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An autonomous agent approach to query optimization in stream grids

Conference Paper · January 2009

DOI: 10.4018/joci.2010100102 · Source: DBLP


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3 authors, including:

Srinath Srinivasa Krithivasan Ramamritham

International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore Indian Institute of Technology Bombay


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An Autonomous Agent Approach to Query Optimization in
Stream Grids

Saikat Mukherjee Srinath Srinivasa Krithi Ramamritham

International Institute of International Institute of Indian Institute of Technology
Information Technology Information Technology Bombay, India
Bangalore, India Bangalore, India

ABSTRACT RFID (radio-frequency identification) sensors or other applications.

Stream grids are wide-area grid computing environments that are Queries by users or applications seek to tap into one or more such
fed by a set of stream data sources. Queries arrive at the grid streams. The main costs for such queries include bandwidth costs
from users and applications external to the system. The kind of and bookkeeping costs at each grid node. In such scenarios, there
queries considered in this work are long-running continuous (LRC) are conflicting optimization requirements. While end-users prefer
queries, that we also term as “open-world” queries. These queries reduced latency, individual grid nodes prefer reduced book-keeping
are neither short-lived nor infinitely long lived. They live long costs and the grid as a whole seeks to minimize bandwidth con-
enough to make the prospect of multi-query optimization mean- sumption.
ingful. But queries may also terminate at any time, requiring re- Queries in such grids may originate on any node and seek data
optimization of the query plans. The queries are “open” from the from any stream or a set of streams. Such queries are typically long
grid perspective as the grid cannot control or predict: (1) arrival of a lived, but not necessarily infinitely long lived. Traditionally, query
query with time, location, required data and, (2) query revocations. optimization has been addressed for two classes of queries: tran-
Query optimization in such an environment has two major chal- sient or “one-shot” queries, and infinite or “standing” queries [12].
lenges: (a) optimizing in a multi-query environment and (b) con- One-shot queries are transient in nature and have very short life
tinuous optimization due to new query arrivals and revocations. As spans. In such environments, the speed of query processing takes
generating a globally optimal query plan is an intractable problem, precedence over computing the globally optimal execution plan.
this work explores the idea of emergent optimization, where glob- On the other hand, for standing queries whose lifetimes are practi-
ally optimal query plans emerge as a result of local autonomous cally infinitely long, it is desirable to invest time and resources to
decisions taken by the grid nodes. Drawing concepts from evolu- obtain optimal execution plans. Queries on stream grids however,
tionary game theory, grid nodes are modeled as autonomous agents are of a third interim type that we call long-running continuous
that seek to maximize a self-interest function using one of a set (LRC) queries or “open-world” queries. These queries are “open”
of different strategies. Grid nodes change strategies in response in the sense that, the system does not have control on when and
to variations in query arrival and revocation patterns. Changing of where a query appears, seeking which stream, and when it is re-
strategies is also autonomously decided by each grid node based voked. Since queries are typically long lived, ignoring query plan
on how its strategy is faring with respect to other strategies in the optimization would not be a good idea; at the same time optimizing
grid. query execution for the best possible plan is also undesirable, since
queries may terminate or new queries may enter the system at any
Categories and Subject Descriptors An example of the kind of challenges faced in LRC queries is
I.2.11 [Distributed Artificial Intelligence]: Intelligent agents illustrated in Figure 1(a). Grid node SN1 is a stream data source
and the three other nodes CN1 , CN2 and CN3 are nodes respon-
Keywords sible for answering user queries. There is also a distance function
d(x, y) defined between pairs of nodes that calculates the latency in
Emergent Optimization, Stream Query Processing, Open-World Sys- shipping a data stream between pairs of nodes. Each query has to be
tems answered with as little latency as possible. Assume that the nodes
are arranged such that d(CN1 , CN2 ) > d(CN2 , CN3 ). Now if
1. INTRODUCTION a query for S1 arrives at CN1 at time t1 , it is optimal for CN1 to
Stream grids are grid computing environments that are fed with request for the stream at the source node SN1 (Figure 1(a)). Sup-
streaming data sources from instrumentation devices like cameras, pose a second query and third query for SN1 arrive at time t2 and
time t3 on compute nodes CN3 and CN2 respectively. When a
query appears on a node, it is apparent that latency can be min-
