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Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence Benha University

Department of Computer Science

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization

Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms
Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence,
Benha University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of
Computers and Information in "Computer Science"

Huthaifa Mohammed Kanoosh AL Jubori
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence,
Benha University,

Supervised By

Prof. Mazen Mohamed Selim Dr. Essam Halim Houssein

Professor of CS, Vice-Dean for Education & Associate Prof. of CS, Vice Dean for
Student Affairs, Faculty of Computers Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs,
and Artificial Intelligence , Faculty of Computers & Information,
Minia University, Egypt.
Benha University, Egypt.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Certification of the Examination Committee

Chairman and members of the examination committee, certify that we have

studied the thesis entitled (Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on
Meta-heuristic Algorithms) presented by the student (Huthaifa Mohammed
Kanoosh Al jubori) and examined him in its content. Consequently, we have
found it worthy to be accepted for a master degree (M.Sc.) in computers and

Data: / / 2019

Data: / /2019

Name: Prof. Mazen Mohamed Selim
Data: / /2019
Vice-Dean for Education & Student Affairs, Faculty of Computers &
Artificial Intelligence, Benha University.
Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Supervisor Certification

We certify that this thesis was prepared under our supervision at Department of
Computer Sciences, Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Benha University, by
(Huthaifa Mohammed Kanoosh AL Jubori) as a partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Master in computers and informatics from Faculty
of Computers and Informatics.

Name: Prof. Mazen Mohamed Selim
Data: / /2019
Vice-Dean for Education & Student Affairs, Faculty of Computers &
Artificial Intelligence, Benha University.


Name: Dr. Essam Halim Houssein


Data: / /2019

Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Computers and
Information, Minia University.
‫‪Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms‬‬

‫اَّلل ه ِاَّل َين آ َمنُوا ِمنْ ُ ُْك َو ه ِاَّل َين ُآوتُوا‬

‫﴿ يَ ْرفَع ِ ه ُ‬
‫ون َخبِير ﴾‬ ‫اَّلل ِب َما تَ ْع َملُ َ‬
‫ات َو ه ُ‬ ‫الْ ِع ْ َْل َد َر َج ٍ‬

‫﴿اجملادةل‪﴾11 :‬‬
Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Biography of The Author

Name: Huthaifa Mohammed Kanoosh AL Jubori

Date of Birth: 22/10/1980

1- Educational Degrees: B.Sc. in Computer Science

Educational Institution: Al Rafiden Unieversity College - Department of
Computer Science
Date of Educational 2002
2- Educational Degrees: High Diploma in Computer Science
Educational Institution: Collage of computer & Math. - Department of
Computer Science – University of Mousel
Date of Educational 2012

M.Sc. Registration Date: 1 / 7/ 2017
Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms


All the praises and thanks are to Allah, the most beneficent, and the most merciful.

I am grateful to my supervisors (Prof. Dr. Mazen Mohamed Selim and Dr.

Essam Halim Houssein) for their great efforts in guiding me to achieve my

It is fair to record my special thanks and gratitude to all my family members for
their support throughout my life, this thesis is simply impossible without them.

My sincere thanks go to members of staff of Computer Science Department,

Faculty of computers and Informatics and Benha University for their help.

My sincere thanks go to my friends for their support to me in my pilgrimage and

In My country and without Geld any one from them.
Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Dedicate my work

To my country dear Iraq

To the symbol of tender and light

My dear father...

To my rose and my love

My dear mother …

To My sweet heart
My Wife and my sons Yaman, Rawan, Yara, Shaam

To love and to meet

My dear brothers...

To Tenderness and beauty

My dear sister...

To my friends and all those who helped me

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms


Nowadays, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) play a vital role in many real-life

applications such as healthcare, military applications, traffic surveillance, and

environmental monitoring. In many cases, the nodes of WSNs are deployed randomly.

However, many of these applications cannot perform their function properly without

knowing the accurate location of the sensor nodes used to collect the data. Therefore,

accurate node localization is extremely important in WSNs. Node localization means

estimating the locations of unknown nodes with the help of some nodes with known

positions called anchors or beacons.

