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epublic of the Bllippines Congress of the Philippines Sito Masia Seveteeh Congress Second Regular Sesion ‘Ragu and holdin Meio Mani, on Mondey, the "wentyfourh Sy of ay, tua sevonteon, [Reruauic AcrNo. 11053) AN ACT PROHIBITING HAZING AND REGULATING OTHER PORMS OF INITIATION RITES OF FRATERNITIES, SORORITIES, “AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES POR VIOLATIONS THEREOF, AMENDING FOR "THE PURPOSE REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8048, ENTITLED ‘AN ACT REGULATING HAZING AND OTHER FORMS OF INITIATION. RITES. IN. FRATERNITIES, SORORITIES, AND ORGANIZATIONS ANE PROVIDING PENALTIES THEREFOT™ Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Rpreseialives ofthe ‘Philipines in Congres assembled [SECTION 1, A new section to he denominaled ae Section 1 ie beveby incited in spubli Act No. 800, to read sa fans ‘SECTION 1, Short Tl ~ This Act shall be ‘known ae the “Ait Hlaning Act of 2018 SHC. 2. Section 1 ofthe same Act is horeby amended to road fallow: ‘SEC. 2. Definition of Terma ~ Ae weed in thie cs “(e) Hong refers 10 any set that reels in physical or pevholoiclslfering. arm, or injury fnticed ona soenst, neophyte, apc or emer ft part of an Inlation te oe practice made te 4 prerequisite for admission or @ requirement for ontinuing membership in a fateraty, sorry or ‘rpanztion including, bt mot limited to, padi, ‘whipping. beting, branding. feed eabsthenic xporre tothe westher, ore conmunption of sn fia, bauor beverage, deus or other mien, oF fey alr ral teaent fv pga sty ‘which ie Lely to advorely ale the physieal and Devehologcal health of such recruit, neophyte, lisa or member. Ths ball alo include any {cts intentionally made oF othorwice. by one Devon alone or acing with others that tends Fomate cr embarrar, degrade, abu. o endanger, by requiring « reer, neophyte, applicant ot ‘member to do menial, ily. or fois laske. “{h) Initiation or Initiation Rites refer to ceremonies, proton, ite, cr eter aes, whether formal or informa, that a person must perform oF take pat in onder #9 be acepted into fraternity ron or egunzation ara fledged member It Spall cremonie, practices, tal, and ter ts In all tagos of membership in fatornty, sora, “© Organisation refers to an ganized tty of people which includes but la ot Timed to, ny huh sexecatin group rate, and soon” The fern shall include the Armed Forces of the Philppines (AFP), the Philpoine Netnal Polis (PNP), the Pippi Miltary Academy (PMA) the Phiipine National Police Academy (PNPA), and hee tile normed sero latring stsone “(Schools rele wo eallegee, universities, and all otter eduational institutions SEC. 3A new section tobe denominated as Section 3 te hereby suerted in the tame Act to Toad ne fll “SEC. 8, Prohibition on Hosing.~ Al forms of ‘hazing shall bo prohibit in fstomtie, erate, nd erganizatons im school, including itzens ‘ilery teaming and cone! omy tring Ts prohbition shell likewiee apply to all other Entities sroiiesandoreaneatone tht ae no tehoathaned, such te commmunty-tneed nd ther ‘Similar fetemities,sroitig, and orgaizations Provided, ‘That the physical, mental. and paseological sting and training procedures and Dractees to determine and enhance Che phil, rental and payehologcal fitness of prospective Fegular members of the APP and the PNP ae {ppreved by the Secretary of Netinal Defense end the atonal Polis Common, duly recommended by th Chic of Steff of the AFP end the Duvetr Uaneral of the PND, shall not be considered ae Tsing for purposes of tha Act” Provided, further, ‘That the exception provided berein hall ewe spp to imilar pronedares and practices approved Uy Ue repeativeheade of ober enrmed leaning inatttions ae to thee prospective members, noe al his provision apply to any eustomary athlete ‘reno or ether similar contets or competitions fang sctiity oF conduct that furthers legal and lepitinate objective, ebjet to pro submission of ‘medial clearance or ert Inno case sal hazing be made rosienent for enployment in any business or corporation SEC, 4, Section 2 of the sume Astin hereby amended flows "S00. A. Regultin of School-Based ntotion ies. Only intiabon nteo or practices that do ot sonatitut hazing sll be allowed: Provided, That (a) A waiten application to conduc tation rites shall be made to tbe proper authors of the hoa aot later