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Time Wasters

by Altea E. Ramos

Time is important. In fact, its value is likened to gold. An intelligent person

knows that time that has passed cannot be brought back. This is why people fall to
regret for the things that he or she was not able to do during the time is was
supposed to be done.
Teachers and students alike must learn the value of time. As teachers, we have
our DLLs, ranking goals, chairmanships, coordinator tasks, evaluations, preparation
for observation, accomplishment reports, grading sheets, adviser-ships, and home
visitations to name a few.
Students likewise share the same difficulties of their teachers. However, unlike
their teachers, students are more likely to have their time taken by time-wasters.
What are time-wasters? According to Cambridge, time-waster is someone who
causes another person to use time carelessly doing something that does not achieve
any good result. It can also be an activity that takes a lot of time and does not
achieve anything important.
It is true that we allot time to everything we do now and will be doing in the
future. However, we should manage our time correctly. We should do our tasks in
the appropriate time and finish them in time. For example, if high school education
needs six (6) years to complete because there are four (4) years of junior high and
two (2) years of senior high, a high school student must then concentrate and
diligently do the tasks needed in order to graduate in 6 years. If the student allows
him or herself to be distracted by time-wasters causing for him or her not to
graduate in time, valuable time has been wasted because the student would have to
spend additional time just to repeat in order to graduate.
Teachers are likewise victims to time-wasters. A task or job that is not done
before a designated deadline is a prime indication of one being distracted by
What are some time-wasters and how can we overcome them? According to an
educational psychology study, here are some common time-wasters and how to deal
with them.
1. Lack of planning, prioritizing, and focus. Not having a plan or having an
incomplete plan and not knowing our priorities or what should be done first could
slow down or even damage a task we have to do. According to the study, this can be
solved if we get organized. Determine what should be done first or prioritized.
Having a short term, medium term, and long term goal will help us get organized and
help determine our priorities.
2. Procrastination. This is the action of delaying or postponing something. This
leads to a bad habit we often call mañana habit. The solution is to remove
procrastination. Do not delay a task. Have a planner or a to-do list of tasks to be
done and when these have to be accomplished or finished.
3. Lack of delegation. If you find yourself doing a lot of work but don’t seem to
accomplish anything, you might just be wasting time doing many things but not
focusing on the tasks that are needed or important. Learn to trust others, more so if
they have the skills, knowledge, and are qualified to do what is needed. Share the
work load and focus on your priorities. Delegation is an important skill for teachers
to have.
4. Internet gaming and social media. It is okay to have a social media presence
because it allows us to connect with family, loved ones, and friends. It is also alright
to play internet games because it helps in unwinding and relaxation. However if
these activities consume most of our time and result in more important tasks being
neglected, they become time-wasters. According to student/school counselors, most
students who fail examinations or were not able to pass projects in time were unable
to review or do a project because they were preoccupied by social media and
internet gaming. Experts advise to practice discipline in the use of electronic devises.
Set a day and time for when to use social media and play internet gaming. Make a
schedule and strictly comply with such a schedule.
5. Gossiping. It is not only a huge time-waster but also negatively affects good
relationships. Focus instead on the work or task to be done and accomplished.
6. Watching television. Watching television is also a form of family bonding and
a way of unwinding. It allows us to be updated with the latest news, happenings and
information. However too much watching television is also considered a time-waster.
Watching TV can be productive if it is done in combination with other tasks.
Discipline is also encouraged when watching TV. Remember that watching too much
TV not only consumes time but electricity as well.
These are just a few of the many time-wasters around us. Regardless, we must
remember that every moment is important. We should not allow that time passes by
without us doing anything productive or beneficial. When you kill (pass) time,
remember that it has no resurrection. Be wise how you spend your time.
As teachers, we must impart to our students the value of time. We can impart
our skills and knowledge to them but not time.

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