In this thesis, a node localization scheme is proposed based on a recent bio-inspired

metaheuristic algorithm called the Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) in which the

localization problem is addressed as an optimization problem. The proposed algorithm

has been implemented and validated in different WSN deployments using different

numbers of target nodes and anchor nodes. Moreover, the proposed algorithm has been

evaluated and compared to four well-known optimization algorithms, namely particle

swarm optimization algorithm (PSO), butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA), firefly

algorithm (FA), and grey wolf optimizer (GWO) in terms of localization accuracy,

computing time, and a number of localized nodes. The obtained simulation results

have proved the superiority of the proposed algorithm compared to the other

localization algorithms regarding the different performance metrics.


Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Node Localization, Optimization problems, Salp

Swarm Optimization.
Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

List of Contents

Subject…………....………………………...……………….……….....….…. Page No.

List of Contents…………...…………………………………....….………………...….... i
List of Figures……………………….…………………………….…...……...................iii
List of Tables……………………...……………………….…….…………..….…......... iv
Chapter 1: Introduction...……………………………...…….………..…………….1
1.1. Introduction……….…………………….………….……….…….....………………….2
1.2. Motivation …….…………….….....………………………………………………........3
1.3. Problem Statement ……………………..………………......……...…….………….….4
1.4. Research Objectives ………………….………….….…...….....…...…………..……...5
1.5. Thesis Contribution …………………………………………………………………….6
1.6. Thesis Organization ………………………………………………………………...….7
Chapter 2: Background and Related Work …..………….….….……..........9
2.1. Introduction ………………………………….…………………………...…......….…10
2.2. Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks ………….…………………..….…….......10
2.2.1. Application of WSNs ……………………………….……………….….………....12
2.3. Introduction to Metaheuristic Algorithms …………….…………….……….……….13
2.3.1. Single-Solution Based Metaheuristic Algorithms ………………………………...15
2.3.2. Population Based Metaheuristic Algorithms ………….………….…………….....16
2.4. Related Work…….………………………………………. ….……….……………...17
2.5. Summary……………………………………………...…………………...……..……29
Chapter 3: Metaheuristic Algorithms for Localization in Wireless
Sensor Networks……………..…………….……….…………….………...……...….30
3.1. Introduction………………………….....……… ……………………….…...…..........31
3.2. Taxonomy of Node Localization Algorithms ……...…………………………............31
3.3. Localization in Sparce and Dense Networks …………………….…………………...33
3.4. Anchor Based Vs. Anchor Free Localization Scheme …...…………………..……....34
3.4.1. Anchor Based Localization …………...………...……………….…..…...............34
3.4.2. Anchor Free Localization ………….…….………...………...……….…………....35
3.5. Indoor Localization …………………………………….……………………..………...….36
3.6. Localization in Static and Mobile Sensor Networks ……………………………….....37
3.7. Applications of Localization ……………………....………….……………...……….37

Table of Contents

3.8. Metaheuristic Algorithms for Localization in WSN ………………….………….......39

3.8.1. Particle Swarm Optimization ……………………………………………………..41
3.8.2. Butterfly Optimization Algorithm ……………………………………………...…43
3.8.3. Firefly Algorithm ……………………………………………...………………….47
3.8.4. Grey Wolf Optimizer …………………………………………………..…………49
3.8.5. Salp Swarm Algorithm ……………………………………………………………52
3.9. Summary ………………………………………………………………………………56
Chapter 4: Node Localization Using Salp Swarm Algorithm .............58
4.1. Introduction………………….…………………………….…….……...…….…...…..59
4.2. Formulation of WSN Localization Problem …………………………………….........59
4.3. Experimental Analysis …...............................................................................................61
4.3.1. Sensor Nodes Localization Using SSA ………..…………………..…..………....62
4.3.2. Comparison among Different Localization Algorithms …….…….……………...64
4.4. Summary…………………………………….……………………………………..….69
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Work…………………..….……...…….70
5.1. Conclusion ……………………………………………….......…………………….....71
5.2. Future Work …………………………………....…….…………………..…………...72
List of Publications and Bibliography ……...…….………...………............74
• List of Publications …………….………………...………………….…………........75
• List of Bibliography …………………………...…...………...…….…..…….…......76

