Job Role

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COMPETENCY BY JOB ROLE AND PROFICIENCY LEVEL Table of Contents + Leading others cluster on Establhing Foc ot © Providing hatvational suppor 3 © foreting Teamvork ‘ ee {Minaging Change nner § {Developing Othe nner {Managing Perfomance enn { Fetteting Diet connor? + Communicating nd influencing Custer Oral communcaton sen a {mterpetsonal eflectWvenes§0 ne onnnwron nnn {iencing Othe tennessee at {ling ColobomtveRebtiqshige nner a + preventing and solving Problems Cluster eagnostcnermetion the inn {2 Anmlial thinking nner {For hiking: {Gone pun hiking nner o Steugi thle Techn tigen nnnnnnrnonas + Achieving Resuts Custer 2 Entteprene ural Orie ntation- n-ne nen Sane gat {este ori ttthon on { Mhoroughest nnn © Global renpectne Calls pap oma ecw and Fes Tm Wile pervisor/ |” autonomy to make theirown -ownsphere of work todoso in their own sphere of work Manager | inctomintnvouipior ofvoc: | attwhtates mle dechbmanl ale | Camisoles ote clageotatspecsof il vk < tonsottes oma int come Solin ects sencatgy msn decom turvanstobemotedn | «mcunge dink and gwouptoxtte | «tmpoven and emier naa a up ove ‘Senpiestson Simgintcomenthbamesgant |" comgant coment th tes gant < Howe baiiabantpouprtodatt | «tipster confers nt sy often. | «Comryaasemeoconene sn cay ate by ot ‘terug wie Shes besucest ctmctatnsteabiyototentoe | «tounge: gupsto mole poten ontet | « contesandemounges group to rsokepobnson Saeed rm wag scons ‘Shown mos pet sokon < eimobed wth group to miohe pobane; tas ptt sation tale Froident evan 5 Gs pap bite orale] Cares op ional esi ales] = RHF a ature Wile nnn Wah ope nae irector/ | iectwattcrarnspinrotvon | thenbtieic oaeentitrersphticet | deccbran! ie tem nue edocs nero executive |.vatwbtonsmicictom | oi ‘tie oon and tale charge «+ Encourage individu and groups to Set thei onngoab,conssten th Busines goat «+ Eapesses confidence inthe ability of other tobe succesful + Emcouages groups resobe roblens on theirown; vols Prescrig solution + Coaches oters to tbe charge ofallaspecs of their workand mate dciions,evenin hanging tsk + Empouets and emabes indbidua and groups tose theron goab, consistent ah business go + Conveys a sense of confidence and certainty in the ality ofethers to be sucessful + Coaches and encourges groups oresohe problems on theirovmn;avous prescribing 2 oluion instil culture inthe ona nization to coach others to ake hage ofalaspects of tet vorkand male decsons, een Iinchallenging mew tats + Demonetrtes a pazronforempowering an emablng Indivduat and group to set theirown goa, consent vith business stategy and goa + Encourges and enables other Kader to convey a sence of confidence and certaiaty inthe ably of others tobe ‘cessfl 1 Help other kaders to coachand encourage groupe to ‘esol problem on their own vols prescribing» soliton (©2012, worktec, workiect 5 - Managing Change - Demonstrating support for innovation and for organizational changes needed to improve the organization's effectiveness; supporting initiating sponsoring, and implementing organizational change; helping othersto successfully manage organizational change. rofident Ravanced “+ West produce inovatve solutions accep the eed 0 tne bans ‘fectom, panei, pokes or procedures + teees inthe med to face the fate ‘rection of anomantational unt orthe ovnlibstes + Encourages people to have a cat Cinietanding of he changes ang pace in theorganeaton «+ beleves in vaiws change management tris eg communestion, education ‘camdevepinem cong) * + Accept the eed for stectres and processes ‘oonand manage the over implementatonofcharge «+ Encounges individu and groupe tostay postive during stenificant charge + Facies in groups or tear tough the Processes kadig othe developer and Implementation ot nw approactes, system, ‘vices nd metogs =S * + Works cooperatively wth eters to produce innoratvesohtiont ‘Tales the lad orsupponts the sting me bisinss dirctors, partnerships, poles oF procedures + Sekes opportunites to infec the fture direcion ofan ogantatinal und or the ‘veal business + Helps peop to developa clarundestanding cfuat they wine to do dierent 352 fesutot anges the ogoneation + Implements or support various change Management actives eg communtations, ‘ducation team develop coach) + tstablshes orsupports structures an acess to ph'and riage the de Inplementationofchange ” + Helps individ ad groupe manage the siibfastocute wibrsgustan flange + Factaes groups or tame though the problemsob/ngand rete thinking proteses kadig fo the development and Irpitmentationot net approscbes systems, structures and methods + Works cooperate with others to produce Innovative, practical andl cst eflectne Solutions 1 Tals the lead orsupports the setting new busines ection, gartmeshi, pokes or procedures that produce etctne suns + Sekes opportunites to itlaence the fture diection ‘fanorgancatonl unt ore overall busisess ‘suing in postive outcomes + coaches and course people to develop achat Sietstanding and acceptance of hat they winged {olde dierent as esun of changes inthe organeaton + implements orsuppors varous change maragement tis eg commana elton am feselopment coach); els peopl to scesstl atceptand adaprio cage + Establishes orsuppons structures and processes to pbnand manage the one implementation ot Change eftectne and effet a plement ‘change inttes + coaches and couteelsindhidua and groupe mana the ancetyasoroted wehsgricant Change + Extremely profsent at facltating groupe or eae {rough the problemsoling and creative thinking rocesesadng tothe development and Inpitmertatonot practeal con elective ny approaches, site, stuctres and methods (©2012, worktec, workiect 5 - Managing Change - Demonstrating support for innovation and for organizational changes needed to improve the organization's effectiveness; supporting initiating sponsoring, and implementing organizational change; helping othersto successfully manage organizational change. rofident Ravanced Supervisor/ ‘Manager “+ West produce inovatve solutions scp the ned ot ne buns ‘fectom, panei, pokes or procedures + teees inthe med to face the fate ‘rection of anomantational unt orthe ovnlibstes + Encourages people to have a cat Cinietanding of he changes ang pace in theorganeaton «+ beleves in vaiws change management tris eg communestion, education ‘camdevepinem cong) * + Accept the eed for stectres and processes ‘oonand manage the over implementatonofcharge «+ Encounges individu and groupe tostay postive during stenificant charge + Fane ingroup ora tough the Processes adie tothe development and Inplmertationot ne approaches =stens, slvuetures and ethoge mee + Works cooperatively wth eters to produce innoratvesohtiont ‘Tales the lad orsupponts the sting me bisinss dirctors, partnerships, poles oF procedures + Sekes opportunites to infec the fture direcion ofan ogantatinal und or the ‘veal business + Helps peop to developa clarundestanding cfuat they wine to do dierent 352 fesutot charges the ogoneation + Somos, mpm tor suport aru ‘ange management acts fog Communeaton, education, eat evelopment coachirg) + teablebes or supports strctres an processes to pon and manage the onerty Inplemertation of change + Helps indviduasand groups narage the amvtyatsocated wihsigndcan change + Facitats groups orteans though the robemsahing and creative thin Broceses aie tothe developmestand Inplmentationot new appoaces, syste, stractres and methods + Works cooperate with others to produce Innovative, practical andl cst eflectne Solutions 1 Tals the lead orsupports the setting new busines ection, gartmeshi, polkies or procedures that produce etctne suns + Sekes opportunites to itlaence the fture diection ‘fanrgancatonal unt ore overall buses ‘suing in postive outcomes + coaches and course people to develop achat Sietstanding and acceptance of hat they winged {olde dierent as esun of changes inthe organtaton + Sposon, implements orsuppons aio change ergunen ais eg ommanatn, rope tsucestal accep snd adapt change + Establishes orsuppons structures and processes to pbnand manage the one implementation ot Change; effective ad eel a implemen ‘change inttes "een + coaches and couteelsindhidua and groupe mana the ancetyasoroted wehsgricant Change + Extremely profset at fcltating groupe or eae {rough the problemsoling and creative thinking roceses; develops ad implements pace cost Eecive sew approaches, syste statues na methods (©2012, worktec, 10 workiect 5 - Managing Change - Demonstrating support for innovation and for organizational changes needed to improve the organization's effectiveness; supporting initiating sponsoring, and implementing organizational change; helping othersto successfully manage organizational change. rofident Ravanced Director/ Executive + wos cope vahotien wo profue ‘Tales the ad or supports the setting new buss dictions, partnerships, poles oF Procedures + Sebes opportunities to ine ce the future ‘recibn of anomantatinal unt orthe ‘ver bsioese + Helps people wo develop car Udertanding of what they wl eed todo erent ara esubotchanges athe omganeaton + Sponsors, implements or supports various cfargenamgemt acute eepment coaching) + Establishes orsuppors structures and processes to phnand manage he onerhy Implement ofclarge + eps individu and groups manage the Stoetyassocated wihsgnftant change + octates group teams thoval the broblemsaling and ceative thinng Drocesses kading tothe development and {plementation et nw approaches, ye, factuesand methods es * + Works cooperative wth oters to produce innovative, practeal and costefective olin + Tales the lead orsuppons the setting nee Basins dictions, partes, pokes or procedures hat produce efectve resus + Seis opportunities to intuence he future direction ofan ogantational und or the ‘veallbusiness esulig In postive outcomes + coaches and councek people todevelopa ‘ar indetstand ng an acceptance of hat they wi ned todo deren, a3 eeuhot ‘lange inthe oaneaton + Symon pnt of supper aoa Communeattne, education teat evelopment coaching); eis puople 1 Scestuly sept and Sdapt ta charge + teablebes or supports strctres and processes to pon aed manage the onerty Inpmertion charge eevee cfientatimplementing ange intatves + coaches and course individual and groups tmanage the amity assocated was niont lange + tate protien at fcilating groups oF {eames though the problem sohing and feathe thing processes; develops sad implements pacteat cost effective nese Bppreaces, Systeme, structures and thos + Creates a culture inthe ongantation to work coopertvel wahethento produce nnovatie, prcteal and cost eect solutions + Champions the eed to tale the kad orsuppor the Seting new busiest dictions, parte ship: poles ‘procedures that produce effective resus +. ok modelforsecing opportunites to inte nce the tue diecton ofan ogancatiral unt othe ‘verllbsinssresulingn postive outcomes + Help other kaders to coachand counel people to dekiopacasrundemanding and sceptnce of ‘that hey illaed to dierent, aa res ot ‘Changes tthe organeation + tecourges and coaches otber hades to sponsor, Implement orsupport vara change management SENS eg munca eagton a feselopment coach); els peopl to scesstl atceptand adaprio cage + Hara vg tackrecod of establehing or support ‘Stic and poceses to panand manage the ‘Order implementation of change; eftectne and ‘iteent ot peeing change lathes + Help other kaders to coachad counel india ‘and goups manage the amet asocated With Sentiam change + wellkaoum inthe ogankaton fr coaching others tobe estremel profcsntatfacltating groupe oF {Ean dough be probemsohing a nate {hing processes; helps eter develop and Impement pacteal cortefecve new appraches, sheng sce Sel metus (©2012, worktec, " workiect 6 - Developing Others- Willingnessto delegate responsibilty and to work with others and coach them to develop their capabilities Ravanced + Proves geeralfedbackto others + offes some information, adviee, oF ‘Stefestone when ated + Understand he importance of develop oe i _ + emcounges others + Provides belpul ebavioraly specific feedback other « Shares information advice, an suggests 0 belp ote be more sucessful proves tne coaching se + hecognes and reinforces peoph’s devebopmentetionsand improvements + Egan cote note sity tobe + Provides helpful, behaviorally specif feedbackand ‘get othe ensures they 4 ot es + Proactil shares specif ntormatin,advee, and ‘ggestin to helpotbes be moses, ‘rece coaches by shoring valable le ght ond Inowedge + necognes and enforces the developmentaletons thes and celbrtes hei improvement + Motiatesoters by expressing confidence in their aby te tesuceesstl rofident Ravanced Supervisor/ ‘Manager + Proves geeralfedbackto others + offs some information advice, 2nd Stegestone when ated + elegaes to get routine ass accomplished + views development progress wth rmployes 3 ie peas «Tacks people's development efforts ‘Wants othes to be sucessful + Provides belpul ebavioraly specific feedbackto other « Shares information ave, and sugzesos 0 telp ote to be mor sucessful proves Chet coating ‘ + hes people acgnment that wl hel evel erable . + hegutty meets with employes to review teivaete pment progres Trad, wcognesand winfoes people's developmentetfonsand improvement + Express confidence inothesabilty to be sucessful + es egubrly scheduled fedbackaesins with ‘then to prove hel behav oral specie itedlacSnd suggest’ ta ony ht preserves SndeniancesseFereem + Proactively shares specif ntormation advice, and tegen: to help others be moe succesful HESNS/CR iy shdine inland heghtand nowhdge te hep others develop thei capalltes + Delegates calenging assignments to people that ‘spec tiealy hey them develop thet abates + Regularly meets with employees wo review thle + stebvestostay informed about employes progiems and perormance through oral hmethods (eg, star tport) + Provides performance feedback 25 soon as possieateran event + beak with performance problems; lets people tow what expected of them ‘+ Ensures that employees fave cleargoak ad spores + Worle with employes to set and Communcate pertormance standards that ae Spee and measure «Suppor employees inher eons to achieve [pbgonb egy providing spurte Iemung bale, ate a3 bu) + eared tout epee or Inethods [eg statis repr) and informal Inetheds (ef maagement by walng round) + Provides specifi performance feedback, both Pasitve and conecive, as Soonas possible Sfersnevent + Deak fem and prompt ith performance Probleme; kts peop now what b expected ofthemand when + sures tat employees lave cara Ineasuabl goa and vesponsibitis, ployer iow what expected of them + iors with employees to set and Communeate pertormance standands tat ae Specfe and measurable, employes Clary herr te pefomance abe ll + coaches employes and support them in fhebefonrtoinve pb geae eo" hy roving eources, removing etc, tiga bu fel themacheve geo, + neguly tacks progress ofemployees Prcprare snd pero tog Sach formal methods (eg status reports) and ioral eto manage lig around) amtipates ar dea with sues ina proactive mane + Provides specific perormance feedback both postive aml conecive,assoonss posse Sheramevent improv employee periomance + Antigates and dea amd ad prompt with rormance probs; kt people knot Spectcaly atthe Curent ves ‘pected leelot performance (©2012, wore, me 15 workitect 7- Managing Performance - Taking responsiblity for one’s own or one’s employees’ performance, by setting clear goals and expectations, tracking progress against the goals, ensuring feedback, and addressing performance problems and issues romptiy. Proficient Tavanced Director/ Executive + sues tat poe ave hergoak ond ‘esporsibtes + Works withemployeestosttand Communeate perormance stanianls tat ae Specie and measuabe + Suppons employees in theiretios wo achive Jpbgoak fog, by proving esoures, femoving obstacles, acting as a utes) + aera stow ema poi trethods (eg, status report) and rma Inetheds(e, management by walang sound) + Provides specif performance feedback, both ve and conecine, ar soon as poseble SRersnevent = + beak fm and promptly with performance Probleme; kts people know wat éexpected ofthemand when + sures Mat employees fave cearand Ineasuabl goa and vespots bites, Coployees Hn what expected of them + Wore with employes to set and Communcate perormancestandads tht a Specific and measurable; employes lath Mestad hotel prtoromnce ile wil «coaches employees and support them in their Stone oathelpbgoat (Eas by rvaing Ben hip themacheve goat + regu ahs progress ofemployes Programe ad peoance ough Seth {Srmat methods an fort ethos, Shipte el dea th oret na ploctve + Provides specifi performance feedback, both Pasitve and corecive, as soonas possible Steranevent;improves employee perlormance «eet tot sceeenece a ee - ‘+ Champlons the eed inthe oganeation to ‘ture at allempbyees have cea amd fneasuablegoab and responsible wos {ensure alfempbyees iow what & aged of them + Demonstatesa passion for working wth mmployes to set al communiate performance standards tatare specie nd feasunb, ensue employees Cea Uderstand how thelr pertormance vl be wil emeacued + Help other kaders to coach employees and Spports them a thairetforts to acheve ob oak (eg. by proving msoures, removing Ststcks, ating as a bute) helps them schieve goat ‘creates a cuture tha regula tacts progress ‘templyeer programs and perlomance ‘hough both ora methods sr ioral Inethedsyantkipaes and dead with sues ina prosive manner + Drs stlorganiation so prove specie Perormance eedback both postive snd onectie a ootas possble ater an event; ‘cache ier ender on how fo npr Employee perfomance + 5 velllnowm inthe oganiation for ‘iteipating aed dealin tl and prompt {ith penance podem; kt peop Special what the curent vest fnpected leelof performance (©2012, wore, me 16 workitect 8 - Fostering Diversity - Working effectively with all aces, nationalities, cultures, disabilities, ages and sexes Promoting equal and fair treatment ‘and opportunity fr al Proficient ‘avanced Specialist “Seeks information rom other who have ‘iterem pesonaites,bachgrounds ad sues ‘+ meacs with others who have a dvesity ofcuturaland demogrphe beclgrounds “Tes to le it 35 or others to eel ‘alable egonies of ders Desonaly, culture, or background + attempts to clue incomersatons peopl th diverse cuba baclgrounds * Graves ha ders of catalan ‘tmgrphi bcigrounes stbes, + Proactiely seeks normation mothers who fave diferent pesonaltes,baclgrounds, and Styles; clues themindec tion naling 2d, probimsohing + Communicates ant cooperates withothes Wo tave adversity ofculualand Aemogiaphe baclgouns + ates ites for others to feelvaable teenrss of duery in personaly, cure, orbaclgiound ny "Peony + Imus in conse sations people with diese clita tackgounds, and nes themto be partot irra wore bed cts, sucha foto lichoratenditg company sie + Helps ecru and orient employees witha iery of caturland demographic facigrnts mere + Proactvel obtains ad ues information fomathes ‘ho have diferent personalities, baclgrounds, and