imized by fetching the required data from the nearest available
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for source. Given this, the routing of the data streams would be as
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are shown in Figure 1(b). It is immediately apparent that the routing
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies of the data streams as shown in Figure 1(b) is not optimal from the
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to global (grid-wide) perspective. The optimal strategy would be as
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
permission and/or a fee.
shown in Figure 1(c). Now, if the query at node CN3 is revoked
MEDES 2009 October 27-30, 2009, Lyon, France as shown in Figure 1(d), the routing of the data streams would re-
Copyright 2008 ACM 978-1-60558-829-2/08/0003 ...$5.00.
Q(s1, t1)
ever, there are some fundamental differences; first, StreamGlobe
does not model autonomous behavior of the grid nodes. Once a
query plan is formulated by some node, other nodes that are con-
CN1 SN1 tained as part of the plan will adopt the plan. As a result, unex-
pected query revocations are expected to result in suboptimal dy-
Q(s1, t2) Q(s1, t3) Q(s1, t1) namics.
The TelegraphCQ project [9] builds on initial implementations
of CACQ [18] and PSoup [10] to support an adaptive dataflow
architecture using SteM [21] and Eddies [6] for continuous re-
(b) optimizations on a query. Eddies can also be shared across mul-
tiple queries. However, the eddies re-optimize based on the per-
Q(s1, t2) Q(s1, t3) Q(s1, t1)
formance (tuple rates) of query modules (pipelines, non-blocking
versions of standard relational operators). In contrast, the primary
focus of our work is on reducing network usage. TelegraphCQ uses
Flux [24] to load-balance and provide fault-tolerance. Data is ex-
changed between various modules using non-blocking queues pro-
vided by Fjords [16]. Borealis [1] is a distributed stream process-
Q(s1, t3) Q(s1, t1)
ing engine. The query processing is similar to the TelegraphCQ
project. The operators in the query model can be distributed and
optimization is done with respect to the placement of networks
of operators that run continuously and interact with each other.
The Borealis stream processing engine inherits its stream process-
Q(s1, t3) Q(s1, t1) ing functionality from Aurora [8] and its distribution functionality
from Medusa [29]. STREAM [5] is data stream management sys-
tem (DSMS) where all data streams and queries arrive. STREAM
CN3 CN2 CN1 SN1 processes queries by generating query plans for new queries and if
possible merging it with existing query plans. The TinyDB [17],
Cougar [28] and related projects focus primarily on in-network ag-
gregation and algorithms to reduce power consumption in sensors.
Figure 1: Impact of Query Arrivals and Revocations in LRC
Open Grid Service Architecture- Distributed Query Processing
Query Optimization
(OGSA -DQP) [3] is a service based distributed query processing
engine for grids. OGSA-DQP supports evaluation of queries us-
ing one or more database services provided on the grid. OGSA-
DQP uses the now standard GDSs (Grid Discovery Services) to
main the same, as node CN3 is still active given the need to serve
get access to grid metadata and the databases on the grid. It uses
node CN2 . This again is sub-optimal. It is clear that arrival and
techniques adapted from parallel databases to efficiently process
revocation of queries create a need for re-optimization. However
queries [26]. In [25], repositories cooperate with each other and
determining the globally optimal query plan on every new query
the sources to distribute dynamic data with coherence preservation,
arrival or revocation, and enforcing it over the entire grid is infea-
but do not consider query revocations.
Multi-query optimization in [23, 14, 22, 13] is done using schedul-
In this paper, we explore the notion of emergent optimization
ing, pipelining and caching techniques, which assume complete
where grid nodes act as self-interested autonomous agents and op-
knowledge of the set of queries over which the optimization needs
timize on local properties. Local optimization is facilitated by a set
to be done and is primarily meant for centralized implementations.
of strategies using which nodes connect to other nodes. However,
Network aware query processing techniques described in [2, 20]
the choice made by each node affects not only its own optimality,
focus on the correct placement of operators in the network. [20]
but also the global optimality of the grid. In order to reconcile mis-
introduces a spring relaxation technique to place operators in the
matches between local and global optimality, the choice of strategy
network. It however does not consider replicated operators for dis-
is changed in an evolutionary fashion. The evolutionary dynam-
tributing load, instead the load distribution algorithm provided tries
ics are derived from Axelrod’s now classic model of evolutionary
to place the single operator on a suitable grid node. This would lead
games [7] and is shown to be effective in managing open-world
to overloading of the grid node if there a large number of queries
dynamics, i.e. unexpected changes in query patterns.
on the grid requiring data from the same operator.