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

List of Figures
Figure No: Figure Name……………...…...…………....…...…. …. Page No.
Figure.2.1 : The Architecture of a node in WSN ………….....………....……..….11
Figure.2.2 : WSNs and their relationship to infrastructure-based networks………11
Figure.2.3 : Taxonomy of WSNs applications.....….……...………………....…....12
Figure.2.4 : The classification of optimization problems ………….......................13
Figure.2.5 : Single-solution based metaheuristic algorithms …………….............15
Figure.2.6 : Population based metaheuristic Algorithms ……….……..................26
Figure.3.1 : A Taxonomy for the node localization schemes ……………….........32
Figure.3.2 : The pseudocode of the PSO algorithm …………………...…….........42
Figure.3.3 : The flow chart of the PSO algorithm ……………………….….....….43
Figure.3.4 : The pseudocode of the BOA algorithm ………………………..….…45
Figure.3.5 : The flow chart of the BOA algorithm ………………..….………......46
Figure.3.6 : The pseudocode of the FA algorithm………………………………...48
Figure.3.7 : The flow chart of the FA algorithm ………..….………………….….49
Figure.3.8 : The pseudocode of the GWO algorithm …….....................................51
Figure.3.9 : The flow chart of the GWO algorithm ………….…..……………….52
Figure.3.10 : (a) Individual salp. (b) Salps chain …………………………..….…...53
Figure.3.11 : The pseudocode of the SSA algorithm……………………...…….….55
Figure.3.12 : The flow chart of the SSA algorithm …………….……….…....…...56
Figure.4.1 : Node localization using different numbers of target nodes and anchor
Figure.4.2 : The localization error of the different localization algorithms in
different WSN deployments …………………………………………67
Figure.4.3 : The computing time of the different localization algorithms in different
WSN deployments……………………………………...…………….68
Figure.4.4 : The number of localized nodes of the different localization algorithms
in different WSN deployments ………………………………………68

Table of Contents

List of Tables
Table No: Table Name……………………………………………….....Page No.
Table.4.1 : Parameters setting of simulation environment ............................................61
Table.4.2 : Performance metrics of different localization algorithms …………...........65
Table.4.3 : Summary of experimental results of the different localization algorithms ….

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Abbreviation : Description…………………….………….……........................
ABC : Artificial Bee Colony ……………………………..………………..
AoA : Angle of Arrival …………………………….……………………...
BBO : Biogeography-Based Optimization ………………………………..

BFA : Bacterial Foraging Algorithm ……………………………..………

Butterfly Optimization Algorithm ……………………………..…..
BOA : Bat Optimization Algorithm ……………………………..………...

BSO : Brain Storm Optimization ……………………………..…………...

CS : Cuckoo Search ……………………………..………………………

DA :
Dragonfly Algorithm ……………………………..………………..
DE : Differential Evolution……………………………..………………..

DWPSO : Dynamic Weight Particle Swarm ……………………………..……

EC :
Evolutionary Computation ……………………………..…………..
Enhanced Fireworks Algorithm ……………………………..……..
FA : Firefly Algorithm ……………………………..……………………

FPA : Flower Pollination Algorithm ……………………………..……….

GA :
Genetic Algorithm ……………………………..…………………..
GSA : Gravitational Search Algorithm ……………………………..……..

GPS : Global Positioning System ……………………………..…………..

GWO : Grey Wolf Optimizer ……………………………..………………..

HS :
Harmony Search ……………………………..…………………….
IOT : Internet of Things ……………………………..……………………

Intelligent Transport System ……………………………..………...
LM : Linearization Method ……………………………..………………..

Table of Contents

LSA : Lightening Search Algorithm ……………………………..……….

MAP : Mobile Anchor Positioning ……………………………..…………

Modified Cuckoo Search ……………………………..……………
MDS : Multi-Dimensional Scaling ……………………………..………….

MWSN : Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks ……………………………..…..

PFA : Parallel Firefly Algorithm ……………………………..…………...

Plant Growth Simulation Algorithm ……………………………….
PSO : Particle Swarm Optimization ……………………………..………..

RSS : Received Signal Strength ……………………………..……………

SAABC : Self-Adaptive Artificial Bee Colony ……………………………….

