Philippine History: Louisa Ray

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Philippine History

Chapter 1 Louisa Ray

Defining History
• A recitation of unrelated facts that do not contribute to a larger
• An agreed upon set of facts or a forever-fixed story that is never
subjected to changes and updates.
• A simple acceptance of what is written about a historical topic,
event of person.
• A strict reliance solely on the past with no examination of how the
past has influenced the present or how it may influence the future.
• About one absolute truth, one particular perspective, or one set of
facts and figures.
• A chronological storytelling in its finest form; it sequentially weaves
together many related historical and contemporary events and ideas
that are linked to a larger story.
• Is a chronological storytelling in its finest form; it
sequentially weaves together many related
historical and contemporary events and ideas
that are linked to a larger story.
Other definitions of the nature of history:
• History is interpretive
• History is revisionist in scope
• History is a constant process of questioning
• History is integrative of many disciplines
• History is inclusive
• History incorporates historiography
• History is relevant
Why study history?
• History is both knowledge of the past and the
practice of researching and making sense of that
happened in the past-is crucially important to the
welfare of individuals, communities, and the
future of our nation.
Why study history?
To Ourselves
- Identity
- Critical skills
To Our Communities
- Vital places to live and work
- Economic Development
To Our Future
- Engaged Citizens
- Leadership
- Legacy
History Differentiated
•History vs. Past
•History vs. Prehistory
•History vs. The other disciplines
•History, Historicity and Historiography
•History vs. Herstory

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