Siyseffectvely eles them in dect on ming ant probemsollig + Communicates, cooperates, and vor extremely well Sinhothers who hve erty of curl and Jemographe backgrounds + Ver sfulat abi iteasy footers to fel ‘valuable egrdees of deri pemonaly, ctu, ‘rbaclgound ‘yin pesomalty + Alvar ncladesincomersation: people with diverse ‘tral baclgrounds and inctes them o be part of Informal vor rebted atts, suchas going to teh attending company socalevéns; make everyones ‘ald meriberof th group + Active imolved in ecruing and orienting ‘tmpbjecs witha duersnyofcuntualsnd ‘itmagrephe backgrounds Proficient ‘avanced Supervisor/ ‘Manager “Seeks inforation rom other who have ‘erm porte, acgrosnds, an ‘+ meacs with others who have a dvesity ofcututaland demogrphe beclgrounds “Tes 16 ale it 35 or others to eel ‘alableeganies of ders Desonaly, culture, or background + attempts to clue incomersatons peopl th diverse cobra baclgrounds «attempts oie and develop people vith Siery ofcukurlond dence Reelgeunds mere + Proactively eels normatin mothers who fave diferent personales, baclgrounds and Stik; clades them ndeckow akg 3 probemsoving + Communicates ant cooperates withothes Wo tave adversity ofculturaland demogphe baclgouns + Mates teas or others to eelvahabie teeandessofduersay m peony, cute, orbaclground + Imus in conse sations people with diese titra backgrounds and nes theo be partot tora work eted acter, suchas fg to choratenditg company sie + Hes and develps people witha divest of Cturaand demographic haclrounds + Proactvel baits ad ues information fomathes ‘ho have diferemt personalities baclgounds, and Siyesyeflectel elles them in deeb on ming and probermsoblig + communicates, cooperates, and vor extremely wel Sinhother who hve aderty furl and ‘Jemographe backgrounds + Ver shlflat bing ey for others to fel ‘iluble regardless of deny in peony, cuture ‘rtaclgound + Ava inlaes in conversations people with verse ‘tural backgrounds, and inctes them to be part of {nforal vonkreisted atte, suchas gang to ch ‘attending company socal events; ates everyone feel they ate valued member ofthe group ‘+ Regular hires and develops people witha divers of Ctuataed demagraphe bac igrounds (©2012, worktec, ” workect 8 - Fostering Diversity - Working effectively with all aces, nationalities, cultures, disabilities, ages and sexes Promoting equal and fair treatment ‘and opportunity fr al Proficient ‘avanced + Proactive eels information rom otbers ‘ao have diferent pesonaiis, Backgrounds, and sys; cludes therm in dees mating aad probemsolng «+ Communists apd cooperates with ‘tte who have adienty of cutualand Alemegraphe bacigrounds + aes i easy froters to feel valable aides oferty npetsomly, (hue ortaetgound = ‘+ tnclaesincomvenation people vith verse cuttwal backgrounds, ad tes ‘hemo be part of ntormal wonereted tities suchas gowg te nchor ‘tending company socalevents + ies and develops peopl tha dhersty ‘ofcututaland demographic backgrounds + Proacthely baits and wes information fom ‘thes who fave dierent personals Baclgrounis and sts eftectuey includes themindection naling md probemsohing + Communicates, cooperates, and vorls stem wellthters tho have 2 Siverny of cukurlond demographic facigeints mere + Very shift mang ea for othe to fel \alinbleregatdes of dest n personaly, ‘tre, or Background + Aha includes inconversations people with ete cual cigrounds, and ies therm {obe partof nfomal vorkebted atutes, cha goin ohne or aterding compan Soeafecene; mates everyone eli ey reavahed memberof he gop + Regul ies and develope people witha iret ofcukuraland demographic fcigends meen + Creates an envionment hat preactiely obtains and {eer information romother who hve deren onaliis,tacigrounds, td sty fete cist hein aceon hole tnd pobimsshing + Supports and coaches others to communicate, ‘Cooperste, and workextremely vel withthe who faves dura ofcutualand émogrphi Backgrounds moet + vellinown inthe oganvaton fr being very sifu ‘Amaling eas for others to el value egos ‘of dvriy i personaly, cur, or background +5 yell inown inthe oganzaton for alvays incaing Incomersatons people with diese cultual {ackgrounds, and ensuring they are part of informal ore bated actus suchas ole tnchor {tending company so¢alevent male: everyone fel ile they are valued mere of the group +H 2 hor of regula hing a developing people ‘ina diver of cukuttand demographe ockgounds mere (©2012, worktec, ® workiect 9 Attention to Communication - Ensuring that information is passed on to others who should be kept informed. Proficient Ravanced + eps onl ey inva ioe ina propetoretont intormed + Eure Hatothes invoked ina proctor + Eneures everyone inobed ina propctoretfon ame feptlformed ona regular bas about any Stomtrelept normed abou deepens Specialist snipe fetes ra pets a + Eecues tat mort information romiher | 2 Aeteopmens and ‘Smgement stud wenoti + tues hat portant infomation tom | scamula eure tnt eer pce of portant ‘i/berqmmagements sted wnat as." tormutn rom h/t mangement sured with {stamsinformatonwihotien whoastert | ppmpratemhw/teroancatoratvat | thetzona ima ba arappmpte inher + Wes ont one chnnmeor mars to + Shas eat an information wth otbes wo | B=neatomaunt ommunkate important messages. |" meh in temasel + sare allieas information vthothes ons = Caen erator nese inh tester am sn oleep beter nargerintomed about | “Smmunestemyorantmesegsteg,, |» ses mutip lane or meats to communicate resto lep h/t managerintormed abot | mn, nus, mesings ctw |" important messages, uta tures most = {Approrate one fed forthe seunton eg ‘ tnsus tat infomation edstrbuted | « Jaey5 pater managerintormed about ‘memes, noses, meetings, eecrone mail earand pobre, avoursurprees | «Pate inkepinghe/hernarager informed ona stuns tietegubreommten ‘puts abet popes on problems 2v0us Ccrmonaaton ates pace sprees + esures hat gu consent ad efectie conmuntaton es Basie Proficient ‘Advanced rvior/ | teeprony ey indvitak moles na | + knurs tatother mobed a proctor | «kur: everyone moked ina propctoretortam Supervisor) | *PesEerorei normed ‘flare leptintomed about devetpments | " hept normed ona reguar bare about any Manager inp delebpnens an pote + Ensures that moet information from hier ‘nandgement shared wahdiect pore «Shares information wth others who aekforit + Uses only one chanel means to ‘ommunkate important messages (ee ‘memos, never, mectgs, ckctonk ail Tes to Heep her ma rage informed about pogressene probes + Ensues that information & detrbuted + Exes that important information from ‘her management shared with diet ‘report and thes a approprate Inher orpaneatioral unt + Shares eas and infomation wth othe: who ‘might find them useful + Uses mute chanel oF meats tres, nvsieten,mectgy, eects mi + ¥a0ps hier manage informed about progres and probleme, sods surprees + ensues that regu, consistent ‘communkation as pce + carefulto ensure tat every piece of important ‘sfomation omer management Shared with ‘tect reports and others ona tel bast a, ppropate in haber organzatbral unt + Shares all ideas and information ona tine bats ‘athothes ho request or mgt find them wef + Uses mutpe channel or means to communicate Important messages, butavays enures mest {appropiate ome fed forthe stuston eg ‘memos, nevektes, meetings, ctoni al) + Proactive in heping his/her marager informed on 2 ‘regular tase about proges and problems; avous spre + ersures that guy const, a effective commankation as (©2012, worktec, 1” 9 Attention to Communication - Ensuring that information is passed on to others who should be kept informed. Proficient Ravanced + Eure Hatotbes imobed ina proctor fomare apt formed about dvebpes + sures that important information rom heer management shared with diet ‘epors al others 2 approprate In her oeneatoral unt “+ Shares eas and information with other who imei tnd them useful + Uses mutiple channels or means to ‘communkate important messages ms meet, meting ce + eps h/her superior informed about progres and probe, vows surpass + sures tht rgb, consbtent, ‘communkation aes pce * urs canons moked na pret or ‘bout any developments and plans «+ ecareulto ensue that every pice of Important nigra rm habe imarogement share with ect reports and ‘thes ona timely bast as appoprate in Neher onganeational unt + Shares alldeas and information on timely fase wah thes who request or mgt fed them wet + Uses mutple channels or means 1, communtete important messages, but alays ‘nsures most approprte one sued forthe Stuatoneg. memes nevakties, melitgs, ‘keto nit| + Proactive in bepiag his/her superior informed ‘oma regub tsk about prog: te robles; wos surprets + ensures that regu consistent and efective communkaton as pace + Yaeps the oantation focused on consent et ne ivoled ina proket oration ae ‘SptinGrmed sboutany developments and pate +2 ok model for being careful ensure tat every Dice of important ilornmtion rom hehe ‘marogemant shared wth get report and others ‘ne tel bases appropiate haber ‘rpentatinal unt + teas by empl by consent sharing al eae and Information oma timely bass wth othe ho request ‘ofmght id them etal + Emourges other Kader and promoter the efectbe {se ofthe mestapproprate chonret or eare to ‘eukiten meeting econ na 7 + coaches others to consistent leepse/her ‘Stperors informed about progres aad problems; vous surprees + Helps the organeation wo ensure that regu, congtensd efctve communkation ales pce (©2012, worktec, workitect 10- Oral Communication - Expressing oneself clearly in conversations and interactions with others Ravanced 7 Speals na vay Wate wual understood + bots not alas talbr the content ofspeech tothe kvelorexperiece ofthe audience + times, does not use approprate gamnar forchoke of won noralspeech + hleas are notalnays chart organked or cxpmsced na concee mannerinoralspeech + Does notaliays maimaineye contact when speaking withothes + boes vot alas verity understanding to prevent mécommuniaton 7 Seals Cea and an be easy unde stood + Tbs th coment ofspeech othe kveland experience ofthe audience + Uses approprategamnarand choke of von mortspesch + organizes and expresses eas cleat andt conse morlspeech + ait ee contact when speabing with otter + Summaries orparaphases hsb nderstafing of what others have sal, 10 ‘verity understanding and prevent, 7 Speals nan ere Car manner and Every sy to understand “Tabs the content ofspeechto the kveland cenpernnce ofthe audience insicha vay hat & Improves understanding ‘consistent ses appropriate gammarand choke ‘of words inorlepeech + Meas arealiays oanced and expressed ina ckar and concie nannerinoralspeech + Mainline eye comact with an ind vidual orgroup in sucha vay that engages the indiidualroup + Summarces or paraphases hier untestanling ‘micommuniation of what others have salto accurately cry and, ‘confirm understanding; quem prevents rmacommunktion rom occuring Basle rofident ‘Advanced Supervisor/ ‘Manager 7 Speals na vay Wat usualy understood + oes not ahs tar the content ofspeech to the kvelorexperiece ofthe audience 1+ Attimes does not use approprate gramme forchoke of won moral speech + hleas are notaluays chart organked or expressed na concee mannerinoralspeech + doesnot aliays maimaineye contact when speaking withothes + boes not alas verity understanding to prevent mécommuniaton 7 Speaks Cea and can be easy undesiood {Tbs th coment ofspeech othe kveland ‘experience ofthe audience + Uses approprategammarand choke of vont inoratspesch + organs and expresses Meas cheatyand ‘comely morlspeech + ait ee contact when speahing with otter + Summaries orparaphases hsb Understanfing of what others have sal, to ‘vet understanding and prevent, ~Speals nan exremel ear manner and Every sy to understand ‘Tabs the content ofspeechto the kveland cenpernce ofthe audience insicha vay that & Improves understanding ‘+ consistent ses appropriate gammarand choke ‘of words inorlepeech + Meas arealiays oanced and expressed ina ckar and concie nannerin oalepeech «+ Mainains eye comact with an indviduaorgroup in sucha vay that engages the individualroup “+ Summarces or paraphases her unestanding of what others have salto accurately cy and ‘confirm understanding; frequent prevents rmacommunktionromocc uring (©2012, worktec, a workiect 10- Oral Communication - Expressing oneself clearly in conversations and interactions with others rofident Ravanced + Speals ina vay at usual understood + bots not ays tallorthe content ofspeech {ihe kvclorexperaice ofthe sudlene + tines, does not use approprate gamnar ‘orchors of won morlapeech © + bleas are notaluays char organked or ‘ipmssed ma concee mannerinoalspeech + bots not aliaysmaimaineye contact when speaking wathoties + bots vot alas verity understanding to Prevent mecommuneaton + Speals Cay and can be eas understood + Tbs the coment ofspeech othe kveland penence othe aude + Uses approprate gamnarand choke of Son wowtspesch + organizes and expresses eas cleat andt ‘conelyorlspeech + ait ee contact when speaking with other + Summaries orparaphases hsb Understanding of what ater have sal, 10 ‘en understanding ah preven “+ Speals nan extremely kar manner and very easy to unestond “Tals the content of speechto the kveland perience ofthe ulnce such way tat inpoves undettanding " + consent wes approprate gammarand choke Frontmotspecan + ease atuays omonced and expressed ina char Sn concee nunnerinoralzpecch + Naina eye comact with an indbidualorgroup in Sethe way tat tengoges the indtal boop ‘+ Summarkes or parphraeshi/er understanding ‘of what other: fave sad toaccustely chy and ont understanding; req ueny prevents, ‘necommunketion temo uring (©2012, worktec, 2 workiect 111 Written Communication - Expressing oneself clearly in business writing, Proficrent ‘avanced + Does otalvays express eas ina ckarand ‘concee nannerin wating + Wen eas are not aay clearand ovgangatin may ot be dtinct + Uses one styl of writen communications toall soem + Uses graphes or other ails «+ Sometimes mispele words times, ites sing vague, nomspecii rete + Sometimes wes punctuation ncorecth + spot alvays gammatcaly comet + bots not nays we an appropriate business wing sty Expresses Meas clear and conc i wrtng + organ ten eas ca and sg he Sxenesion te eaeriegthohan fading” Pesemnernes «Taos write ncommunkations ott reachanaudience “ * Srdiatatiaomann 7 2 erwcomves + Spats conectl «vite wing concrete, spect ngage + Uses punctuation conecty + ites grammatical + Uses an appropriate business wing tye + Eapresses eas ina very clear, conc, ant ‘flecie nner nw + orpances writen eas ina very char fashion ‘ua oveys the ovgancatomto the reader nan ‘ec ay eg tvoughan moduetory baragraphortroigh we of head igs) + Alva tabs writen communéatiors insicha ‘ay that teffectvely communes the Inttnded message + Uses raphes and other ast city, simply, sta ptt sadn beteronde mad Compex or echntal iatomation| + Aluays pels conecthy + rites sing cer concrete, and specie [Brgtoge that improves undertansing + Uses punctuation corecty an insucha va HSE fcomeye shee manag waste beng communtated «+ ites ina granny coneet fasion tat Improves understanding + Uses anappropriate business wing style hat Cones pofessonalemand expertise (©2012, worktec, 23 workiect 111 Written Communication - Expressing oneself clearly in business writing, Proficient Tavanced Supervisor/ Manager + Does notalnays express Meas na Caran concie nannerin wring «wt eae ae notahayscearand ‘organcaton may fot bedutnct + Uses one sty of writen communications to all soles + uses graphs or other aids + Sometimes méspel words times, urtes wing vague, non speciic reuaee + Sometimes uses punctuation incorrect + Snotabvays grammatical comet + boes not alnays we anapproprine buries wing sty ‘+ presses eas chal and concisely in wring + ovganter ten eas cat and gat he Seenesion tte eaier(eghosghan Adin” Pesennerners “als writen communications to effectively tachanauiene * ortdiatatiasmanen 7 o*erycompes + Spelt coneet “vies wing concrete, specie ngage + Uses punctuation comecty + wits grammatical + Usesamapproprine busines wing style + Eapresses eas ina very clear, conc, ant flece nmnner wig + oranes writen eas ina very char fshion ‘hd coves te ovgancatento the reader nan ‘tec oy eg tvoughan wtodutory bargraphor thigh we of headings + Alva abs writen communications isch 3ivay that tefecthel communtates the iat + Uses graphs and otheraifs toc simply, se pide sade betrontentag ‘Compl or technal infomation + Aluays sets conecty + yes using lear, concrete, and speci [Brgtage tht improves undentansing + ees punctuation cont and in sucha va Ue fcomeye the te meaning aan being communkated + Wrtes ina grammatialy comec fashion hat Improves undestanding + Uses an appropriate business wrtig styl that Conve pofesonalemand expertise (©2012, worktec, workiect 111 Written Communication - Expressing oneself clearly in business writing, Proficient Tavanced Ditector/ Executive + Does notalnays express Meas na Caran concie nannerin wring «wt eae ae notahayscearand ‘organcaton may fot bedutnct + Uses one sty of writen communications to all soles + uses graphs or other aids + Sometimes méspel words times, urtes wing vague, non speciic reuaee + Sometimes uses punctuation incorrect + Snotalvays grammatical comet + boes not alnays we anapproprinte buries wing sty ‘+ presses eas chal and concisely in wring + ovganter ten eas cat and gat he Seenesion tte eaier(eghosghan Adin” Pesennerners ‘als writen communications to effectively tachanauiene * ortdiatatiasmanen 7 o*erycompes + Spelt coneet “vies wing concrete, specie ngage + Uses punctuation comecty + wits grammatical + Usesamapproprine busines wing style + Eapresses eas ina very clear, conc, ant flece nmnner wig + oranes writen eas ina very char fshion ‘hd coves te ovgancatento the reader nan ‘tec oy eg tvoughan wtodutory bargraphor thigh we of headings + Alva abs writen communications insu ‘vay that tefectvel communtates the iat + Uses graphs and otheraifs toc simply, sed pit sade beterontentag ‘Compl or technal infomation + Aluays sets conecty + yes using lear, concrete, and speci [Brgtage tht improves undentansing + ees punctuation cont and in sucha va Ue fcomeye the te meaning aan being communkated + wrtes ina grammatically comect fashion hat Improves undestanding + Uses anapproprian business wring styl that Conve pofesonalemand expertise (©2012, worktec, 2s workiect 12 Persuasive Communication The ability to plan and deliver oral and written communications that are impactful and persuasive with their intended audiences Proficient Tavanced Professional/ + Present information or data tht Communtater other + Mentfies ad presents information or data that wilhave stong effect on others + enti and cea presents spect: Information or data nsucha ay tat wil cE a language and examples that may not «+ Selects language and exampks tailed tothe | have strong effecton others Se eae ee ee | ENS RELR aE cere mneant sete ae “! 