Aaepl: TDC No. AAEPL/RM/l

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TDC Revision No.

. AAEPl No. AAEPL/RM/l Date:-03/08/2019

Scope:- This specification covers hot rolled bars of 16MnCrS H(2)

Supply conditioru- Hot rolled


Process route:- BF/EOF/LRF/VD/CCM/EMS/BRM

Reduction Ratio:- The minimum reduction ratio shall be 22:1 measured from cast size to rolled size
Heat to Heat reduction ratio shall be same

Surface condition:- Free from surface defects like seam, laps, cold shuts, deep rolling marks and cracks

Deoxidation:- Steel shall be fully killed and minimum amount of Aluminimum shall be used for
Grain size control. The AI percentage on the final product shall be as below

16Mn CrS H(2) MIN MAX

Carbon C% 0.16 0.19
Manganese Mn% 1.00 1.40
Chromium Cr% 0.80 1.10
Silicon Si% 0.12
Phosphorus P% 0.035
Sulphur S% 0.015 0.035
Aluminum AI% 0.015 0.035
Copper Cu% 0.30
Nickel . Ni% 0.10
Molybdenum Mo% 0.009
Titanum Ti% 0.003
Boron B PPM 3.000

Gas Content
Nitrogen N2PPM 90
Oxygen 02PPM 16
Hydrogen H2 PPM 2
ASTM Grain Size
6 8
(as per ASTM E112)

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TDe Revision No. 00
AAEPl No. AAEPL/RM/l Date:-03/08/2019

Hardness: HBW MAX 240 Condition Hot Rolled

Micro Structure Uniform Perlite & Ferrite free from bandng
Macro Etch Test ASTM E-381 ClR1Sl

Inclusion (ASTM A B C D
E 45 A)
STD MAX 2.00 0.50 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.50 2.00 0.50

JOMINY (mm) 1.5 3 5 7 9 Jll

MIN 37.0 35.0 33.0 30
MAX 43.0 42.0 42.0 40.0 38.0 35

Decarburisation:- 0.2 mm Max

Step Down Test :- ASTM E-45 Macroscopic Method

No of Steps 3 I length = 75 mm
0 01 02 03
0-30 mm 0-2 - -
30-75 mm 0-4 20/3 0/2
75 mm & above 0-6 20/3 0/2

Mechanical Properties
Test Bar 30 mm dia Hardened & Tempered condition 341-375 HBW
TS 1050 Mpa Min
YS 800 Mpa Min
%E 7 Min

Impact Strength:-Izod V 20 ft.lb. min

Bars 100% UT Tested for internal soundness

Bars 100 % Tested for Freedom from Mix-up
Bars 100 % Tested for Freedom from Cracks

Identification and Test Certification :-

Each bar shall be identified with heat number and colour code
Test certificate shall include all above test results with specification

Prepaerd B't/~ Approved By

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