SA :
Simulated Annealing ……………………………..………………...
SDP : Semi-Definite Programming ……………………………..………...

SI : Swarm Intelligence ……………………………..………………….

SL-PSO : Social Learning based Particle Swarm Optimization ……………..

Salp Swarm Algorithm ……………………………..………………
TDoA : Time Difference of Arrival ……………………………..………….

ToA : Time of Arrival ……………………………..……………………...

WSNs :
Wireless Sensor Networks ……………………………..…………..

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms
Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1. Introduction

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are networks that consist of a number of

autonomous sensor nodes that are distributed in a specific area for cooperatively

sensing their environment. In the last decade, WSNs have been employed in

many real-life applications such as healthcare, home automation, traffic

surveillance, and environmental monitoring [1].

Accurate node localization is a critical issue in WSNs. Localization problem

in WSNs means calculating the positions of unknown sensor nodes. In many

environments where the sensor nodes of a WSN are deployed, people may not

be able to go and fix these nodes. In these environments, the sensor nodes are

usually randomly scattered in random locations; therefore, the sensor nodes

usually take random positions. On the other hand, in many applications, the

information collected by the sensor nodes of a WSN may be useless if the

positions of the sensor nodes that gathered the information are unknown. This

emphasizes the need for an accurate node localization scheme [2].

In order to localize the sensor nodes of a WSN, a GPS can be attached to each

sensor during the network deployment. Then, the GPS can be used to find the

coordinates of the sensor nodes. However, using GPS for localizing sensor

nodes is undesirable and impractical solution because of many reasons such as

Chapter 1: Introduction

cost, inaccessibility, sensor nodes may be deployed indoors, or climatic

conditions may disturb the GPS reception ability [2]. An alternative approach is

to attach GPS to some nodes which are called anchor nodes or beacon nodes.

Thus, the positions of these nodes with attached GPS are known after deploying

the nodes of the wireless sensor network. Using the known locations of anchor

nodes, localization algorithms can be employed to estimate the positions of the

unknown nodes [2]. There are two classes of non-GPS based localization

algorithms namely, rang-free and range-based algorithms [3]. Angle-based or

point-to-point distance estimation among the sensor nodes is used with rang-

based localization algorithms. In these algorithms, the positions of sensor nodes

are calculated by the assist of anchor’s trilateration [3]. Unlike range-based

localization algorithms, range-free localization algorithms do not need range

information to estimate the positions of the unknown nodes. It only depends on

the topological information. Compared to range-free localization algorithms,

range-based localization algorithms can achieve higher localization accuracy but

at the expense of cost [4].

1.2. Motivation

In many WSNs based applications, the gathered information is useless unless

the locations of the used sensor nodes are known. These applications include

environment monitoring, rescue, object tracking, etc. Hence, node localization in

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

wireless sensor networks is an important issue that needs to be addressed. In the

last two decades, many approaches have been developed to handle this problem.

Recently, node localization in WSNs is handled as a multi-modal and multi-

dimensional optimization problem that can be solved using population-based

stochastic approaches.

In the literature, many metaheuristic algorithms have been employed to

solve the localization problem in WSNs. These algorithms have succeeded in

reducing the localization error dramatically. These algorithms attempt to solve

an optimization problem by trial and error in which the feasible solutions are

processed and the nearest optimal solution is identified. Currently, various

optimization algorithms such as genetic algorithm (GA), cuckoo search (CS),

gravitational search algorithm (GSA), butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA),

particle swarm optimization (PSO), artificial bee colony (ABC), etc. have been

employed effectively in specifying the positions of the unknown nodes in WSNs

[5]. However, there is a big room for improvements in terms of localization

accuracy, number of localized nodes, and computation time. Hence, more efforts

are needed to propose more efficient and effective localization approaches.

1.3. Problem Statement

Sensor nodes of WSNs are usually scattered in an ad-hoc fashion in which the

node locations are unknown. However, accurate node localization is extremely

important for many applications that deploy WSNs to perform its mission. A

Chapter 1: Introduction

simple solution for this problem is to equip each sensor node with a GPS

receiver. Unfortunately, this solution is impractical for many reasons including:

• Using a GPS receiver requires high energy consumption which is

unavailable with the battery-based sensor nodes.