In an earlier work [19], we had explained the need for query The stream grid is modelled as: G = (X, d), where X repre-
plan re-optimization at the time of query revocations and consid- sents all the grid nodes. A subset of the grid nodes, S ⊆ X are also
ered an economic model to optimize query plans. However, the stream sources. d : X × X → <+ is a distance function encapsu-
efficiency and load distribution measures used in [19] were unable lating latency between nodes. The distance function is assumed to
to accurately model the optimization goals. Secondly, the strate- have the following characteristics:
gies proposed for optimization were able to optimize only a single
optimization parameter at any point of time and hence are not able • ∀x ∈ X, d(x, x) = 0, and
to optimize in the presence of varying query patterns. The Stream- • Triangle inequality:
Globe project [27, 15] uses in-network query processing and multi-
query optimization techniques to efficiently process queries. How- ∀x, y, z ∈ X, x 6= y 6= z, d(x, z) ≤ d(x, y) + d(y, z)
It is important to note that the distance function d represents the s3
Data stream links
latency incurred by the best path between pairs of nodes. In this Self Loops
q(s1xs2xs3, t1) l2
sense, even though the triangle inequality doesn’t hold for packet s2 SN2
Grid Node
routing on the Internet [4], it still holds for the distance function. l3
The space described is a logical space, which need not directly cor-
respond to any geography and/or network topology. The grid model
used here is similar to the notion of cost space described by [20]. l1
Stream data is considered to be in the form of tuples, with each s1

