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Fatour Duty – Junior Playground 10:30-10:55

Thursday 20 September Year 5, 11 -12, 12:05-1:10 Finished teaching at 1:10

Sharing time – 5 minutes

Warm up song: The Band (20 minutes) Music on my desk.

 As a group, they echo you with song. You can play it on the violin or piano,
then you sing the words. They will repeat after you. Play it a few times so
they can do it independently.
 Add the rhythm on the drum. You play first and they follow you. Pass out the
drum to every 4th student.
 Sing and play the drum at the same time. Practice this 3-6 times, until they
can play it independently.
 After activity, put away drums and return to their spots.

Note Reading game (25 minutes) Magnets already on white board. Boards/Markers
under rababa.

 You arrange the students in rows, 4 students in each row. 4 rows, facing the
front board on music carpet.
 Review the notes on the lines = EGBDF = Every Good Boy Deserves Football ,
spaces = FACE.
 Student at the front of the row, can take a small xylophone. Other 3 students
in row, take 1 white board and 1 white board marker (under my rababa by
front table)
 You draw a big treble clef and put 2 magnets for the notes. Students have to
play the notes or write on white board. Raise their hand/board when they
have the answer. 1st correct answer =3 points, 2nd correct answer = 2 points,
3rd correct answer = 1 point, last = no point. After each turn, they move up in
the row, so they all have a change on the xylophone.

Final Game – 5-10 minutes

 Freeze dance. You play any fast music, when you stop, you must stop. You
tell them to sit down if they move. Winner can hit my big gong.

Reception (Age 4) 45 minutes 9:10-9:55, Sunday 23 September (there will be 3

teacher assistances to help you)

Read the students the story: Beep, Beep, Let’s Go! (15 minutes) No sharing with
small children.

 Book on desk.
 Explain to them that when you are reading, they have to be quiet. After you
read, you can show them the picture. When you show them the picture, ask
them what kind of sound is the picture making?

Community Song: (20 minutes)

 Play students the video to watch first.
 You sing and they repeat after you.
 Sit in a circle on the blue catapillar carpet. Tell the students to sit on the
outside of the caterpillar. (not enough room, there are 20 students)
 Pass out drum to every 4 kids. They play the drum (simple quarter note
rhythm, starting in the middle of drum and then on the outside)
 Have Teaching assistance help move the students clockwise around the circle
so they can take turns playing the drum with the singing.

Hokey Pokey Dance video (5 minutes)

 Link is here.

 Have the youtube video ready on your computer. Turn on projector and plug
in sound chord. Teaching assistance can help.

Year 4, 11-12 & 12:05 – 1:10 Sunday, 23 September Finished teaching at 1:10

Same Lesson as Year 5.

 For the note reading game, instead of 2 magnets (2 notes on treble clef), put
1 magnet. If they are too fast, then add a second magnet.

Year 2, 11-12 & 12:05-1:10, Monday, 24 September

Same Warm Up Song. The Band 20 minutes

 Only song and then copy rhythm on drum. Add the two together.

Note Reading Game 25 minutes

 Introduce notes on the line & space. You put the magnet on the line or space,
students have to give you an L or S with their hands.
 Introduce the space notes to the students. (FACE)
 Organize the students into 4 rows, each with 4 students.
 Pass out the xylophone to the first student in the row. White board and
markets to the other students.
 Play same game but only put 1 magnet on a space (FACE)
 Raise the boards/hands when they have the answer, give out points, same as
other classes.

Tortoise and Hare Song

 Watch video once.
 Sing song with video.
 Put the lyrics on the screen. Will include the Word document with lyrics in
 Pass out drum to every 4th student. Students sing and play drum with song.
Only up to 1 minute 10 seconds with drums, then move clockwise around
circle. Practice this until it starts to sounds good. They can sing slower then
the video.

Fatour Duty 10:30-10:55 Cafeteria

Year 3, 1:30-2:25 Monday, 24 September

Same Warm up Song and note reading game. (40 minutes)

 For Warm Up Song – The Band, sing first with the students, then add the
 For note reading game, explain the notes and play the same game as Y2.

You’ve Got a Friend in Me song. (15 minutes)

 Watch the video once.

 The students can sing along with the song.
 Put the lyrics on the board. I will include the Word document in an email.
 Work on Verse 1,2, and Bridge (labeled in Word document)

If you have time at the end of class, they can play Freeze dance. Please make sure to
dismiss them just before 2:30 as some of the students have to catch the bus.

You’re done!! Thank you so much, I hope you enjoyed teaching in a classroom and
working with the students.

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