7 Fe eC eros arbges creams | "aagRjambeesoreanwese | Ghkteoteme tmp eens -, “ ‘+ Tailors specific stories, analogies, or examples TUceumescrtrtutdenay | semeguparststtdspm, | BbgzRee try amtgs, orem sesame cormetatsacaeaes ste cmocarsregunentnsiponota ston [smmeeseeeigtenmayennma, | “CRMEESMNE arf daphy soos renee « ecenir san ena Se et ont imseaee aii en Taare cpenino | Fests estore ar Tart al pens nomen onsen] ues pein che Supervior/] = ae regen veninnatememaeramac= | ttsettemere ear ay ‘Marae foment + Uses ngage and examples that may not ‘iva Be bed tothe veland experence ofthe audience + Uses stoves, analogies, or examples + Uses graphisorsie ha ip bordton mr + resents an agumeat in support ofa postion + Selects ngage and examples alored tothe eiaedcfpenence of theauiience + Sects stores analogs, orerampes 0 ‘ttre pom + creates graphics orsdes that depay ‘nfomatomcleary an wath hgh pact Presents severaldierentagunents in pom ofa postion + Sly slats guage ad spect ‘ramps fared tothe kveland experience ofthe audence that improves udestandig “Tals specifi stores, 2aloges,orexampls Tetectrey nats pout " + mates graphics orsde that depby Inforationcleary, alin understanding, ard fave high impact + Effient presents severalditeret argument nclearcuppor of porkion that fet stongetiect vot (©2012, wore, me workitect 12 Persuasive Communication The ability to plan and deliver oral and written communications that are impactful and persuasive with their intended audiences Proficient Tavanced Director/ Executive + Present information or data tht Communtater other + Uses bmguage and eames that may not ‘alsa be aibred tothe hveland exper nce ofthe aude + Uses stoves, analogies, or examples + Uses graphesorsiles tat display ‘tormtion + resents an agumeat in support ofa postion + Mentfies ad presents information or data that wilhave stong effect on others + Selects guage and examples aibved tothe ibveland expereince of theautience + Selects stores, analogs, orexampes to Shatrate pont + creates graphs orses thatdepy Information clay an with hgh impact Presents severaldierentamgunents in upportofa portion + enti and cea presents spect: Information or data nsucha ay tat wil fave astongeffecton ties «+ sly selects ngsoge and pectic ‘ramps fared the evelond experience ‘ofthe audience that improves understanding «Tals specifi stores, 2raloges,orexamples weflectvel atte 2 poi + cates graphs orsdes that dpby ‘nfornatonclary, alin ndertanding, and fase ighpact ™ + fant presents cevertditerent ‘argument nckarsupportof postion that fea stongetect (©2012, wore, me a workitect 13- Interpersonal Effectiveness - The ability to notice, interpret, and anticipate others’ concerns and feelings, and to communicate this empatheticallyto others Proficient Tavanced Professional/ Specialist ive the interests of others {notes what othes ae feeling, 1 aleties how others ill eat toa station 1 eas peoph's eas and concerns 1 boes sotalnays understand both the strengts and weahnesses of thes + Unletstands the unspoken meaning ia mest 153) oF does things that at tines address ‘other’ concern + oes not alnys fad non threatening ays to approachothes about sensitive sues Ths to males others felcomfortable Understands the interests and important concerns of others Notices and accurately interprets what oters ‘are feeling based on theirchoke of wos tone ofvoce, expressions and other ronertal behavior + Anticipates how others will eact ta stuation + Ustens attentel to peoph'sWeasand + Understands both the stergths and veninesesofother + Understands the unspoken meaning ina 1527 ordoes things toadaress othe’ + Finds non-threatening ways toappreach others abowt senetve esuer + Males others eecontorable by responding Jin ways that comvey interest in what they have > Unlestanis and addresses the pesonaland professional teess and important concerns ofothers + Motes, accurate interprets, and as ito ‘3ccount what eters are feeling, azed on Theirchoke of woR’s, tone of vie, ‘expressions, and other nonertal behavior “+ Accurately predes how others willeact 02 situation a plans abend to deal with their + ters attemvey and clear undestands people's eas and concerns + Catt undestands both the stengths an \wenkneses of other + Chatty perceies and compebends the deg wrspolen meaning ina 153) of does things to constructively address other’ concerns + Fins postive ad non thveatening was 12 fecha approachothes about sensitive + Males others fel very comfortable and rebed by responding in ays that comiey2 pemonal terest what they fave tos9) (©2012, wore, me workitect 13- Interpersonal Effectiveness - The ability to notice, interpret, and anticipate others’ concerns and feelings, and to communicate this empatheticallyto others Proficient Tavanced supervisor/ ‘Manager ive the interests of others {notes what othes ae feeling, 1 aleties how others ill eat toa station 1 eas peoph's eas and concerns 1 boes sotalnays understand both the strengtls and weahnesses of thes + Unletstands the unspoken meaning ia mest 153) oF does things that at tines address ‘other’ concern + oes not alnys fad non threatening ays to approachothes about sensitive sues Ths to males others felcomfortable Understands the interests and important concerns of others Notices and accurately interprets what oters are teeling based on theirchake of wos tone ofvoce, expressions and other ronertal behavior + Anticipates how others will eact ta stuation + Ustens attentel to peoph'sWeasand + Understands both the stergths and veninesesofother + Understands the unspoken meaning ina 1527 ordoes things toadaress othe’ + Finds non-threatening ways toappreach others abowt senetve esuer + Males others eecontorable by responding Jin ways that comvey interest in what they have > Unlestanis and addresses the pesonaland professional teess and important concerns ofothers + Motes, accurate interprets, and as ito ‘3ccount what eters are feeling, azed on Theirchoke of woR’s, tone of vie, ‘expressions, and other nonertal behavior “+ Accurately predes how others willeact 02 situation a plans abend to deal with their + ters attemvey and clear undestands people's eas and concerns + Catt undestands both the stengths an \wenkneses of other + Chatty perceies and compebends the deg wrspolen meaning ina 153) of does things to constructively address other’ concerns + Fins postive a non thveatening was 12 cefecthely approachothes about sensitive + Males others fel very comfortable and rebed by responding in ays that comiey2 pemonal terest what they fave tos9) (©2012, wore, me workitect 13- Interpersonal Effectiveness - The ability to notice, interpret, and anticipate others’ concerns and feelings, and to communicate this empatheticallyto others Proficient Tavanced Director/ Executive ive the interests of others {notes what othes ae feeling, 1 Metis how other: ill eat toa station 1 eas peoph's eas and concerns 1 boes sotalnays understand both the strengtls and weahnesses of thes + Unletstands the unspoken meaning ia mest 153) oF does things that at tines address ‘other’ concern + oes not alnys fad non threatening ays to approachothes about sensitive sues Ths to males others felcomfortable Understands the interests and important concerns of others Notices and accurately interprets what oters ‘are teeing based on theirchoke of wos tone ofvoce, expressions and other ronertal behavior + Anticipates how others will eact ta stuation + Ustens attentel to peoph'sWeasand + Understands both the stergths and veninesesofother + Understands the unspoken meaning ina 1527 ordoes things toadaress othe’ + Finds non-threatening ways toappreach others abowt senetve esuer + Males others eecontorable by responding Jin ways that comvey interest in what they have > Unlestanis and addresses the pesonaland professional teess and important concerns ofothers + Motes, accurate interprets, and as ito ‘3ccount what eters are feeling, azed on Theirchoke of woR’s, tone of vie, ‘expressions, and other nonertal behavior “+ Accurately predes how others willeact 02 situation a plans abend to deal with their + ters attemvey and clear undestands people's eas and concerns + Catt undestands both the stengths an \wenkneses of other + Chatty perceies and compebends the deg wrspolen meaning ina 153) of does things to constructively address other’ concerns + Fins postive ad non thveatening was 12 fecha approachothes about sensitive + Males others fel very comfortable and rebed by responding in ays that comiey2 pemonal terest what they fave tos9) (©2012, wore, me workitect :14-lfluencing Others The abilty to gain athers support for ideas, proposals projects, and solutions Basle Proficient Tavanced 7 resents aguments at addres some ‘ofthe concern and ses of others + bots not alias mote others ina process ordecsion «1 elactant to offer tade-of or ‘exchanges, togaincommitment + Mentifes and proposes solutions that benefit cenaia partes involved ina + boes not usual ens experts, third pares, ordevebp othe ndect Steps wo inten others ‘fe relectant to escalate crea esto ‘oumorother’ management + Does not ava structure stations (ee, the sting, persons present, Sequence of events) to create a desied Impact orto maximge the chances of fwvombe outcome «+ Wore to male an impressionon otter «Focus inttenceefonsat perceived dection maler «+ Recognees others who an prove information, intlgence, caver ‘suppor, potential busin, and other forme of help ‘Tales an intrest inoters + necognies the impleatons of evens ‘rdectione for varus stakabolers In ‘the organzation 1 Presents arguments at address ates” wast important concerns and Sues and bol or i wn slutone ‘+ imoles oters ina processor decom to tncute ther support + Offers tade-off or exchanges, togain + Mentfes and proposes solutions tat benefit al partes nove na stuation + Eales expe orth partes to inte rce others; develops otber indict stategis to inlvnce other + Kos when to exalt crtkal sues to ownor thes’ management, fovnetfons te ent Support have not succeeded + Structures stuatons (eg, the setting, persons present sequence of events) tocrate a desied Ingoct and Yo mame he chances of frombe outcome + Works to mate a particu impression on other + Mentfies and tages influence efforts 2 the fealdection ales and thse who am inence ther + Seels outand bulls rebtonships with others ‘whe can prove information iellgnce, ‘reer support potent business, and other forme of help ‘Tales pessoralinterest notes ey ing about ther concerns, interests, fri, frends, hobbas) to develop rebtorhips + dccurtey anges the impleations ofevens fordeceione for various stalehoWer inthe ‘ovgankaton na pbns strategy acconinghy 7 Presents Compelingagunents at addres othe most important concerns and sues and ceaes i in solutions + Saf isoies others ina process ordecbon, 10 tncute theircommitment and support + creative at fering wale-off or exchanges, to gain Commntment and support + Menttes and propses creative and innovative solutions that beneftallpartes moked inastation + Eales expensorthid partes toetfectiely inven others ina partcuar direction creatively develops other indirect strategies wo infuece othe to gainsupport + Saul noes when and howto escalate crea sues to ownorathess’ maragement, fownetfons to ent Support have not succeeded + Plans and manages specie situations eg the set, persons preset sequence ofevents to creae a desired Impact apd to maximize he chances ofa favorable «Works t mate a particular impresion on others hat ts support for Heas, proposal, procs, and solitons 1 Proacthely Mente and sucessfully tage influence fons at the ley decsion males and those who can peste ine them + Seels out, bulls rebtonships with ant efectvely influences others who an prove information, inegence,caeersuppor, potent bsiess, and other forme of ip 1 Tales sincere, personal interest inotes eg, by asking about theirconcere, interests, family, tends, hobbies), Todeveloprestonships hat gain suppor fries, propesaé, procs, and solutions + Becurateyanigateswellin advance of others the impliations of event or decors fr vats ley sfalaholler nthe ofganéation, prea implements 2 Strategy acontingh (©2012, worktec, ” workiect :14-lfluencing Others The abilty to gain athers support for ideas, proposals projects, and solutions Basie Proficient Tavanced 7 Present aguments at address some ofthe concere and sues of other + Does not abays mole others ina process ordeckion + terelactamt offer tade-off of eachanges, to gain commitment Supervisor J Manager benefit certain partes lobed na + Does not usual elt exper, thie partes, ordevelpother indie Strategies to nfluace othe s terelctat eset cea ues toounorethet’ management 1 Does not alays structure stations le. the seting, pons present, Sequence of events) create a ese impact orto mast the ‘lances ofa fvorb ovtcome + Works to mate an impressionon other Focus influence fore at peeled decsion males + Recognes other who can prove infomation, ineligence, career forme of help Tales an interest in other ordeceions for varou saleholers inthe oqanéation + Memes and proposes solutions that Suppor, potential busines, and other 1 necognces the implications of events 7 Presents arguments at address athens” wart important concerns ad Sues and ols for win winsoldione ‘+ imoles others ina processor decom to tncure thercupport + Offers tade-off or exchanges, togain + Mentfes ad proposes solutions tat benefit a pats moved na station + Enlts expen orth partes tinue rce thes; develops oter indict stategis to fluence other «Kos when to exalt crtkal sues to owner thes’ management, fovnetfons te ens Support have not succeeded + Structures stuatons (eg, the setting, persons present sequence of events) tocrate a deed Ingoct and Yo mice the chances of ‘frombe outcome + Works t mate a particu impression on oters 1 Mentfes and ties influence effors 2 the real deckion maker and thore who can inflence them 1 Seelsoutand bulls etionehige with others who can provie information itelignce corer suppor, potent buries, and other fins of help Tales pessoralinterest notes ey ating about ther concerns, interes, fri, ‘tends, hobbies) to develop rebtonships + accurately antcgates the impleatons ofevens ‘ordeceons for varout staleholer inthe fovgantaton nal prs strategy acconinghy 7 PreenisCompelingagunents tat address tle most Important concerns and sues and creates wit win soltione + Shiful imvohes others ina processor decor, to ensure ‘heir commament and support 1 Screatie a offering ade of or exchanges, to gain commitment and support + Menties and proposes creative ad innovative solitons ‘Hat beneftal pares inoved inastuaton + nls experts orthi partes to effectively nfuece othe ina partulr direction; creatively develops other indectstategies tinue others to galnsupport + Shfl laos when and owt escalate crea sues to ‘ounorothen’ maragement,fownetfonstoenst support fave notsucceeded + lars and manages specie situations eg, the setting, etsons present sequence ofevens tocreatea desired Impactand to mauimce the chances of favorable outcome + wes to mate a particu impression on others that ais Suppor for dea, propa, pros, and solutions «proactively etfs ad succesful targets nue ce efforts atthe fey deckion males and thse whocan sitive influence them 1 Seelsou, bulls ebtorehipe wth and etectbeh Influences others who cn prove information intelgence, ‘aeersuppon, potential buries, and other forme of help “Tales a sincere, peronalintrest mater (eg. by aking about thet concerns, interests, amy, tends, hobbies) to develop rebtnships that gaia support or eas, proposal, Propet, and solutions + Lcurtey anticipates vellin advance of others the impleatine of event ordeceione for varus key Stalehollersia the ogencaton; pans ard implements 2 sates) accordingly (©2012, worktec, 2 workiect :14-lfluencing Others The abilty to gain athers support for ideas, proposals projects, and solutions Proficient Tavanced 1 Presents aguments at addres others most important concerts and truer and bole for win win solitons + imoher others ina proces oF sec, to ensure thei support + offer trade-off orexclange,togain + Mente and proposes solutions that benettallpartes ioe ina + Eales expens or third partes to influnce others; develoys other indict strategies to infence others + Kou hen escalate cial ees tooumorethes management, lo fons to enst support have not suceeded + Structures situations (eg the setting, pessons presen sequence of evens) focreate a desed impact and 10 travimie the chances of favorable + Works to mabe particular impression nother 1 Memtites and tages intuence eons at the realdection males and those wh can inl nce them 1 Seels outand bubs vebtorships with oles who can provie inornation, intelgenc,caeersuppor, potent Disiness and othe fore of help 1 Tales a pesoralinterstin others le. by aslang about their concerns Interests fami tends, hobbies) 10 develop ebtonships + accurately antcpates the impleations ofevents or decoe for various Staleholes inthe oganeaton ard plans strategy according Director/ Executi Presents compeling arguments Tat address ‘thes most important concerns and ses and ‘rete var winsolatone + Shifl invohes others ina processor decion, {censure their commitment and support + Screatie at offering tade-ofs or exchanges, to sincommitmentand support + Mentiies and proposes creatve and innovative Solutions that benef all partes ivoled ina + nls expen or thi yates to effectiely inflgece others ina pareubr diction, ‘rately develops otter indirect stateges to iniuence others to gain support + Shift aos when and owt escalate creat ‘sues toownorathen’ management, foun efforts to ent support lave nat succeeded ‘+ Plas and manages specie stations eg, the {etn persons presen quence of vet) 10 Create adested impact and to masini the Chances ofa favorable outcome ‘wens mate a particular impresion on others ‘that gone support or eas, propora, pote, andsoluione + Proactively entities and sucessful targets influence effort atthe fey decsion nates and ‘those ho cn pstvel fue nce therm + Seels ou, bulls ebtionships with and elect influences others who cn prove Information, intelgence, career support, potent business and other forms of help ‘Tales asincee, pesonaliaterest notes (eg, by aking about theirconcen, interest, a, ‘tends, hobbies), to develop rebtionship that fsinsupon ries, pops, poet and + cute anticipates wallinadvance of others the implications of events or decsions for various ny staleholes inthe oganation, pans and implements astategy accordingly 7 Coaches ater: present competing argume rs Tat Bidress othe’ ost importatconcers ad ses and helps thermo create wip winsolutons + Encounges and enables other ade to shill moe other ina process ordeceion,toeneute helt Commtment and suppor 1 vellknown for his/her creat a oerig rade recharges, to gain commitment and support «Center amensonment that Hentdesand proposes Ceathve and innovative solutions that benef a8 partes invoked ina stanton + Dries eHlonganeatonoenket expert or thi pares toeffectvely influence others ina yarteuar diction tas 2 bong hbo ofcreatiely developing other ndect fateges