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Class : Date: Subject: Enrolments:

Theme World of myself

Unit 2
Topic Being Healthy
English Skills Listening and Speaking
Content Standard(s) 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.1 1.1.4
By the end of the 1. Speak with the correct word stress.
lesson pupils will be
able to: 2. Talk about their favourite food

3. Name and describe traditional food they eat at home.

1. Show pupils some picture of fruits Teaching Aids
Set Induction Meat, fish, vegetables, desserts, drink, bread Pictures
2. Ask pupils to categorize them.
Pre Look and Say
Listening/Speaking 1. Classroom discussion:
 Ask pupils about their favourite food?
 What is your favorite food?
 What do you eat for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
 List the food they usually eat
Pair work
While Listening and 1. Role Play
Speaking  Act the conversation.
 What is your favorite food?
 What do you eat for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
 Use their answers to respond to the questions.
Post Listening and Individual work Short passage
Speaking 1. Teacher reads a short passage. Timetable
2. Pupils listen and fill in the timetable.
Education Emphasis Contextual Learning
Moral Values Determine, self-realization
Closures Pick pupils randomly and ask what they have learned today.

Class : Date: Subject: Enrolments:

Theme World of myself

Unit 2
Topic Things I Do
English Skills Listening and Speaking
Content Standard(s) 1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.2.1 ( e) 1.3.1 (a) (b)
Objectives 1. Listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by asking simple
By the end of the Wh-Questions and answering simple Wh-Questions
lesson pupils will be
able to: 2. Participate in a conversation with pair.
1. Answering questions.
Set Induction  What do you eat for breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
2. Pupils respond.
Pre Listen and say
Listening/Speaking 1.Classroom discussion
Pupils list all food they used to eat for breakfast,
lunch and dinner in a piece of paper.
 Draw a timetable on the board and ask pupils to
List the type of foods on the column provided. Balanced diet chart
2.Introduce briefly the concept of balanced diet
 Show the balanced diet chart.
 Too much fat lead to obesity.
 Keywords: balanced diet, obesity, fat,
carbohydrate, protein, fruits and vegetables.
Pair work
While Listening and 1. Practice the dialogues on the board.
Speaking 2. Teacher asks pupils answer.
 Q= What would you like for breakfast?
 A= I would like bread and butter.
3. Act the dialogues in pair.
 Use all the words listed on the board.
Post Listening and 1. Individual Work
Speaking Answer the Wh- questions Worksheet
Education Emphasis Contextual Learning
Moral Values Determine attentive
Closures Pick pupils randomly and ask what they have learned today.

Class : Date: Subject: Enrolments:

Theme World of myself

Unit 2
Topic Things I Do
English Skills Listening and Speaking
Content Standard(s) 1.1 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.3.1 (a) (b)
By the end of the 1. Talk about what should to eat and drink more or less.
lesson pupils will be
able to: 2. Listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by asking simple Wh-
Questions and answering simple Wh-Questions
Set Induction 1. Distribute a picture of foods to pupils.
 Ask pupils to choose food according to the
balanced diet concept.
 Pick pupils randomly to show their pictures.
Pre 1.Classroom discussion
Listening/Speaking  Talk about the food that should to take more and
 Talk about advantages of balanced diet.
 Introduce the concept of obesity and the effect of
being obese.
2. Practice the dialogues Sentence Strips
 Q = How do you stay healthy?
 A = I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
 A = I eat slowly and chew my food well.
 A = I exercise and sleep early.
 A= I do not miss my meals.
 A= I do not eat oily food.
Group Work
While Listening and 1. Discuss their understanding about how to keep Timetable
Speaking healthy.
 Answer the questions stated in the timetable.
 Fill in the table
 Draw the pictures
2. Present their work with teacher’s guidance.
Post Listening and Individual work
Speaking 1. Draw a picture of people who have obesity.
Education Emphasis Thinking skills
Moral Values Determine, take care of our health
Class : Date: Subject: Enrolments:

Theme World of myself

Unit 2
Topic Things I Do
English Skills Reading
Content Standard(s) 2.3 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.3.1 (b) 3.2.3(b)
By the end of the 1. Read for the non-fiction information and enjoyment with guidance:
lesson pupils will be
able to: 2. Identify the usage of comma by punctuating correctly.
Set Induction 1. Matching
 Match the picture with its pair
Pre reading Let’s read
1. Classroom discussion
 Read silently the conversation.
 Let the pupils list the type of food in the text.
 Ask where the source of each food comes.
E.g. Milk-cow jackfruit-tree
butter/yogurt- milk
2. Read again the conversation by highlighting the
 Explain the use of comma in sentences.
Group Work
While reading 1. Give each group labels from food packages. Manila card
 State the source of the food (plants, trees or Marker pen
animals) by analyzing the label. Colour papers
 Make a simple scrapbook Food labels
2.Compile all pupils’ work
Post reading Individual work
1. Think and give the source of the items worksheet
E.g. biscuits- ____________.

