1 It's A Given That You're Gonna Experience Earthquakes

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it’s a given that you’re gonna experience earthquakes

I wanted to get a rundown on what happened
Earthquakes are like a dime a dozen in Japan
Very surreal feel

it was just over the top.
it’s definitely on my list of things to do, for sure
If it’s not one thing, it’s another
Well I hope that, that, that didn’t rain on your parade
after getting the first butterflies out of his stomach he just loved it. You could tell, he just
was having the time of his life

if for no other reason I should go up and visit everybody

And he would just be tickled pink to see you and to hang out with you.

I’m going to make my best effort to get up

y’know Eric, time’s kind of escaped me tonight

I was super bummed about it
you guys broke the golden rule
Did the weather cooperate?
So everyone made it in okay?
I bet her father was happy to see that you made an honest woman of
Okay, well, uh, Will let’s get together for drinks sometime soon, it’s been too

he told me he had an idea he wanted to run by me. So, uh, I figured he

might’ve called
the other thing that really drew me to the scene was the fact
that there was just this traveling, uh, group of people that followed them everywhere.
I think that they would just suddenly jump to conclusions about, y’know,
They were totally like
judging the book by its cover
Oh my god, it’s such a small world, huh
I don’t know, your guess is as good as mine. Y’know, he can be a flake

She was actually feelin’ under the weather last week
I mean my grandparents, when I was growin’ up,
they lived just like a stone’s throw away from us.
it’s like you get to escape the discipline of your parents for a little bit
they’ll always shower you with attention
that, that was a bummer for us at the time,

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