to influce others to gainsupport + wellknown forstlfull nowing when and how to table ctaliruer toon orate management, ‘efor to ens support have not succeeded +16 ob model for panning and managing spect stations (eg, the setting, persons presen sequence of ‘ven to ceate a desired impact amd to maximge the ‘lance ofa favorable outcome + bhvays males particu impression on othes tat gains ‘Suppor for eae, proprak, procs and soltons alaye proactive at entying and sucessfully fargetingffuence efforts atthe ley decison males and those who can postvel ifuence therm + 1.2108 modelin he ogankatonfrseeking out, Dulingrebtonships wth andefetel iar ring ‘ther who can prove Information, ineligece, career Suppor, potential busines, and ater fms of help + Creates acute that ales sincere, persona terest in others (eg, by ashing about ther concets, interest, family trends, hobs}, to develop reltonships hat xinsuppor fortes, proposals, procs, and solutions + Helps otter leaders to accurately ante pate,vellia ivan, the implkatons ofevens or decors for ‘ats fay stabeholers inthe orancation; helps them te pnand implement strategies acconinghy (©2012, worktec, 2 workect 15 Building Collaborative Relationships The ability to develop, maintain, and strengthen partnerships with others inside or outside ofthe ‘organization who can provide information, assistance and support rofident Ravanced Specialist > nous generalinfomationabout he other people «+ Tooke forshared interests, experiences oF other oman ground 4 Showsa general ineest in othes; sens to ‘thelr pesspectbes and eas + tens wo general concern and perspectives cofothers «+ hecognes howathers have proved Information, assistance orsupport + Attempts to get to kao co-wores to ok {ercommon round “Testo gett loow people whose help may be needed + offer assétance, informationand support to fottes, whose Help may be needed Bike abou the oter pesow’s pesoral fiperiece terest al fa 1 Bele questions to dent shared terest, tipernces or other common ground «Shove an intrest m what other fave 1:2; acknowhes ther perspectives and eas + hecopnes the busines concerns and perspectives of others + Eapresses grate and appreciation wo othe: whe lave proved infomation, assstance or support 1 Tales time to get to know co-workers, to bull ‘apportand establish common bond 1 Testo bull vetioships with people whose ssbtance,cooperationand support may be needed + Provides assbtamce, information 2m support toother, to bul tai fr future ciety 7 Hels aboutand demonsiaterasicer {eine concemfor the other pesos personal ‘iperence, interests, and ary 4 25k questions to deni shared iret, ‘expert nces orother common ground, wes the Information grime to develop clre ebtonship + Shows a honest apd genuine interst n what others fave to saclay values thelr pespectves amd exe + Recognizes and cary appreciates the business ‘concerns and perspectives of others + Expresses grate and apprecation others who have provided information, assstance orsuppor; ‘hes thema sense ofsatactionabout their ‘onrbutore 1 Tales te to gett kowwand develop2 Febtship withco-vores, to bub appor and ‘stables common tond + Bulls long sting rebatonships with people whose assbtance,cooperationand support may be eeded + Provides vahableand needed asiance, information and supporto others, to bul 2 basi for future reciprocity; males oters vant to bull 2 partveship (©2012, worktec, workiect 15 Building Collaborative Relationships The ability to develop, maintain, and strengthen partnerships with others inside or outside ofthe ‘organization who can provide information, assistance and support rofident Ravanced Supervisor/ ‘Manager > nous generalinfomationabout he other people «+ Tooke forshared interests, experiences oF other oman ground 4 Showsa general ineest in othes; sens to ‘thelr pesspectbes and eas + tens wo general concern and perspectives cofothers «+ hecognes howathers have proved Information, assistance orsupport + Attempts to get to kao co-wores to ok {ercommon round “Testo gett loow people whose help may be needed + offer assétance, informationand support to fottes, whose Help may be needed Bike abou the oter pesow’s pesoral fiperiece terest al fa 1 Bele questions to dent shared terest, tipernces or other common ground «Shove an intrest m what other fave 1:2; acknowhes ther perspectives and eas + hecopnes the busines concerns and perspectives of others + Eapresses grate and appreciation wo othe: whe lave proved infomation, assstance or support 1 Tales time to get to know co-workers, to bull ‘apportand establish common bond 1 Testo bull vetioships with people whose ssbtance,cooperationand support may be needed + Provides assbtamce, information 2m support toother, to bul tai fr future ciety 7 Hels aboutand demonsiaterasicer {eine concemfor the other pesos personal ‘iperence, interests, and ary 4 25k questions to deni shared iret, ‘expert nces orother common ground, wes the Information grime to develop clre ebtonship + Shows a honest apd genuine interst n what others fave to saclay values thelr pespectves amd exe + Recognizes and cary appreciates the business ‘concerns and perspectives of others + Expresses grate and apprecation others who have provided information, assstance orsuppor; ‘hes thema sense ofsatactionabout their ‘onrbutore 1 Tales te to gett kowwand develop2 Febtship withco-vores, to bub appor and ‘stables common tond + Bulls long sting rebatonships with people whose assbtance,cooperationand support may be eeded + Provides vahabl and needed asiance, infomation and supporto others, to bul 2 basi for future reciprocity; males oters vant to bull 2 partveship (©2012, worktec, Fo workiect 15 Building Collaborative Relationships The ability to develop, maintain, and strengthen partnerships with others inside or outside ofthe ‘organization who can provide information, assistance and support rofident Ravanced Asis about heather peson’s pesoral ‘iperence, intrest amy Asks questions to ent shared ineress, ‘experiences orothercommon ground «Shovsan interest in what thet ave 1059); achnovdges their perspectnes ad eas «+ Recognes the busines Concerns and pespectiesofothes «+ Eapmsces gratitude and apprecaton to cotles who have provided information, Sesetance or support “Tales tine to get to kno wco-vorles, 10 Dull rappor and estabisha common bord ‘esto bul etonships wth people whose 2ssoums copentonand suppor maj + Proves assitace,intrmationand support. 1wothes, wo bull a basé forfutue recip 7 ele aboutand demonstatera since aad fenuine cometn forthe other person's pessonalexperiece interests and fai 1 Bele question: to Monty shared terest, ‘ipernces or other common ground wes the nformationgained to developa cose rebtion hip + Shows a honest and genuine interest in wat ‘others have tsa; leary ales their perspectives and seas + Recognizes ad cary appreciates the business concerns and perspectives of others + eapresses grattule and apprecaton wo othe: whe lave proved intomation,assstance or Support ehes thema sense ofsatstaction about theircontibutions Tales time to get to kowwand devebpa reatioship with co wore, to bul apport and ertableha common bord + Bs tong sting relationships with people whose assistance, cooperation and suppor ray be needed + Provides valabl and needed askance, infomationand suppor tothe, to buld 2 task forfuture cipro; ales others want to bul» parte ship > 5 wellnown nthe ofgancation forastng about {nd demonstitinga sincere al genuine concern forthe other persons pesonalexperine, Imerests, and fami + Demonstatesa pasion for ashing questions to ‘entfy shared ierests,experances rather ‘common ground; es the information gained 1 developa cose retonship| + Supports and coaches othes to showa honest and {genuine interest in what others have tsa, hele ‘hem to chart value the pespecives ad eas of otter + Creates cutue that recognizes and cary ‘apprecater the usiess concerns and perspectives ofothers 4+ 52 ok modelforexpressing gratitude and apprecation others who Have provid Intornation asetance or suppor es others 3 sere ofsaetaconabowt theircomtbutione + Coaches others total tne to get to know ad devel rebtionshipwtho-vorkes to bull ‘apport and estabisha common bond “+ rasa long ack econ for building lg sting ‘ebtonships wth people whose asétance, ‘ooperationand support may be needed + Leads by sample by gual providing valuable and needed sesttance, formation and suppor to ‘ther t0 bul 2 bas for future recipe; males ‘ther ant 0 buil 3 partecip (©2012, worktec, 6 workiect 16 Diagnostic Information Gathering -Identiying the information needed to clarify a situation, seeking that information from appropriate sources, and using skilful questioning to draw out the information, when others are reluctant to disclose it Proficient Tavanced Professional/ Specialist ientifies te general information needed ma ‘huationorto mle decion 4 Asis questows to get addtional information + ais or others to telthinvher how they are doing and bear about any problems they are ‘encountering + Questions others to hear thei plan of action 1 boes notalnaysaskquestons tocbriya + Seels the perspective of mast of hase moked mastinton + Stels out people to obtain inforationor ‘antya problem 7 Mele he specie formation needed 0 ‘cya station oro male 3 dection, gee ‘more compete ad acute information, by checking mip sources + Probes sky to get atthe facts, hen others are reluctant to provide full detaed Infomation + Routine walls around, to see how people ae doing and to bear about any problems they a ‘encountering + Questor others to assess whether they have thought thougha pan ofaction; determines teirconfilene insohing a probemor tacking 2 station 1 Bele question oct station 1 sees the perpectie of everyone invoked in + Sees ut iaowedgeable people to obtain Infomation or cary problem ~ Antzgaes the specific information needed 10 Chnlyastuatonerto male adecsion, pact in geting more complete and _2ccuate information, by checking utp Probes stl to get atthe pertinent facts, enters ae extremely relutantor deci to provide full detailed information + Routinely alls around tose how people fe doing and ee hf questioning to bear Aaboutany problems they are encountering + Uses probing questions to assess whether cotta have carefull thought though pn fofacton accurately determines thee Confidence nsolinga problem or tachlng2 + Slfty questions to lary and confirm ‘Complete understanding of tation ‘Seeks and galas insight into the perspective of ‘everyone iniohed na stuation + Sesleout the mort knowledgeable people to ‘hain infomation ort probem (©2012, wore, me ” workitect 16 Diagnostic Information Gathering -Identiying the information needed to clarify a situation, seeking that information from appropriate sources, and using skilful questioning to draw out the information, when others are reluctant to disclose it Proficient Tavanced supervisor/ ‘Manager ientifies te general information needed ma ‘huationorto mle decion 4 Asis questows to get addtional information + ais or others to telthinvher how they are doing and bear about any problems they are ‘encountering + Questions others to hear thei plan of action 1 boes notalnaysaskquestons tocbriya + Seels the perspective of mast of hase moked mastinton + Stels out people to obtain inforationor ‘antya problem 7 Mele he specie formation needed 0 ‘cya station oro male 3 dection, gee ‘more compete ad acute information, by checking mip sources + Probes sky to get atthe facts, hen others are reluctant to provide full detaed Infomation + Routine walls around, to see how people ae doing and to bear about any problems they a ‘encountering + Questor others to assess whether they have thought thougha pan ofaction; determines teirconfilene insohing a probemor tacking 2 station 1 Bele question oct station 1 sees the perpectie of everyone invoked in + Sees ut iaowedgeable people to obtain Infomation or cary problem ~ Antzgaes the specific information needed 10 Chnlyastuatonerto males decsion, pact in geting more complete and _2ccuate information, by checking utp Probes stl to get atthe pertinent facts, enters ae extremely relutantor deci to provide full detailed information + Routinely alls around tose how people fe doing and ee hf questioning to bear Aaboutany problems they are encountering + Uses probing questions to assess whether cotta have carefull thought though pn fofacton accurately determines thee Confidence nsolinga problem or tchog 2 + Slfty questions to lary and confirm ‘Complete understanding of tation ‘Seeks and galas insight into the perspective of ‘everyone iniohed na stuation + Sesle out the mort knovedgeable people to ‘hain infomation or etary problem (©2012, wore, me 6 workitect 16 Diagnostic Information Gathering -Identiying the information needed to clarify a situation, seeking that information from appropriate sources, and using skilful questioning to draw out the information, when others are reluctant to disclose it Proficient Tavanced ; 7 nif te sec rnin vended o Director/ |" {nya siuetin oro mate a ection ge Executive | ore compte an! cunt nforaton by ‘ecg mie sources + Poes shi to getat the fs, whe eae bean to pore fu dae ‘norratbe + fst valle oun, 02 hw pope Sedona totearaloutny pone ‘eyareencounteng + Custos tosses wether thy hve ‘hoop hough pnt cto eters ‘Meevonflenensoings pobkmor ‘aekings stanton for yosribe prob ng fo Ty upervsor/ | Norces tenis nie duty ovmarietphce | conten pare naomi corse ars contgemy pain Manager |? lentes the consequences ofstuations as |» Hotes trends in the industry or market ‘developed they occur + Memes how indivduak ad groups are reactig to stuatins and information and deve waht ‘and develops ps to prepare for ‘opportunites or probleme + Amtcipates the consequences of situations and pine acconinghy + Anticipates how india and groups wit ‘eactto station and information and pane coring + Motes ends inthe industry oF mavtetplce belore others doand develops eect pans toaddress the opportunites or problems + Antcgates the consequences of situations wllinadvance ad hae pn akeady developed to addres them «+ Antigates how india ad groups wil reactto station and information vain ‘vance develops elective pans to dea with their reactions (©2012, wore, me workitect 18 Forward Thinking - Anticipating the implications and consequences of situations and taking appropriate action to be prepared for possible contingencies Proficient Tavanced ; 7 atts pose pbs and debpe Director/ | Cntagen pe advance Executive |. Hotes wend the drt or maratpce Id deveys peo pep for Snponwnnesorpetune «Smeg the consequences otRatone nd phoeaccordey «Ents hwnd ak 0 ou va fcttostatoneand iometenand prs Kore + Forestes posible problems bag befor they ‘ccurand tas a contingency panaleady developed 1 Notes reds inthe induct or ate ‘efor others doand develops effective to address the opportuntss or problems 1 Anticipates the consequences of stations ‘ellimadvance and taea phn alesdy developed to addres them + Anticipates how india ad groups wit react to stations and information wells advance; develops effective plans to deal with their reactions = never surped by poss poblens and ‘hvayeseeme to have atkipated they ae 2 Suitable comiagercy plan ready implement “asa hbtoryofamteipatng eds inthe industry or marlepce vellinadvance of ‘thes inthe industry, and develops etfcient Sh fective pln 1 deal wth he ‘pportuntes oF problems ‘+ the expertat anticipating the consequences cofstuatons wellinadvance and tara Spproprate panofacton ready to implement ‘asa uncany ability tant ipate how Indi uak and group wilreact to stations and information vellinadvance of thes; ie Snefectne pot action ready to deal with their wactons (©2012, wore, me workitect 19- Conceptual Thinking - Finding effecive solutions by taking a holistic, abstract or theoretical perspective. Proficient Tavanced Professional/ 7 Hotes the Obvousimiaris betwen Aiterentand apparently uvebted stations 7 Notices andar between deena apparent unested situations ~ Wenties vey subtle simibriies between erent and appareetlyuneaed complex Specialist |. alemies te centalorundering ssuesina | « Qui emifes the cemtalorunderhing | situations station ‘sues ina complex situation + Qui entities and understands the cent + wiluseadiogam avaiable tostowa | « Createsa graph dagramshowingasysters | "or undehing sues ina complex situation station Vewota sation + Creates clearandefectve graphic dagrans + wiluse analogies ormetaphors avaiable, | « Develops anabgles or etaphos toexphina |” showing asystems view ofsmations twexpbinasiation sation + Develop effective atabogies oF metaphors 0 «cane theoretial fameworkto + Apples theontialtameworktoundestand |” clay expbina station Understand» common station ‘aspect stuaton + Apples wetl theoretialfamevorts to ‘cea understand speci and very complex Bane Proficient Ravanced sear) | * Hotter the obvow simbriir bvean | « Notkersiniortes between diffrentand | » Weis very suit ifort between Supervisor/ |” jieremand apparent unrebted stuatiors | apparent unrelated situations «different and apparently unrelated complex ‘Manager |. nents the cemvalor underhingssuesina | « Quek dents the centalor unterying | situations + wiluse a diogeam aval, toshowa + Wile analogies or metaphors, aval, wexphinasiation «can ee 3 theoretical fame workto understand» common tation ‘sues ina complex situation + creates a graphic dagramshowing 2 systems Vewota sation + Develop atabgies or metaphor: to expbina + Apples 3 theoreti trameworkto understand aspect stuaton + Qui entiies and understands the cent ‘or underhingkeue ina complexstuation + Creates clearandefetve gape dagrans Showing sstems viewotstuations + Develops effective ataogies oF metaphors 0 ceanyexphina station + Apples wetultheortialfamevors to ‘ean understand specie and very complex (©2012, wore, me workitect 19- Conceptual Thinking - Finding effecive solutions by taking a holistic, abstract or theoretical perspective. Proficient Tavanced Ditector/ Executive 7 Notices snares between deren and apparent unebted situations + QUEHiy entities the centatorundering sues ina complex station ‘creates a graphic diagramshoving asstems vewota station + Develops analogies oF metaphors to exphina + Apples theoretialfaneworkto understand a specie stuation 7 Mees very subthe sinaries Between diferent and apparently uneted complex + Quicy entities and understands the cent ‘or underying sues na compe situation «Creates learand effective graph diagrams ‘showing asstens viewot stations + bevels efective analogs or metaphor to ‘ean exphina situation + Applies seul theoretical tamewors to ‘cean understand spec and very complex ~ Falps Th ogankaton to Weatiy ver suite ibe betveendierentand apparently lunrebted complex situations ‘+ wanexpertat qui Wentiying and lary Uundestanding the certalorunder/ig Ess Invery compl ‘+ asa hbtory of creating very cearand elective graph diagramsho ing asters Viewor comple situations «fe vall nou for developing effective