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A leader can be defined fairly simply as ‘a person who leads or commands a

group, organization or country’

Leadership is an attitude: Every person has a different mindset & different

personality traits.

Why do we need leaders?

Leaders encourage us to realize our real potential; a leader is not the one who is
followed. He/she is the one who digs our hidden or forgotten potential out of us.
When we see what we have done, we feel proud but we overlook how we did it.
We were always capable to do it earlier, but nobody tried to bring our best out
of us. A real leader does. They motivate us to expand our abilities & keep

 Leaders make us confident

 Leaders invoke the sense of responsibility
 True leaders don’t create followers they create more leaders!
 Leaders love their subordinates growth
A few managers are always scared of their outstanding team
members. They think the smarter team member would overtake them and get to
higher in the ladder. This fear leads them to undermine such performers. They
forget if subordinates grow, they will grow as well. Real leaders nurture their
team members as their own kids. The love when someone exceeds expectations.
They don’t miss an opportunity to encourage such team members and also
recognize them publicly so, we need leaders to grow professionally &
personally. We need leaders to earn respect and be recognized.

It means to integrate all the activities of an organization it is done for achieving

the goals of the organization. There must be proper co-ordination throughout the

Why co-ordination is necessary?

Importance of co-ordination can be judged from these points
1. It encourages team spirit
2. It gives proper direction
3. It facilitates motivation
4. It makes optimum utilization of resources
5. It helps to achieve objectives quickly
6. It improves relations in the organization
7. It leads to higher efficiency and
8. It improves good will of the organization


In each project, the project support co-ordinator work with team

members to identify one person who will serve as team co-ordinator.
 Serves as a primary liaison between the onsite team, the team at
large & team’s project support co-ordinator
 Assures that all necessary team roles & functions have being
adequately addressed
 Is authorised to make a decision for the team in a time of crisis

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