Chapter III

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Chapter III


Research Design

The research design has to follow the research problem logically and should include on a

guide on how to address the problems. Moreover, the design must also indicate whether a

qualitative or quantitative approach suits the most in investigating. Easterbury-Smith, Thorpe and

Lowe (1991) argue that there are some reasons why it is important to understand the aspects

related to qualitative research. It can, for instance, help in clarifying the chosen research

paradigm, it could help the researchers to decide which designs are appropriate and not

appropriate in studying the chosen phenomenon, and finally, it could help the researchers to

identify designs that are new to the researchers’ past research experiences.

In order to satisfy the objectives of the dissertation, a qualitative research was held. The

main characteristic of a qualitative research is that it is mostly appropriate for small samples,

while its outcomes are not measurable and quantifiable. Qualitative research method was

developed in the social sciences to enable researchers to learn about the social cultural

phenomena: observe feelings, thoughts, behaviours, and the beliefs of the mass society.

Qualitative data sources include observations and participation observations, interviews and

questionnaires, documents and texts, and the researchers’ impressions and reactions.

The value of qualitative research can best be understood by examining its characteristics.

One of the primary advantages of qualitative research is that it is more open to adjusting and

refining of research ideas as an inquiry proceeds. Also, the researchers does not attempt to

manipulate the research setting, as in an experimental data, but rather seeks to understand

naturally occurring phenomena in their naturally occurring states. Inductive reasoning, as

opposed to deductive reasoning, is common in qualitative research, along with content or holistic

analysis in place of statistical analysis (Meyer et al., 1995).

In this qualitative study, the researchers decided to use the phenomenology approach. In

essence, phenomenology is the study of experience. The researchers are specifically interested in

how these life experiences impact on them significantly. For psychologists, it provides a multi-

layered and rich source or information on how to analyze, explain, and understand life

experiences (Smith, Flowers & Larkin, 2009). The researchers are interested in interpreting these

events and life experiences as shared by the respondents. However, it is acknowledged that the

researchers will only be able to access information shared by the respondents and consequently,

it is expected that the researchers needs to interpret some of the data from the respondents

account in order to try and make sense of it (Smith, Flowers & Larkins, 2009). In other words,

the researchers are interested in everything that the respondents has to share and how he or she

make sense of it. The researchers attempts to make sense of the personal world and experiences

of the participant, but acknowledges that it will never entail complete understanding due to the

researchers’ own personal viewpoints and impressions.

For this research, method of interview was employed. The interview is a mean of

understanding the viewpoints or opinions of the employees of Assumpta School of Tagum, Inc.

about them having a work overload that may lead to a job dissatisfaction. Interviewing the

selected respondents is a very important method used by the researchers in this qualitative study.

The rationale for using the interview method is to enable the researchers to know what is on the

respondents’ mind, what they think, and how they feel about something.

The research design guides the researchers in to what steps and processes should be done

when conducting the research. This helps them be mindful and careful for all the actions they are
about to make as a researcher because they are accountable and will be held responsible for


This study aims to gather bits of information received from interviewing the selected

employees of Assumpta School of Tagum, Inc., especially those who are work overloaded and

how they are aware of them being overloaded and how it affects their satisfaction.

Role of the Researchers

In this study, researchers played the role of the interviewer and transcriber in collecting

the data. As an interviewer and transcriber, researchers used the interview guide questions and

followed by probe questions to get thorough responses from the research informants. Conyers

and Hills (1986) mentioned that planning is a continuous process that involves choices about

alternative ways of using available resources with the aim of achieving a particular goal and is

considered the first step in evaluating data. From this study, researchers transcribed the data

gathered from the interview being recorded and had assured that all written versions were

accurately and properly coded.

The important issue in carrying out qualitative studies is the quality of data gathered

which depends on the mode of data collection being utilized. According to Adhabi and Anozie

(2017), interview is one of the data collection techniques for researchers with qualitative type of

research design. It has unique features that make it superior from other methods. Interviews

require both the presence of the researcher and the informant to thoroughly view personalized

responses and to grasp information needed for a specific study. Qualitative research deepens the

knowledge of phenomena such as health, illness and encounters of health care. It also helps to

seek understanding of social concerns and other lived experiences of individuals. Many

qualitative studies collect audio or video data, and these are usually transcribed into written form
for closer look of every detail of informants’ responses. Audio and visual data representation into

written form is an interpretive process which is the first step in data analysis (Bailey, 2008). As a

researcher, it is one’s obligation to take full responsibility in recognizing the dos and don’ts in

the research ethics. One should recognize how confidential the informants’ answers are and how

they are to be kept safely and securely.

