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February 24, 2017

I. Title “Student Account for Internet/Wi-Fi use”

II. Problem and Statement

We have this traditional of letting the S.A. (Student Assistant) type the password to
access Internet in Info Commons or in the Library. What if we make it more modern
since BU lets us feel that we are in a Hi-Tech school but friendly-environment
atmosphere. We are a student of BU so let’s take advantage of what we can do as a
student/officer/staff of BU. So if the BU got upgraded to having Wi-Fi all around the
campus, there will be hassle free on accessing the Wi-Fi/Internet.

III. Scope and limitations

This study has a limit for those students who can’t access internet on their phone or

IV. System Requirement Specification

1. User-Friendly – no complicated ways to access; just simply Student ID and password.
2. Security – strictly no account, no access to the Wi-Fi.
3. Performance – fast access of log-in window/website.

V. Prototype
VI. Time Table
1 week Designing of website
1 week Codes to the website
3 days Finishing

VII. Conclusion
Therefore I conclude that most students want this kind of system, because it’s an easy
access to the Wi-Fi. No need of going to the Student’s Assistant’s table.

VIII. Recommendation
1. More art design on the website but elegant and simple to look at.

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