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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Instance Architecture
Lesson 6

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Instance Architecture
Creating a Database
▪ Location
▪ Files
▪ Limits

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Instance Architecture

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Vector Instance Architecture

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Vector Architecture
Client application

SQL query result

SQL parser
parsed tree

query plan

Cross compiler

X100 algebra

annotated query tree


operator tree

Execution engine
data request data

Buffer manager


File System

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X100 Alegbra is written in “MIL”

The rewriter looks at parallelization of query (x100 algebra)

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Vector-H Architecture
Client application

SQL query result


SQL parser

inter-node communication
parsed tree HDFS

Vector Network

query plan

Cross compiler HDFS

Master node (datanode)


X100 algebra


Worker node [1..n] (datanodes)

Distributed rewriter Rewriter HDFS
annotated tree X100
annotated query tree annotated query tree

Builder Builder


operator tree partial operator tree HDFS

Execution engine Execution engine X100
partial result set
data request data data request data

Buffer manager Vector Network Buffer manager

I/O I/O X100

HDFS namenode HDFS datanode

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The Vector-H instance architecture. The only interfaces in Hadoop we require are
ZooKeeper, HDFS and YARN.

Regular client applications talk to regular Vector instance on the master node. API
(direct) access is possible to the X100 engine on master node.

X100 server (engine) on master node has a modified rewriter that is aware of the
slave nodes (workers). It decides what parts of the query will be executed on what
node and annotates the query plan with this information. This annotated query plan is
distributed to all worker nodes. The builders on the worker nodes make sure the
operator tree only contains the relevant parts of the plan and adds local parallelism.
The builder on the master node might include some execution operators and operators
to collect and possibly aggregate the final results. The execution engines on the
workers execute their local plan, working with as much local data as possible. They
are able to communicate with other worker nodes if needed. The partial results are
sent back to the master for aggregation and the final result is passed on to the client.

Communication is with the intel MPI (Message Passing Interface) library.

Remember it is strongly recommended that Vector should have its own 10Gbit
Network interface.

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Vector Instance Architecture

User Interface
(SQL, ABF, OpenROAD, Name
JAVA, etc.) VW
Server x100 Server Vector
(iigcn) LOG Data Store

authpass VW LOCK

Server (iigcc) Databases
Server (iidbms)
DAS Databases
Server (iigcd)

User Interface Locks Log Buffers

etc.) Recovery
Server (iircp)
Archiver (iiacp)
Log File

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X100 process starts when connecting for the first time to the database – then stop
when ingstop.

The LOG file shown here, was replaced by the ‘wal’ file in Vector 5.0, it’s still a ‘log’

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

LOG file – now wal.main

x100 Server Vector
Data Store

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The ‘log’ file is found under…..

There is one for each database.

There is also one for each slave in Vector-H.

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture


• II_SYSTEM defines the “root” location for a single Vector instance.

• An operating system environment variable:

II_SYSTEM for a “VW” instance

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Vector environment variables

• Stored in $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/symbol.tbl
• Set using ingsetenv
• Viewed using ingprenv:

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture


RDBMS/Vector executables

Log and configuration files

Library files

Transaction Log (RDBMS only)


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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture


Product ID Version

VH 5.0.0 (a64.lnx/530) Build Number

Architecture (64 bit) Operating System

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

version.rel and patches

Patch number

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Creating a Database

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Creating a Database: createdb

Partial syntax
createdb [-uusername] dbname [-p]
[-dlocation] [-clocation] [-jlocation]
[-blocation] [-wlocation] [-vlocation]

– Public database
– Database defaults are the same as installation defaults
– Create a public database called db1
createdb db1

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Creating a Database: createdb

Partial Syntax flags:
-u Allows security administrator to impersonate would-be DBA.
-p Creates a private database.

-n Creates a Unicode database (NFD normalization).

-i Creates a Unicode database (NFC normalization).