tuple representing a row in an infinitely long table. SN1

Queries may arrive on any node in the grid requesting for one or l4 CN2
q(s1xs3, t3)
more streams. Queries are represented as relational algebra expres-
sions over the data streams. For the purposes of grid-level optimiza-
tion, this work considers three basic relational operations: projec- q(s1, t2)
tions (q = πsi1 ,...sik (Si )), selections (q = σ(condition) Si ) and joins
(q = Si ./ Sj ). At any given grid node x ∈ X a subset of one
or more streams may be available as part of current query execu- Figure 2: Query Result Generation using Streams Links
tion plan. These streams can be reused to serve other queries in
the vicinity without them having to go all the way to the required
Let Q be the set of all queries incident on the grid G at any in-
stream sources.
stance of time. Let L denote the set of all links that have been
returned in response to queries in Q. We refer to L as the “Estuary
4. OPTIMIZATION OBJECTIVE graph” or the “link graph” of the grid G for the present time. The
From the grid node perspective, the key optimization goal is to Estuary graph is formally defined as:
ensure reduced response times or latency, while from the system
perspective, the key objective is to reduce the required bandwidth. [
These two objectives conflict with one another as, to ensure min- L= L(q) (2)
imal response times, each query would need to be satisfied with a
direct connection to the required source (minimum d) which would The global optimization objective on network usage is to obtain an
lead to multiple connections to the source increasing the bandwidth Estuary graph such that the overall network usage is minimized.
usage. If the data were to be routed sequentially through all the This is stated as:
nodes requiring it, the bandwidth required would be lesser albeit X
at the cost of higher latency. A bandwidth-delay product combines arg min u(li ) (3)
li ∈L
both requirements and is termed as network usage in this work. The
optimization objective is to minimize network usage.
The other parameter which influences response time is load on
4.2 Load Distribution
a node. Nodes with heavy loads would be a bottleneck increas- For a given link lp = (xp , yp ), two functions source(lp ) and
ing the overall response time of queries. The load on a node is a sink(lp ) are defined such that, source(lp ) = yp and sink(lp ) =
combination of communication and computational load. Assum- xp .
ing that the computational load on a node is due to processing of Given a grid G, let L be the Estuary graph at a given instance of
incoming and outgoing data, the load on a node is proportional to time. For any grid node x the set of incoming links I{x,L} and the
the communication load itself. A simple measure used to repre- set of outgoing links O{x,L} are given by,
sent the communication load on a node, as used in this work, is the I{x,L} = {lp ∈ L : sink(lp ) = x} (4)
number of incoming and outgoing data links from a node. Hence,
the second optimization objective in this work is to balance load O{x,L} = {lp ∈ L : source(lp ) = x} (5)
Although stream optimization is a continuous process, except The set of links L{x,L} contributing to the load, on grid node x
when referring to unfolding behavior, we shall not be concerned is given by,
with the time variable while formally defining optimization objec-
L{x,L} = I{x,L} ∪ O{x,L} − (I{x,L} ∩ O{x,L} ) (6)
tives in the next subsections.
where, I{x,L} ∩ O{x,L} represents the set of self loops in L. A
4.1 Network Usage self loops is a link lp where source(lp ) = sink(lp ). For instance,
A given query q at any node x ∈ X is ultimately answered by link l6 in Figure 2 is a self loop. As the source and destination for
returning a set of stream links L(q) = {l1 , l1 , l2 , . . . , ln }. For the data is the same node, self loops are not considered for load
instance in Figure 2, a query on node CN1 requesting for s1 ./ calculation. Self loops represent situations where the stream being
s2 ./ s3 can be answered by forming the stream link set {l1 , l2 , l3 }. queried for on a grid node x is already available on x. Self loops
A link is a directed edge, represented as an ordered pair, lp = do not add to the load or network usage, although they are required
(xp , yp ). Data flows from data source yp to destination xp , to sat- for completeness of the representation.
isfy in part or completely, a query at xp . In Figure 2, the link l1 In Figure 2, node CN2 answers the query s1 by creating link l4
would be represented as (CN1 , SN1 ). and the subsequent query for s1 ./ s3 by reusing the s1 data al-
For a link li = (xi , yi ), its network usage is given as, ready available (local link l6 ) and fetching data from secondary
source CN1 using link l5 . At time t3 the set of links answer-
u(li ) = Bandwidth(li ) · d(li ) (1)
ing all queries in the grid shown in Figure 2 is given as L =
where, Bandwidth(li ) is the data rate of the stream li , and d(li ) = {l1 , l2 , l3 , l4 , l5 , l6 }. The incoming link set for node CN2 at time
d(xi , yi ) as described earlier, is the latency of the data stream. t3 is I{CN2 ,L} = {l4 , l5 , l6 } and the outgoing link set is O{CN2 ,L} =
{l6 }. Since link l6 is local to node CN2 , it is not considered as a Based on the payoff and fitness functions defined, some nodes
loading factor, resulting in the set of links contributing to load as may switch to a different strategy, thus altering the distribution of
L{CN2 ,L} = {l4 , l5 }. the different strategies in the grid. We call this the grid demograph-
Let Qx be the set of all queries incident on grid node x at any ics. Strategy switch happens after every pre-defined interval called
given instance of time. The instantaneous load on x is given by: a generation. This process continues until the demographics sta-
bilize and the resulting demographics is said to be the emergent
w{x,L} = |L{x,L} | + |Qx | (7)
property which represents the best response characteristics of the
The global optimization objective is to minimize the skew in load grid given the open nature of the LRC queries. A more detailed
distribution at any given instance of time, and is referred to as the explanation of the entire process follows.
instantaneous load distribution. Skew in load distribution is cal-
culated by the variance in instantaneous load across all the grid 5.1 Agents and Strategies
nodes. Optimization for load distribution is hence to build an Es- For emergent optimization, a stream grid is modeled as G =
tuary graph that minimizes the variance in load distribution at any (X, d, χ), where X is a set of agents representing grid nodes, d
given instance. This is defined as: is the distance function as defined earlier and χ is a pool of source
X selection strategies from which agents pick a given strategy in order
arg min (w{x,L} − w{x,L} )2 (8) to make decisions regarding connecting to other agents.
At any given instance of time t, the state of any agent x ∈ X is
Here, w{x,L} is the mean value of the instantaneous load across given by the following attributes: xt = (Qtx , χtx ). Here, Qtx is the
all nodes. set of queries incident on node x at time t and χtx ∈ χ is the source
selection strategy chosen by node x at time t. As earlier, most of
5. EMERGENT OPTIMIZATION the operations are defined for a given instance of time, and we shall
To enable long running, continuous query optimization in a grid, drop the reference to time when the context is clear.
the notion of emergent optimization is proposed in this work. Grid Each sourceX selection strategy χx is of the form χx : Qx ×X →
nodes act as self-interested autonomous agents optimizing on some [0, 1], where χx = 1. In other words, given a query, a strategy
local property. In order to achieve local optimization, grid nodes X
utilize one of several strategies to connect to one another. These returns a probability vector over the set of all agents, using which
strategies enable a node to select the set of source nodes from connections are made with other agents. The unfolding behavior of
which data is fetched to answer a query and are hence also called an agent over time is defined as follows. For any grid node or agent
as “source selection strategies.” x ∈ X, if Qtx 6= Qt−1
x that is, if an event (arrival of a new query or
revocation of an existing query) has happened at time t, the agent
Strategy Fitness
performs one or both of the following tasks:

1. Answer one or more queries in Qtx by connecting to other

System-wide fitness function nodes based on χtx and creating a set of incoming streams
denoted as: I t (χx )

2. Provide one or more data streams to other nodes in the grid

Payoff 1 Payoff 2 Payoff N (by accepting connection requests from them) and creating a
Payoff Function
set of outgoing streams denoted as: Ot (χx ).
Query at 1 Query at 2 Query at N
We shall use the term Lt (χx ) to mean I t (χx ) ∪ Ot (χx ) represent-
ing the set of all streams incident on x at time t. The term Lt is
used to represent the Estuary graph of the grid at time t. While Qtx
Node 1 Node 2 Node N

Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy i represents user queries and are not under the control of the system,
I t (χx ) and Ot (χx ) are dependent on (1) the state of the grid (its
Estuary graph) at time t − 1 or Lt−1 , (2) the set of queries at the
Demographics (Emergence)
node x: Qtx , and, (3) the strategy adopted by the node: χtx .
The temporal unfolding of an agent’s behavior can be seen as a
Figure 3: Overview of the Emergent Optimization Process closed-loop control system (Figure 3), where the actions taken by
an agent impacts grid characteristics, which in turn impacts further
Variations in query patterns require nodes to evaluate its strategy actions taken by the agent.
for its effectiveness on a continuous basis. In this regard, a “fitness
function” is used to determine the feasibility of a particular strategy
5.2 Payoffs, Generations and Demographics
given the grid environment. Although the fitness function works Once an agent x chooses a source selection strategy χx ∈ χ, it
at a system-wide level, we ensure that it is simple enough to be retains this strategy for a pre-specified time period called a “gen-
computed by each node in a distributed fashion. eration.” Strategies are changed for an agent only across genera-
Fitness is based on a “payoff function” which determines the tions. The first time a strategy is chosen, this choice is made with a
payoff each node receives on answering a query. The payoff would uniform or a pre-determined probability distribution across all the
depend on: (1) the query requirements, (2) the strategy used by the strategies in χ. The “demographics” of the grid is the distribution
node and, (3) the grid conditions. By selecting a payoff function of different source selection strategies adopted by the agents. The
which operates at the grid nodes, the system designer can control set of nodes adopting source selection strategy χi is given by
intrinsic characteristics of the grid like its innate preference towards D(χi ) = {x : x ∈ X ∧ χ(x) = χi }
one optimization objective over the other. The entire process of
emergent optimization is shown in Figure 3. where χ(x) represents the strategy adopted at node x.
A payoff function ρ provides a payoff for each node at every In the experiments we first evaluate the effectiveness of emer-
time step, based on the amount of queries it has answered and/or gent optimization using the DO strategy in reducing network usage
its connections with other nodes. Agents accumulate payoffs till when compared with globally optimal query plans generated by
the end of a generation after which the agent possibly changes its taking snapshots of the grid with every new query arrival and query
source selection strategy. A new generation then begins with all revocation. We then confirm the ability of the LO strategy in dis-
agents having a payoff of 0. tributing load evenly. We also demonstrate the ability of the grid
Let P x be the average payoff per query accumulated by agent nodes to identify the correct strategy for (1) a given global opti-
x at the end of a generation with strategy χx . From the grid per- mization objective and (2) for varying query patterns. The payoff
spective, the average payoff per grid node obtained by any given function used in the experiments and its rationale is described in
strategy χi is computed as the next section.
Px 6.1 Payoff Function
x∈X,χ(x)=χi For the experiments we use payoff function that has two payoff
P̂χi = (9)
|D(χi )| components, one of which is based on network usage and the other
on the resulting load on data sources. We choose a payoff function
The “fitness” of any given strategy χi at the end of a generation
that results in, (1) higher payoffs for a node if its source selection
is given by
leads to reduced network usage and, (2) reduction in payoffs, with