• Using a GPS receiver with each sensor node increases the total cost of the


• A GPS receiver cannot work appropriately in certain environments such

indoor and dense forests.

• A GPS receiver can highly affected by the climatic conditions.

Hence, an alternative to GPS-based node localization was needed. Many

approaches have been proposed to address the node localization problem in

WSN in which some nodes are equipped with GPS receivers (anchors or

beacons) and the rest of nodes (unknown or target nodes) are localized with the

help of them. However, more research work is needed to improve the

localization accuracy, to increase the number of localized nodes, and to decrease

the computation time.

1.4. Research Objectives

Accurate node localization is a great objective that needs to be achieved in

order to allow many WSN-based applications to accomplish their pre-

determined tasks. Hence, the objective of this thesis is to propose an accurate

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

and efficient localization approach that can estimate the locations of target nodes

with the help of anchor nodes. Additionally, intensive experimentations are

required to evaluate the performance in terms of well-known performance

metrics against a number of recent localization approaches. We passed through a

number of steps in order to accomplish the thesis’s objectives:

1. Reviewing the current node localization approaches proposed in the


2. Reviewing the recent optimization algorithms in order to select one of

them build the proposed node localization scheme.

3. Formalizing the node localization problem as multi-model multi-

dimensional optimization problems.

4. Designing and implementing the proposed localization scheme that can

accurately localize the maximum number of sensor nodes in short time.

5. Evaluating the performance of the proposed localization scheme in terms

of the known performance measures against a number of recently

proposed localization schemes.

6. Writing the thesis.

1.5. Thesis Contribution

In this thesis, the localization problem is treated as model-model multi-

dimensional localization problem. The main contribution of this thesis is using

Chapter 1: Introduction

the Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) for the first time ever to localize the nodes of

WSNs. SSA is a swarm optimization algorithm which inspired by the swarming

attitude of salps. The performance of the proposed SSA based localization

algorithm is analyzed and compared with particle swarm optimization (PSO),

butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA), firefly algorithm (FA), and grey wolf

optimizer (GWO) algorithms. The results have shown that the SSA based

localization algorithm is better than the previously mentioned localization

algorithms in terms of computing time, number of localized nodes, and

localization accuracy.

1.6. Thesis Organization

This thesis is concerned with designing and implementing a node localization

scheme based on a recent swarm optimization algorithm which can optimize the

different performance measures. The remaining chapters of the thesis are

organized as follows:

• Chapter 2 introduces the different terminologies need to understand the

proposed work including the concepts of optimization and swarm

intelligence. In addition, a number of recently proposed localization

schemes are reviewed.

• Chapter 3 presents taxonomy for the different localization approaches.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

• Chapter 4 presents the proposed localization scheme and the conducted

experiments to evaluate its performance under different scenarios.

• Chapter 5 contains the conclusion and the future work of the thesis.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms
Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Chapter 2: Background and Related Work

2.1. Introduction

This chapter presents the basic concepts that are relevant to the topic of the

thesis. It starts with providing and an overview of WNSs. Then, it dedicates a

section to describe the basic ideas behind the different metaheuristic algorithms.

Finally, it is concluded by reviewing a number of recent works that are focused

on addressing the node localization problem in WSNs.

2.2. Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks

In general, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) includes hundreds or even

thousands of spatially distributed, low-cost, low-power, multifunctional,

autonomous sensor nodes and communicate over short distances [6]. Each node

is usually provided with a sensor unit, a processor, a radio transceiver, an A/D

converter, a memory unit, and a power supply (battery). The typical architecture

of a WSN node is illustrated in Figure 2.1. A WSN node may also be equipped

with application-dependent components, such as the location finding system and

mobilizer. Through combining these components, the nodes can perform a

variety of tasks [7].

Typically, sensor nodes are usually grouped into clusters. In each cluster, one

of these nodes is considered as a cluster head. All other nodes collect the

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

information and deliver them to the cluster head which in turn forwards the

collected information to a special node call sink node or base station, through a

hop-by-hop wireless communication link. In large scale deployment of WNS,

many clusters depending on multiple base stations can be found. The

relationship between WSNs and the infrastructure-based networks is illustrated

in Figure 2.2 [8].


