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TRAITS 100 95 90 85 TOTAL

CONTENT The group was able to The group was able to The group was somewhat The group was able to
(dialogue, jingle, dance, advertise with an organized advertise with an organized able to advertise with events advertise with events but
sequence of scenes) events and the entire events and some parts of the and few parts of the most parts of the
advertisement was advertisement was advertisement was advertisement were not
understood by the audience. understood by the audience understood. understood.

CREATIVITY The group was creative to use The group was somewhat The group was fairly creative The group was not creative
many different materials as creative in using some in using minimal materials as and did not use any props
props and costume that materials as props and props and costumes for the and costumes at all.
enhanced the advertisement. costume for the advertisement.

DELIVERY All group members presented Some group members A few group members Majority of the group
advertisement well with presented their presented their members did not present
proper voice moderation and advertisement with proper advertisement with proper their advertisement well and
appropriate acting. voice moderation and voice moderation and most voices were not heard
appropriate acting. appropriate acting. and acting was not clear.

RELEVANCE TO THE PROJECT The group has conveyed the The group has conveyed the The group has partially The group was not able to
message of the message of the conveyed the message of the relay the message of the
advertisement and was able advertisement and convinced advertisement and convinced advertisement and was not
to convince all the viewers to some viewers to buy their a very few viewers to buy able to convince the audience
buy their product. product. their product. to buy their product.


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