arabgies or metaphors to chart antubte apd effectively expan complex situations ‘Teaches other kades to apply wet ‘theorethalframevorkto cea undestand specifi and very complex stations (©2012, wore, me workitect 20- Strategic Thinking - Analyzing an organization's competitive position and developing a clear and compelling vision of what the ‘organization needs or success in the future Proficient Tavanced Professional/ Specialist > Undestands of the ganizations sengibe and weaknesses + Undertands the inde, hes, and product/serie tends + evelops stategies to achive competitive ‘vantage; tants strep ito goal «+ Communists vitontoaccompkth what ‘the onancation needs forsucess + Focuses on was to bull the rgankatons ‘apa in the shor term + Undestands the onantation’ serge ard \ealnesses 2 compared to competion + Undentands the indurty, marie product/service Wends affecting the ‘rpentation's competitiveness + Develop ditinctve strategies to achive and sustain compettive advange; tansbtes States into char goab and objectives + communicates a Gear vision tht energies otters toaccomplsh what the ogancaton feeds forsuccer inthe ng term, ‘consistent states and reisfores hat von Sind diection + Focuses on vayso bull the organcations ‘apabites forthe future 7 asa thorough understanding fased ona ‘ongoing avast of the oraneations Strengths and weaknesses as compared to ‘competitors “+ Montors ad has adetaed understanding of ‘the industry, marl product serve ‘ends affecting the oganeation’s competitiveness + Develops distinctive ad effective strategies to achieve and sustain compete advantage; ‘rane strategies into clearand ‘measurable goak and objectives that achieve esate «Communists» clearand compelingviion ‘hat eneigees others toaccomph what the ‘organtation neds frsucers inthe ong {erm passionate about consent stating and rinforesthatvisonand direction + Focuses onspecife Weasand intatives that ‘bul the onanation’s capabilities forthe future; as 3 proven tack econ ofstcess (©2012, wore, me workitect 20- Strategic Thinking - Analyzing an organization's competitive position and developing a clear and compelling vision of what the ‘organization needs or success in the future Proficient Tavanced supervisor/ ‘Manager > Undestands of the ganizations sengibe and weaknesses + Undertands the inde, hes, and product/serie tends + evelops stategies to achive competitive ‘vantage; tants strep ito goal «+ Communists vitontoaccompkth what ‘the onancation needs forsucess + Focuses on was to bull the rgankatons ‘apa in the shor term + Undestands the onantation’ stents and \ealnesses 2 compared to competion + Undentands the indurty, marie product/service Wends affecting the ‘rpentation's competitiveness + Develop ditinctve strategies to achive and sustain compettive advange; tansbtes States into char goab and objectives + communicates a Gear vision tht energies otters toaccomplsh what the ogancaton feeds forsuccer inthe ng term, ‘consistent states and reisfores hat von Sind diection + Focuses on vayso bull the organcations ‘apabites forthe future 7 asa thorough understanding fased ona ‘ongoing avast of the oraneations Strengths and weaknesses as compared to ‘competitors “+ Montors ad has adetaed understanding of ‘the industry, marl product serve ‘ends affecting the oganeation’s competitiveness + Develops distinctive ad effective strategies to achieve and sustain compete advantage; ‘rane strategies into clearand ‘measurable goak and objectives that achieve esate «Communist clearand compelingviton ‘hat energees others to accompa the ‘organtation neds frsucers inthe ong {erm passionate about consent stating and minforesthatvisonand direction + Focuses onspecife eas and intatives hat ‘bul the onanations capabilities forthe future; has 3 proven tack econ ofsicess (©2012, wore, me ” workitect 20- Strategic Thinking - Analyzing an organization's competitive position and developing a clear and compelling vision of what the ‘organization needs or success in the future Proficient Tavanced Director/ Executive > Unlestands the omantatonsstengts and wealnesses as compared to competion + Undertands the intr, nme, and product/service ends affecting the ‘OWganeationscompettheness + Develop dint strategies to achive and sustain compete advantage; tances Sttategies nto ceargoab and objectives + Communiatesacearvsion that enemies cottes toaccomplsh what the organzation tees for success inthe lor term, Comstert restates and reinforces that ‘Vilonanddinction + focuses on vays to bull the oganeatons ‘apabities forthe future + vasa thorough unde standing based onan ongoing anatsé of the organcatens strengths and weabnesses as compared to competitors + Monitors and has a detailed undestanding of the indwtny, mare and poductserice ‘Wend affecting the orantation’s competitiveness + Develops datintve and efectie strategies to achieve amd sustain competitive advantage; apse steps nto clkarand measurable goab and objectives thatacheve resus + Communkater a clara comping vision that energees others toaccompleh what the ‘orpentation neds forsucers nthe ong term patsionate about consent reating and reinforces that vsonand diction + Focuses onspecfe eas and inte hat bul the onanation’s capabilities forthe future; has 2 proven tackrecord ofswcess 7 Oreste ogantaton to have Thorough Understanding bared onan ongoing aa of the oaneations strengths and weaknesses 2s compared to competion, ‘Coaches and encourages other kaders to ‘cominwousy montorand have a detaed Undestanding ofthe industry, marke, and roductiserice tends affecting the ‘organtations competitiveness, bothshort {ermand ong tm + Helps the ongantation develop diictie and cefecive suategs to achieve ad sustain Competitive advantage; the expertat ‘ranting strategie clean measurable goab and objectives that achieve Spero suns + bemonstatesa passion for hebig the ‘ovgantationcommuncateackarand compel Vion energtes and motes ‘otters toaccompich what the oganeaton needs for success inthe long tet coaches thes to be passionate about consstenty fertate and reinforce the velonand dvecton twempbyees all eves «+ Flpr the ongantationMenttyand constantly ‘ecus on vay to bul the organzations ‘capabilities forthe future; kas 2 proven tack fecon ofeucese (©2012, wore, me workitect 21. Technical Expertise - Depth of knowledge and skill ina technical area, Taal Proficient Aavanced Protesionai/|* 200 echnkalowkdge wore Mnied | « TRcve} apples technkalKaowkdge | «FRc apie techntalinwkdge rotessional/ | * nto pobee {ake rang of problems solve very broad range of compe problems Specialist |, porssesanindopthtnovege ina « pogesesanidepthlanwtege ad siting | «horses comprterie and edepth echataloes tceratars howe ond stn ina wchnealony table todeiebptchnkalsottonsto | « abietodevebptchniasolton tonewor | comlendanexpet Crnmon and isthe singe provi wg |" Heht compe: prob tatcamot be |» wabetodevebpcunigee tchnkat cing methots orappeattes, {hed wring ening methods orapproaches |" slot the mort sophisticated and « tsougitout or mormon fo prove pat | «esoughtoutaranespet fo porte aves or | extemely compl probe that amor be inhwrtecharalons sobtion inha/teechaialans {ole ug ening method orsppontes < itempetelesp normed abou mort «teapetomed about cing edge techy | «bsougitoutastheexpen to provi sd, Catigedgetechoobgynhevteriechacal |" inhtertechncaans ier, orsehtoe tthe ost complex ane protes heechatalaren « feape ore aout curing eee {eco nt tows how 1 3pp Rin teferietntslona Taal Proficient Advanced Supervisar/ |" #PRE: ecniaT no wedge osabes ned «Cetra apples echaliaowedpeto |» Ffectvey apps wecaalinavRdee 0 upervisor/ | * somber of problems soe a range of problems solvea very broad range of complex problems Manager | . possesses an indepth knowledge ina ‘+ Possesses an indepth knowledge and skillina | + Possesses acomprehensive and in-depth technealarea + Sable to develop technialsoltons to common and rebtl simple problems wing ‘xkting methods orapproaches «sought out for nforation, o provide input inherbe technialarea + Attempts to laep informed about mest ‘ting ge technology nse technical technalawea + able tdevebp technkalsoluions wo newor ‘ight complex problems that cannot be soled using exsting methods or approaches + bsoughtoutasanexpet, to prove advke or Solutio in hs/hetechnicalarea + Nesp informed about cuting edge technology Inher technalares rowedge ad Shlinatechnealare; condoned anexpert 1 Sable wo develop cutting-edge technical Solutions othe most sophisticated and fertemely complex probleme tat cannot be Soled wing exsting methods or approaches + sought outas the expert, o provide adv, ection or solitons tothe mort complex robes in she technalarea + eps informed about cuting de technology and knows howto apply in hashertechnxalarea (©2012, wore, me workitect 21. Technical Expertise - Depth of knowledge and skill ina technical area, Proficient Tavanced Ditector/ Executive 7 Eetvly apps echnical noweage To sole range of probleme + Possesses an indepth owedge 2d silina technealarea 4 Sable to devep technical solstons to new ‘righ complex problems that cannot be Sole wing exiting methods or approaches + Ssoughtoutasanexpert to prove advice ‘orsolitins in hsb tecial area + eps informed about cuting edge 1enlogy in her echnkalarea 7 Eee applies tena mowedgeTo sole avery broad range of complex problems + Possesses comprehensive and imdepth ope and Silina technical are; concideredanexpert + table to devel cuting edge technkal solutions tothe most sophisticated and ‘xuemel complex probleme that cannot be Sole using exsting methods or approaches + Ssoughtoutas the expert to prove ave, iecton, oF solutions tothe mostcomplex problems in he techoealavea + Nesps informed abou cating edge technology and knows how toapphy tin his/her technical 7 asa ng Wackecon for efecTvey appe technial lowhedge to soe avery broad range of comple problems + 5 wellknown for possessing a comprehensive and indepth iowhdge and silina technical arezjcomiend anexpert + brues seongancaton to develop cutting ‘edge echakalsolutons othe mest, ophitiated and extremely complex probleme that cannot be soled wing exiting ‘methods orapproaches + ssought outand 2 ve nown expert, both Ingle and ouse the organzaton, to prove vee direction orsolvions othe mest Complex problems in he techakalarea 1 Helps wo develop cating ge techaology and apples iin hs/hertechnealarea (©2012, wore, me 0 workitect itive - Identifying what needs to be done and doing it before being asked to or required by the situation. Proficient ‘Ravanced Professional/ Specialist = ents what eds tobe done and atl for permisson/advee before taking action + oes tat normaly quid inastuation + Lstene to others invoked ina station who ‘oluneerthet mp + Ont tales action o change the diction onic eae + Mentiies vat needs to be done and tes {cto before being sted or required + Does more than what i normaly egured ina + Seals out other imohed ina station iEsraite pespectves “Tales independent action to change the direction ofevente = Anticipates wat meds tobe done log before tte doand tales mmedate action + Beads what normaly required ina “+ Seels out ley indiuak ioe ina ‘uation to Karn heW perspectives ‘Tales independentactiontoportivey change the diecton of evens Proficient Tavanced supervisor/ ‘Manager + alentifies what neds tobe done apd atl for permisbn/advee below taking action + oes tat normaly quid inastuation + Ustene totes ivohed ina station wo ‘olunteer thet int + Ont tales action to change the direction of ‘rent Washed + Mentiies wat needs to be done and tes ‘act before being sled or required + Does more than what normaly equ ina + Seals out others imohed ina station iEsraite pespectves + Plat ntpendent acon tocang the + Antigates wat neds tobe done long before otter doand tales immediate ation + beeds what normaly required ina ‘Seeks out ey indiuak imoed ina ‘uation to KarntheW perspectives “Tales independentactiontopostivey change thedvectonatevent ~ Proficient Ravanced Director/ Executive + Mente what eds to be done apd tales action efor being asked or required + boes mor than wat i nocmaly equi in + Seels out others invoked ina stuation to team the perspectives “Tales independentacionto change the diectionofevente + Anticipates what needs to be done tong befor: other doand weltimadvance ofthe station, Shays tates immediate action before being sted or regu + fscends what normaly required ina + Sees out ly indtiduasinobed ina ‘Suaton barn thelrpespectves ae get their input + Ava tales immediate and independent ‘eibntochange the dectonofevens a poste manaer + Gentes cuture inthe onganeaton tat ‘micipates hat geeds to be done wel ‘vance ofthe station coches oles to {Shermans actin before bing shed or required + cates anemvnonment at expects others to ‘Oceed what 5 orally equied ina station ‘+ 82 robe model for beng proactive insee hing ‘ut le nduilunksivobed in aseuation {Sarntler perpeciver and get therinpun ‘crates a cutute vee inde 20d Independentaction to change the direction of ‘ents na postive manner «encouraged and eiawed ve (©2012, wore, me # worktect 23 Entrepreneurial Orientation - A tendency to look for and seize profitable business opportunites; wilingness to take calculated risks to ‘achieve business goals Proficient Tavanced Professional/ = Notes business opportunies 1 secomes var of uses, industry and 7 Nies and sees prottable business ‘opportunities + foresees and sees very proiable business ‘opportunites Specialist |" harietnformation + Nespe abreast of burns, ind ety ad «+ Recognes reds in busines, inde and + bemonetates some willingness to take ‘mare! information that may reveal business |” narlet information that may reveal business Certain rete to achieve buses gate ‘opportunites ‘opportunites + Proposes business dea to potential + Demonstrates illness to the caused |» Demonstrates aneage illness othe istomes, supplies, and business partners "rele toacheve business goak very cacubed ras wo achive business goab; + Ugesentepmneuralbehaviorinothes |» Poporesimovative buries deat 10 ‘hequentygsucesstul potentalcwtomec,cupplers,and buses |» Proposes innovative and cortefectve panes Busnes deat to potential customers, + Emcourges and supports entepreneural | supplies, and business partes ‘behavior inthe + Eocourages and supports entrepreneur tehovbrnothen, pies often to tle cakulted rele Bale Proficient ‘Ravanced cmap [> Matias best opportuniier 7 notker and ses profitable bane Forest and vases very pofiable bushes Supervisor/ | ° pecomeravare of biness,industryand | "opportunites ‘opportunites ‘Manager |” parietinormation + haspe abreast of burns, ind ty a + necognes reds in busines, indurtey nd + bemonetates sme willingness to take ‘certain rete to achieve business gale + Proposes business dea to potential Cestomes, supplies, and business partners + Unesentepreneural behavior motes ‘mare information that may reveal business ‘opportunites + Demonstrates illness ote caused le toachive business gale + Proposes innovative business dea 10 potential customes, supplies, ad business panes + Encourages and supports entrepreneurial ‘behavior inthe fmalet information iat veal business ‘opportunites + bermonstates an eager willgnes Yo ake very cacubed ras wo achive busines goa; ‘hequemtys sucessful + Proposes innovative and costtfectve busines deat to potentiacustomess, supplier, and busess pane + Encourages and supports entrepreneurial behavior mothers; mothates others tthe cakulted rele (©2012, wore, me 2 workitect 23 Entrepreneurial Orientation - A tendency to look for and seize profitable business opportunites; wilingness to take calculated risks to ‘achieve business goals Basle Proficient Tavanced Director) | Hetero sete proftabhe babes 7 Forster and sebe very prfiabe businss | bth expert at fomseting apd sein very irector/ |” opportunites ‘opportunites potable busless opportune: Executive |. reepsabreastot business, industryand | « mecognes ends in busines, ndustryand | « Coaches thes to recogni reds ia rie! information hat may evel business | " mae intonation hat eeak business business, industry and mat infomation ‘opportunites ‘opportunites ‘that reveab business opportunites + Cemonstaes illagness totale cakubted | « Demonstrates aneager willgnessto take | createsacuure tat estes an eager fee to achieve cies goat very caked rks to achive busines goat; | "wiingness to taka very cated rts to + Propose innovative business desk to frequently ssucesstul chive buries goat frequent potentalcutomers, suppliers, and business | « ropes inovative ad cost efectie sucessful prtnes business deab wo potealcustomes, + Supports and coaches otes to propose + Emouragesand supports entrepeneural | supples,and business yartnes Innovative and costefective business dea 10 betavor in others + Eocourages and supports entrepreneurial potentalcistomes, supplies, and busiess betavorinoties;mothates othe totale | _partnes caebted cele + Demonstates a passion forencouraging and supporting entrepreneurial bekavior ‘throughout the organcation; inspires others totale cakubted ree eam. worktet, me. workitect 53 24 Fostering Innovation - Developing, sponsoring or supporting the introduction of new and improved methods, products, procedures, or technologies Proficient Tavanced Professional/ + Hs gatofa amet pop, devebpsa ner productorsente + Personal developra new product orsewice + Pesonaly develops a new product orsewie that hhh sucess etait + remota develops eew method of Spelt | ac tateamot ph, deepen | Sppeach + Pesonal develops method or approach method orappoh attra gat desfohane the + sons thegevetopmentotnew pau, | Matbeeess «+ tocourages the development of new Steikes, methods oF procedures in otic seneas, metboe or pec ues + ream sans te development ot ve i risers | mops appt, mates ot eT ee + expunge vanes, mets or |" ior Exesskonran benef tne opsnesion chnologes + Develops better, faster, orkss expensive ways | « peguiath proposes new approaches methods + cues aes ae orks epee |" he egy pons new approaches, mato, tecoungecoopentin wahottesto |" hnonivesohaine equa deve; bee fate Oe produce inovatie solitons inprovestheogancatoa eEY + eet scent working cooperate SaNSKSE Ss poture note sete Basie Proficient vanced Supervisar/ | +45 jartofa wamct pope, devenpra new | « rnomalydeveopea new profurtorsente | + remomly develops sew pductorsevke pencrorsente fate hgh sees Manager + reson develops tew metodo + #5garofaamot pop, devebpsa ney ‘method or approact + Emourages the development of new products services, methods, or procedures + Emourages new approaches, methods, or technologies + Eoourgs betes, ses orks expesive wiystode: his + Emouage cooperation wth other 10 produce hnovatne solitons Sppreach + Spontos the development of nv products, Strikes, methods, oF procedures + Proposes new approaches, methods, or technologies + evelops better, faster or ks expentive ve todo things + wos copra uthothen to produce + Pesonaly develops 2 new method orappreach