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Water is a scarce resource in many parts of the developed world. Two solutions
are possible to address water scarcity: conservation of existing resources, or the
further production of water from new sources through recycling of wastewater or
desalination of seawater.

However, the main hurdle to implementation of many of these solutions is often

viewed as a lack of public willingness to adopt these alternative water behaviours.
Research in this area is therefore crucial. Significant gaps exist in relation to
researching the adoption of a wide range of demand-side water
behaviours. identifying eight key water-related behaviours which require future
research attention, given the increasing scarcity of water in many areas of the
world, addressing these identified gaps will be of significant importance.

The shortage of the water in our case inside our college, is easy to note for the
water escapes that can manage to happen. The preparatory recives wáter of two
water thanks of aproximately a height of 2 meters and a descent of 18 degrees,
doing that the water lowers thanks to his own weight and raises the water thanks of
the preparatory. Though a great part of this one manages to be wasted by the

Our college possesses 4 cisterns, two in the surface and other two underground
ones. Those of the surface have a capacity of 15,000 liters and the other
underground are of 60,000 liters.

Now we will adress the problems on that several elements of the clealiness and
some elements of the coordination commented to us.


They told us that the location of the water pump becomes poor.
Equally they said to us again on the waste on the part of the pupils.
Lack of water in the faucets for the bad service.
The excessive use of water to irrigate gardens.
Some Solutions:
 Motivate students and créate campaigns correctly use water. Through
exhibitions or videos of consequences.
 Require that the water service, improve reviewing leaks, that the water
quality and cheaper.
 Find somehow that the water reaches correctly all the bathrooms,
whitout problems.

With everything we researched about the water inside the school, we came to the
conclusión that we don’t know how to use it properly, the most that we use it is
assumed that we give a good use, like washing your hands or go to the bathroom.
Unfortunately insted of using it for good, we waste it. Young people play with it
without being aware that it is an indispensable resource. You must learn to use it
properly and educate others about thi importance.

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