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PALAC March 28, 2017

Year and Course: BSIT II - BLOCK 1

Title of the Movie: Anonymous (Hacker)

Directed by: Akan Satayev

I. Summary
There is a kid named Alex who had curiosity in computers until he learned how to codes
and to earn money for his college by being a clicker. By the time they had a financial problem,
he had to make another way to earn more money fast, and he found Dark Web and he became a
seller, through black market trading and earned $30,000 in a month. He met Sye and they
became partners; Alex gets the supplies and Sye do the talking. He wanted to go to college but
by the time he got the chance, he decided to not go. Instead, he continued his so-called job.
He tried to breach the security of the bank where his mother was working but he got
caught but didn’t get arrested. Later on, they met Kira. She helps with making money. Until they
need to move to some place, so they go to Hong Kong.
After some time, they did an operation where they withdraw all the money on each ATM
places nearby and let the media knows that it was the Dark Web who did it. Then the master
mind of Dark Web, Z (zed) noticed them and they met. Alex & Kira wanted to work for him, and
they did get in. Made an operation with the Dark Web and Kira & Alex got separated, then Alex
got arrested.
Days or months had passed then Kira suddenly appeared and she's the one who got him
out of the jail. Then Kira explained to Alex what really happened. She said that she was used by
the Cyber Crime Law to be close to him and met with Zed in order to catch the master mind of
the Dark Web.

II. Movie’s Theme and Purpose

The theme of the movie is crime, drama and thriller. I guess the main objective here was
to show what you can do in a Dark Web. Though it's not all about selling stuff online you can do
in Dark Web, it's just some part of it. I guess they were trying to advertise Dark Web in a
negative way. And also to let the audience know that you can mostly do illegal stuff online; and
earn money online but I hope the audience will not do the same thing as in the movie; also that
money can change people and can break relationship.
III. Reflection
Well my experience on watching this movie was awesome. Because I love movies about
crime, computers, hacking and any operational movies. Because it is more thrilling than the
action movies, or maybe it's just me. But when I watched it again, and read some of reviews
online, I got some points where the movie sucks. I had a lot of experience of reading about Dark
Web or Deep Web, and it seems like on this movie they only showed the selling stuff and not the
different side of the Dark Web. I guess it will be inappropriate but it could mean a different thing
to other people who would watch it. They could also try doing it for the sake of money but Dark
Web isn’t the place for that, Dark Web is a very dangerous place to start with, you could
understand it if you really know what Dark Web can really do. I guess the movie was successful
or 50/50, because as I read some reviews, they hated the movie because it didn’t serve its
purpose. It is worth it to watch, I didn’t get bored on the first time watching it, and you just really
need some subtitle to really understand the whole movie.
The good thing here is that Alex made a way to earn money, though it was made through
black market, but still he did earn money. And also he taught himself some language codes and
that is pretty inspiring to every I.T. students. And the important part is never reveal your true
information online.
The bad part was that they didn’t show much consequences when joining in this kind of
things, all they do is getting a lot of money and they didn’t get caught because of what Kira and
his Uncle had plan. But still, they didn’t gave the audience a fear on doing this kind of things,
they didn’t have a warning that they could get a lot of trouble by just doing a single thing they
are doing. Also the ending is not connected to any of it, I mean in other words, it has no life
lesson you could get. They just simple ran off and live their life.
All in all I liked it but not loved it.

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