than seveu (aye prot t the ‘hed ination date “(The written application chal indicate the ‘place a dtd af Uh nation nites and the nates of the reerite, neophytes, oF applisante to be Tninated andthe manser by which fey wll endo the inition en “e) Such written application shall freher contain an undertaking that no hare of any kind ‘all be comated by ansbedy dari the nation “The sian tes chal ot ast moe tan thro (3) days 'e) The application sal contain the names of the sonumbent crs ofthe fexterty, snort oe ‘rpantaton and any person or pestne wht Wl take charge in the cunt of the instiaton rites 1) The application shall bender ath with « clarion that thas been posted in the offical hoo allen tod, th bullstin bao the ce of the fraternity, sorority, oF organization. and two (er eaapscuus places in Be shel in he Dromiste of the organiation and (g) The apliation shall be posted from the tine ofsbmissnn of the wet note to he steal !uthories rea of crpamztion apd call ol be Teaored from ite pesting thee (3) daye after the ‘Sadact of the initiation nite, ‘The schon, rnteriy, srry. or organization hall provide for their especie bulletin bande for purpots of tie section ‘uidelins fr the approval of denial of the opie to ond initiation ies by rine fratemity, sorority, or organization shall be promulgated by the appropriate school ofials not Tater than est (60) dave after the approval of tha ‘Ac. The apropete soa shanties al ave he ‘hligtion to disapprove tho appizston to conduct, Insiaton tes Ghat do act conform with any of the equemente of the secon and the reasons there Shall Se stated cleanly and in unequivcs! terme in 8 formal advice to the fraternity. sorority, Crgenzaton consersed, ting int eonedeation the Safety and security of yartispants in the acts ‘Scho! afciale shall have the authority to impor, after due notice and summary hearing, iscfinary sanctions. in accordance with the choots guides and regulations on the maton, ‘which shall include, but sal not be lied to Teprinand,suenson, excuse, or expulsion, 2 he Ie upd all the officers ofthe Rater sory. rorgniaton which edt stato wid fat meuring the necessary approval of the schol fs recited er this cio, All mmbers ofthe ffatemity sorry, oF oraniation, who partcated ‘nthe unauthorized nition rite even i'n ing ‘wae onducted, shall also be punished seeding. ‘tn ese the writon application fh the conduct of intiation etco contains flee or inaccurate {aforantion, appropriate dispinary sanctions in Aecordance with the schools guidelines, and Tofulction onthe matter ranging fom reprimand Toeesrulsion shall bo imposed, afer de noice and Summary ering. agaist the pereon who prepared the aplication oF supped the fase and imac ‘aformation and to the he and lhe fics of he soroity, oF organization has complied with the Iraternty, ron or organisation concerned” ‘equtement prescribed bythe school n establishing fraternity, soonty, oF organization: Provided, further, That schools shall promulgate thelr Guidelines tm the registration of featernitice, Snore and organizations within their Juraiton ‘Ste. 5, Soction of the came Act is hereby amended to read an allows "SEC. 8. Monitoring of Initiation Rte, — The ‘otter Un ssty (6) dave fom the approval of head of the school at a authorized representative the Act ust assign at lott two @) representatives 9 the ‘tholto te present during the natin. Te the ‘Upon regctration, al eateries, eovrtc, Adty of tho school representatives fo ate oH that ‘and ganizations sll sbmit» omprebonsive st ‘mo hazing is conducted during the soitintion rites, Gf mumlera which sall be updated not Inter thn Sod to document the ents prosedings, Theater. hurt GO days from the start of every semester oF tid repeetenatives who were prevent during the teimecter. depending 00 the seadom calendar f inion shall make a rpor of the iitiatinn rites the shee tothe approprto offal ofthe eos regain the fonduet of the asd initiation: Provided, That “School officials aall have the authority &» hazing oil commtied dept thei presence, 0 impose, after due aotice and summary hearing, Habit shall tach o them leet rove iat Ail pena in ardor wth the schools ‘hey fie to perk a overeat to potent a stp tiines and relations on the mater including {he commission Deret™ Eiopention tothe bead and other offers of the fraternity, corny. oF organization who fil 10 SEC. 