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Senior High School Department

Oral Communication in Context

1st Periodical Examination

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Grade/Section: Date:

Directions: Read the following questions carefully then encircle the letter of the best answer/s.
Avoid erasures. Use black or blue ink only.

1. Communication is defined as:

a. the act of transmitting intended meanings from one entity or group to another.
b. the act of sending and passing development.
c. the act of a keeping the message short.
d. the act of considering relevant information.

2. is the content of communication.

a. Feedback b. Noise c. Message d. Interference

3. Converting a message into group of words, symbols, gestures, or sounds that present ideas or
concepts is called:
a. encoding b. feedback c. decoding d. message

4. Communication is an essential function of .

a. discussion b. conversation c. civilization d. formalization

5. Under the process of communication, wherein the speaker generates an idea.

a. Reception of signal
b. The forming of communicative intent
c. Message encoding
d. Transmission of the encoded message

6. Which of the following process of communication refers to the transmit and send out message by
the speaker?
a. Message encoding
b. Reconstruction of the original message.
c. The forming of communicative intent.
d. Transmission of the encoded message

7. It is the reaction given by the receiver.
a. Feedback b. Channel c. Message d. Interference

8. This is anything that impedes or blocks the communication process.

a. Channel b. Feedback c. Message d. Interference

9. Which model depicts communication linear?

a. Barlund’s model c. Shannon-weaver model
b. Inventive model d. Schramm model

10. Which model used for interpersonal communication?

a. Berlo’s SMCR model c. Transactional model
b. Schramm model d. Shannon-weaver model

11. Which model considered as concept of interpretation makes the communication effective?
a. Schramm model c. Barlund’s model
b. Transactional model d. Shannon-weaver model

12. What model show shared field experience of the sender and receiver?
a. Schramm model c. Shannon-weaver model
b. Berlo’s SMCR model d. Barlund’s model

13. Which of the following elements of communication refers to the information or ideas conveyed by
the speaker?
a. Receiver b. Channel c. Context d. Message

14 Which of the following elements of communication refers to the process of converting the
message into word, actions, or other forms that the speaker understands?
a. Channel b. Message c. Encoding d. Decoding

15. Which of the following elements of communication refers to the way the message is sent?
a. Receiver b. Message c. Channel d. Context

16. Which barrier is characterized by a set of vocabulary in a certain field?

a. Control c. Jargon
b. International profession d. Emotional barrier

17. Communication breakdown occurs if there is wrong perception by the
a. sender b. encoder c. decoder d. receiver

18. This leads to communication breakdown when human memory cannot function beyond a limit.
a. Time pressure c. Information overload
b. Poor retention d. Perceptual differences

19. It interferes with communication because of the use of loud speakers.

a. Emotional disturbances c. Inattention
b. Distraction d. Time pressures

20.It causes breakdown communication because the formal channels are shortened; or messages are
partially given.
a. Verbal communication c. Written communication
b. Oral communication d. Non-verbal communication

21. It is the strategy in order to avoid communication breakdown, wherein you create a new English
word based on what you know of the way English works.
a. Circumlocution c. Word coinage
b. Approximation d. Literal translation

22. It is the strategy in order to avoid communication breakdown, wherein you describe or
paraphrase the target object or action.
a. Code switching c. Approximation
b. Circumlocution d. Word coinage

23. It is the strategy in order to avoid communication breakdown, wherein you use the native word
or expression for the English term that expresses the meaning you want.
a. Approximation c. Foreignizing
b. Literal translation d. Code switching

24.It is the strategy in order to avoid communication breakdown, wherein you use an alternative
term (ship) to express the meaning of the target word (sail) as closely as possible.
a. Literal translation c. Code switching
b. Word coinage d. Approximation

25. Which of the following statement shows positive regards to cultural differences?
a. “I share relevant information about my culture.”
b. “I do not think that my own culture is better than others.”
c. “I communicate for others to understand and appreciate my own culture.”
d. “I do not exert effort in learning about others cultures.”

26. It is used to describe the wide range of communication process and problems that naturally
appear within an organization per social context made up of individuals.
a. Cultural communication c. Cross-cultural communication
b. Intercultural communication d. Intracultural communication

27. It is when the speaker shows courtesy in communication be respecting the culture, values, and
beliefs of his/her receiver.
a. Clearness c. Brevity
b. Correctness d. Courtesy

28. It is used to describe the wide range of communication process and problems that naturally
appear within an organization per social context made up of individuals.
a. Cultural communication c. Cross-cultural communication
b. Intercultural communication d. Intracultural communication

29. What function of communication is served when people feeling are being invoked?
a. Information dissemination c. Control
b. Emotional expression d. Social interaction

30. Under function of communication, wherein friends give an advice on what to do and control one’s
a. Regulation b. Social interaction c. Information d. Motivation

31. Which function of communication is used to produce relationship?

a. Regulation c. Information
b. Social Interaction d. Emotional expression

32. Which function of communication that functions to encourage people to live?

a. Information c. Motivation
b. Control d. Social interaction

33. Which statement reflects termination?
a. “I didn’t know about that.”
b. “Well then, I think we’re good. See you!”
c. “You’re hired!”
d. “So have you heard the forest fire in Davao?”

