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Marbury v. Madison b.

Appointment- also act of the President, also

5 US 137 | Quebec voluntary, but it needs concurrence of Senate.
c. Commission- a duty enjoined by the Constitution,
FACTS different from appointment because they’re in different
sections of the Constitution and the President may b.
Case is a petition for mandamus to compel James
Madison, Secretary of State, to deliver to William In Marbury’s case, he was appointed by the President
Marbury his commission (letter of appointment) as himself along with the consent of Senate, so it would
Justice of the Peace of the District of Columbia. Former seem that the commissioning is only conclusive
President John Adams appointed Marbury on the last evidence of his appointment, rather than a final hurdle
day of his term in office (a “midnight appointee”). to his actual appointment.

The commissions, including Marbury’s, were signed by The signing of the commission by the former President
President Adams and sealed by John Marshall, then is the last step in appointment. Because the commission
Secretary of State now the Chief Justice of the Supreme was signed, albeit not delivered, Marbury is for all
Court, but they were not delivered before the intents and purposes the Justice of the Peace of DoC.
expiration of Adams’ term as President. Thus, HE HAS A RIGHT TO THE COMISSION.

Incumbent President Thomas Jefferson did not accept The delivery of the commission to the recipient is not a
the commissions because he believes they’re invalid necessary requirement for the appointment to be valid.
due to not being delivered before Adams’ term ended. It is a practice directed by convenience but not by law.
By law, it’s the president, not the one who delivers the
Thus, Marbury petitions for mandamus to compel commission, who finalizes the appointment. Once the
Madison to deliver his commission, to thereby President has signed the commission, the recipient is
consummate his appointment as Justice of the Peace. appointed.

ISSUES Any appointment is irrevocable because the appointee

is already vested with the right to the office that is
1) Has the applicant a right to the commission he protected by law.
demands? YES
2) If he has a right, and that right has been violated, do 2) The very essence of civil liberty certainly consists in
the laws of his country afford him a remedy? YES the right of every individual to claim the protection of
3) If they do afford him a remedy, is it mandamus the laws, whenever he receives an injury. One of the
issuing from the Court? NO RATIONALE first duties of government is to afford that protection.

1) In order to determine whether he is entitled to this Blackstone states two cases in which a remedy is
commission, it becomes necessary to inquire whether afforded by mere operation of law. In all other cases,"
he has been appointed to the office. For if he has been he says, "it is a general and indisputable rule, that
appointed, the law continues him in office for five years, where there is a legal right, there is also a legal remedy
and he is entitled to the possession of those evidences by suit, or action at law, when ever that right is
of office, which, being completed, became his property. invaded."

There is a difference between appointing and Whether or not the legality of an act of a department
commissioning an officer but both are necessary steps head can be examined by the court depends on the
in the total appointing process. nature of the act.

Sec. 2, Art. 2 of the Constitution: authorizes “Congress Where a person is directed by law to do a certain act
to vest by law the appointment of such inferior officers, affecting the absolute rights of individuals, in the
as they think proper, in the President alone, in the performance of which he is not placed under the
courts of law, or in the heads of departments” particular direction of the president, and the
performance of which the president cannot lawfully
Steps in appointing: a. Nomination- sole act of the forbid, and therefore is never presumed to have
President, completely voluntary forbidden; as for example, to record a commission, or a
patent for land, which has received all the legal Thus, petition is denied.
solemnities; or to give a copy of such record; in such
cases, it is not perceived on what ground the courts of Whether an act can become the law of the land even if
the country are further excused from the duty of giving it is repugnant to the Constitution.
judgment that right be done to an injured individual,
than if the same services were to be performed by a Constitution is either an unchangeable, superior,
person not the head of a department. paramount law, or like any other legislative acts, is
alterable when the legislature pleases.
In acts of executive discretion, the court cannot exercise
jurisdiction, because such acts are within the political If the legislature creates a law repugnant on the
character of the President. The President appoints Constitution, why should it be binding on the Courts
officers to the departments who can similarly act and oblige them to give it effect?
according to their own discretion.
It is emphatically the duty of the judicial department to
However, when the official has a duty imposed by the say what the law is. If the court finds that both the law
legislature, then fulfilling the duty becomes a matter of and the Constitution are applicable in a case, and Court
law. must favor one over the other, the Constitution will be
favored at all times.
Here, courts can exercise jurisdiction. When a duty is
assigned by law, and individual rights depend on the Powers of Congress allow it to pass laws that violate the
performance of that duty, the person who was injured constitution. Thus, it is the duty of the Court to strike
by failure to fulfill the duty may ask a remedy from the down legislative acts that do not conform to the
Court. principles of the Constitution.

Marbury already has a legal title to the office and a right

to the commission, the denial of which is a direct
violation of that right. Thus, Marbury can seek remedy.

3) Propriety of issuing a writ of mandamus is not by

virtue of the targeted office, but by the nature of the
thing to be done.

When executive discretion is exercised, Court is hands-

off. But when act is a duty imposed by law, and whose
accomplishment cannot be lawfully withheld by the
President, the Court can take action.

Although the laws are silent on the duty to transmit a

commission, Marbury is entitled to the commission
because it is a vested legal right by virtue of his

Thus, mandamus is the proper remedy. d. However,

Court cannot issue mandamus unless it is shown to be
an exercise of appellate jurisdiction (in holding or
reversing the decision of a lower court).

To petition Court to issue for mandamus against an

officer for the delivery of the commission is in effect the
same as to sustain an original action for that paper,
therefore seems not to belong the appellate but to
original jurisdiction.

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