-d Create db with location as db’s default data location (note that this does not affect
Vector data files).
-c Create db with location as db’s default checkpoint location (note that this does not
affect Vector checkpoint files).
-j Create db with location as db’s default journal location.
-b Create db with location as db’s default dump location.
-w Create db with location as db’s default work location (note that this is not used by
Vector work operations).
-v Specifies the location of the Vector database files.

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Creating a Database: Actian Director

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Actian Director discussed later

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Creating a Database: Actian Director

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Creating a Database: Actian Director

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Extending a Database for Data

Databases must be extended to use additional locations
▪ accessdb
▪ extenddb

Once extended, tables need to be created or moved to use the

additional locations
▪ create table ... with location=(location_name[, location_name...])
Vector Only:
• modify table ... with location=(location_name[, location_name...])
• modify table ... to relocate ...
• modify table ... to reorganize ...

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Modify : only on a HEAP table

It is recommended that you size your database area appropriately and use the default
data location.

It may be something more suitable for non Production environments.

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

infodb database_name

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

infodb database_name (cont.)


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VectorH will also include the HDFS locations.

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

infodb database_name (cont.)

----Extent directory------------------------------------------------------
Location Flags Physical_path
ii_database ROOT,DATA /opt/Actian/VectorVH/ingres/data/default/otp
ii_journal JOURNAL /opt/Actian/VectorVH/ingres/jnl/default/otp
ii_hdfsbackup CHECKPOINT,HDFS hdfs://cloudera-cluster-01-nameservice/Actian/VectorVH/ingres/ckp/default/otp
ii_dump DUMP /opt/Actian/VectorVH/ingres/dmp/default/otp
ii_work WORK /opt/Actian/VectorVH/ingres/work/default/otp
ii_hdfsdata DATA,VWROOT,HDFS hdfs://cloudera-cluster-01-nameservice/Actian/VectorVH/ingres/data/default/otp
ii_hdfswork WORK,HDFS hdfs://cloudera-cluster-01-nameservice/Actian/VectorVH/ingres/work/default/otp
----Vectorwise directory--------------------------------------------------------
Location Flags Physical_path
ii_database ROOT,DATA /opt/Actian/VectorVH/ingres/data/vectorwise/otp
ii_journal JOURNAL /opt/Actian/VectorVH/ingres/jnl/vectorwise/otp
ii_hdfsbackup CHECKPOINT,HDFS hdfs://cloudera-cluster-01-nameservice/Actian/VectorVH/ingres/ckp/vectorwise/otp
ii_work WORK /opt/Actian/VectorVH/ingres/work/vectorwise/otp
ii_hdfsdata DATA,VWROOT,HDFS hdfs://cloudera-cluster-01-nameservice/Actian/VectorVH/ingres/data/vectorwise/otp
ii_hdfswork WORK,HDFS hdfs://cloudera-cluster-01-nameservice/Actian/VectorVH/ingres/work/vectorwise/otp

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VectorH will also include the HDFS locations.

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Files per Database

▪ Encrypted client connection file

▪ (Vector) Write Ahead Log
▪ The Vector database lock file
II_DATABASE/ingres/data/vectorwise/dbname/CBM/default/ (and other
locations that database has been extended to)
▪ The database column table files
• Remember we are a column store, so we have column and not just table files.


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VectorH files will be located in the VectorH locations.

CBM = Column Buffer Manager

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Directory Structure of Default Locations: Data

Data area

Ingres data

Vector data

Column table data


Vector Database
WAL file

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Directory Structure of Default Locations

Checkpoint area

Ingres Checkpoint

Vector Checkpoint

Dumps (Ingres only)

Ingres Journal

Vector Journal

Work/Sort area

Ingres work

Vector work

25 Confidential © 2016 Actian Corporation

The checkpoint area contains out database column and table backup files

The dmp area contains our undo files

The jnl (journal) area contains our redo log files

Work area should be temporary area for spill to disk operations

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Data Files – RDBMS System Catalogs

Types of RDBMS data files include:
File type Location File name (e.g.)
System Default DATA (II_DATABASE) aaaaaanh.t00
catalogs aaaaaani.t00
User tables Any DATA location aaaaabab.t00
Indexes Any DATA location aaaaabae.t00
Database Default DATA (II_DATABASE) aaaaaaaa.cnf

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Data Files - Vector

Types of Vector data files include:
File type Location File name (e.g.)

