End of College Days

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College days are very beautiful in student Life and they become more beautiful when a student
is in hostel and when those college days are coming to end.This is a story of a group of
students who lived in hostel of narayana in Bangalore,who's leader was mahantesh.

As days passed and college days were coming to an end almost every
student in hostel thinks of making a little or more loss to the college.So here also it happened
same , students of this group were very excited to make loss to narayana college. At first
mahantesh gave an idea to break the doors of washroom,as it was difficult to break all doors at
same day,he took a big guy named sairam with him daily and there that guy used his manpower
and pulled the door which caused to unscrew the bolts and doors were taken and kept infront of
washroom silently.So as days passed all doors were seen outside washroom by the faculties.
Then it became a situation where faculties used to walk 2 floors for washroom.
Then it came to the turn of college
canteen.College canteen was placed in the corner room of the third floor of hostel
building.There only packed items like chips, biscuits,kurkure and canned drinks were kept. And
the owner of canteen kept only costly materials like in brand of Lays he kept only packet of
Rs20 and not of Rs10 or Rs5. So students were very frustrated. But mahantesh and team made
a plan to loot the whole canteen except money kept there. One night at 1:30 am mahantesh and
his 2 friends went to canteen's door which was locked, the door was a two sided door.
Mahantesh got a rope and made a small knot at the end of it,then he and his friends pushed
one side of the door and then mahantesh put that knot to the upper lock's latch and then pulled
the rope which opened the doors upper lock which was inside.Then they pushed the door by
which door was open without breaking the lock outside.Then started the loot,they looted each
and every edible things,some of those were Lay's packets full box, Snickers box and also
drinks,they even stole new toothbrushes,soaps and everything they got there except
money.Then they carried those to a room, mahantesh called all his batchmates to that room and
everybody ate those snacks and at the end they wasted almost half of the stolen snacks and
threw it outside the campus.They enjoyed the hell that day and same loot repeated for more
three times and then college arranged cameras in building.
Mahantesh and his friends started to bunk classes more than at initial
days.They used to go to terrace of hostel.Then warden started to lock the door of terrace,but the
group was very crazy.They didn't even leave him, they stole the keys of whole hostel main
doors and of terrace door too. They once went to terrace in night and saw that college had got
some new western toilet commodes they didn't even leave those they played with those
commodes like who will throw far from their hostel building. They started throwing those
commodes from terrace of their five floor hostel.They threw almost more than sixty percent of
those things.
Like this they made many more loses to college before leaving.And at the
end they broke their hatest devices in college, that is cameras they broke almost all cameras of
hostel and even in excitement they broke all their room bulbs.These were the one of the best
memories of the life for a guy in that group.

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