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What are the common excuses that a college student make when they are absent from class?


A term paper presented to

Mrs. Maria Corazon M. Delos Reyes

College of Arts and Sciences


In partial fulfillment of the

Requirements in English 102

First Semester, 2016-2017



Dessiree Ann Palac

Carl Justin Santos

Kyle Harvey Gonzales

John Lorenz Borja

Patrick Lacerna

October 20, 2016



This research would not be possible without the assistance of many people. We would

like to extend our sincere appreciation to the following:

Prof. Maria Corazon M. Delos Reyes, our adviser, for sharing her knowledge in this


The students of Baliuag University;

Some of one of the researcher’s friends in Centro Escolar University, Bulacan State of

University, and University of Santo Tomas

Our friends who have supported us in Baliuag University;

But above all to our ALMIGHTY FATHER for His guidance, blessings, wisdom,

knowledge and strength he gave us in order to finish this research.



Title …………………………………………………………………………………...

Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………....1

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………..2


I. The Problem and its Background

Introduction …………………………………………………………...4

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………..5

a. Major Problem
b. Specific Problem

Significance of the Study ……………………………………………..5

Methods and Sources of Data ………………………………………...6

Scope and Delimitations of the Study ………………………………..6

Definition of Terms …………………………………………………..6

II. Body

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of the Data ………………..7

a. Presentation of the Results of the Survey

b. Interpretation of the Data

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendation ……………………….13


a. Summary of Findings
b. Conclusions
c. Recommendations
III. Appendices

Copy of Questionnaires ……………………………………………….15

Timetable ……………………………………………………………...18

IV. Reference List

Bibliography …………………………………………………………..19

V. Curriculum Vitae

Attending class regularly is important and it is one strategy to maintain satisfactory

academic progress. It is the first step to learn and acquire more knowledge of the subject. A

prerequisite to success in any endeavor is "showing up", and classes are no exception. If a

student does not show up to class, their forfeiting every opportunity provided to them in the


Going to class does far more than simply giving you credit for attendance. Class

attendance facilitates learning in a variety of ways, one is the student has an opportunity to ask

the lecturer questions if they do not understand the ideas and concepts presented or covered in

the reading; second is students will be given learning exercises or practice tests to do in class,

also professors will emphasize the important concepts and giving you a better idea of what is

important and to what you should focus on and lastly some professors may give hints on the

exam content.

It is absolutely vital that a student attend class regularly. Missing a class should be a rare

occurrence; something that happens at most once or twice a semester. If a student misses class

more than this, it will interfere with their learning and have a negative effect on their

performance and their grade. But still there are some students who tend to attend class but do not

participate in any activities. They do not give importance in their studying and maybe that’s why

they have an option to be absent from class. Though not every student has these thinking, some

students are just forced because of their friends or they have emotional problem and it’s affecting

their studies.

That’s why the researchers would like to investigate the most common excuses of a

student makes when they are absent from class.

Statement of the Problem

This research attempted to determine what excuses of the college students make when

they want to absent from class.


Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the most common excuses that a college student make?

2. What is the real reason behind their excuses?
3. When is the college student usually using their excuse?

Significance of the Study

The Significance of The Study is to find out the reasons why students are absent in school.

Because knowing the reasons could help the University professors, parents, or even school

leaders to work together in reducing the absences rate.

Students attendance affect their progress in school, if they are absent they usually miss a lot.

Like the following; 1. Missing important topics discussed by the professors; 2. Missing quizzes

or examinations that gauges their level of knowledge; 3. Missing activities that can help them in

improving themselves as a person and as a student; and 4. Exposing themselves in bad habits or

problems like drinking alcohol or playing games during school hours. These outcomes can lead

to low grades, not able to advance to next school year or even graduate.

The attendance rate is very important because students are more likely to succeed when they

attend school consistently. Its' hard for the professor and the class to build their skills and

progress if a large number of students are frequently absent

Methods and Sources of Data

This part of research describes the methods and sources of data that was used. It

contained a detailed description of the excuses that a student makes, the reasons behind their

excuses, and the real action that they do when they get absent from class. The data needed in this

research was based on internet, the student’s perspective and also from observing some students

that the researchers know.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study is limited to students who are not attending their classes even if they don’t

have any problems or illness. The reason why we can’t let students who are frequently present

answer our survey is because these students have different perspectives compared to those who

are truants. Students that are often present would just give a common reason in our research like

family problems, sickness etc. But those who are often absent may or may not give a valid

reason and that is what we aim for in our research. We want to know the reasons of these

students that are often away from school and if they’re dealing with a major problem causing

their absences. We don’t want to fill our research with just figments of present students we want

real reasons from absentees.