that brings 2 great denlofvaloe tthe orpentaton + Frequently sponsors the development of ne roduc, senwes methods or rocedues tat Faves senicant bereft othe omeneaton + Regubl proposes new approaches, methods, rtchnologes that are Meh sucesrul + Frequent develops better faster, or ss ‘persie vas todo things that sean, Inproves the oancaton +H high succsetlat working cooperative “ahora to podace noite Seaton (©2012, wore, me workitect technologies ing Innovation - Developing, sponsoring or supporting the introduction of new and improved methods, products, procedures, of Proficient Tavanced Director/ Executive + Pesovaly developsa new peductorservke + personally develops 2 new method or Sppreach + Sponsors the development of new products, Steices methods orprocedues * Ropar moran, tds, or + bevelops better, ster orks expensive Mays todo tgs + wort oope vey wahothes to adue + Pesonaly develops a new product orsewie that hhh sucess + Pesonaly develops 2 new method or ‘pponch hat ies gen dato ae to the igeneation + Frequently sponsors the development of new product setces methods or procedures fiat have astenfvant benefit tothe, ofpantaton + Regul proposes new approches, methods, orfchnoboges thar Meh suctsrul + Frequent develops batter faster or ss ‘Opersie says todothings hat saan, Improves the ongancation 1H high successtlat working cooperative ‘athothes to produce nnovate Solitons “Support apd coaches ote to personaly develope new progutorsenice tats highly ‘esti + Support and coaches ater to personaly Gelelopa new method orapproach tat ingra gat dealofvalue tothe onganation + Dries seoganeaton to tequenty sporeor Thedevebopment of ne products serves, frets, or procedures that havea senicant Binet tthe organzaton “creates 2 cuture hat regu proposes new ‘Spproaches, methods, of technologes that ate highi sucessful - Spe ste it ng seer iertemn ser, Bpehstivesione +5 wellknown nthe oanzation fr being high sucestulat wong cooperate tithotben to pode ovate solutions (©2012, wore, me 5s workitect 25- Customer Orientation - Demonstrated concern for satisying one's external and/or internal customers Proficient Tavanced Professional/ Specialist 7 Want be the prefered supper through {otalcistomersatetction «Sober customer probleme ‘als to customers interalorestemal to find out hat they vant + assumes tat hat customers believe he she will to work with them to met tele ests + Attempts to measure customer sattaction esto be posite with customers 7 Wes the buns mision: tobe the prefered supplier though ttacustomersatstaction + Quek and eflectiely shes customet problens + Tall te customs nteralorexternal to tnd ‘out what they wantand how sated they ae ih what they ae geting + Lets customers kao he/she wing 1 work ‘ith themto meet ther needs + Finds ways to measure and tackewstomer ‘stifacton Presents cheerful positive manner with Lies he business mision by demonstaing ‘through words and actions: to be the prefered supper through total customer ‘tifaction ‘+ Qui and etfectnely sobs, ven the mast cu, customer problems; as resuh, "rengtene the rebtionhip with customer Tals to castomes (internal oresteral to find out what they vant and how sated ‘they ae with what they are getting; aes {ction wth the information colected| + Lets customers now he/she sincere lng wo work with therm to meet thei needs; gies customers asense of confer in hiner «+ Regu measures and ads customer satisfaction; tales action wth the information colected + consbtemypresentsa cheerful postive ‘manmer with customers; mals ctstomers wantto werk with hiner (©2012, wore, me 56 workitect 25- Customer Orientation - Demonstrated concern for satisying one's external and/or internal customers Proficient Tavanced supervisor/ ‘Manager 7 Want be the prefered supper through {otalcistomersatetction «Sober customer probleme ‘als to customers neta or extemal to find out hat they vant + assumes tat hat customers believe he she will to work with them to met tele ests + Attempts to measure customer sattaction esto be posite with customers 7 Wes the buns mision: tobe the prefered suppher though ttacustomersatstaction + Quel and eflectnelysohescstomet problens + Tall te customs nteralorexternal to tnd ‘out what they wantand how sated they ae ih what they ae geting + Lets customers tow he/she wing 1 work ‘ith themto met ther needs + Finds ways to measure and vackewstomer ‘stifacton Presents cheerful positive manner with Lies he business mision by demonstaing ‘through words and actions: to be the prefered supper through total customer ‘tifaction ‘+ Qui and efectnely sobs, even the mast, ‘defcuk, customer proler resulting ina strengthened retionship withthe customer ‘Tals wcastomes (internal oresteral 10 find out what they vant ad how sated ‘they ae wth what they are geting; aes action with the information colected + Les customers Ins e/she sincere lng to work with them to meet thei needs; gies customers asense of confidence in hinvtee + Regu measures and ads customer ‘tbfaction tales actin vith the formation colected «+ Consbtemypresentsa cheerful postive manwer with customers; males cUstomers wantto werk with hiner (©2012, wore, me Ea workitect 25- Customer Orientation - Demonstrated concern for satisying one's external and/or internal customers Proficient Tavanced Ditector/ Executive 7 Te he barnes ion to be The preferred supper through otal customer ‘titacton + Quy and etectielysobes customer problems ‘Tals to customers internal orestemal to find out what they vantand how sated ‘hey ae with at they ae geting + tes customers know he/she wing to work ith emt meet the needs + Finds ays to measure and vackcustomer ‘teacton ‘resets a cheer postive manner th 7 Les The buses mision by demonstting trough words and actions: 1 be the prefered supper though totalcustomer ‘Btifaction + Quicty and efectiey shes even the most ‘dfcut, customer prolers resulting n'a ‘Strengthened retonship with the customer + Tall to customs interalor external to fad ‘out what hey wantand how'satsied they ae ih what they ar geting tes actin th the inormationcolected + Lets customers iow he/she sincere lng to work ith themto meet their needs ger ‘customers asense of confidence in hiner + Regully measures and traci customer satfaction; ales action withthe information colected + Consistent presents a cheer, postive manner wth custome; males customers ‘ant work wath inher ~ Champions the bsiess mission by demonstrating though won ad actions: 0 be the preferred supplier trough otal customer satifacton ‘stil 3 culture inthe organkation to quilty and effectively sobe, even the most dieu, ‘astomer problems resting ina Strengthened retionship withthe customer «+ heeps the organcation focused on taling to astomers itermalor external to id out ‘aha they want amd howsattied they are ith what they are geting; creates an expectation of change and improvement ith ‘the infomation olected ‘+ sta culture inthe ongankation to et estomers know they are sincere vilig to ‘work wh them to meet het meds ves customers asense of confidence hrwher «+ brie the ogantation to mgubly measure an tackcustomersatetactonensuet ction ar falen with the information colected 4+ 5 ole modelin the oanzaton for ‘constenty presenting 3 cheerful positive ‘manner with customers; males customers ante work with hivher (©2012, wore, me 6 workitect 26 - Results Orientation - Focusing on the desired end result of one’s own or one’s units work; setting challenging goals, focusing effort on the goals, and meeting or exceeding them Basie Proficrent Ravanced Professional/ + Develops generalgea for most intiatves, Propet, snd meetings + Develops clea, chalnging, butachevable, oak frintiates, propels, and meetings + Develop lar, chabeging, but achinvabe goal Sel expectatin oral inttves, pots, and Specialist ‘+ Can lose commitment to achieving goals | » Maintains commitment to achieving goals even | ™*etnes Stewed mnettwcsorbatsiow | "nthe bcesfobtatsantnsimtow "| «gems wed mang oni o + tas peromnceesigoas | tinorceaesvaystomasuepeomane | ikieecn Smee a ‘ince sources pera seen ga «Tcl pefomnsce gant goab and Mentes ‘Males agoodetion achive agoat_ | « tereumaletonovertie oachivea | * Sale pores agaist gonk ane + ual sass of ene wtentced | 52! ‘arm ong ty ase tn with problemen grt the workdone| «Has asttong sense of gency aboutsobing |, cree sanunetort cner ine to exceeds gal ‘problems and getting work done effor oda goal * iat ancestry setae) abut oveihroughasucs 7 Basie Proficient ‘Advanced Supervisor) |» tpt gneralgak formort nnithes, | + oevbpr char ctalergig, butachvabe, |» sus sbmetes and tae develop cer, Supervisor] | * oct, anmettings Eoubiorintaives, popes, ond meetings” |" Chalengngbutochevabe gooband. ‘Manager ‘pect fr nists, opt, and + can ore commitment achieving gone ihen'bced wah obstaces orton + Maru performance agains goak {ie and sources perm + mesa good eft wo achive 2 goat + Uy asa sense of gency when faced Mia pobemand geste workdove + Maintains commitment to achieving goat even Inthe ace of obrace and rt + Hinds or creates ways to measure performance agaist goat + fens unuvalettor overtime toachives goal + Has stiog sense of gency about sobing robles and getting workdone ‘mestngs + Eure subordinates and teams emi focused Strmaimaiing commitment to aching thir oak; alps themstay perstent and efectve (Sen inthe face of obec and tuations + eure subordinates and teams tackand ‘measur pertormnce against peas, belps hem {Gidemtf showtairon tml bck td Ways to addresses cormct probleme «+ Eure subordinates and teams ever uncial ‘fiotovertime wenceed goat «+ sures subordinates and teams have a stone Sense of urgeney when faced with robes Se eting the work done; helps them ork fou esues (©2012, wore, me 0 workitect 26 - Results Orientation - Focusing on the desired end result of one’s own or one’s units work; setting challenging goals, focusing effort on the goals, and meeting or exceeding them ficient ‘Advanced DET “oeyex a come crysis Skeaor/ | -feabrcetst ne a a + Malang comma nto achieving gals ‘Senin the face oft and fatatons + Finds or creates ways to measure pevlormance agaist goab + vents unusaletfor overtime toachieve 3 foal + far song sence of urgency about sob Probl ata geting workdone + Ersures subordinates and wang develop char, halgig, but achevable goat 2nd ‘ipectatone formative, rope and ‘masts + Eneures subordinates and tame rnin focured at maining commement 0 ‘chevingthetrgoak Belg themstay fastestand efectve even inthe ce of ‘Shtacks and furtatons + Eneures subordinates and tame tackand ‘neature perioance agent oaks helpe them Went shot ona tive bas ‘anda to addresses ad corect probes + Eneures subordinates and teams exert unueua ‘efit overtine toeiceed goa + Eneures subordinates and tame fave a strong Setse of ugency wen faced vith robe ‘nd getting he Work done, tege temo ‘ook though esues = Demonctates a passion for developing cha, Challeng, and ohivabe goab and ‘ipectntons oral intatves, pots, and ‘mest + eps the organdation focused at maintaining ‘te conmnent to actving goal coches ihe Eades to say pent snd efecte Chenin the face ofotetacke and itatons + brues setogantaton to tackard measure race gate goat: hele ote resto Bentfyshortale ona timely bast {td id ays to addresses and correct probleme + creates anemironment nthe organtation ‘at expecs other toesertanumsualeHon ‘overtime to ecend goa +12 roe model for maintaining an extremely ‘hostage wn ed ah probe and geting he wor done eps (ther kader to work hough eset (©2012, wore, me 60 workitect 27 - Thoroughness - Ensuring that one’s own and other's work and information are complete and accurate; careful preparation for meetings ‘and presentations; following up with others to ensure that agreements and commitments have been flfiled Proficient Tavanced Professional/ Specialist 7 Wers w easure igh quay of work 1 aes anetort to monitor the quality of ‘work + attempts to vert normation {ie to ceckthe acurcy of oun work 1 heepe trackot information or work progress Prepares for meetings amd presentations 1 nklps others with formation or materi + eviews the information in work reports provided by management, management Inforationsjsteme, or other indvidua and rouge 7 See up procedures to ensure gh quay of Work (eg, review meetings + Montos the quay of work + Acts to verity information + checis the accurary foun work + Developrand wes systems to oranie and eeptrackof infomation or work pogrest + Carefully prepares for meetings and presentations + Organtes information or ater fr others {careful reviews and checls the accuracy of Infomation in work port (eg, production, ‘sas, ancl performance) proved by ‘management, management inforaation Sten, orother individu and groups = Sets up Hghi eflectie and effin procedures that ensure hgh quality of work (ee. review meetings «Regularly mono: the quality of work to ‘entity and resolie sues on ine bass «+ Regula ats very the accuracy and completenes of infomation «+ hegulychecks the ccurey of ov works ‘Quek Mentes and resolves probleme 4 Ete) sled atdeveloping and sing sstene toogance and Hep Wackot information or work progress «+ Careful pws and prepares for meetings and presentations; ready foranything «+ Organs infomation or materal for others; helps others be more effective and eteient + areal reves and checs the accuracy of Infomation in work report fe, production, ‘sakes, ancl performance) proved by ‘Management, management information Sten, orotherinduduak and groups; alvays dentiies eros or decrepancies (©2012, wore, me 6 workitect 27 - Thoroughness - Ensuring that one’s own and other's work and information are complete and accurate; careful preparation for meetings ‘and presentations; following up with others to ensure that agreements and commitments have been flfiled Proficient Tavanced Supervisor/ ‘Manager 7 Wers w easure igh quay of work 1 aes anetort to monitor the quality of ‘work + attempts to very inormation 1 Toes to checkthe accuracy of others work 1 heepe trackot infomation or work progress Prepares for meetings amd presentations 1 pps wothes with formation or materi + nevis the information in work ports provied by management, management Infomationsistens,orotherndvidua and rove 7 See up procedures to ensure gh quay of Work (eg, review meetings + Montos the quay of work + Acs to verity information * checks the accuracy ofethers work + Developrand wes systems to oranie and eeptrackof information or work pogrest + Carefully prepares for meetings and presentations + Organtes information or materia for others * carefully reviews and checks the accuracy of infomation in work pons fg, production, sak financial performance) provided by raragement,nanagement information systems, other individual ad groups = Sets up Hghi eflectie and effin procedures that ensure hgh quality of work (ee. review meetings «Regularly mono: the quality of work to ‘emtty and resolie sues on tine bass «+ Regula ats very the accuracy and completenes of infomation «Regul checks the accurcy of others work ‘Quek Hentes and resolves probleme 4 Ete) sled atdeveloping and sing sstene toogance and Hep Wackot information or work progress «+ Careful pws and prepares for meetings and Presentations; ready for anything «+ Organs infomation or materal for others; helps others be mor effective and efeient + careful reviews aches the accuracy of Information in work eport fe, production, sas, franc performance) proved by ‘management, management information Sjstene,orother nda and groups; Mente enor or dicrepances (©2012, wore, me 6 workitect 27 - Thoroughness - Ensuring that one’s own and other's work and information are complete and accurate; careful preparation for meetings ‘and presentations; following up with others to ensure that agreements and commitments have been flfiled Basle Proficient Tavanced Director] | + Sets up procedures to ensure hgh quay of | + Sets up hgh effective and etic ~ Greater a cokure at see up beh efectve Executive | wotkleg, review meetigs) procedures thatencue hehqualtyof work |” and efficient procedures that ensure hgh + Monitor the quality of wrk + sats toverty information 1 checks the accuracy of other's work + bevelops and wes systems to organ and ep tricot inormation o work progress + caretulh prepares tor meetings and presentations + Ofgantes infomation or materak forothes: + caretuly reviews and checs the acuracy of Information in work report (eg, production, sales ean performance) proved by ‘management, management information sjstens,orother nda and groupe (eg, review meetings) + Regubrly montor the quality of workto ‘enti and vesole sues on timely bass + eguly cst very the accuracy ad ‘completeness of information| + hegul check the accuracy of others works ‘QUEM Hentfes and resolies probleme «Extremely shied at developing and rng sister toorgante and Heep tackot Information or work progress + Careful pans and prepares for meetings and presentations ea tor anything + Organies information or tera for others; lps othe be move elective and effcient + carta revies ad checls the accuracy of Infomation in work port (eg, production, ‘sakes, ancl performance) proved by ‘management, management inoraation Sstene,orotherindv dua and groups; ‘quality of work (eg, review meetings) + sti nthe organzation the need fr reguly monforing the quay of workto ‘entfyand sole ssues ona tine bass 15 the expert at regu acting to very the _ccuracj al completeness of infomation ‘creates anexpecationand coahes others to regulry checkte acumey of other wars habs themto quit deny and resobe robles «Helps the ongankation be extremely shied at developing ard wing systems to organic and ep thot information or work progrest ‘coaches others wo careful planard prepare ‘ormeetings ad presenta; helps then be ready foramthing + 5 velllnounin the oaniation for ‘onganting infomationor materak forothes; helps them be move effective and ecient + Dries setfongancaton a carefully evew and check the accuracy of information in Work Teponts (eg, production ak, fancal performance) proved by maragement, ‘management ifomation systems, or other indvuab and groups;crates a mindset to ‘emtty eros ordscepances (©2012, wore, me 6 workitect 28- Decisiveness - Willingness to make difficult decisions in atimely manne rofident Advanced 7 Teriant to ale deceine aicakor amb guowssituations, when time Kcriteal 7 lng o wake decions indica or ambiguous stuatns, vhen tine craic 7 Wales confilentand defntvedeckione maficuk ‘orambgvous stuations, when tine & cial Specialist |. cetsmoreactvey moved witha group |» Tales charge ofa group when #6 necessary to | « Tales charge and provides effective kadessip and ahem ts necessary facta change, facitate change, overcome an passe, fice | diectiontoa group when is necessary to ‘overtone animpase, face kewesorencure | sues, orensue that dections are made facta change, overcome an passe, face sues, tatdecsonsare made 1 Males tough decisions (eg, closing fecty, | orensur tha deckions are made + Shestantto