Column data Any DATA location _salesdbaScust__cust_id_0000

(Vector) (one file per column) 0191
Non-Partitioned Any DATA location _salesdbaScust__cust_id_0000
Column data (one file per table) 00000000000e
Partitioned Any DATA location _salesdbaScust@1c4__cust_id_
Column data (one file per table per partition – 0000000000000013
(Vector-H) where in this example, the file
represents partition #1 of 4)
Vector database Database’s CBM directory under WAL
definition and database’s default DATA location
data changes
Installation ingres/data/vectorwise directory vectorwise.conf
configuration file under II_DATABASE
Database Database’s CBM directory under vectorwise.conf
configuration file database’s default DATA location

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_salesdba (table owner)
S delimiter
cust__ (table name)
cust_id (column name)
_0000… (unique table identifier id)

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

“vectorwise/dbname” Directory

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

“authpass” File
x100 client-to-server connection authorization file
▪ One per database
▪ Created each time the x100 server starts

Contains a “secret” key

▪ Assigned by iidbms
▪ Used to verify incoming requests
▪ Only accessible to instance owner

▪ Non-installation owner using x100 client
▪ Remote connection to the x100 server

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

“CBM” Directory

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

“wal/main.wal” Write Ahead Log File

One per database

▪ Catalog
▪ DDL changes
▪ Min-Max indices
▪ Secondary Indexes
▪ In-memory updates (aka Positional Delta Tree / PDT)

On Vector-H, the master node writes the write-ahead LOG

Note: All of the above topics are covered later on this course!

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

“wal/main.wal” File
This file is read at x100 server start up
▪ To recreate Vector system catalog, secondary index etc in memory
▪ On Vector-H, this is stored in HDFS and read by ALL Data Nodes
▪ As this file gets bigger x100 server will take longer to start

If this file is lost, so is the database and the data

▪ Maltreat

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

“../wal/main_wal_backups” Directory
Stores copies of the old main.wal files
▪ After LOG condensation

Possibly useful in case of catastrophic failures

Size limited with configuration “system” parameter

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Log condense -> update Catalog info, remove DDL changes and in-memory updates

The main.wal file grows as DDL and DML queries make changes to the database.
When the file grows significantly, the system tries to shrink its size by creating a new,
smaller version of it.
For recovery, previous versions of the file are saved in the main_wal_backups
directory of the default data location. Each file in the main_wal_backups directory is
named using its creation timestamp.

When the total size of the files in the directory exceeds the configuration
parameter max_old_log_size (on max_old_log_size), the oldest files in the directory
are automatically deleted.

The files in the main_wal_backups directory can be manually removed without

adversely affecting the data in the database. Nevertheless, we recommend keeping at
least one or two most recent files as backups for database recovery.

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

“CBM/lock” File
One per database
This file is the database lock file
▪ Prevents starting two instances on the same data
▪ Ensures only one x100 process per database per node

Stores two useful numbers:

$ cat CBM/lock
▪ 48896 – port number, useful for x100_client
▪ 5077 – process ID, useful for gdb or… kill

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

CBM/default/data Files

Schema owner Table name Column name Unique column number (dec)

Vector-H (Partitioned and Non-Partitioned)


1st Column name Unique table number (hex)


Partition #1 of 4

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Database Limits
Maximum database file size
▪ Unlimited
Maximum tables in a database
▪ 1.1 billion
Maximum rows per table
▪ 140 trillion (2^47)
Maximum row width per table
▪ 256 KB
Maximum columns per table
▪ 2048
Maximum number of tables in a join
▪ 382

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

Lesson Summary
Instance Architecture
Creating a Database
▪ Location
▪ Files
▪ Limits

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Lesson 6 – Instance Architecture

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