Definition of Terms

Prerequisite - a thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist.

Endeavor - try hard to do or achieve something.

Forfeiting - lose or give up (something) as a necessary consequence of something else.


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of the Data


Percentage of 20 students that offers their common excuse when they are absent
aches take care family matters fever bereavement others

This chapter presents the findings of the study. Figures and chats are presented the following

order of statement of the problem in this investigation.

Graph 1

Percentage of 20 students who are exactly

doing when they are absent
6% 13%
2% 2% 2%
0% 1% 1% 1%
ds y rty s
az i ts ne er
ar ll b eo pa h
ll i e ha m a ot
/ bi /fe ad so to
es e ep b
i th in
am sl w go
yg te
a da

Graph 1 shows the percentage of college students who offers their common excuse. The chart

graph shows that out of 20 students who responded, there are 9 students who answered “stomach

ache/tooth/head ache”, 2 students who answered “take care of somebody in the hospital”, A

student who answered “family matter”, 7 students who answered “fever”, a student who

answered “bereavement” and a student who answered “others”.

Graph 2

Graph 2 shows the percentage of college students who are exactly doing when they are

absent. The chart graph shows that out of 20 students who responded, there are only a student

who answered “play computer games / billiards”, 13 students who answered “sleep / feel lazy”, 2

students who answered “bad habits”, a student who answered “having a date with someone”, 2

students who answered “going to a party” and a student who answered “others”.

Percentage of 20 students when they

are they usually use these excuses
6% 10%
2% 2% 3% 2%
0% 1% 1% 1%
y f t s s re rs
az ro ec em ur su he
ll yp bj l o s ot
e m su ob th re
e he pr an p
lik t ve cc er
’t e lo va pe
n ik
do tl

Graph 3

Graph 3 shows the percentage of college students who are exactly doing when they are

absent. The chart graph shows that out of 20 students who responded, there are 10 students who

answered “when I feel lazy”, a students who answered “I do not like my professor”, a students

who answered “I do not like the subject”, 2 students who answered “having love problems”, 3

students who answered “I have long vacant hours” and a student who answered “others” which is


Percentage of 20 students who

absent themselves in a day
whol e day hal f day s peci fic cl as s onl y

Graph 4

Graph 4 shows the percentage of college students who absent themselves for a day. The

chart graph shows that out of 20 students who responded, there are 8 students who answered “for

the whole day”, no student who answered “half day”, and 12 students who answered “specific

class only”.

Percentage of 20 students who absent

for the specific class only
fiel d of math fiel d of s ci ence fiel d of technol ogy others

Graph 5

Graph 5 shows the percentage of college students who absent for the specific class only.

The chart graph shows that out of 20 students who responded, there are 8 students who answered

“field of math”, 5 students who answered “field of science”, and 2 students who answered “field

of technology” and a student who answered “others”.

Precentage of 20 students who feel

guilty when they chose to be absent
yes no

Graph 6

Percentage of 20 students on how

often they use these excuses
4x a month twi ce a week every MTH every WS every TF others

Graph 6 shows the percentage of college students who feel guilty when they chose to be absent.

The chart graph shows that out of 20 students who responded, there are 15 students who

answered “yes”, and 5 students who answered “no”.

Graph 7

Graph 7 shows the percentage of college students on how often they use these excuses.

The chart graph shows that out of 20 students who responded, there are no students who

answered “4x a month”, 10 students who answered “twice a week”, a student who answered

“every MonTHurs”, no student who answered “every WedSat”, a student who answered “every

TueFri” and 8 students who answered “others” which are: “If I want to” “every WedFri” “It

depends” and “once a month”.

Percentage of 20 students on how

often they give their excuse letter
al ways mostl y s ometimes never s peci fic s ubject(s )

Graph 8

Graph 8 shows the percentage of college students on how often they give their excuse

letter. The chart graph shows that out of 20 students who responded, there are 3 students who

answered “always”, 3 students who answered “mostly”, 5 students who answered “sometimes”,

7 students who answered “never”, a student who answered “sometimes”.