Research Participants

The research informants in this study is comprised of the selected educators of Assumpta

School of Tagum, Incorporated – subject teachers from high school and senior high school

department which are appointed of several roles and responsibilities, especially of transmitting

the knowledge and information to the students and to make them educated not only with

academics but of manners or the proper way of living morally. They may have different subjects

being assigned to yet they have a common goal. They serve as the second parents of each student

and like true parents, discipline us and shape our attitude when interacting in the society.

Educators play an important role in each one’s life for they serve as a way through success and of

achieving our goals in life. Without their guidance, students cannot be able to make their parents

proud. They may have workloads not only in the working environment or school but of the

external world they are dealing with.

The research subjects were interviewed with the personal presence of specified

respondents by researchers using a formulated open-ended guide interview questionnaire.

Researchers made use of the word “informant” with matching number randomly as indication or

representation of them to hide their identities and protect their personal responses. In qualitative

investigation, sampling is usually purposive in nature. Purposive sampling is a non-probability

sampling method which occurs when elements selected for the sample are chosen by the

judgment of the researcher (Black, 2010). According to Bolderston (2012), a typical

phenomenological study can have a total number of 10 participants. Participants are chosen

based on the insight and understanding of the research topic discussed. In qualitative research, its

number of participants does not exceed that of participants in quantitative research. Even broad

qualitative studies do not usually comprise of 50 or 60 interviews.

Data Collection

The process of Data Collection is very significant since it composes the data that builds

the study. In this Qualitative study, reliable data with a proper data gathering procedures must be

observed in doing this study. The study must maintain the integrity within the circle. (FDIDC,

2005). To attain a legal and proper procedures, there must be a set of guidelines set by the

researchers. The researchers of this qualitative study are guided by the following rules and

regulations in conducting the interview. Here are the following steps used by the researchers in

conducting the study;

First, the following researchers will be asking permission to conduct the study. The

researchers provided letters to the office of the administration and educators that are included in

the study before conducting the interview. Sr. Julie P. Roma, fma, the School Directress and Ms.

Rizalina Jacob, the Senior High School Administrator will be the ones to be recognized in asking

for permission before the conduction of the research. The letter contains the significance and the

purpose of the study with the signature of the researchers and at the same time the Inquiries,

Investigation, and Immersion adviser as a sign of approval in conducting the study. The
researchers will also ask for some recommendations from the administrative office and vice

versa for questions or clarifications related to the study the researchers will conduct.

Second, the researchers will conduct a personal interview but prior to further interviews,

the researchers will be having an orientation about the said topic and the questions. Researchers

conducted the interview within a setting where the respondents are comfortable to answer the

questions. The further purpose of the study will be explained to the respondents and at the same

time respondents could ask for more information about the topic. All the information gathered

from the respondents is considered as confidential. The interview was done in an informal

manner where both parties could communicate alternately. After the interview has been

conducted, the researchers undergone the process of encoding the information collected from the

respondents related to the study. Information were honestly interpreted by the researchers and

considered as data. It is very important to have reliable and accurate answers for it could

contribute a lot to the conduction of the study by the researchers. The data gathered were

transcribed by the researchers and were validated by a professional that is fully equipped and

related with the field of validating it. Data collection is truly an important thing because you will

not have results without first collecting the data. (Pittman, 2017).

Data Analysis

The attending study is to seek an investigation on the relationship between employees’

affirmative and destructive behavior, customers’ c

onceptualization of assistance which can attribute an overall customer satisfaction. By

reassessment the literary study, there were numerous acquisition that proved to investigate the

idea of the employees’ behavior and its abstraction to customer satisfaction.

The concept of organizational behavior and impact of organizational behaviour on

employees behavior has been done. For knowing the organizational behaviour of individual

dimensions such as organizational structure, internal communication system, power and politics

were used which the opportunity of the light on the concept. Likewise understanding employees

behaviour different dimensions such as absenteeism, attrition rate, job satisfaction which an

opportunity light on the concept were used. After accommodate the respondents were

interviewed based on our related topic that can separate the concept of an specific thought. The

response of the respondents or participants may show a different aspects of phenomenon.