P̂χ the reduction proportional to the load on the data sources selected.
Φ(χi ) = X i (10) Any query qi on node i is thought of bringing with it a certain
amount of virtual currency or income, I(qi ) which is equal to the
χi ∈χ
network usage if the query were to be answered directly from the
At the end of a generation, agents re-evaluate their current strate- source nodes. The payoff function ρ is modeled on the savings
gies and possibly change to another strategy. The probability that a incurred over the virtual currency. If L(qi ) is the set of links using
given strategy χi is chosen is given by Φ(χi ). which qi is answered, the network usage part of ρ called ρU , is the
ratio of unused virtual currency to the income:
5.3 Source Selection Strategies 1 X
The set of source selection strategies χ is a critical element of ρU = · [I(qi ) − u(li )] (11)
I(qi )
emergent optimization. Each agent initially chooses a strategy at li ∈L(qi )
random from this pool. Each strategy returns a probability vec- while the load distribution part of ρ called ρW , is measured as the
tor that guides the agent in making connections with other agents. average load ratio over all the links required to answer a query and
The strategy itself takes the present query as input and optionally is given by,
depends upon other information obtained from the grid.
A strategy may seek to optimize a single optimization parame- 1 X w{source(li ),L}
ρW = (12)
ter like network usage or load distribution in isolation or consider |L(qi )| M AXLOAD(source(li ))
li ∈L(qi )
both parameters together. In this work, we consider some simple
strategies whose information requirements are small and that seek where M AXLOAD(source(li )) is the maximum number of links
to optimize on only a single optimization parameter. Such strate- node source(li ) can handle. The overall payoff ρ for the query is
gies are also termed as singleton strategies. The three singleton evaluated as,
strategies evaluated in the work are:
ρ = α · ρU − (1 − α) · ρW (13)
1. Distance ordering (DO): Fetch data from nearest source hav- where, α ∈ [0, 1] is a configurable parameter that determines the
ing the data intrinsic importance to be given by the grid to network usage or
load distribution. Since ρU and ρW are both ratios, they can be
2. Random ordering (RO): Fetch data from a random node hav- added together in a single equation. However, they may not have
ing the required data the same characteristics and the impact of α on ρU and ρW need
3. Load ordering (LO): Fetch data from the least loaded node not be the same. In our grid scenario, a value of 0.2 for α was
having the data empirically seen to provide equal importance to network usage and
load distribution.
Of the above, DO and LO are strategies where the probability 6.2 Results
of connecting to a given node is either 1 or 0 while in RO, given a
choice of k nodes that are stream sources, the probability of con- To evaluate the performance of the DO strategy, we compare
necting to any one of them is k1 . network usage at any given time, with the network usage resulting
from the globally optimal query plan. We evaluate the LO strategy
in a similar manner. Since we are interested in measuring the per-
6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS formance of the various strategies and the ability of the grid to cor-
For experimental verification, a grid is simulated with 64 nodes rectly select the correct strategy for a given optimization objective,
arranged in a 8 × 8 square. 12 source nodes are distributed around we switch α between two extremes: 1 (payoff only for optimizing
the center of the grid along the periphery of a smaller square re- network usage) and 0 (payoff only for optimizing load distribution)
sulting in the possibility of 4095 unique queries. 10000 queries to indicate the optimization objective. The grid nodes are provided
arrive uniformly on the grid nodes at a rate of one query every unit with the set of three strategies: DO, RO and LO. At the start of the
of time. Queries seek data or a subset of the data available at the experiment, nodes select a strategy with equal probability.
source nodes. Each query remains in the grid for a certain random Instantaneous Network Usage: Figure 4 compares network us-
amount of time and is then terminated. age across time, between the globally optimal plan and with two
varieties of emergent optimization: (a). when the objective is to 100
Strategy Distribution (Optimize Network Usage)