34. Which of the ff. statements shows integration as a DMIS stage?

a. “I hear you and I want to see how I can benefit from what you said.”
b. “I can see nothing new in what we all presented.”
c. “Maybe I can make necessary adjustment in order to meet our objectives.”
d. “I don’t think your suggestion will work. They don’t serve any of our interests here.”

35. Which statement gives information?

a. “Did you know that there’s a secret apartment at the top of the Eiffel tower?”
b. “Are you accusing me?”
c. “Let’s have some fun.”
d. “I need you in my life.”

36. Which statement facilitates to people’s expression of their feelings and emotions?
a. “Will you marry me?” c. “You can do it.”
b. “I’m so glad that you came into my life.” d. “Take your medicine 3 times a day.”

37. Operation of justifying one opinion through reasoning (argument), with the aim of changing the
opinion of another person or of merely defending our own ideas
a. Argumentative text b. Narrative text c. Descriptive text d. Expository text

38. Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use
of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.
a. poetry b. proverb c. myth d. riddle

39. is a simple and concrete saying, popularly told and repeated, that expresses a truth
based on common sense or experience. They are often metaphorical.
a. Poetry b. Proverb c. Myth d. Riddle

40. A statement or question or phrase having a double or veiled meaning, put forth as a puzzle to be
a. poetry b. proverb c. myth d. riddle
41. The following are ways to become an effective speaker EXCEPT:
a. Plan your message
b. Speak fast to finish what you need to deliver
c. Do not over talk a point
d. Do not dominate the conversation

42. The following are ways to become an effective listener EXCEPT:

a. Practice reflective listening.
b. Pay attention to what is being said.
c. Wait for the speaker to finish.
d. Use questions answerable by “yes” or “no” to get others more involved in the conversation.

43. Which of the following is used by the speaker for the purpose of moving another person to act by
appealing to his or her feelings?
a. control c. information
b. social interaction d. emotional expression

44. Last Sunday, the teachers sent their students a text message telling that classes on Monday are
suspended due to heavy rainfall. The teachers used communication to function as
a. control b. social interaction c. information d. emotional expression

45. is barrier to good listening when someone refuses to listen to a speaker

because they are from a certain group of people or fit into a certain category.
a. stereotyping c. plagiarism
b. speech of explanation speaker d. Technical language

46. is presenting another person's words or ideas and not giving them credit.
a. Stereotyping c. Plagiarism
b. Speech of explanation speaker d. Technical language

47. When a speaker decides that the audience needs to be briefed, taught, or informed about some
data, program, issue, or problem?
a. speech of explanation speaker c. stereotyping
b. Technical language d. plagiarism

48. is any language that has precise meaning within a particular field or endeavor
and when you are addressing a speech to a specialized audience who will understand it.
a. Speech of explanation speaker c. Stereotyping
b. Technical language d. Plagiarism

49. The exchange of concepts, traditions, values and practices between and among people of
different nationalities and ways of life.
a. Public Communication c. Intercultural Communication
b. Mass Communication d. Organizational Communication

50. Which of the following communication defined as the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs
between two or more people?
a. Organizational Communication c. Interpersonal Communication
b. Intrapersonal Communication d. Intercultural Communication

51. What type of communication requires 3 to 15 people to study an issue and discuss a problem and
come up with a solution or plan. Divided: study groups and task-oriented group?
a. Organizational Communication c. Small Group Communication
b. Intercultural Communication d. Mass Communication

52. Which of the following is involves two participants forming DYAD. Speaker and Listener
exchanges thoughts and ideas?
a. Intercultural Communication c. Dyadic
b. Mass Communication d. Interpersonal

53. This is the style for declamation and for print; the listener or reader is not allowed to question the
speaker (or writer).
a. Frozen style b. Formal style c. Intimate style d. Consultative style

54. In writing, this needs careful editing, so the writer is expected to have enough time to polish his
a. Formal style b. Consultative style c. Intimate style d. Frozen style

55. An example of this speech style is "a conversation between strangers"

a. Formal style b. Consultative style c. Intimate style d. Frozen style

56. It is characterized by an economy of words, with a high incidence of significant nonverbal
communication, such as gesture, facial expression, eye contact, and so on.
a. Frozen style c. Intimate style
b. Formal style d. Consultative style

57. It is unplanned speech; it is "unmarked" or the baseline and ordinary type of speech in American
English among persons who do not know each other.
a. Consultative style c. Informal language
b. Formal English d. Casual language

58. is used in serious texts and situations (books, news reports, magazine or
journal articles, business letters, or official speeches)
a. Consultative style c. Informal language
b. Formal English d. Casual language

59. Which language style would be most appropriate for the given situation?
"a conversation with friends"
a. Informal language c. Consultative style
b. Formal English d. Casual language

60. You also use _____________ when you want to get to know someone on a more personal level,
or you want the person to feel at ease.
a. Informal language c. Consultative style
b. Formal English d. Casual language

“Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out”
-John Wooden


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