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Gilbert Stuart, Portrait of Mrs James Arden, oil on canvas, Fine Arts Museum, Bordeaux.

May to
September 2020
A British season in
Become a partner
of the Fine Arts Museum of
Sir Thomas Lawrence
Portrait of Sir George Beaumont, 1808
Oil on canvas
Louvre, Paris


5 So British! A British season in Bordeaux

British Stories: British paintings from the

6 Louvre and the Fine Arts Museum of

Absolutely bizarre! Strange story from the

Bristol School (1800-1840)

A community-oriented exhibition

Becoming our partner for the British


17 Your advantages

18 Our patronage needs

19 The Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux

20 Contacts

John Martin,
Macbeth and the three witches, c. 1850
Oil on canvas
Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux

John Lewis Brown,

La Chaussée de Charleroi à la veille de
Waterloo (The Charleroi road on the day
before Waterloo), 19th century
Oil on canvas
4 Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux.
So British!
A British season in Bordeaux
May to September 2020

Located right in the centre of Bordeaux – a city twinned with Bristol

– the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux (Fine Arts Museum) is
planning a programme of an exceptional calibre with a rich and
fascinating collection of British works that will hoist the colours of
the Union Jack.
In partnership with Bristol Museum & Art Gallery and the Louvre, the
museum will present two exhibitions devoted to British art from May
to September 2020.
At the same time, it will work in association with numerous regional
institutions (cinema, theatres, etc.) to create a programme including
a range of artistic disciplines, giving pride of place to British culture.

British masterpieces from the
Louvre and the Fine Arts Museum
of Bordeaux
Fine Arts Museum, new display, north and
south wings
22nd May – 20th September 2020

The objective of this exhibition is to highlight the Bordeaux museum’s

collection of British works (it is one of the rare French regional
museums which houses several masterpieces from the British School,
including paintings by Lawrence, Reynolds, Ramsay, West and Stuart),
enriched for the occasion by the exceptional loan of around ten
masterpieces from the English collection at the Louvre. The works will
be presented as part of the permanent pathway through the collections,
with dedicated museography.
A catalogue giving an update on research related to these works will
be published in cooperation with Guillaume Faroult, curator at the
Louvre and associate curator of this exhibition. The catalogue will
include the story of how this British collection arrived in Bordeaux,
particularly through the allocation of numerous works taken from the
Jews by the Nazis during the second world war and awaiting restitution
to their owners or their beneficiaries.

Sir Joshua Reynolds,
Master Hare, 1788-1789
Oil on canvas
Louvre, Paris


Sophie Barthélémy, director, Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux.

Sandra Buratti-Hasan, deputy director, Fine Arts Museum of
Guillaume Faroult, curator in charge of 18th century French painting
and British and American painting at the Louvre.

Allan Ramsay,
Portrait of Countess Elizabeth
of Salisbury, 1769
Oil on canvas
Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux.

Sir Joshua Reynolds
Portrait of Richard Robinson, Bishop of Armagh, 1775
Oil on canvas
Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux.

Strange story from the
Bristol School
Fine Arts Gallery
15th May – 20th September 2020

Presented at the Fine Arts Gallery in front of the museum, this

exhibition will focus on the Bristol School (Danby, Müller, Jackson,
This School is completely unknown and little studied in France. It
includes a group of artists native from Bristol and its surrounding area
who were active between 1810 and 1840 and won fame with
landscape painting, sometimes with a touch of fantasy, and genre
painting of a social nature. Their leader, Francis Danby, is the only
one to be represented in public collections in France with a work
entitled Christ walking on the water, recently acquired by the Louvre
thanks to the Forbes donation.
The Fine Arts Museum will host around 80 works, mainly from the
museum in Bristol, a city that has been twinned with Bordeaux for 71
years, to which will be added some loans from the Victoria Art Gallery
in Bath, Tate Britain in London (including Turner’s watercolours on
the theme of the fire at the Houses of Parliament in London, exhibited
for the first time, together with contemporaneous gouaches by Müller
illustrating riots in Bristol) and the Louvre.

Samuel Coleman
The Destruction of Pharaoh's Host, 1830
Oil on canvas
Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol


Sophie Barthélémy, director, Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux.

Sandra Buratti-Hasan, deputy director, Fine Arts Museum of
Guillaume Faroult, curator in charge of 18th century French painting
and British and American painting at the Louvre.
Jenny Gaschke, Curator of Fine Art pre-1900, Bristol Museum and Art

Francis Danby (1793–1861),

A Scene in Leigh Woods, 1822
Oil on canvas
Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol

Rolinda Sharples,
The artist and her mother, 1816
Oil on board
Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol

A community-oriented

During the British Season, the museum is reaching out to an often-excluded

public in partnership with associations specializing in helping people in
need: Secours Populaire, Emmaus, Culture du Coeur, Promofemmes (help for
migrant women), and AERD (prevention against suicide).
The museum’s public service department will also lead three “beyond the
museum” projects with people in prison or hospitalized. These projects
include the discovery of the exhibition’s works, as well as a dimension of artistic
creation. The result will be a presentation, alongside works from the museum,
of two “public exhibitions.” The first will be in the Cadillac (Gironde) town hall
from May to September 2020, and will present works created by patients from
the Cadillac Psychiatric Hospital. The second will be in the Lormont town hall,
and will host the work of patients from the CATTP in Villenave d’Ornon.
The third project will involve the participation of approximately 70 incarcerated
people at the Gradignan prison.
The objective of these projects is to promote not only the pleasure of art, but
also a connection with others, as well as a sense of self-worth.

