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This Job Order Contract is executed and made this ___________, by and

The _____________________), a government agency, with

principal office located at the ___________________,
represented herein by _________________, in his capacity as
Administrator, hereinafter referred to as the “FIRST PARTY”;

Mr. JUAN M. DELA CRUZ of legal age, Filipino and a resident of

_________________ herein referred to as the “SECOND


WHEREAS, FIRST PARTY temporarily needs to hire a personnel on a job order

basis commencing on July 16, 2018 and ending on December 31, 2018 which
period is subject to change depending on the urgency of the particular job but not
to exceed six months and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;

WHEREAS, the SECOND PARTY, has represented that he/she is qualified and
competent and has offered to provide the needed services and FIRST PARTY has
accepted such offer;

WHEREAS, the SECOND PARTY possesses the education, experience and skills
required to perform the job as described herein;

WHEREAS, the SECOND PARTY attests that he/she is not related, within the third
(3rd) degree of consanguinity or affinity, to any of the officials or to the appointing
authority of the FIRST PARTY and that he/she has not been previously dismissed
from government service by reason of an administrative case or has not been
dropped from service due to unsatisfactory conduct or for want of capacity to
perform the required services and he/she has not reached the compulsory
retirement age of sixty-five (65).

NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows:


1.1 FIRST PARTY hereby contracts and engages the services of the SECOND
PARTY as Science Aide and to render services to the ________________.
The Duties and Responsibilities of the SECOND PARTY are more particularly
described in the attached Annex A;

1.2 The SECOND PARTY agrees that he/she will, at all times, faithfully and to
the best of his/her ability and experience, perform all the duties and
functions that may be required of subject services from him/her pursuant to
the express and implicit terms hereof. The SECOND PARTY agrees to

1 Job Order Contract (July 16, 2018 to December 31, 2018)

devote his/her full and undivided time to ensure accomplishment of task
contained in the scope of services.


During the term of this Contract, the SECOND PARTY’s services with the FIRST
PARTY shall be strictly on a job order basis. As such it is understood that this
Contract does not create an “Employer-Employee Relationship” between the
Parties and that the services rendered by the SECOND PARTY are not considered
as government service.

Moreover, the SECOND PARTY shall not be entitled to the benefits enjoyed by
regular government employees such as COLA, PERA and RATA. The SECOND
PARTY shall not also be entitled to vacation and sick leave credits, allowances
and other benefits extended by FIRST PARTY to its regular employees.


3.1 This contract of services shall be effective starting July 16, 2018 and end
on December 31, 2018.

3.2 The FIRST PARTY shall have the right to terminate the services of the
SECOND PARTY prior to its expiration for just and reasonable causes such
as non-performance of the assigned duties and responsibilities, willful
disobedience to the FIRST PARTY’s office policies, rules and regulations,
lack of funds or when his/her services are no longer required.


4.1 For and in consideration of the performance by the SECOND PARTY of the
services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract, FIRST
PARTY shall pay the SECOND PARTY a daily rate of Six Hundred Pesos
(Php600.00) as service fee to be paid on the 15th and 30th day of each
month and a premium of 20% of such service fee to be paid monthly.

5.1 This contract when executed shall constitute the entire agreement of the
parties with respect to the subject matter thereof. Any and all amendments
to this contract shall be reduced in writing and duly signed by the Parties.

5.2 The Second Party agrees the withholding of applicable taxes on the service

5.3 All claims and complaints relative to the herein Contract shall be settled in
accordance with the FIRST PARTY’s policies, rules and regulations and
applicable laws.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands this ____ day of ___________,
2018 at _________________________.


2 Job Order Contract (July 16, 2018 to December 31, 2018)


Endorsed by:

Funds Available:

OIC, Accounting Section




BEFORE ME, personally appeared:

Name Valid Identification Date Issued Place Issued


both known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing JOB
ORDER CONTRACT and they acknowledged to me that the same is their own,
free and voluntary act and deed as well as that of the entity represented.

This instrument consists of three (3) pages including this page on which
this Acknowledgment is written and has been duly signed by the parties and their

SIGNED AND SEALED on ____________ 2018 at _____________.

Doc. No. ______;

Page No. ______;
Book No. ______;
Series of 2018.

3 Job Order Contract (July 16, 2018 to December 31, 2018)

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