Oikonomia Oikos Nemein

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Economics-from Greek word Production Possibilities Curve-shows

oikonomia (oikos and nemein ), the various possible combinations of

means management of household two goods that the economy can
Inductive- specific to general produce given a limited amount of
Deductive- general to specific resources and a certain level of
1. Bernardo M. Villegas-human technology
and nonhuman resources The Scope of Economics
2. Tereso S. Tullao Jr.-study of Description-definition or meaning
scarce resources Analysis-evaluation (why/how)
3. Gerardo P. Sicat-study of Explanation-explain the findings if it is
opportunities and obstacles good or bad
4. Roger Le Roy Miller-how to use Prediction-predicting outcomes
limited resources The Concerns of Economics
5. Thomas J. Hailstones- What to Produce- producers must
production, distribution and know what the people need
consumption of goods and How to Produce-process of
services production
6. Paul Wonnacott and Ronald Labor-intensive-if society has a
Wonnacott-how people make surplus of supply of manpower
their living, how they acquire Capital-intensive-if society is rich in
material necessities(food, shelter resources
and clothes) How Much to Produce-producers
7. Alfred Marshall-business of life must know the amount they should
Scarcity-human needs are unlimited produce to avoid wasting resources
and resources are limited For Whom to Produce-for consumers
Relative Scarcity-one may lack some on the market (rich and poor)
resources but could have plenty of How to Produce More Over Time- the
others process on how to produce more and
The Economic Problem of Choice improve the product to sustain the
Trade-off-the alternatives chosen for needs and wants of people
a particular use of a resource Economics and Other Disciplines
Opportunity Cost- the next/second Economics uses: Mathematics—
best alternative use of a resource arithmetic, statistics, geometry and
Allocation-the process of choosing algebra(quantitative)
among competing ends
Principles of philosophy, logic and Alfred Marshall-father of
theology—in making logical, moral microeconomics
and socially acceptable decisions
Politics-government to formulate
programs, policies and laws
History-to avoid repeating the
mistakes of the past
Chemistry, physics and biology-for
discoveries and inventions (scientific
The Importance of Studying
-people acquire proper skills and
knowledge on how to deal with
-helps people understand the
functions of economy and their roles
in the wealth-creating process
-provides people with countless
opportunities to make their lives
-broadens the people’s perspective of
the society
-importance of caring for the
Divisions of Economics
Microeconomics-economic behavior
and decisions made by small units of
the economy
Macroeconomics-activities and
decisions made by large economic
John Maynard Keynes- father of
macroeconomics; The General Theory
of Employment, Interest and money
(1936) –Keynesian economics

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