Becoming our partner
for the British season!

Thomas Lawrence
Charles William Bell, 1797-1798
Oil on canvas, Louvre, Paris

By sponsoring the British season, your
company will become part of Bordeaux’s
cultural history. This also means:

 Helping to conserve and improve knowledge of collections of

British paintings, which are part of our European heritage.

 Involving your employees, partners and clients in prestigious

events and gathering them around shared values.

 Associating your company’s image with the Bristol Museum & Art
Gallery, the Louvre Museum and Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux.

 Promoting your expertise in the framework of skill-based


Corporate patronage
Every time your company sponsors the Fine Arts Museum of
Bordeaux., it will benefit from a reduction in corporation tax amounting
to 60% of the donation made, up to a limit of 0.5% of its annual turnover
(net of VAT). The tax reduction can be spread over five fiscal years.

Donation to the museum 3,000 € 10,000 € 30,000 €

Tax deduction -
1,800 € 6,000 € 18,000 €
60% of donation

Real cost to the company 1,200 € 4,000 € 12,000 €

Moreover, you will receive exceptional benefits (see following page) to

a value that may be up to 25% of the amount donated (in order to
maintain a “marked disproportion” with the donation, as required by

Your advantages

Benefit from a high visibility to a large audience, thanks to the presence

of your company’s name or logo on publicity related to the exhibitions
(leaflets, invitations, acknowledgements panels in the exhibitions,
speeches of thanks, press packs, exhibition catalogues) and in the
museum’s general communications (Internet site, twice-yearly list of
events, etc.)


Benefit from invitations to exhibition openings, custom private visits

and workshops. Visit the museum with a curator and discover
treasures that are not on display to the public.


To improve your public relations, organise a prestigious cocktail or

dinner in the sumptuous northern hall of the museum.

Our patronage needs
We are looking for companies and foundations to complement the
resources available to the museum and to help us to finance this
exceptional large-scale project. Our requirements include:

Setting up two exhibitions: curatorship, museography, scenography,

restoration, framing, boxing and transport of the works, publishing of

Cultural programme: major events, organised in association with the

British Consulate, the British Council and cultural bodies from the
Aquitaine region, for example the Opera House and the School of Fine
Arts, aiming to include many disciplines (dance, theatre, music…),
leading to interaction between French and British cultures.

How can you help us? You can sponsor us in kind, in skills (provision
of expertise) or financially (cash contribution for the project of your

Example of a painting that requires restoration for the exhibition:

Anonymous British artist

Family gathering, 19th century, oil on canvas
Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux
Bordeaux is a booming metropolitan area: a World Heritage Site since
2007, it joined the Villes d'Art et d'Histoire (Towns of Art and History)
network in 2009. It currently tops the rankings of French regional
capitals in terms of life, study, work and entertainment.

The Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux Bordeaux’s oldest municipal

museum, founded in 1801 – is a major cultural stakeholder in the city.
Located in two wings linked by the City Hall gardens, it also has a
temporary exhibition space, the Fine Arts Gallery.

2 exhibition 2,500 m2 of 110,000

sites exhibitions visitors a year

The museum’s north wing underwent renovation until 2013. The

transformation of the institution is still ongoing, with the revamping of
the entrance hall and the creation of a rest area and a new shop,
inaugurated on 29 May 2018, and the rehabilitation of the south wing:
new route around the sculptures, upgrading of the lighting and
enriching of the interpretative tools.


The collection, which includes 8,000 works (paintings, sculptures and

graphic arts), is regularly expanded, particularly thanks to donations. It
offers a magnificent overview of western art from the Renaissance to
the 20th century. There are works by Titian, Rubens, Van Dyck,
Chardin, Delacroix, Corot, Matisse and artists from the Bordeaux area
including Redon, Marquet and Lhote. They arouse interest among all
the publics, amateurs and experts, and are regularly loaned, both in
France and abroad.


Since 2014, at the instigation of director Sophie Barthélémy, the

museum has set up ambitious exhibitions such as Bacchanales
modernes, Redon and Dorignac. They help to introduce unrecognized
subjects relating to art history and at the same time attracting a local
and international public.

Senior management
Sophie Barthélémy
Director, Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux.

Sandra Burrati-Hasan
Deputy director

Patronage contact
Vida Konikovic
Cultural promotion and partnerships manager
Tel.: +33 (0)5 56 10 25 06

Arthur Weidenhaun
In charge of sponsorship
Tel : +33 (0)5 56 10 25 15

Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux

20, cours d’Albret - 33000 Bordeaux - France
Tel.: +33 (0)5 56 10 20 56

Fine Arts Gallery

Place du Colonel Raynal - 33000 Bordeaux - France

Internet site and social networks
Twitter: @mbabx
Instagram: mba_bordeaux


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