Communications Planning Framework (AIESEC)

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Communications Planning

This Communications Planning Framework should guide you as you strategize on how to reach your target
audience using the right communication channels. It is not made to box your thoughts or limit your perspective. It
is to help you put structure in your plans to make execution a lot easier.

1. Know your objective.

Reflect on current realities and know what you want to achieve. Every plan must have an objective which
should be clear from the beginning.

2. Select a target market.

…Because you cannot please everyone. A standard guide in selecting a market is that it should be MASDA:
Measurable, Accessible, Substantial, Differential, and Actionable. It can be expressed in terms of
psychographics (e.g. attitudes, lifestyle, motivation, interests), demographics (e.g. age, gender, year level,
course) or both.

3. Position yourself clearly.

The projects we handle in AIESEC are often very dynamic, and it is up to us to discern what we can offer that
others cannot. Of course, this should be something that matters to our target market – something they need
or want. (Tip: It helps to start with an insight.)

4. Reinforce your position.

…But before you do this, you determine first how your USP is manifested in your product. These will be your
target market’s “reasons to believe.” Identify three concrete manifestations and leverage on them.

5. Be consistent.
Otherwise, you will leave your audience confused. Stick with a message so the message will stick. This also
refers to the mood you depict in your publicity materials.

6. Catch attention without sacrificing the brand.

Titles and taglines need to sound witty and inspired, but always keep in mind of alignment with the AIESEC
brand experience, that is, a youth-driven impactful experience. Do not let this make you feel restricted; rather,
see it is as a challenge. Squeeze your creative juices. (Tip: Use the filter tool to help align your activities.)

7. Innovate.
There are six elements in a communication mix: Advertising, Sales Promotion, Product Placement, Publicity
and PR, Direct Marketing, Guerilla Marketing. Advertising (e.g. videos, posters) is used to achieve a high level
of awareness. Sales Promotion (e.g. sales discounts, buy-1-get-1) is used to destroy trial barriers. Product
Placement (e.g. endorsements, models) is used if association to certain personalities or objects is proven
effective to your target audience. Publicity and PR (e.g. launch events) are used to reinforce advertisements.
Direct Marketing (e.g. RTR) is used during instances when “to see is to believe.” Lastly, Guerilla Marketing
refers to cheap, out-of-the-box executions.

In deciding on the communication mix, steer away from common channels. Chances are that these channels
are already saturated. Review potential touch points with your target market – Where do they hang out? What
social networking sites do they visit? What events do they attend? What drives them? Exploit these.

8. Make a game plan.

aka timeline. This should jive with your team’s Gantt chart.

9. Evaluate.
Set qualitative and quantitative targets. This will help when you assess your work at the end of your project.
Do not forget to link these to your objective/s.
Communications Planning Framework

Project TM Recruitment
“WHY” To be able to recruit people who will remain active and committed to the org
Objective (based on current LC reality of high member turnover)
“WHO” Driven students who seek personal and professional growth through leadership
Target Market opportunities
“WHAT” AIESEC UPD is the only student organization that can offer you an international
USP + RTB leadership career.
 Leadership roles that may begin in AIESEC UP Diliman, but may go as far
as the AIESEC International in the Netherlands
 The AIESEC Global Internship Program, wherein select students are given
the privilege to temporarily work for companies such as (name drop TN’s)
 The opportunity to create lasting relationships with the most dynamic
individuals from UP Diliman, other AIESEC Philippines universities, and
AIESECers from all over the world!
“HOW” Title and Tagline 1
Title & Tagline + Title and Tagline 2
Key Visual Title and Tagline 3

Key Visual
(Tip: Always have several options for your title, tagline and key visual. Do not be
blinded by your first great idea. )
“WHERE” Advertising
Communication Mix  Put up posters around CBA, AS, SE
 Post viral videos in Facebook and YouTube

Sales Promotion
 20% off for those who submit complete requirements within the first week

Product Placement
 Get a success alumni to model in one of the posters
 Get a testimonial from a notable employer

Direct Marketing
 Room-to-room efforts
 A more interactive booth

Guerilla Marketing
 Require members to wear corporate attire during LCOS to emphasize
 Require those who will man the RTR to wear an AIESEC shirt
Timeline Timeline here
Success Measures 300 sign-ups
100 new members
90% new member retention rate

Note: It is at your team’s discretion whether you would want assistance in drafting your communications plan.
Nonetheless, your communications plan should be approved by LCVP for Communications prior to execution.

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