Modern Gate Pass - Software Idea For School - Software Idea For School

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I. Title : “Modern Gate Pass”

II. Problem and Statement
As a college student and a former high school student, I’ve known students who don’t
go to school, they just let their parents think that their kids are going to school but the
truth is they’re just pretending. So this is the solution to let the parents know that their
son/daughter are attending school. With this Modern Gate Pass, we can record the time
they go in and the time they go out. It may have multiple pass, it should not make any
error. And every month, these record will be reviewed by the staffs and will inform the
student’s parents for this kind of tardiness.

III. Scope and limitations

This study is has no limitation because this will be used by each student.

IV. System Requirement Specification

1. Security/Safety – the system should be secured so it wouldn’t get hack by anyone.

V. Prototype

At the back of the ID, it will have a line of black to slide it for a gate
pass and it will not be recorded.

This is the Time

Monitoring of Log In and
Log Out.
VI. Time Table
1 month Making the application/software
1 week testing
1 week Trial and error
2 days Last test

VII. Conclusion
Therefore I conclude that it will be helpful for the parents to know that their child is in
the good hands where the BU considers the future life of the kids rather than letting
them do what they want without no one knowing it.
VIII. Recommendation
1. Troubleshoot until there are no errors.

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