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Authors –

Sponsors – USA, Canada, Malaysia,

Perambulatory Clauses:

1. Expectinginvolved countries to remove their military forces 100 miles behind international borders
thus dissolving LOCs,
2. Recalling neighboring countries and developed countries to help UN peace keeping forces remove
terrorist camps,
3. Welcoming involved countries to accept other country’s help by letting them set up camps under
full supervision of certified officials,
4. Approving army officials to take desired steps under documented watch of present senior officials
to stop ethnic violence,
5. Desiring national governments to closely regulate and officiate military action, as to lessen the
informal military actions taking place in areas of conflict,
6. Noticing with deep concern the causes of both military and civilian casualties, and requiring detailed
national reports as to determine the underlying cause of said casualties, the perpetrators, and the
means by which further tragedies can be avoided,
7. Seeking prolonged and detailed communication between the state government and the national
government within both India and Pakistan, as to decrease the informal and unapproved actions
implemented by local officials in areas of conflict,

Objective Clauses:

1. Calls upon national government of both countries to reestablish treaties concerning water security,
such as the Indus Basin Treaty of 1960, to regulate and protect the shared water sources for both
countries, as well as enact national supervision as so regulations are closely followed by both
2. Emphasizes that both parties should meet regularly to discuss potential disputes as well as
cooperative arrangements for the development of the basin as regulated by neutral countries
acting on behalf of mediation and arbitration concerning water disputes;
3. Designatesoutside countries by UN to forge co-operation between the two countries by involving
both directly involved outside powers, as well as indirectly outside powers such as Afghanistan,
Australian, and New Zealand to create mediums through which positive and official communication
can pass;
4. Deplores countries connected by trade to increase bilateral trade by implementing tariff barriers
and trade regulations to eliminate illegal trade and smuggling, providing additional safety to citizens
of both countries, as well as strengthening economic relationships between India and Pakistan;
5. Accepts the intermediary efforts of third party countries as an effort towards frequent discussions
between the two parliaments and government officials, should conflicts or concerns arise;
6. Trusts both countries to become involved in cooperation in the field of energy by becoming
involved in projects such as the previously proposed Iran-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline Project;
7. Requests both countries to form a body which is operated by personnel sent by both countries for
the goal of increasing the energy trade between India and Pakistan;
8. Expresses its action towards cross-border trade as regulated by formal and enforced government
regulations, as well as communication concerning business cooperation for both commercial and
personal formal establishments;
9. Proclaims that both India and Pakistan must discuss the dispute over the region of Jammu in
Kashmir with the goal of establishing finalized borders under supervision of third party countries for
the best interest of the citizens of both countries

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