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I anticipate the movie is all about and focuses about the life of Sam.

Meet the video.

Animation Propaganda Promotional Training film

Combat film Newsreel News report Informational

Documentary Entertainment Commercial Other

Music Live action Narration Special effects

Background noise Color Black and white Animation


What is the mood or tone?

The mood of the movie is happy, loved and downhearted yet it became hopeful and determined

in the end.

Observe it parts.

People Places Activities

 Sam Dawson  Starbucks  Baby sit

 Atty. Rita Williams  Sam’s home  Playing

 Lucy Dawson  Trial Court  Barista

 Annie Cassel  Lawyer’s Office  Shopping

 Margaret Calgrove  Breakfast Diner  Court hearing

 Mr. Turner  School  Playing

 Randy Carpenter  Reading

 Patricia
 Robert

 Ifty

 Lily

 Judge Philip McNeily

 Ms. Wriht

 Duncan Rhodes

 Gertie

 Dr. Jaslow

 Estelle

 Dr. Blake

Write one sentence summarizing this video.

A mentally unstable man fights or trying to regain the custody of his 7-year-old daughter.

Try to make sense of it.

1. Describe the main character in the movie you watched.

- Sam Dawson is an intellectually-challenged man during his 30’s but still, he is a

dedicated single father and raised his daughter and became his companion for years,

a loving father. He worked as a barista’s assistant in Starbucks to sustain his needs,

and his daughter as well. He’s obsessed to the band The Beatles, because not just

about their music, he also turns to their life stories for inspiration. He also managed to

teach others about the value of love and family. Sam might not have any intelligence to

teach his daughter any lessons from books, but he is able to teach about the lessons

on life and love.

2. What his/her exceptionality? Describe.

- He has Intellectual disability (ID) also known as general learning disability andmental

retardation(MR), is a generalized neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by

significantly impaired intellectual and adaptive functioning. It is defined by an IQ under

70 in addition to deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors that affect everyday,

general living.

3. What problems/difficulties did the main character experience?

- When he accidentally impregnates a homeless woman and left him alone to raise their

baby. Then the conflict starts during Lucy’s 7th birthday party, which results in an

unexpected visit from a social worker who takes Lucy away. Because according to the

social worker, he doesn’t have a capability to take more care of Lucy. A judge or the

court allows him only 2-hour visits per week.

4. Who provided support? What support did he/she get from his/her environment?

- Sam’s friends who is also like him, supports him in his fight to her daughter, including

Rita (his attorney), she supports SAm to keep his parental rights. Taught him to be

mo0re responsible to his and to his daughter’s welfare or living for him to get back


5. What did you find out from this video that you might not learn anywhere else?

- We mostly often focus on the intellectual aspects of things and sometimes we forget

that what makes us people worth or value things in life. This movie proves more about

the people who were judged because of not being “normal” in thinking but we didn’t

know they are the ones who show us how it is to be a good human being. This movie

shows how we deal against our weaknesses or the circumstances we are facing. This

will teach us to become a better person by not striving to get higher scores or grades

but to live each day with a pure heart full of compassion, respect, love and happiness.
Submitted to:

Mr. Daniel Ambrocio

Submitted by:
Paulene B. Galang

BEE – General Education

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