Education Emphasis Thinking skills- analyzing

Moral Values Determine
Closures Pick pupils randomly and ask what they have learned today.
Class : Date: Subject: Enrolments:

Theme World of myself

Unit 1
Topic Things I Do
English Skills Reading
Content Standard(s) 2.2 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.1 (b) 2.3.1 (b)
By the end of the 1.Read the non-fiction for information and enjoyment with guidance:
lesson pupils will be
able to: 2.Apply word attack skills by identifying words similar in meaning
Set Induction 1. Show picture of clinic / hospital.
 Why do we visit the clinic/hospital? Picture of a clinic or
Pre Reading Let’s read
1. Classroom discussion Textbook
 Read the text with teacher’s guidance.
 Discuss the content of the text.
 Explain the sentences “You are what you eat” Checklist worksheet
and “Good health begins with you”.
2. Evaluate the understanding of the text by ticking the
dos and don’ts to look good and feel good.
Group Work
While Reading Making a poster Comprehension
 Make a poster on how to stay healthy. Questions
 Display the poster.
Post Reading Individual work
1Answer comprehension questions with teacher’s textbook
Education Emphasis Values and Citizenship
Moral Values Determine, Stay healthy
Closures Pick pupils randomly and ask what they have learned today.
Class : Date: Subject: Enrolments:

Theme World of myself

Unit 1
Topic Things I Do
English Skills Writing
Content Standard(s) 3.2 3.3 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (a) (b) 3.3.1 (b) 1.1.4
By the end of the 1. Write with guidance simple sentences and compound sentences
lesson pupils will be
able to: 2. Create simple linear texts using a variety of media with guidance :
Set Induction 1. Sequencing sentences Sentence-strips
Pre Reading Let’s write
1. Classroom discussion Textbook
 Read the text.
 Discuss the text using bubble map by identifying
the main ideas.
2. Practice the text by replacing the words in green with
suitable responses.
Group Work Manila card
While Reading 1. Transfer the linear text to non liner text. ( I-Think Colour paper
Map) with teacher’s guidance. Marker pen
2. Show their work
Post Reading Individual work
1. Rewrite the text by replacing the words in green about Textbook
what you do to stay healthy.
Education Emphasis Multiple Intelligences
Moral Values Determine, punctual, wise
Closures Pick pupils randomly and ask what they have learned today.
Class : Date: Subject: Enrolments:

Theme World of myself

Unit 1
Topic Things I Do
English Skills Grammar
Content Standard(s)
Learning Standard(s) 3.1.1(a) 3.2.1(a) 3.2.2 (a)
Objectives 1. Write phrases and simple sentences in neat legible print with correct
By the end of the spelling with guidance.
lesson pupils will be
able to: 2. Complete the linear texts
Set Induction 1. Demonstrate the singular and plural
 Show the same object but different quantity
Pre Writing Let’s Learn
1.Classroom discussion Timetable( textbook)
 Explain the singular and plural form.
 The rules
 Use example in the textbook.
2. Evaluate pupils understanding by asking them to Worksheet
complete a task.

Group work
While Writing 1. Making Timetable ( plural & Singular Timetable
 Draw the pictures to differentiate singular and
2. Display their work.
Post Writing Individual work
 Complete the report Textbook
Education Emphasis Thinking shills
Moral Values Determine, punctual, wise
Closures Pick pupils randomly and ask what they have learned today.
Class : Date: Subject: Enrolments:

Theme World of Myself

Unit 1
Topic Things I Do
English Skills Language Art-Jazz Chant
Content Standard(s) 4.3 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 4.3.2 (b) 1.1.3
By the end of the 1. Produce simple jazz chants with guidance.
lesson pupils will be 2. Listen to and recite jazz chant by paying attention to pronunciation, rhythm
able to: and intonation.
Set Induction 1. Sing a song of alphabet Song lyric
Presentation Let’s recite
1.Classroom discussion;
 Talk about the jazz chant
 Read and recite the jazz chant.
 Explain the meaning of juicy, sweet, crunchy,
yummy, delicious, crispy
2. Practice in a class or in group.
 Change the name
 E.g. Apple to Aubergine
Banana to Beet
Carrot to Coconut
Group work
Practice 1.Act the Jazz Chant
 Give every group 10 minutes to produce simple
jazz chant.
 Draw the picture of their choice of fruit/food
 Refer to example in the textbook.
 The best Action song will be awarded.
2. They perform.
Production Individual work
1. Choose their favourite fruits/food/ and produce a
simple jazz chant.
Education Emphasis Creativity and innovation
Moral Values Determine, cooperation
Closures Pick pupils randomly and ask what they have learned today.

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