optimize solely on network usage (α = 1), and (b). when the ob- DO
jective is to optimize solely on load distribution (α = 0). In these LO

experiments, a generation comprised of 250 time steps. We can see 80

that emergent optimization comes very close to the globally opti-

mal network usage when α = 1 within a few generations. The

Number of Nodes
network usage starts off with a high value given the random nature
in which strategies are chosen initially. However, the demographics
stabilize very quickly and the network usage drops very close to the
optimal usage. When α = 0 however, network usage is continually
high, since the emphasis is on load distribution. This confirms the 20

effectiveness of the emergent strategy using DO strategy for reduc-

ing network usage.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Instantaneous Network Usage
Optimize Network Usage
Optimize Load Distribution Figure 6: Strategy Distribution (Alpha=1)
Global Optimization

Strategy Distribution (Optimize Load Distribution)
800 RO
Network Usage


Number of Nodes
400 60


0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000

Figure 4: Instantaneous Network Usage

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Instantaneous Load Distribution

Figure 7: Strategy Distribution (Alpha=0)
Optimize Network Usage
Optimize Load Distribution

of emergent optimization to select the correct strategy for a given
optimization objective. It should be noted here that when α is 0 or
Standard Deviation of Load

1, nodes do not select the RO strategy. This essentially shows that
strategies which do not perform well for a given objective will be
rooted out of the system.

