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Grade: 10 Subject: Biology School: Nasr City

Term1:Week: W11: Unit12Chapter3, lesson:(Differentiation of cells and

diversity of animal tissues(Epithelial and nervous)
1- Video link:

2min :14 sec.

………………..are the building units of proteins.

a- Nucleic acids
b- Amino acids
c- Fatty acids
d- Inorganic acids

4min: 25sec

All of the following are conjugated proteins except………………..

a- albumin
b- casein
c- thyroxin
d- haemoglobin

7min: 13sec

…………reagent used to detect presence of proteins.

a- Benedict′s
b- Sudan-4
c- Biuret′s
d- Fehling
Journey questions:

2- The…………..tissue is present in the lining of blood capillaries.

a- simple cuboidal
b- simple squamous
c- connective tissue
d- vascular connective

The correct answer is simple squamous

Because all epithelia is usually separated from underlying tissues by an

extracellular fibrous basement membrane. The lining of the mouth, lung alveoli
and kidney tubules are all made of epithelial tissue. The lining of the blood and
lymphatic vessels are of a specialized form of epithelium called endothelium.
3- The…………………..tissue is present in kidney tubules.

a-stratified squamous

b-simple cuboidal

c-connective proper

D-simple columnar

The correct answer is simple cuboidal

Because simple cuboidal epithelium is found in organs that are specialized for secretion,
such as salivary glands and thyroid follicles, and those that are specialized for diffusion,
such as the kidney tubules. As its name implies, this tissue consists of a single layer
of cuboidal cells on the basement membrane.
4- The…………..tissue is present in lining of stomach and intestines.

a- simple squamous
b- simple cuboidal
c- simple columnar
d- vascular connective

The correct answer is simple columnar

Because the inner surface of stomach is lined by gastric epithelium and that of the small
intestine is lined by Intestinal epithelium. Both the gastric epithelium and intestinal
epithelium are simple columnar, non-ciliated epithelial tissue.
5- The……………..tissue secrets mucus as in alimentary canal and trachea.

a- connective
b- epithelial
c- muscular
d- nervous

The correct answer is: epithelial

Because the conducting passageways of the respiratory system (nasal

cavity, trachea,bronchi and bronchioles) are lined by pseudostratified columnar
epithelial tissue, which is ciliated and which includes mucus-secreting goblet
cells. ... This epithelium is exceedingly thin to facilitate diffusion of oxygen and
6-Facts: Differentiation of cells and diversity of animal tissues
(Epithelial and nervous
7- Simple cuboidal tissue is present in the………………….

a-skin epidermis

b-stomach lining

c-artery lining

d-kidney tubules lining

The correct answer is: kidney tubules lining

Because simple cuboidal epithelium is found in organs that are specialized

for secretion, such as salivary glands and thyroid follicles, and those that are
specialized for diffusion, such as the kidney tubules. As its name implies,
this tissue consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells on the basement
8- All of the following are from the functions of epithelial tissue except………………..

a-absorbing digested food

b-protecting cells

c-secreting mucus

d-supporting the body

The correct answer is supporting the body

Because the functions of epithelial cells include secretion, selective absorption,

protection, transcellular transport, and sensing.

Quiz Questions:
Simple epithelial tissue is classified into all of the following except……………….
a. squamous
b. cuboidal
c. columnar
d. circular

THE correct ANSWER is circular

Because simple epithelial tissues are generally classified by the shape of their cells. The
four major classes of simple epithelium are: 1) simple squamous; 2) simple cuboidal;
3) simple columnar.
Nerve cells help in …………………………..
a.organizing different activities of body organs
b.receiving mucus from epithelial cells
c.controlling heart beats
d.connecting the muscle fibers together

The correct answer is organizing different activities of body organs

Because nerve cells, also known as a neurons, are the active component of the
nervous system. Neurons communicate with each other as well as with other
cells through electric signals (nerve impulses), which in turn allows effector
organs to respond to the appropriate stimuli.
All of the following are parts of nerve cell except……………….
a.terminal arborizations
d.sieve plate
The correct answer is sieve plate Commented [D1]:

Because the answer is related to the structure of nerve cell as shown in the
given figure.
Identify the given epithelial tissue? ………………

a. Simple squamous
b. Simple cuboidal
c. Simple columnar
d. Stratified columnar

The correct answer is Simple squamous

Because it consists of only one layer of flat cells.

Identify the given epithelial tissue? ……………

a.Simple squamous

b.Simple cuboidal

c.Simple columnar

d.Stratified columnar

The correct answer is Simple cuboidal

Because it consists of only one layer of cuboidal cells.

Identify the given epithelial tissue? ……………

a.Simple squamous

b.Simple cuboidal

c.Simple columnar

d.Stratified columnar

The correct answer is Simple columnar

Because it consists of only one layer of columnar cells.

In the opposite figure, Label
number………….represents dendrites.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

The correct answer is 1

Because the answer is related to the structure of nerve cell. as shown in the given

The opposite figure represents………………….

a. stratified epithelial tissue

b. simple squamous epithelial tissue
c. simple cuboidal epithelial tissue
d. simple columnar epithelial tissue

The correct answer is

stratified epithelial tissue

Because it consists of several layers of compacted cells above each other and
its surface layer is squamous.
The tissues that each of them consists of a large number of closely adjacent cells connected
by little interstitial substance is called……………….
a. epithelial tissue
b. connective
c. muscular
d. nervous

The correct answer is epithelial tissue

Because several features characterize epithelial tissue and distinguish it from

connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. Nearly all epithelial
tissues share some common features: Epithelial tissue comprises an
uninterrupted layer of cells. Epithelium covers nearly all external and
internal body surfaces.

The tissue specialized in receiving sensory stimuli and transmitting them to the brain and
spinal cord is called………………..
a. nervous tissue
b. connective tissue
c. epithelial tissue
d. muscular tissue

The correct answer is nervous tissue

Because the primary function of nervous tissue is to receive stimuli and send
the impulse to the spinal cord and brain. The brain sends back a response to
the muscles via the nerves.

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