Percentage of 20 students who

think that their excuses are reasonable
yes no

Graph 9

Graph 9 shows the percentage of college students who think that their excuses are

reasonable. The chart graph shows that out of 20 students who responded, there are 10 students

who answered “yes” and 10 students who answered “no”. The answers were a tie.

Percentage of 20 students who thinks that their absences

are a problem in their future
yes no

Graph 10

Graph 10 shows the percentage of college students who think that their absences will be a

problem to their future. The chart graph shows that out of 20 students who responded, there are

11 students who answered “yes” and 9 students who answered “no”.

Percentage of 20 students who are aware of 6 absences will be dropped from the subject





yes no

Graph 11

Graph 11 shows the percentage of college students who think that their absences . The

chart graph shows that 20 students are aware of this.

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

In the survey that the researchers had done were not just coming from the Baliuag

University students, but there are few students who respond to the survey from BSU,CEU and

one student from UST. The highest chosen answers on the first question about using as excuse to

be absent is ‘having stomach/tooth/headaches’; on the second question about their exact thing

that they’ll do when they use this excuse is ‘sleep/feel lazy’; on the third question about when is

the excuse usually use is ‘when I feel lazy’; on the fourth question about the length of getting

absent in day is ‘specific class only’; on the fifth question since they answered specific class the

highest chosen class is ‘field of math’; on the sixth question about the feeling of guilt when they

chose to be absent is ‘yes’; on the seventh question about how often do they use this excuse is

‘twice a week’; on the eighth question about giving excuse letter/s is ‘never’; on the ninth

question about their excuse being reasonable is ‘yes’; on the tenth question about their absences

will be a problem to the future is both ‘yes’ and ‘no’; and the eleventh question about being

aware of 6 or more absences is a sign of dropped from the subject is ‘yes’.


The researchers therefore conclude that the students common excuses they made when

they get absent from class is stomach aches or tooth aches or headaches. And they usually use

this because they feel lazy going to one subject. Also most of the students use this excuse in

“twice a week”, they could’ve been dropped in a subject, by just doing it in 3 months. But

everyone that the researchers had surveyed knows that when they get 6 or more absent, they

could be dropped. It also stated that the students feel guilty when they decide to be absent

because of laziness, but still students keeps on being absent.


The researchers offers the following recommendations:

1. Explore how to continue and to expand the dialogue in significance of the study and


2. Explore ways to provide more specific questions or questionnaires to have deeper

details and more accurate conclusion/hypothesis.

3. Seek to better define of the scope and delimitation.

4. Encourage to survey at least 20-50% students in a 3-5 schools.

5. Encourage students to be honest with their answers to provide accurate answers and



1. What excuse do you offer when you are absent?

a. stomach / tooth / head ache

b. must take care of somebody in the hospital

c. family matters

d. fever

e. bereavement (namatayan)

f. others: ________________

2. What do you really do when you use these excuses?

a. play computer games / billiards

b. sleep / feel lazy

c. bad habits

d. having a date with someone

e. going to a party

g. others: ________________

3. When do you usually use these excuses?

a. when I feel lazy

b. I do not like my professor

c. I do not like the subject

d. having love problems


e. I have long vacant hours

f. I give in to peer pressure

g. others: ________________

4. Do you absent yourself the….

a. whole day

b. half day

c. specific class only

5. If you choose the letter C, what subject is it?

a. field of math

b. field of science

c. field of technology

d. others: ________________

6. Do you feel guilty when you decide to be absent?

a. Yes b. No

7. How often do you use these excuses?

a. 4x a month

b. twice a week

c. every MTH

d. every WS

e. every TF

f. others:________________

8. Do you give any excuse letter when you get absent?

a. always

b. mostly

c. sometimes

d. never

e. in just specific subject(s)

9. Do you think that your excuse(s) are/is reasonable?

a. Yes b. No

10. Do you think your absences will be a problem in your future?

a. Yes b. No

11. Do you know that 6 or more absences will cause you to be dropped from a


a. Yes b. No

Time Table

2016 er
26 27 28

03 04 05
Constructing the
10 11 12
Request of checking the Starts
questionaire conducting a
17 18 19
Constructed the constructed constructed
research except significance curriculum
significance, scope, and scope vitae,
summary, conclusion & summary &
curriculum vitae conclusion---
24 25 26


29 30 01 02

06 07 08 09
13 14 15 16

End of
a survey
20 21 22 23

27 28 29 30



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