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Roll No: ______________ A & P (Annual Sept-2013)


Time: 3 Hours ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY Total Marks: 100

Dated: ________________________ Passing Marks: 50

Roll No: ______________________ Sign if Supervisor: _________________
Centre: ________________________ Sign of Invigilator: ________________

Objective Section (40 Marks)

1. Attempt ALL QUESTIONS from this section.
2. All questions CARRY EQUAL MARKS.
3. Write your ROLL NUMBER on each page of the paper clearly.
4. DOUBLING/ over-writing would not be considered.

Q. No: 01. True and False Statements

Encircle the Letter ‘T’ if the statement is True.
Encircle the Letter ‘F’ if the statement is False.
T. F. 1. The purpose of ear wax is to keep the tympanic membrane moist.
T. F. 2. Taste buds on any part of the tongue can detect any taste.
T. F. 3. The sense of smell is more important in tasting food than the sense of taste.
T. F. 4. The skin is also known as the integumentary system.
T. F. 5. Men have stronger bones than women.
T. F. 6. The 03 aspects of the stern are called –manubrium, body & xiphoid process
T. F. 7. Pepsins are responsible for the digestion of fats.
T. F. 8. A function of the liver is to recycle erythrocytes.
T. F. 9. The sigmoid colon occurs where the small intestine and large intestine meet.
T. F. 10. Part of reproductive system that contains thousands of eggs is the ovaries.

Q. No: 02. Matching Items

Put the letter of the best answer from “Column-B” in the blank space of “Column-A”
after reading and matching statements of both columns’ to each other.

Column-A (Questions) Column-B (Answers)

1. ______ The male gonads are called: A. Femur
2. ______ The functional units of the kidneys are the: B. Arterioles
3. ______ When lining of uterus breaks down & is shed: C. The testes
4. ______ Process of taking food into digestive system is: D. Cranium
5. ______ Hormone that the pancreatic alpha cell secrete are: E. Calcium & phosphorous
6. ______ The anatomical name for the thigh bone is: F. Nephron
7. ______ The female gonads are called: G. Menstruation
8. ______ The bone that protects the brain is called the: H. Glucagon
9. _____ Help to make bone so strong: I. Ingestion
10. ______ Arteries that directly lead into capillaries are J. The ovaries

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Roll No: ______________ A & P (Annual Sept-2013)

Q. No: 03. Multiple Choice Questions:

Encircle the letter of the best answer after reading the statement carefully:

1. The key purpose of the ribcage is to:

a. Protect the urinary bladder
b. Help with the movement of the intestines
c. Protect the heart and lungs
d. Allow the stomach to dilate and contract
2. How many thoracic vertebrae are the in the human body:
a. 6
b. 8
c. 16
d. 12
3. Bone is also known as:
a. Estrogen
b. Cartilage
c. Osseous tissue
d. Sinew
4. The correct term for the end of a bone is:
a. The terminal ileum
b. The diaphysis
c. The epiphysis
d. The xiphoid
5. Which division of the nervous system includes the brain:
a. The autonomic nervous system
b. The peripheral nervous system
c. The central nervous system
d. The somatic nervous system
6. Which part of the neuron receives information?
a. The Node of Ranvier
b. The myelin sheath
c. The axon
d. The dendrite
7. Which of these is an example of a neurotransmitter?
a. Dopamine
b. Norepinephrine
c. Acetylcholine
d. All of the above
8. How many ventricles does the brain have?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
9. Which cranial nerve is responsible for eye movement?
a. Occulomotor
b. Vagus
c. Trigeminal
d. Olfactory
10. How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
a. 28 pairs
b. 29 pairs
c. 30 pairs
d. 31 pairs
11. What substance does aldosterone directly regulate the concentration of?
a. Potassium
b. Phosphorous
c. Sodium
d. Calcium
12. What stimulates the release of ADH from the posterior pituitary gland?
a. Increased blood levels of sodium
b. Decreased blood levels of sodium
c. Increased blood levels of glucose
d. Decreased blood levels of glucose

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Roll No: ______________ A & P (Annual Sept-2013)

13. In females the effect of follicle stimulating hormone is:

a. The final maturation of the ovarian follicles and the release of estrogen
b. The early maturation of the ovarian follicles and the release of estrogen
c. The final maturation of the ovarian follicles and the release of progesterone
d. The early maturation of the ovarian follicles and the release of progesterone
14. Thyroid hormone:
a. Increases basal metabolic rate
b. Decreases basal metabolic rate
c. Has no effect on basal metabolic rate
d. Has an unknown effect on basal metabolic rate
15. Which of the layers of an artery contains smooth muscles?
a. Tunica interna
b. Tunica externa
c. Tunica media
d. All of the above
16. Which of the following muscles is also known as an accessory muscle?
a. Diaphragm
b. Sternocleidomastoids
c. External Intercostals
d. Internal Intercostals
17. How is the majority of oxygen transported around the body
a. Dissolved in plasma
b. Attached to hemoglobin
c. As bicarbonate ions
d. Attached to plasma proteins
18. The circulatory route that runs from the digestive tract to the liver is called:
a. Hepatic Portal Circulation
b. Systemic Circulation
c. Pulmonary Circulation
d. Coronary Circulation
19. The main function of the kidney is to:
a. Eliminate Oxygen
b. Regulate Fluid Balance
c. Metabolize Vitamins
d. Eliminate Carbon Dioxide
20. Where does the fetus grow:
a. The stomach
b. The fallopian tubes
c. The cervix
d. The uterus

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Roll No: ______________ A & P (Annual Sept-2013)




Subjective Section (60 Marks)

2. All questions CARRY EQUAL MARKS.
3. There is NO NEED OF SEPARATE SHEET/ answer copy.
4. Write your ROLL NUMBER on each page of the paper clearly.

Q. No: 01. Define Digestive System and Enlist functions of Large Intestines.










Q. No: 02. Write the types of tissues and briefly describe epithelium tissues.











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Roll No: ______________ A & P (Annual Sept-2013)

Q. No: 03. Define Peripheral Nervous System and Enlist names of 12 Cranial Nerves.




1._____________________________________ 2. _____________________________________

3._____________________________________ 4. _____________________________________

5._____________________________________ 6. _____________________________________

7._____________________________________ 8. _____________________________________

9._____________________________________ 10.____________________________________

11.____________________________________ 12. ____________________________________

Q. No: 04. Write the different types bones and Enlist 05 functions of muscles.











Q. No: 05. Briefly explain about different types of blood circulation.











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Roll No: ______________ A & P (Annual Sept-2013)

Q. No: 06. Enlist Functions of Glands and Hormones.

Glands: 1. ____________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________________.

4. ___________________________________________________________________________.

5. ___________________________________________________________________________.

Hormones: 1. _________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________________.

4. ___________________________________________________________________________.

5. ___________________________________________________________________________.

Q. No: 07. Write names of the urinary system’s organs & Enlist function of kidneys.









Q. No: 08. Define following terms.

Proximal: ____________________________________________________________________


Distal: _______________________________________________________________________


Homeostasis: __________________________________________________________________


Diaphragm: ___________________________________________________________________


Physiology: ___________________________________________________________________


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