’d like to introduce
b. good morning b. I want to invite
c. good night c. I like you to visit
d. good evening 7. d. I’m glad to help
Jet Lee : “This is Mr Jacky Chan, an
4. A : “Do you have a test today ?” old friend of mine.”
B : “Yes, I do.” Samo Hung: “______”
A : “ …” a. Pleased to meet you
b. How are you getting on?
c. May I know your name? 8. Jack : Rita,____
d. You’re welcome Rita : Pleased to meet you.
Don : Pleased to meet you too.
a. Don wants to meet you
Bimbel SD|SMP|SMA – Aqila Course
b. Don’t you know Don is my friend
c. I’d like you to meet my friend Don
d. Pleased introduce yourself to Don

9. “_____.My name is Setiawan.”

“Hello.I’m Djuharie.Pleased to meet
you.” a. Do you know my name?
b. I don’t think we have meet
c. I’m very happy to meet you
d. Do you want to know me?

10. Susilo : “I’d like to meet my brother,

Bambang : “How do you do,Yudhoyono?”
Yudhoyono : “_______”
a. I’m great
b. It’s okay
c. No Problem
d. How do you do?

11. Otong


a. Me too
b. I should be nice
c. Do you?
d. Am I nice?

12. “Excuse me. Are you Setiawan?”

“No, I’m Dedi Mulyadi._____?”
“I am Nunung Masnuah.”
a. What are you?
b. What is your name?
c. I beg you pardon
d. Do you know me?

13. Fini : ”____your new friend, Nanan.”

Students : “Hi,Nanan.Nice to meet you.”
Nanan : “Hi,nice to meet you to.”
a. Is she
b. This is
c. I present
d. You must know

Bahasa Inggris

14. Speaker :”Ladies and gantelments, I’d

like to introduce my self.______.I am a
lecturer at UGM. ”
a. I am Kalla
b. I want you call me Kalla
c. Call me Kalla
d. Kalla is good name, isn’t it?
15. Mahrum : “I’d like you to meet Taufik,

my only son.”
Tatat : ”_____.Taufik. How do you
Taufik : “Hello, Miss Tatat. How do
you do?Great to meet you.”
a. Gee
b. Hello
c. Sorry
d. Oh

It is Sunday. Reno doesn’t go to school. He

goes to Indra’s house. When he comes, there is
Indra’s mother. Reno says good morning to her.
Indra is at home. He is doing his homework. Reno
and Indra do the homework together. When they
finish the homework, Reno wants to go home. He
says good bye to Indra and his mother.

16. Today is ....

17. Reno says Indra’s mother.
18. A : “What do they do?”
B : “They ....together.”
19. Before goes to home Reno says ....
20. A : “Does Indra at home ?”
B : “....”
21. I need take a bath and wash my body.
22. We need toothbrush for ....
23. Mother puts the plate in ....
24. There is a rainbow after raining. The colour is
25. You meet your teacher at 06.00
a.m. You say .... to her.

Bimbel SD|SMP|SMA – Aqila Course 6

Bahasa Inggris

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