6.3 Generational Dynamics

2 As seen in Figure 6 and Figure 7, the convergence towards a
particular strategy is quick and leads to one of either the distance
ordering or load ordering strategies surviving. Since the strategy
0 2000 4000
6000 8000 10000 selection is based on payoffs for a particular strategy, if the number
of grid nodes adopting a particular strategy drops to zero, the grid
Figure 5: Instantaneous Load Distribution will never be able to consider that strategy further on. This might
lead to the grid being unable to adjust the varying conditions of the
Instantaneous Load Distribution: Figure 5 compares load dis- grid and query characteristics.
tribution characteristics across time, when the global optimization To mitigate this issue, grid nodes perform a strategy reset af-
objective is to optimize on network usage (α = 1) and when the ter some specified time “random interval” and select strategies at
objective is to optimize on load distribution (α = 0). The standard random, instead of computing the strategy fitness function. In a
distribution of load is around 4 when the objective is to optimize real implementation, we envisage a distributed snapshot algorithm
network usage and around 2 when the objective is optimize load like [11] being used by the grid nodes to synchronize the strategy
distribution, thereby indicating that the LO strategy is better at bal- reset’s. To simulate responses of the grid to fluctuating query pat-
ancing load compared to the DO strategy. Figure 6 and Figure 7 terns, the grid is subjected to three different query sets as shown in
plots demographic change of each of the strategies (DO, RO and Figure 8 with varying average query loads. All the query sets have
LO) change across generations when α = 1 and when α = 0 re- an increase in query load between time interval 4000 and 6000 to
spectively. When α = 1, we observe that the all nodes converge simulate changing query patterns. The distribution of strategies in
to the DO strategy while the LO and RO strategy becomes non- the grid nodes for the three different query sets is shown in Fig-
existent in the grid. Similarly, when α = 0, we observe that all the ure 9, 10 and 11. We use bezier curves to smooth out the disruptions
nodes converge to the LO strategy. This demonstrates the ability caused by the strategy resets which occur at instances as indicated
Strategy Distribution for Query Set 2
by the vertical lines in the graphs. The value of α was set to 0.2 for
2 3 4 5 6
all the experiments depicting equal importance to network usage 100
and load distribution. LO

Query set 1 (Figure 8) has very little average load and the fluctu- 80

ation in load is not significant enough for the grid nodes to change
their strategy and hence and as seen in Figure 9 all the nodes select

Number of Nodes
the DO strategy throughout the experiment and optimize on net-
work usage. When the grid is subjected to query set 2, the nodes
select the DO strategy initially when the average load is around 40

200 and switch to the LO strategy to balance the load when the
average load increases to 500. Once the average load decreases to 20

200, the grid nodes switch back to the DO strategy and continue to
optimize network usage (Figure 10). This clearly shows that emer-
gent optimization is able to identify and adapt to the changing grid 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
conditions without any manual intervention. The M AXLOAD
parameter for each grid node in this experiment was 25 links per Figure 10: Strategy Distribution for Query Set 2
node. In query set 3, the initial grid load is around 500 and each
node is loaded close to its M AXLOAD. Hence the nodes adopt Strategy Distribution for Query Set 3

the LO strategy to balance the load. The nodes continue to use the 100
2 3 4 5 6
LO strategy for the entire duration of the experiment (Figure 11) as RO
the load on the grid is remains high.
This set of experiments indicates that the principle of emergent
optimization is able to select the best strategy among the set of

Number of Nodes
strategies it is provided with and is also able to address the varying 60

query patterns incident on the grid by switching from one strategy

to another without any intervention. 40

Average Query Load

Query Set 1
Query Set 2
Query Set 3

800 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Average Number of Queries

600 Figure 11: Strategy Distribution for Query Set 3

This work shows that the primary issue in optimizing open-world
200 queries is the dynamic nature of the queries and the dependency of
the optimal query plan on the currently executing queries in the
grid. Emergent optimization in such a scenario provides an effi-
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
cient alternative to optimizing such systems. Although this work
provides insights into optimizing open queries in stream grids, the
Figure 8: Query Sets problem is fundamentally one of optimization in the presence of
uncertainty and a lot of scope exists for further work. We also
envisage a variety of more strategies of different levels of sophisti-
Strategy Distribution for Query Set 1 cation than the basic ones considered in this work. It remains to be
2 3 4 5 6 seen if there are specific principles behind designing strategies for
handling open-world queries.
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