Memory Processor

Radio Transceiver

Power Supply

Figure 2.1: The Architecture of a node in WSN [7].

Figure 2.2: WSNs and their relationship to infrastructure-based networks [7].

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

2.2.1. Applications of WSNs

Generally, the applications of WSNs can be categorized into two types:

monitoring and tracking. Monitoring is utilized to analyze, supervise and careful

control operation of a system in real-time, while tracking is generally utilized to

follow the change of an event, a person, an animal, and so on. Existing

monitoring applications include indoor/outdoor environmental monitoring [9],

industrial monitoring [10], precision agriculture (e.g., irrigation management

and crop disease prediction) [11], biomedical or health monitoring [12],

electrical network monitoring [13], military location monitoring [14], etc.

Tracking applications include habitat tracking [15], traffic tracking [16], military

target tracking [17], etc. This classification is summarized in Figure 2.3.




Health care


Smart House



Public Health


Figure 2.3: Taxonomy of WSNs applications.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

2.3. Introduction to Metaheuristic Algorithms

Optimization problems can be defined as problems that cannot be solved to

optimality or to any guaranteed bound by employing deterministic methods

within a reasonable time limit. As shown in Figure 2.4, these problems can be

classified into many classes from different perspectives including continuous or

discrete, constrained or unconstrained, mono or multi-objective, static or

dynamic. Metaheuristic Algorithms are usually employed to find reasonable

solutions for these problems. A metaheuristic is an algorithm designed to

address a wide range of hard optimization problems without having to deeply

adapt to each problem. The greek prefix “meta” means that these algorithm are

“higher level” heuristics, compared to problem-dependent heuristics.

Metaheuristic algorithms are usually used to solve a specific problem when

there is no heuristic that can be used to provide a reasonable solution for that

problem. Currently, many metaheuristic algorithms are playing a vital role in

solving many hard optimization problems in many fields from finance to

production management and engineering [18].


Continuous/ Constrained/ Mono/ Static/

Discrete Unconstrained Mult-objectives Dynamic

Figure 2.4: The classification of optimization problems

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Almost all metaheuristic algorithms have the following features [18]:

• They are nature-inspired (i.e., inspired by the principles physics,

biology or ethology);

• They use stochastic components (involving random variables);

• They do not use the gradient or Hessian matrix of the objective


• They have many arguments that require to be fitted to the problem

under consideration.

Generally, a metaheuristic algorithm can provide a satisfactory solution for a

certain optimization problem if it can achieve a balance between the exploration

and the exploitation. Exploitation is required to determine parts of the search

space that contain high quality solutions. It is important to focus the search in

some promising areas of the accumulated search experience. On the other side,

the main objective of the exploration is to discover new areas in the search

space. The main difference between metaheuristic algorithms is the way they

take to achieve the balance between the exploration and the exploitation [28,

new1]. Metaheuristic algorithms can be classified based on many factors

including the search path they follow, the memory usage, the type of

neighborhood exploration used, or the number of current solutions moved from

current iteration to next iteration. However, the classification of metaheuristic

algorithms that differentiates between single-solution based metaheuristic

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

algorithms and population-based meta-heuristic algorithms is the most popular

classification method in the literature. In general, basic single-solution based

metaheuristic algorithms are more exploitation oriented whereas basic

population-based metaheuristic algorithms are more exploration oriented [19].

2.3.1 Single-Solution Based Metaheuristic Algorithms

Unlike population based metaheuristics, single-solution based metaheuristic

algorithms begins with a single initial solution and move away from it,

describing a trajectory in the search space. Some of them can be seen as

“intelligent” extensions of local search algorithms. As shown in Figure 2.5,

Trajectory methods mainly include the simulated annealing method, the tabu

search, the GRASP method, the variable neighborhood search, the guided local

search, the iterated local search, and their variants [18].