male tough deckions (eg, reducing stat accepting oF eectnga hgh | «tales tough dec tions even when facing objections ‘osng a facity, cing sta, accepting or | sales deal aniforcitesm (eg, closing 2 fy, reducing rejecting a gh tales deal Stat accepting, or ejecting a ighstaes dead Basie rofident Aavanced a Tir ferianito ake decane Waficukor [= wing to nale dectons ndficutor | + Wales confentand defnive deckion maicuk pervisor/ |” rnbguous situations, when time & eral ambiguous situations, vben time i critical ‘orambiguous situations, when time & critical Manager |. Getsmoreactiel moked withagroup | Tales clage ofa group when ts necessary to | « Tales charge and proves efective kadeshipand aan t 6 necessary to acta change, ‘overcome animpase, face Esues, orersure ‘atdeconsare nade + Shestantto male tough deckions (eg, osing a aiity, reducing sta accepting, or rejecting a Nghstals deal facitate change, overcome an impasse, ce sues orenrure that actions are made + Mates tough decisions fg closing fay, reducing Stat accepting, ejecting Nghe stale deat ection to group when ft necessary facia change, overcome an passe, face sues, ‘oreneure tha dections are made + Males tough decsions even when facing objections aniforcitcsm (eg, closing 2 fy, reducing Stal accepting or reecting a Nghstaes dead Advanced > willing to male decbions dificult or ambguoU stations, when tine ecrteal “Tales charge ofa group when te necessary to actat change, overcome an impasse ‘ace sues, or ensure that decsions are made + Maes tough decsions (eg, closing 2 fac, reducing stat accepting of electing 2h ales deah 7 Hates confident and defintve decisis Aifeutorambguow stators, when tine real 1 Tales charge and provides eetve leadership and diectontoa group when ts necessary, torecitate change, overcome an impasse, face estes orensure tat decetone ae made + Males tough decsions even when facing objections and/orcvitism (eg, csitg2 facty, reducing staf accepting oF eecting 2 Nehstalesdeah 7 Coaches otro male confident and definive ddecsons indicat orambguous stations, when time crea + wellknov inthe oganeaton fr ahing charge and proving etectne haderhipand diection ‘group when ts wecessary to acta change, ‘overcome am impasse, face sues, orensure hat deceone are made + Help other Kader to mabe tough deckions even hen facing obetions ad/ercrticém eg hosing ait, reducing sta accepting, oF rejecting a ghstals deal (©2012, worktec, workitect 29- Business Acumen Ability to perform with insight, acuteness, and intelligence in the areas of commerce andjor industry. Make decisions {and actin situations in which there is not enough information tobe certain of outcome or implications of the decision, rofident Tavanced 7 Dies sources towards evenve gowth ‘opportunites + Dermoastatesa regu forthe company’s ‘inancaletength 4 Seelsacounablty and performance + meets tigets and commitments set + Unletstanis the inst) and marletpace and table to deity postioning forthe company «Hols aff accountable + Unlestanis the importance of conting spending + Uraly meets amet set + engages incoss- functional dalogue 1 hts busines opportunites 7 Diecisesoures twas profland ven routhopportunites + Demonstrates hgh regan for company proftabilty/ farce strength 1 Betvel see accountabity and measures perfomance + Eaceds targets and commitments set 1 ndestands the industry and marketplace and Concetent able to Ment porkioning for the comganythaterables tioepbt profitable opportunities + Holds staffaccountabl and measvies performance + Undestandstinage tom spending Sreholler return 1 Meets orexceeds tages set 1 Engage in cross-functional dbo and decom making + Mentites an expos business opportunites forrevenve and magia contribution 7 Decsrerourestovands Mehl profitable, revenue growth opportunites; vous ‘maginaloppomunites + Demonstrates Nigh regad for company ofhabity /tiancstrength consistently ‘ads fo the proftabity ad franca strength ‘ofthe company + Bete see accountabity and measures performance; takes immediate and _pproprate action + Consistent exceeds tagetsand + Amicipates what happening inthe industry ‘and marketplace and conte fable to ‘entity postoning forthe company tat ‘erable to expt the most potable ‘opportunites « Holds tatfaccounableand measures performance; takes immediate and ‘pproprate action + Understands linlage fom pe rdig to Shareboller etm ensures the necessary baceeds tages set 1 engpges in cross functional dig and \decson making; his/her movement ensures better resus «+ amcipaes and expos barnes ‘opportunities or her revenue ad greater nargincontbuton (©2012, worktec, 6 workiect 29- Business Acumen Ability to perform with insight, acuteness, and intelligence in the areas of commerce andjor industry. Make decisions {and actin situations in which there is not enough information tobe certain of outcome or implications of the decision, rofident Tavanced Supervisor/ ‘Manager 7 Dies sources towards evenve gowth ‘opportunites + Dermoastatesa regu forthe company’s ‘inancaletength 4 Seelsacounablty and performance + meets tigets and commitments set + Unletstanis the inst) and marletpace and table to deity postioning forthe company «Hols aff accountable + Unlestands the importance of contling spending + Uraly meets amet set + engages incoss- functional dalogue 1 hts busines opportunites 7 Diecisesoures twas profland ven routhopportunites + Demonstrates hgh regan for company proftabilty/ farce strength 1 Betvel see accountabity and measures perfomance + Eacedstargetsand commitments set 1 ndestands the industry and marie tplace and Coneetent able to Ment portioning for the comganythaterables tioepbt profitable opportunities + Holds staffaccountabl and measvies performance + Undestandstinage tom spending Sreholler return 1 Meets orexceeds tages set 1 Engage in cross-functional dbo and decom making + Mentites an expos business opportunites forrevenve and magia contribution 7 Decsrerourestovands Mehl profitable, revenue growth opportunites; vous ‘maginaloppomunites + Demonstrates Nigh regad for company ofhabity /tiancstrength consistently ‘ads fo the proftabity ad franca strength ‘ofthe company + Bete see accountabity and measures performance; takes immediate and _pproprate action + Consistent exceeds tagetsand + Amicipates what happening inthe industry ‘and marketplace and conte fable to ‘entity postoning forthe company tat ‘erable to expt the most potable ‘opportunites « Holds tatfaccounableand measures performance; takes immediate and ‘pproprate action + Understands linlage fom pe rdig to ‘Shareboller etm ensures the necessary baceeds tages set 1 engpges in cross functional dig and \decson making; his/her movement ensures better resus «+ amcipaes and expos barnes ‘opportunities or her revenue ad greater nargincontbuton (©2012, worktec, 6 workiect 29- Business Acumen Ability to perform with insight, acuteness, and intelligence in the areas of commerce andjor industry. Make decisions {and actin situations in which there is not enough information tobe certain of outcome or implications of the decision, rofident Ravanced Director/ Executive 7 Dies sources towards proftand revenue routh opportunites + Demonstiates high gad for company prftabity /faancastrength 1 etwely see ls accouabilty and measures performance «+ ceeds targets and comments set 1 Unlestands the inst) and maretpace and consent able to Went postoning ‘forthe company thaterabls 112 epi proffable opportunites «+ Folsstaffaccountable and measures perormance + Unlestans nage fromspending to stareoler tum + meets orerceeds agers set 1 engages incossfuctinal ection making + emis and exploits business opportunities {or revenue and naigincontrbuton logue and 7 Directs rexoures towards Mehl profitable, revenue gowthopportunites; vous margial opportunites + Demonstrates Nigh regan for company profitably /fmancalsteneth,coetetenth 2s tothe profeablty ad fear stength ofthe company 1 Detvely see accountability and measures performance; tales immediate ant appropriate action + Consistent exceeds gets and ‘+ Amcipates whats happening inthe industry and marietpice and constently able to ent postioning forthe company that, rable to expt the mest profeable ‘portunities + Holds taffaccounabl and measuies performance; tales immediate an Zpproprate action + Undestandslinlage tom spending to Shaehollr return ensures the ecesaty taceeds tages set, 1 engages incros-functional dbo and secsion making; he/her movement ensues better sue + Anticipates and expos business opportunities forhigher revenue and greater margin contebation 7 Veep te oantation focused on dieing ‘sources tovands Nghy profitable, revenue {roe opportunities; els the oraneationavoid ‘maginaloppomunites + Hs lovg or of emonstating high gad for ‘company proftabilty/anciastrength; ‘consent adds to the proftabity ad franca Sstengthof the company + Coaches others to atively sek accountability ad ‘measure performace; els them ote Immediate and approprateacton + velllaowm inthe ogancation forconsbtemy ‘ceeding targets al Commitments Set + Helps other kaders to ant pate what happening Inthe industry and navletphce and consistently ‘entity postoning forthe company that enables it to-epbot the most profitable opportunities + coaches others to Hol satfaccounable and measures perfomance; helps themto tale Immedtte and approprate acto + Helps others to understand the inlage rom spending io shrehollr return; belp ther t0 ‘ensure the necessary return investment + velllnowm nthe oganiation for exceet ing tagetsset + Champs the need to engage incross-furctional dnbgue and deceion making + }aeps the oancation focwsed onatipating ant ‘pling business opportune or igher ‘revenue and greater magn contbution (©2012, worktec, “7 workiect 30. Global Perspective - The ability to recognize and address issues that are outside our national perspective Issues are viewed without any pre-set biases or limitations Being objective, utilizing a broad framework in making judgmentsin domestic and international activities Abilty to see the “big picture” Proficient ‘Ravanced Professional/ Specialist Fa infed gulaTexperce:tovome degre considers problems and opportunites ‘toma global pespectve + Unlestands goupsteategy, the role ofthe vocal busiese ‘+ cunwratyavare of business in cates + Undestads gtaland lealimpacts on day today actites + shen global strategy wth aca ‘conlemtons + meepsabreastofg otal inueees + Partcigates ingles 1 gas lca interest with global ‘comlemtons + Support glbalactites 4 Unfestands gal ssues; cls ine rational experience 7 Fos gubalerpereoce: conse pobens ard ‘opportunites toma gota pespective + Understands group strategy the role ofthe loca busines "vale th ae + cutual/avare and demonstrates ability to ‘conduct buries in cal tons + Undestands and tales ito acount gbtaland lecalimgacts on day-to-day athe + Alga gotalstategyand tactics wth bel conlentione + Yaeps abreast of globalinflueaces onthe eal bce + Role modeltorstaffon aba intatves 4 Alias and manages ocalinterests with bal contention + Proatie— prepares ball tosuppor global + Empathetic and sence to global ses, bat ‘may Wc intermationalexpe rece 7 vas etensne pobalexperncesceaty ‘coneler problems and opportune roma fbbalpespective + Epertongroupsteatey, the fle ofthe beal burmese: weltmowmar one who “vals the ik ‘+ curly inwledgeable and sucesstlly ‘conducts business cater + Successtlly prepares for ghebaland cal Impacts on day-to-day activities + Slfty ag hota stategy and tates to addres cal consterations “+ antcgatespotalinfueces on the oc burns + welliao wm expertin the oganiationon ebbalintaties + Succestll alg ad manages local interests ‘ith gbbal conseratons + fxuemelyproactie~amkipates and prepares cal tosuppontghbalactivtes + Emathet and senctive to global ess, ae Intemational experience (©2012, wore, me “ workitect 30. Global Perspective - The ability to recognize and address issues that are outside our national perspective Issues are viewed without any pre-set biases or limitations Being objective, utilizing a broad framework in making judgmentsin domestic and international activities Abilty to see the “big picture” Proficient ‘Ravanced supervisor/ ‘Manager fas lined potalexperiece: to some degree conden probleme ad opportunites ‘toma global pespectie + Unlestands goupstrategy, the role ofthe vocal burest + cunuratyavare of business in cates + Unless land alimony teeday actus + Ale alte wth al + meepsabreastofgbotal inuenees + Parcigatesingotalinianes + gs local interests wth global ‘conlertons + Supports gbbalactites + Understands global sues; cls inte rmational experence + Hos global experince: conser problems and pperuntes roms gba pespectve + Undemtands group strategy, the rl ofthe ‘eeatbusnes "wate the + cutuallavare and demonstrate ability to conduct buries ca tern + Undestands and aes ito acount gbtaland teralimgocs on dayto-day ach + ley otlstaegy nd tates th bal + Yaeps abreast of lobalinflueaces onthe eal boemess + Pole modeltorstaffon aba intatves + leg a rage aint with ght + roactie- prepares bal topper gta + empathetic and sensitive wo global sues, but ‘may ck ermtionalespesence = as extensive gota expe ince: cha {Conder profi and opportunities toma bbalpenpectve «+ Epertongroupsteatey, the fle ofthe beal burmese: neltaowmat one who vals the ‘ale + curly owledgeable ad successtl Gaia tees boat + successtlly prepares frghobaland cal impacts on day today aces + sly alge global strategy and tacts to Saget beicdebestons * Entice hotlines onthe al + Wellkaowmexpertin the oenéationon ebtatintather = ‘+ Succetully align ad manages local interests ‘uithgbbalconseratons + fxuemely proactive —amipates and prepares kcal to support gbelactites «+ Empatheté and sensitive to global isu; bas International experence (©2012, wore, me « workitect 30. Global Perspective - The ability to recognize and address issues that are outside our national perspective Issues are viewed without any pre-set biases or limitations Being objective, utilizing a broad framework in making judgmentsin domestic and international activities Abilty to see the “big picture” Proficient ‘Ravanced Director/ Executive + Has gtolexperiene:considen poblers nd Spportuntes roms gobal pempectve + Undemtands group tite, the role of the boat buses vate te + cukuratyavare and demonstiates ably to Guuthenseocens a + Understands and tales into account global a cal pacts onda today actates + Aly hlottegy an tc th al + meepsabreast ofg ota infuences on the bbe bess + Pole model for stat on gta iniaties + Alga mages aires hha + Roath ~ prepares ay to suppor gta + empathetic and sensitive to global sus, but fay ekiterstbralecpesence Has extensive global experince: ‘Conder poems sel opportunites roma bbalpenpectne + expert ongrup strategy he role ofthe cal business: elinovinat one who wale the he + canary loviedgabl and scestl ‘Conte bess oixaiterse + sucessful prepares for gbaland local impacts on daytoday actus + Saul agns gota strategy and tacts to ‘Mea beucdebeatone + Aika bal interes onthe al + Wellknowm expert inthe otganéation on gotta + Sucessulyalgns and manages ca iterate ‘ithgbbalconsteratore + Extremely proactive anticipates and prepares {cca to suppor gobalacies + Empathetic and cenit to global ess; has ‘ntermtinalexperence = fas entensve etal experience: creates a Cokie inthe Stgancation at Cea Conedem probleme and opportune roma bbalpespective “+ fnown thoughout the onaneation aan fxperton group statey, the fle othe beal tinsel te alk 1+ as story of being cutualy nowedgeabie and succesful in conducting Durnese mca tome + sucesstullyanteipates, plas, and prepares ‘or flobaland kcal mpats on day-to-day + Sly alge hota strategy and tates to ‘dees alacalconseratone + antcgates got infueces on the local Busines; asa track recond succes belng proacve + Wellnown eget iid douse he ‘organcatonongbbal nates “hash of sucessful lenin a ‘anaging cal interest th goal contestons + wellinwn or being extemal poate — Sntcpter and prepa cay toetectne ipeingotatiunes " “+ teanexpertat being empathetic and senitve fo gbalssues;tos eens nematoral eipenence (©2012, wore, me 70 workitect 31- Self Confidence - Faith in one’s own ideas and ability tobe successful; willingness to take an independent position in the face of opposition Proficient Tavanced Professional/ 7 Shove confilence own abi, 7 5 confient of um abilty to acomplsh oak > Demonstines confidence mownabiay to Specialist |= resents self wel {presents celfcrephy and impress atcomplcheventhe most demanding goa 1 wing tozpeakup tothe reht perionor | © villngtospeakup tothe ght personor | « Presents slfcrsphy and impress; appeas groupatthereht time ‘roupatthe ret tine when he/she digress | "posed and cerainof wat he/she &53/ng = Eppraches most taste with postive ‘iahadeconorstatesy «+ Does not estate to speak up tothe rh ste + Approaches challenging ase witha ‘candor |” pesonorgroupat the right tine when he/she ‘atiate Asagrees witha dectionorstaegy as ‘tong comvctons in she belle ‘+ Approaches ver dieu and challenging tasks vitha “cando”atiude;beleves mown ability to get the pbdone Basle Proficient ‘Ravanced Supervisor] |= shows conflence mownabiiy 7 econfientofoomabiy to acomplangoak | > beronstaesconflnce own ably to ‘Manager | + Presents self ell {presents celfcrephy and impressive _atcomplcheventhe most demanding goa + Swing to speak up to the ret person or roupatthereht time 1 Approaches most tats witha postive ate + ila to speak up othe rght person or ‘group the right time when he she disagrees ‘ona deckonorstategy + Approaches challenging ass witha “Cando” ‘atiale + resents se rip) al impressive appears posed andcertanof wlat he/she sang ‘+ Does not estate to speak upto the right peson orgroupat the rght te when he/she agrees witha decsonorstiaegy as stiongcomvtons in she belles «+ Approaches ver diffe ad challenging tasks witha “condo” atiude;beleves mown abiay wget the pbdone (©2012, wore, me n workitect 31- Self Confidence - Faith in one’s own ideas and ability tobe successful; willingness to take an independent position in the face of opposition Proficient Tavanced Director/ | = « confident ofown aby toaccomplsh goa Executive | + Presems sefcreph and impressively + wing to speakup tothe ret person or g1oupat the reht time whea he/she ‘deagrees witha ection orstaegy + Approaches ctallengng tas witha “an do ste + Demonstrates confidence in own 10 {ccomplcheventhe mort demanding goa + Presents Selfcrephy and impressively appears poked and certain of what he/she 53/6 + Does not estate Yo speak up othe rght peson orgroupat the reht time when be/she ‘expres with deciion or stategy ae ‘tong comvctons inher bees + Approaches very dticul and challenging ass ‘tha “can-do” attitude; believes nou abit to et the job done > Emcoungesand mathates othe w demonetate confidence inthe ably 0 ‘ccomplcheventhe most demanding soak + Coaches others to present thems creph, and impressive; helps themto appear posed apd certainof what they are sane + Sell