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Should prostitution be legal?

Pros Cons
"If sex work is not going to disappear anytime soon, "Some assert that this 'profession' can be
anyone who cares about the health and safety of sex empowering and that legalizing and regulating all
workers – not to mention their rights – should aspects of prostitution will mitigate the harm that
support moves to make it a fully legal industry. Thataccompanies it. But I cannot accept a policy
is what most sex workers want as well. prescription that condones such a damaging form of
violence against women. Normalizing the act of
It is time to put aside moralistic prejudices and do buying sex also debases men by assuming that they
what is in the best interests of sex workers and the are entitled to access women’s bodies for sexual
public as a whole." gratification. If paying for sex is normalized, then
every young boy will learn that women and girls are
commodities to be bought and sold."
Prejudice: an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling (định kiến)
Empowering: Something that is empowering makes you more confident and makes you feel that you are in
control of your life
Mitigate: make less severe
Condone: allow or accept something that is considered morally wrong to continue
Debase: lower the moral character of someone
Commodity: product that can be traded, bought, or sold
"I cannot understand why any form of criminal "As far as legislation towards decriminalising the
sanction (capital punishment, imprisonment, fines, sale of sex is concerned, I do not support that,
community service, etc.) should be considered because to support decriminalising the sale of sex
applicable to the voluntary sale and purchase of would be to support prostitution itself.
sexual services. This is clearly a private matter in
which the state should not seek to legislate.”
To be prostituted is humiliating enough; to legalise
prostitution is to condone that humiliation, and to
absolve those who cause it. It is an insult.”
Capital punishment: death penalty
Decriminalize: stop treating something as illegal
Absolve: to free someone from guilt, blame, or responsibility for something
“Prostitution flourishes in the black market that “The reality is that prostitution and sex trafficking
would not exist if brothels and hookers were make up a harmful, widespread, illegal, and violent
legitimized, licensed, medically inspected, zoned criminal industry involving pimps and traffickers
and taxed. who are tied to gangs, drugs, and street violence...
In Germany, and other countries, prostitution is legal
We need to attack this harmful sex industry from all
and taxed. They turn the 'crime' into an economic
sides by targeting the pimps and the traffickers,
plus. In other countries like the United States, we
providing services and exit strategies for those being
create the 'crime,' which turns the behavior into an
prostituted, and educating and dissuading would be
economic negative. And, it's still a thriving
buyers. We need to dissuade buyers from fueling
business, law or no law."
this industry and hold them accountable when they
Flourish / thrive: to grow or develop successfully
Brothel: where people visit hookers = prostitutes
Plus: an advantage; Negative: a disadvantage
Sex trafficking: the illegal business of recruiting, harboring, transporting, obtaining, or providing a person
and especially a minor for the purpose of sex
Pimp: a man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return
Would be: wanting or trying to be
Dissuade: persuade someone not to do something
Hold someone accountable: bắt chịu trách nhiệm
"There are no 'victims' of the act of prostitution “The media-approved version of prostitution - a
itself. The 'victimization' occurs when a client sexy and highly-paid adventure where business is
assaults the professional - rape, robs them of their conducted at upscale bars and in hotel rooms - is not
fee, drugs them, etc. what most experience. For the vast majority of
prostituted women, prostitution is the experience of
While adultery is morally grounds for divorce, it is being hunted, dominated, harassed, assaulted and
not a crime. Therefore, when one's spouse has sex battered.
with a prostitute, it should not be a crime.
Sadly, the majority of girls enter prostitution before
they have reached the age of consent. In other
Prostitution is, at its core, a simple transaction – a
words, their first commercial sexual interactions are
trade of money for a service. As long as all parties
are of legal age and able to consent, no one or party
should have the right to interfere.”
Adultery: voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person someone other than their spouse / partner
Transaction: a business deal
Consent: permission for something to happen
"Consensual sex is legal. But as soon as one party Prostitution is morally wrong. Reducing sex to a
offers cash to another in exchange for sex and that financial transaction undermines normal human
money is voluntarily accepted, it's considered relationships, marriage and the family. In countries
prostitution, and that is illegal. This is hypocritical, where prostitution has become legalized and taxed,
illogical, and wasteful - and it needs to stop. the state has effectively become a pimp. The
immorality of the sex trade has been recognized
Perhaps you think sex work is an immoral lifestyle. throughout history and keeping it illegal is key to
However, it is arguably no less moral than a lifestyle safeguarding the sanctity of society’s basic values.
of random 'hooking up,' or the stereotypical lifestyle Prostitution is an affront to the followers of the
of the professional athlete or rock star who brags world’s leading religions.
about how many women he has had sex with.

It is the duty of government to protect property

rights and to prosecute individuals who coerce or
force themselves upon others. However, the
government needs to stop wasting resources on
voluntary, adult sexual exchanges. It is time to put
an end to this hypocritical and wasteful prosecution
of sex workers and their clients."
Hypocritical: đạo đức giả
Hooking up: making out, feeling things, or giving oral pleasure or having sex between 2 people who are
not one another’s significant other (bồ)
Prosecute: to officially accuse someone of committing an illegal act, and to bring a case against that person
in a court of law (khởi tố, truy tố)
Undermines: to gradually weaken or destroy someone or something
Safeguard: to protect something from harm
Sanctity: tính thiêng liêng
Affront: a remark or action intended to insult or offend someone

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