Organizational behaviour can be viewed from different visual aspect or even on analysis.

At one level, the organization can be viewed as


of every individuals working on tasks in the pursuance of the organizational goals. A second

level of analysis centering upon the interaction among organizational members as they work in'

teams, groups and departments. Finally, organizational behaviour can be analyse from the visual

aspect of the organization as a whole. Organizational behaviour can be designed in the visual

aspect of individual members of the organization. This conceptualization to organizational

behaviour draws to a great extent on the discipline of psychology and explains why individuals

behave and react the way they do to different organizational policies, practices and procedures.

Within this visual aspect, psychologically based theories of learning, motivation, satisfaction and

leadership are brought to bear upon the behaviour and performance of individual members of an

organization. This component such as attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and personalities are taken

into account and their impact upon individuals’ behaviour and performance on the job is studied.
K. Aswathappa; and (2002) studied human behaviour, attitudes and performance in

organizations providing value added knowledge for individuals at all organizational levels. He

encourage to elaborated the Organizational behaviour can be regarded as a in order to seek and to

understand the behaviour of people in organization which they are an constitutional part.

Organizational behaviour like organizational theory, for this purpose, draws upon several

disciplines like psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, economics.

Trustworthiness and Credibility

As the researchers conducted the study, the responses of the respondents became the

researchers’ responsibility because one of the role of the researchers is to keep the respondents’


The concepts of validity and reliability are relatively new when talking about qualitative

research. Instead of focusing on reliability and validity, qualitative researchers substitute data

trustworthiness. Trustworthiness consists of the following components: (a) credibility; (b)

transferability; (c) dependability; and (d) confirmability.

Credibility contributes to a belief in the trustworthiness of data through the following

attributes: (a) prolonged engagement; (b) persistent observations; (c) triangulation; (d) referential

adequacy; (e) peer debriefing; and (f) member checks. Triangulation and member checks are

primary and commonly used methods in addressing credibility.

Triangulation is accomplished by asking the same research questions to different study

respondents, by collecting data from different sources, and by using different methods to answer

these research questions. Researchers’ checks occur when a researcher asks participants to

review both the data collected by the interviewer and the researchers' interpretation of that

interview data. Participants are generally appreciative of the member check process, and
knowing that they will have a chance to verify their statements tends to cause study participants

to willingly fill in any gaps from earlier interviews.

Trust is an important aspect of the member check process.

Transferability is the generalization of the study findings to other situations and contexts.

Transferability is not considered a viable naturalistic research objective. The contexts in which

qualitative data collection occurs defines the data and contributes to the interpretation of the data.

For these reasons, generalization in qualitative research is limited.

Purposive sampling can be used to address the issue of transferability since specific

information is maximized in relation to the context in which the data collection occurs. That is,

specific and varied information is emphasized in purposive sampling, rather than generalized and

aggregate information, which would be the case, generally, in quantitative research. Purposive

sampling requires the consideration of the characteristics of the individual members of a sample

in as much as those characteristics are very directly related to the research questions.

Ethical Consideration

This qualitative study conducted interviews with the participation of human beings.

Researchers conducted a study that would discover different perceptions of different respondents

about the issue within the faculty. The said issue is the work overload and its repercussion on the

employees' performance in connection with job satisfaction within the faculty of Assumpta

School of Tagum Incorporated.

Therefore, researchers will follow the human rights according to research ethics.

Researchers will be responsible about the respondents’ safety. Confidentiality of the respondents’

identity and information gathered will be safe with the researchers to prevent any issues in the

future. The researchers will also check the credibility in a respectful way. According to Enago
Academy (2017), it is very significant to know the credibility of the data for it will be the most

important information needed in the completion of the study. Researchers must follow protocols

and give assurance of not holding influence over other.

The questions and information made by the researchers are clear to the respondents.

Researchers wrote understandable statements in order for the respondents to comprehend easily

and avoid problems. In answering the given questions, researchers gave the respondents

sufficient time to answer the provided questions, to let the respondents answer accurately the

questions. Researchers issued a note for the respondents to observe trustworthiness within the

circle. Respondents will be assured that their answers or the data and information from them will

be used in a proper manner. Researchers must be aware of what they are doing and follow the

protocols as much as possible for it will be a great move for the respondents to give trust and

honesty within the research period.

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