noun inthe oanzation for not hestating to speak up othe rg person or groupat the right time when he/she disagrees litha dec sion orstategyalsays fas stong contin inher bel “creates a culture inthe organéation to approach ery dificult and challenging asks ‘tha "condo" attitude; helps othes to bee in thelrownabaty to get the jb done (©2012, wore, me n workitect 32 Adaptability - The abilty to keep functioning effectively when under pressure and/or experiencing rapidly changing or uncertain conditions, and to maintain self-control in the face of hostility or provocation. Proficient Ravanced Professional/ Speci = Can al tines, get nervous understess + canetectivey handle onl one problemor ‘aslo tine + bots not alias contol h/her response then cette, stated or provoled + canbse he/hersense of humor under ‘efcukcecunstancee «+ bots not ays mage own behavior prevent oredacefelngs of sist 1+ Can at tines, agate react to unforeseen ‘ceumetanes and setbacks 4+ S rot alvays able to medi Betavine remaineffective indifferent organizations and cures 7 fain calm under strese + canetecvey handle sever problens or tele atonce + Com hier response whenciieked, atacted or povoled + Mainaine a sence of humor under date + Manages ov behavior to prevent or reduce feelings otstess + uc adjusts amd constuctiely eats to unforeseen cicunstances and setbacle + Modifies betavorto remain effective in Aire ongancation and cutures 7 Remains extrema calm undera great dealof + Canetecvey handle 3 variety of complex and dfcuk problens ortasisatome + Contob her response by remaining calmand ‘composed when cited, attached oF provoled + Maimains astiong sense of humor under dtc ut cicumstances; wes humor oeetvely edie + eectvey manages vm behavior to successful preventor ede feelings of stress in others + uc adjsts and constutie eats to Uforseencicumetances and setbacls, males themseem bese severe + Very successtuat mijn behavior to remain effective indiferent organkations and curs (©2012, worktec, a workiect 32 Adaptability - The abilty to keep functioning effectively when under pressure and/or experiencing rapidly changing or uncertain conditions, and to maintain self-control in the face of hostility or provocation. Proficient Ravanced Supervisor/ ‘Manager = Can al tines, get nervous understess + canetectivey handle onl one problemor ‘aslo tine + bots not alias contol h/her response then cette, stated or provoled + canbse he/hersense of humor under ‘efcukcecunstancee «+ bots not ays mage own behavior prevent oredacefelngs of sist 1+ Can at tines, agate react to unforeseen ‘ceumetanes and setbacks 4+ S rot alvays able to medi Betavine remaineffective indifferent organizations and cures 7 fain calm under strese + canetecvey handle sever problens or tele atonce + Com hier response whenciieked, atacted or povoled + Mainaine a sence of humor under date + Manages ov behavior to prevent or reduce feelings otstess + uc adjusts amd constuctiely eats to unforeseen cicunstances and setbacle + Modifies betavorto remain effective in Aire ongancation and cutures 7 Remains extrema calm undera great dealof + Canetecvey handle 3 variety of complex and dfcuk problens ortasisatome + Contob her response by remaining almand ‘composed when cited, atacled oF provoled + Malmains astong sense of humor under dtc ut cicumstances; wes humor oeetvely edie + eectvey manages vm behavior to successful preventor ede feelings of stress in others + uc adjsts and constutie eats to Uforseencicumetances and setbacls, males themseem bese severe + Very successtuat mijn behavior to remain effective indiferent organkations and curs (©2012, worktec, 7” workiect 32 Adaptability - The abilty to keep functioning effectively when under pressure and/or experiencing rapidly changing or uncertain conditions, and to maintain self-control in the face of hostility or provocation. rofident Ravanced ~ Raman alm understes *canettectiely fondle several pobiens or ‘asle atone ‘+ Contok his/her sponse when citcked, ataced of poveled + Malnaig a seve of humor under dicot «+ Manages own belaviorto prevent or dace Teelngsofstess + Qui adjust and constructively reacts to tnforseencicumancer ad setbacks «+ Mois behavior io vermin effective i deren omgantation and cutures eras extemal calm undera great dealof « Canetectvayhandlea variety complex and difcu problems ortasis at once + Contro hiher response by remaining cal and compored when craked, atacled or provoked + Naina astong sense of humor under Aifeu cicunetances; uses humor to tfectvel edie tes + tectvely manages ov beaviorto Sucestully prevent or ede feelings of stress inthe: + uit adjusts amd constutiely eats to unforeseen cicumstances and setbacks; tmales themscem ker severe + Very sucesstuat mdiying beavio to Teminefectveinderent ogentatins and cues + Coaches otersto remain exemel calm undera| greatdealotstess + Banespertatettectiely lanilng2 variety of ‘complecand dificult problems or ass at once + Has fovg hor ofcontoing his/her response by, ‘remaining calmand composed whence, aracled or povled +15 ok model for maintaining 2 sing sense of humor under dite crcunetance, wes humor to cetecivey reduce tension +5 wellknown inthe oganéaton for effect ‘matoging he/her own behavior to sucessful preventor reduce feelings of stress inothess + Creates working environment at qui adjusts ‘and constructively reacts to unforeseen ‘cumstances and Setacl; helps thes to hep functioning effectively 153 ok model for belg verysuccesstlat modiyng behavorto remain effective indent ‘organtations and cultures (©2012, worktec, * workiect 33. Personal Credibility - Demonstrated concern that one be perceived as responsible, reliable, and trustworthy. Proficient Tavanced Professional/ 7 Allines 6 depenfabl, butdoesnTahays deveroncommatine nt 7 Dependabe; delves on comments ~ Consent wlabieapd dependabe over Specialist { nezpece the confidently of infomation; |” time;alsays delves oncommtmens «+ Has been known to share confientil eepeperonalcomematon wahothers” | Trutvorthy and maintains the confidentiality information nan inapproprate manner does | priate cf infomation; leps persomalcomessations, notahaysleep concerns shared by others | « Forthrghtand honest wth people lithothesinstret pracy priate Samer hi/berfaircham ofthe wortead |» Masa trackrecon of being extremely truthful, + imcerainsuntionsbnotstaightorsand, | 1 admis to mitales and tales responsibilty, | forhight and honest withall peopl forthrghtor honest wth people fever bes others + boes move than her fairshare of the + usally carers hs/hertarshareotthe | conveysacommand ofthe want fctsand | _worktad; tales on addtional sponsibity veriood ‘ntormtion “+ iting admis to mista ates ful + estan to admit to mitales; has excuses or respons; never blames otberssees them {endo bare others 352 kang experence + nouledgeabe of the acts and information + Thorough knowlege and command ofa relevant face ad cricainformtion in Basle Proficient ‘avanced Supervisor] |= Attines 6depenfabe, butdoesntalwys [+ bepenlabk delves oncomminants ~ Consblenly wlabieapd dependabe over ‘Manager | delveroncommarens ‘respects the confident of infomation; | time;alsays delves oncommtmens + Has been known to shar confer information inan inappropriate manner; does not ahvays hep concerns shared by others priate «+ Incertain station not, strightorvard, ‘orthrghtor honest wth people + usualy cares hse far share ofthe workload + Hertant to admit to mitales; bas excuses or ‘ed o be others + Yaowedgeable ofthe fats and information seeps prsonalcomersations wahothers pivate + Forth and hopest with people {canes his/her arstare ofthe vorkoad {dite to mitales and tales responsibilty; never banes others «+ Comeys2 command ofthe evant fats and tnformation ‘sTstvorthy and maintain the conientaity cf infomation; leps persomalcomessations ih other istrctpvacy + Masa trackrecon of being extremely truthful, Aothrght and honest wthall peopl + boes move than her fairshare of the workoad; takes on adionalesporsibilty + ingly admis to stale ates full responsibilty; never blames ots; sees them asa learning experience ‘+ Thorough knowlege and command ofa relevant face ad crfcainformtion in (©2012, wore, me 7% workitect 33. Personal Credibility - Demonstrated concern that one be perceived as responsible, reliable, and trustworthy. Proficient Tavanced Director/ Executive 7 Sepenlabl; delves on commis 1 respects the confie tty of information; eps pesonalconvesations withothes priate + Fomthght and honest vith people + carras his/her fishare ofthe werktood 1 Admits to mites ad tales responsibilty, ‘ever bins other + coneysa command of the elvan facts and ‘eormation 7 Consent eb and dependable over time; ahays delves on commitments « Trstvorthy and malntais the confide ntaity ‘of infomation; eps personalcomvesatins vith other insect pracy + Hs a tack eco of being extremely truth fomivght, and honest wil people + Does more than his/her ar shae ofthe vworlad; takes on additonal sporty + Wg ads to mabe al thes ul ‘responsi; never bes other sees them asa hanig experience + Thorough knowdge and command ofall relat fact and crea information in Dries veVoqancaton to conseteny be ‘elable and dependable; coaches oth 10 always delveron commitments 4+ 5 ole model tor alsa being tustothy apd mainainig the content of Information; has a hstory of epg personal Cconveratons wthother instr pracy «+ itil a mindset nother tobe extremely ‘Wath forhrght and honest with peop in alsiuatione «fara long hetory ofa exceeding his/her ‘aitshare ofthe workload; avays tales on dona wor +5 vellknown for will 2d tig to rma and aking fll esposiby; never mes others sees themas a karing experience «+ Creates anemvronment inthe rgankaton uber otheesane expected to have a thorough taowdge and command ofalthe rekvant ‘act and information nallstations (©2012, wore, me 7 workitect 34. Flexibility Opennessto different and new ways of doing things; willingness to modify one’s preferred way of doing things Proficient ‘Ravanced Professional/ = Listens 1 perspectives other than hé/ber + fable ose the mers of prspecthes other fanhefieronn Pe “able wosee and appl the mers of popectves ter Sanh/berovn specialist, + shos som openmss tom omzrntoral | « oanonstatesopnmss om omanénra |» emonses openness an ili supors ‘Strctures, procedures, and techobgy Rractues, procedures, and technogy Siomantatbeastarun, process, ‘+ Eventually switches to a different strategy Switches to a different strategy when an and technobgy Gmnauttiysccaedosctarbsce”” | "Bibwiebccdsees umtttta stequkkoswtchioa dierent statagy wen Gtcosttorr tine Srlnnbbysebste ove rence + benonstntes tgs o mods + willevertualy modify a strongly belt Ridyesnbeimin kceotcomen silente |» witquicty modiy aston bel postion in possoninibe hee lone evdeme tesicotconmyeniene Baie Proficient Aavanced pervsor/ |= tena penpecthertierion vier | +watitove th ert of espectbesctar | wable ose an app the ners of sepertsor! |* oom or than herheronn = etme Pee precise ater Sanh/berovn + shovs ome openness onewomniatoral | «oemonstats openestrewonantatinal | « bemonstats openness and vey spports Stace, prcedues and techy |" setus, procedure, and wcbeogy sevomantatoratsictns, meduee + Eventually stches wadiferentstategy | « swithes toa diferent strategy vhenan and technobgy Sitnanfaanyscucedontetben”” |" hiaivoekcedom Samucestal ‘ guekto sich dierent stategy wen cee cmayen |" Eitmaaraiuecesneaca® |, thre warner positon nthe face of contra evince re aevclcommyaene Baie Proficient avanced Diretor/ [+ £20 tose the mrt of pempectves other | »wabl tosee ad appythe mers of Compas ts pe inthe oration tee Director! inhaler one fenperies ther tan hte ve Stiappyie nos cfpenpectes oer + bermoastates openness to new ‘Ovgancatoralstrectures,procedues, and technology + Suitches toa diferent stategy whenan inaalyseketed one unvetestal oe 10 mdi ast cc olcontany eden + bemonetrates il Fel postan inthe + Demonstrates openness ad ill supports ‘eworganeatonasrctue, procedure, nd technology + i qucktosvtchto a diferent stategy when eink sekcted one unsuccesstl + Wigley modi atone bel postion in thet olconmay eee ‘hanyourown + ces atu that demons openness Sedanc\ pps serena Mclanes tTtn neke «Suppor an cates tes toquty sth Miteamstaeyoteran ay + 52 ole modeltorqucty media strongly Fel postion nthe face of contrary evMence (©2012, wore, me * workitect '35- Personal Accountability - Takes responsibilty fr the results and future direction of the organization roficent Tavanced Professional/ Specialist 7 Una acceps ounerhip forthe Rader and eflectie nets ofthe ogeneation + Demoastatesa postive atte * bots not focus enoughattenton on Aetermining what can be done o male progres; candvelltoo muchon why cant bedone or baming othes for problems + bots not aay ecognke what one canard cart contol can focus energy on areas tat fone can notatiet Tel others to fave a sence of acountabilty; cencouages people tovanls greater resus + Acloonledges ov mstales; ass for feedback 7 Willegiyafceps owneship forthe Raden and efecivemes of the onanzaton; bol fr ways to mate a dierence + Contetenth demonetiates a porte can-do, ‘overcome any barr attitude + Tocurer attention on determining what can be done to make progres ther thanon vy {ant be done or baming others for problems + hecogntes what one canand cantcontol, focuses energy on areas thatone anatfec father thanonthigs one cant 1 Coaches others to eile sense of countably wes oomeship 25a vay to tempouer people towards greater esuts 1 beknowidges vn métales ad lations; Sele and accepts constructive cites 7 Wille accepts ownership forthe Rade and effectienes ofthe ogantation even ‘ith ver difficult projects andl tase; finds ays to male a dterence + Content demonstrates poste can-do, ‘overcome any-bareratttule even when faced with etemely challenging demands + Fecies attention on determining what can be done to mate progress atherthanon hy t ‘ante done or baming others for problems; does not kt anything et inthe vay of prog + retin tel fous what one comand cant ‘comol poactiely focuses allergy on ‘meas that one can atect and avo tings + efectvel coaches others to intl sense of _accountbiy; creates ownership that ‘mpowersand mothates peopl to greater resuhe + Openly acknowledges own mstaes ant limations; eels and accept constructive crtcbm that & used to bol hinheset countable (©2012, worktec, 7 workiect '35- Personal Accountability - Takes responsibilty fr the results and future direction of the organization Basle roficent Tavanced Supervisor] [> Unaliy cepts ouneship forthe kadeship [« Wingy accepis owneship forthe Radesthp | « Willegh accepts ouneship forthe Radesiip ‘Manager. | _abdeffectiveness ofthe organzation and etecthenes of he oRaneation, bol or | "and effectiveness ofthe orantation, even + Demoastatesa postive atte * bots not focus enoughattenton on Aetermining what can be done o male progres; candvelltoo muchon why cant bedone or baming othes for problems + bots not aay ecognke what one canard cart contol can focus energy on areas tat fone can notatiet Tel others to fave a sence of acountabilty; cencouages people tovanls greater resus + Acloonledges ov mstales; ass for feedback ways to mate a dierence + Contetenth demonetiates a porte can-do, ‘overcome any barr attitude + Tocurer attention on determining what can be done to make progres ther thanon vy {ant be done or baming others for problems + hecogntes what one canand cantcontol, focuses energy on areas thatone anatfec father thanonthigs one cant 1 Coaches others to eile sense of countably wes oomeship 25a vay to tempouer people towards greater esuts + beknowidges own métales ad lations; Seale and accepts constructive cites ‘ith ver difficult projects andl tase; finds ays to male a dterence + Content demonstrates poste can-do, ‘overcome any-bareratttule even when faced with etemely challenging demands + Fecies attention on determining what can be done to mate progress atherthanon hy t ‘ante done or baming others for problems; does not kt anything et inthe vay of prog + stint fous what one cand cant ‘comol poactiely focuses allergy on ‘meas that one can atect and avo tings + efectvel coaches others to intl sense of _accountbiy; creates ownership that ‘mpowersand mothates peopl to greater resuhe + Openly acknowledges ovn tales ant limitations; eels and accept constructive crtcbm that & used to bol hime countable (©2012, worktec, workiect '35- Personal Accountability - Takes responsibilty fr the results and future direction of the organization Basle roficent Tavanced Director/ | + Wiig accepts ounetship forthe Radesip | « Willngh acceps ownership forthe Radenship[» Ceales a calle at wing aCCeps Executive | abefietienersof te ogancation, bole | andefiectienessofthe oganeation even | "owner forthe kadershp and ‘or ays to male a dterence athverydiffeuk profetsand tasls;ins) | efectvenss ofthe opancation even vth ‘consbtemy demonstatsa postive cando, | vaysto malea diferene ‘very dificult projects and ass; finds as to ‘overcome any- barter atttule + contetenth demonetiates a portive can-do, | male diference ‘+ Tocuerattemion on determining whatcan |" oveomeany-bareratttude een when” | « ba ok modelforconsstent demonstrating bedone tomale progress thertanon uty | faced wthextemelychalkegingdenands |” a poste cand overcome-am- barree ‘can't be done or blming ater for + focuses attention on determining whatcan be | atttule even when faced vith extremely robles sone to make progress ther thanon vy | chalenging demands + Recogntes whatonecanand cant contol; | can'tbe done orbaming othes tor problems; | «util mindset nother hat focuses focuses energyonareas atone canatect | does not et anything getinthe vay of {attention on determining what canbe done to rather hanen thags one can't progress ‘male progress ther thanon vy Kean be «Coaches others to eta sense of + Its tel ows whatone cnand cant | done or blaming others for problems; ‘sccoumabiy; ses ovnertipasa vay to | contol peace focuses allenergyonareas | encourages others to not et anthing get “impower peop tovandsgremtervesute | thatonecanatectand aves thigs one cant | the vay of progress 4 Aclowledge ov metales and lations; | « eflectvey coaches others to ietila sense of | « Coaches oters to now what one canand ‘eels and accepts construct critsm countablity;ceates owe ship that ‘an'tcomtol helps them proactiely mpouers and motvates peopl togreater | focuses allenemgy onareas that one canatfect rerute and alls things one can't 1 Openly acknowledges ov mstakesand | «Halp other Kader to effecthel coachother limitation; seeks and aceptsconstructie |” to mstila sense of acoumabily; helps them Cicemthat¢ wed to hol hin bee to create owne:shipthatempowers and sccountable motivates people to greater resus + teads by eampl by openly ackoedging ‘own metals and nations eel and accepts constructive citeem tat 6 wed hold hihesseltaccountable @am2 worker workiect a

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