6. A new accion to be denominited at Section @ epiter or update their roster of members 82 is herby inserted in the same Act to vend follows ‘equred under this section Skt: 0. Regiration oy roermtes, Suro, Failure to comply with any of the and Otley Orgowieation ~All exiting teri, equeemente jn this section shall rutin the Sororities and other organieations wthervice not fantalation of tho registration of the Tater Created or crganiand by the schoo! but as esting ‘runt. or egunszation” ‘embers who are students or plane to recruit Sndente to be to members aba be reqined to SC.7. A new section tobe denominated ae Section 7 ‘eter with the proper sal autores before it ‘is hereby imceted inthe same Act to teal a flows: Conducts acuivties whether on oY off-campus Including renutsent of members "SHC. 7. Focalty Adviser. ~ Schools shall require al fatonites, stortes, end organizations, “A newly established Grater, snviy, or "condition to the grant of acreditation OF organization in school shall ssmsediotaly rier Tesirvation t amit the name of names of thee foith the proper achool authorities during the ‘epatve fale anor or asrs who mitt Somestr of tamestr in which twas estado te moubers ofthe rospecve aterm, rot, Grganized: Provided, That the new fraternity fganzation The submision shall alo inchide 8 waitten aeptance or content on the part of the nocd faculty advice oF advisers The faculty adver or advisers shall be responsible for monitoring the activites of the fratrnty, corny, of organisation Hach fculy tuvise mst be a duly reognizad active mombor fn good standing, of the faulty af the school to which the fatty, sort, oe erganiation i xabliched or rested. “ln cate of wlation of any ofthe provisions of thie Act. ie presumed tt the fey adver hae knowlege apd consented tothe comission of ny ofthe lawl ats at thorn SEC. 8. A new section to be denominated as Section 5 ie horeby inert an the same Act to ead ae Ellowe: ‘SEC. 8. Role of Educational Inatitations.~ ‘The eeponablity of schools to exerioe reasonable supertion it Los ports over the eon of te ‘tents requires the dligence that prudent parents ‘would empley in the same citvumstance when Chasplning and protecting thir sléven To thie fd, sll be the duty of shoals to take mare Dronctive steps to protect its students from the dlangers of partcpsting sn setts that involse ‘bang “Schools shall implement an information Aseeemination campaige at the start of #very semester or trimester to provide adequate information to edonte and parents or guatdiane regarding te feneequenses of conducting snd parbpating hag membership in fates, sooty, of organization ‘hal also be conducted ty acools at the start of ‘very semen o> tmester ie herby inserted in the ame Act tt Seheol shall en-wurage Hteritioe, coors land organizations to engage in undertakange hat fener hoc personal grows and development an scvices that contbute to saving relevant and resin issues of eoity™ Ske. A new etction to be denominated a8 Section 8 follows: "SH. 9. Rgiaration of Commaniy-Bood an Other ‘Similar. Fraternities, Sororities, oF Organsations ~ All new and existing community urd fraternities, rermitien, av ertacication sncludiag their respective lcal chapter chal, ricer with tho barangay, munipality. or ty ‘whoven they are primarily based ‘Ipon regictation, all community-baced festeities, sororities or organizations, ncloing their respective local chapter, eball oubmit ‘compeshenave st of members and ofcrs hich Shall updated yarty om he dite f regutrain” SEC, 16 A new seston to be denominated ae Section 10 ie hereby saveted inthe tne Act to eead a8 lowe $BC. 10, Regulation of Initiation Rites for Community-Based Fraternities, Sororities, of (Organisation. Only inition rites oF practices that do not coneitte hating hall be allowed Proved. That “) A wrttn application to conduct the same shall be made to the puncng Barangny on the Taraozay or the municipal or aly mayer im Uhe tuuniapait or city where the community-based Eatery, sorry. or organization ie based, not Inter tban seven (7) days peor to the scheduled ‘nition date “The written application shall ndionte the place Sn dat of the iiation tes andthe names 0 of the recruits, neophytes, or applsants to be ‘nated “e) Such, writton application chal further ‘ontsn an underaking that mo haan of tind ‘hal be commited by anybedy during the