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Name : Shintiya Gangsar Rahayu

Class :2D/D4

I.Question Answer

1. What are the dangers of radioactivity to the human body ?

 It may even cause death
2. What facts prove that scientists realize that radioactivity is very dangerous?
 The strange fact about radiation is that it can harm without causing pain,
which is the warning signal we expect from injuries. A person may have been
injured and not know it for some time
3. How scientists prevent this?
 They are steadily finding new means of protecting themselves and others from
radioactivity. Our modern atomic laboratories are built for safety. Their walls
are very thick. The rooms in which radioactivity is handled are separated from
others by heavy lead doors.
4. What kind of case has happened?
 Henry Becquerel carried a small tube with radium in it,his waistcoat pocket,
and was surprised to find a burn on his chest. Other early workers also
reported burns and injuries of various kinds.
5. For example if radioactivity is directly exposed to the skin?
 Radioactivity is dangerous. It may cause skin burns and it may destroy good
tissues, as it destroys diseased ones.

II.Make Sentence

1. Radiation (Simple sentence)

Radiation is the process by which energy moves throught other media or space
absorbed by other object.
2. Suprised (Simple sentence)
I was surprised to see him fall on a slippery floor.
3. Fundamentally (Simple sentence)
Love is fundamentally a commitment to someone.
4. Radioactivity (Compound sentence)
Radioactive is very dangerous but many people don’t know that
5. Colorless (Compound sentence)
Daddy bought watercolour for painting and he also brought colorless paper to
6. Imflammably (Compound sentence)
Rani and bayu take the math exam and they get imflammably result
7. Reweable (Complex sentence)
When I was in the library,I brought a book that could be returned
8. Technology (Complex sentence)
That technology is so interesting ,that i often use it
9. Significantly (Compound-complex s)
Sari who eats rice every day four times feels that she has a significant increase in
body weight because she feels she needs time to diet.
10. Chemistry (Compound-complex s)
People majoring in chemistry are usually exposed to excessive chemicals because
it’s easy to get sick and lack of nutrition in the body

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