Simulated Annealing
Single-Solution Based Metahuristics

Tabu Search

GRASP Method

Neighborhood search

Guided Local Search

Iterated local search


Figure 2.5: Single-solution based metaheuristic algorithms

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

2.3.2 Population Based Metaheuristic Algorithms

Population-based metaheuristic algorithms deal with a set (i.e. a population)

of solutions rather than with a single solution. As shown in Figure 2.6, the most

studied population-based methods are related to Evolutionary Computation (EC)

and Swarm Intelligence (SI). EC algorithms are inspired by Darwin’s

evolutionary theory, where a population of individuals is modified through

recombination and mutation operators. They include genetic algorithms [20],

evolution strategies [21], evolutionary programming [22], and genetic

programming [23]. On other side, the idea behind SI, the idea is to produce

computational intelligence by exploiting simple analogues of social interaction,

rather than purely individual cognitive abilities. SI systems are always

consisting of a population of simple agents that interact locally with one another

and with their environment. These entities individually have very limited

capabilities. However, through the cooperative work they can perform many

complex tasks that are crucial for their survival. Although there is normally no

centralized control structure dictating how individual agents should behave,

local interactions between such agents often lead to the emergence of global and

self-organized behavior. Several optimization algorithms inspired by the

metaphors of swarming behavior in nature are proposed. Ant colony

optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization, Bacterial foraging optimization, Bee

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Colony Optimization, Artificial Immune Systems and Biogeography-Based

Optimization are examples to this effect.

Genetic Algorithms

Evolution Strategies

Evolutionary Evolutionary
Computation (EC) Programming
Population Based Metahuristics



Ant Colony

Particle Swarm

Grey Wolf
Swarm Intelligence

Bee Colony


Figure 2.6: Population based metaheuristic Algorithms

2.4. Related Work

In the last years, many optimization algorithms have been employed for

addressing the problem of node localization in WSNs. In this section, some of

the recent relevant works are covered and briefly described.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Zhou et al. have proposed a Free Search based node localization

algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks. The proposed localization algorithm

transforms the parameter estimation task into an optimization problem that can

be formulated as a nonlinear function and calculates the positions of sensor

nodes by utilizing the Free Search optimization. The simulation results have

verified that the proposed localization algorithm has significantly improved the

localization accuracy compared to the least-squares estimation algorithms [24].

Low et al. have introduced a low-cost localization system that depends on

the measurements obtained from a pedometer and communication ranging

among adjacent nodes. The proposed system does not require good network

connectivity and presents good performance in sparse networks. A probability-

based algorithm that needs a nonlinear optimization problem solving is

employed to provide the localization information. Moreover, the particle swarm

optimization (PSO) has been employed to determine the optimum location of the

sensor nodes. Experimental results have proved that the proposed system has a

good performance [25].

Kulkarni et al. have formulated the ranging-based localization task as a

multidimensional optimization problem that can be solved based on distributed

iterative localization using bio-inspired algorithms. The nodes that have been

localized during an iteration are used as references for the unknown nodes in the

next iterations. In their proposed work, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

bacterial foraging algorithm (BFA) have been used for addressing the

localization problem. The conducted experiments have shown that BFA

outperforms PSO in terms of localization accuracy [1].

Manjarres et al. have presented a hybrid node localization algorithm based

on Harmony Search (HS) algorithm with a local search procedure. The main

objective of the proposed algorithm is to address the localization problem and to

distribute its burdens over an iterative process. Additionally, the proposed

algorithm employs certain connectivity-based geometrical constraints to

decrease the area in which each node can be located. The simulation results have

verified that the proposed algorithm is better than another Simulated Annealing

(SA) based localization algorithm in terms of both localization error and

computational cost [26].

Li et al. have suggested a self-adaptive artificial bee colony (SAABC)

node localization algorithm that considers the whole effects resulting from

employing dynamic topology. The proposed algorithm provides good

performance in WSNs with both random distributing nodes and dynamic

topology. Additionally, the obtained simulation results have shown that the

proposed localization algorithm provides better node localization precision and

precision stability compared to the DV-Hop algorithm without the need for extra

devices or overhead in communication [27].

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Tamizharasi et al. have proposed a novel hybrid node localization

algorithm based on Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFA) and Particle Swarm

Optimization (PSO). The main design objectives of the proposed algorithm are

to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of BFA and to avoid getting stuck in a

local extreme. In the proposed algorithm, PSO is merged into the chemotaxis of

BFA to speed up the convergence rate. Moreover, the global search ability is

improved by proposing the elimination probability in elimination-dispersion

based on the energy of bacteria. The obtained simulation results have verified

that the proposed hybrid algorithm outperforms the BFA [28].