ination ia) A medical certsfiente of the roots neophyte, or applicant ust be atached te the fsoplicaion to ensure finese to undeygo ination ‘when it inelees physica activi not faling under the definition of hazing a used sn tie Act 'o) The initiation vite eal not lst more tha aoe 18) dave “<) Tho applistion shall contain the names of the incumbent officers of the community-based fraternity, sorority, or organization ard any poroon ar persone who will ake cbage tothe edt of the nino nen ig) The pplication chal Yo under oth with ' declarntion that st hasbeen poston thy offal bullae of the Barangay ball or he wuncpal ety hall whore the cammunt-tated tater, ‘erat, or oganaton tbs, and on the let and of the ofc of the comm bad fata, coro, oF crganization; end 1h) The application shall be post fom the tine of submission of the written notice to the Ppunong barangay ot munsigal or aly mayor end hal ny be removed om its porting three (3) days Mier the conduct of the fitition es” SEC 11, A now setion tobe enominatd as Seton LI te eroby inserted in the sate Act read ae flows SEC. 11. Monitoring of Initiation Rites of Community-Based and Att Similar Froterrte, Soros, or Organizations. ~ The parang barangay fof the barangay” or the munisipl a oy mason of he municipal or ty wher th oommunty based fratemity, soon, oF organization i babed must sig at feast two @) barangay or munipl or ey ‘cel to be present during the initiation ana to Alocanent che entire prowedings. Theeafer said representatives who were preseot dueing the Inltiaion shall make a report ofthe intaon vee to the pusong barangay. or the municipal or ity bayer regarding the condet of Use sostiation Provided, That if basing io wll commie despite thelr presence, no labihty shall attach to them tnles ie proven that they filed to perform an rer ak to prevent ot stp the eommianon theecl SEC 12, A now section tobe denominated ax Secon 12 te hereby saeried inthe tame Act to read ae follows ‘SBC. 12, Null of Waiter ond Consent — Any form of approval. consent. or ngreement. whether ‘onten or oteri, oof a expres waiver the "ight to objet to the intaton nite or proseding whic copate of Racing ot defined sa th Act, tae by a recruit, neophyte or applicant prior to ftp anation rite that involve eteting phil oF ovenogial suring, ae. o ny, all be td nd without any binding efron the patie. “The defense that the reset, neophyte, oF ppl! cemented to being subjected to basing shall ‘ote avalable to persone prosecuted under this = ‘SEC. 18. Anew selon tobe denominated ae Section 13, te horby inserted inthe same At to Toad a fallow: "SEC. 18. Administrative Sanctions. - The espeibe offils of the school, th siformed Iarning tasttutions, the ABP or the PNP tay Impax the appropriate administrative sanctions, afer Ae notice and summary hearing, on the person or ‘he prisons charged under thie Act even belo ae ‘SECM, Section 4 of the kame Act is hereby amended to rend billows “SHC. 14, Penalties. — The flowing penltice shall be pond “Tae penny of risus perpt an a fie of Three million peso (P3000, 000.00) shall be fmpored upon thove who actually planned o paripated in the Bazng i ae « oneeqoooe of te Tsing. ath, rape, sodomy or mucistom sonata there “() The pealy of reluion pret and Be of Two main peor (P2000) sal be poe ton ‘Q) All persons who actually planned ot paripated in the conduc of the hazing 52 A cee of th etry, sooty, of ana a) The adviser of 9 Steric, sort, oF organization who is present when the acts foneututing the basing were commited and fall 1o take action to proven the same fom ooeuring ‘or fad to prompliy report the same tothe ly nieenment authorities i eich adver or ada fam do eo without peril to thelr person or their fay “Uy All former offers, nonresident members cr slumas ofthe tern, sont. of organization ‘Sho are alto prevent during the hangs Provided, ‘That du the farmer afer, nartsdent member, ‘or alumnus bea tee of the Philppine Ba, atch taemter chell immediately. be subjected to Aseipinary proceedings by the Supreme Court purstast ti power wo dnipline mentors ofthe Phiipsine Bar Provided, farther, That should the forme: offer, nonrosident member, oF alumnus Seong to any other pofemon subject to regula ly the Profesional Regulation Commission (PRO, teh roeesioal shall unmediatly be eujected 10

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