Tang et al. have proposed a sensor nodes localization algorithm, which

depends on a new intelligent optimization algorithm called Plant growth

simulation algorithm (PGSA) that simulates the growth of plants. In their work,

they proposed inserting the plant root of adaptive backlight function into the

original PGSA for improving convergence time and localization precision. The

obtained simulation results have verified that the proposed algorithm is better

than the simulated annealing algorithm (SAA) in terms of localization accuracy

and computing time [29].

O.D. Jegede and K. Ferens have employed the genetic algorithm (GA) for

learning the environmental issues within a WSN for effectively localizing its

sensor nodes. For every coordinate in the grid network area, given random

perturbations of received signal strength (RSS), GA would be able to learn the

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

environment and to decrease the possible errors associated with the RSSI

measurement taken for each coordinate. The conducted simulation shows that

GA can reasonably localize sensor nodes using the coordinates of three anchors


S. Goyal and M.S. Patterh have proposed a Cuckoo Search (CS) based

node localization algorithm for estimating the coordinates of sensor nodes in

WSNs. In the proposed algorithm, no weight coefficient is employed for

controlling the global search ability. The conducted simulation has shown that

the proposed localization algorithm is better than the particle swarm

optimization (PSO) and various variants of biogeography-based optimization

(BBO) in terms of localization accuracy [31].

L. Dan and W. Xian-bin have presented a distributed two-phase PSO

algorithm for efficiently and precisely localizing the sensor nodes in addition to

solving the flip ambiguity problem. In the first phase, the initial search space is

defined using the bounding box method. In the second phase, a refinement

process is performed for correcting the error resulting from the flip ambiguity.

Additionally, the proposed algorithm attempted localizing sensor nodes that

have only two references or three near-collinear references. The conducted

simulation has proved the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm [32].

R. Krishnaprabha and A. Gopakumar have proposed a node localization

algorithm based on Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA). In the proposed

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

work, node localization in WSNs is formulated as a non-linear optimization

problem. Also, the proposed algorithm tried to handle the flip ambiguity

problem and to localize the sensor nodes that collinear anchor nodes through the

refinement phase. The obtained simulation results have shown that the proposed

localization algorithm has good performance [33].

B. Peng and L. Li have focused on range-free localization as a cost-

effective alternative compared to range-based approaches. However, they

noticed that range-free localization suffers from higher localization error

compared to the range-based algorithms. In order to deal with this problem, they

presented an improved version for DV-Hop, which is a popular rang-free

approach that depends on hop-distance estimation. The improvement in the DV-

Hop algorithm is performed based on a genetic algorithm. Simulation results

have shown that the proposed localization algorithm has better localization

accuracy compared to other localization algorithms [44].

Sai et al. have presented a hybrid node localization algorithm in WSNs,

which depends on the measurements of the received signal strength (RSS) and

Parallel Firefly Algorithm (PFA). Taking into consideration the distance factor,

the proposed algorithm transforms the node localization problem in WSN into a

nonlinear unconstrained optimization problem that is defined by an enhanced

objective function. In the proposed algorithm, PFA estimates the coordinates of

sensor nodes using the distances between a sensor and a few numbers of its 1-

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

hop neighbors. Simulation results have shown that the proposed approach is

better than PSO, GA, PFA, and RSS in terms of localization accuracy [35].

S. Sivakumar and R. Venkatesan have provided two phases node

localization algorithm in WSNs. In the first phase, the positions of sensor nodes

are roughly estimated using a range-free localization method called Mobile

Anchor Positioning (MAP). In the second phase, the proposed algorithm

attempts to reduce the localization error by employing a certain meta-heuristic

approach. In their work, to perform the second phase, they employed Bat

Optimization Algorithm (BOA), Modified Cuckoo Search (MCS), and Firefly

Optimization Algorithm (FOA) resulting in three localization algorithms

namely, BOA-MAP, MCS-MAP, and FOA-MAP. The experimental results have

shown that FOA-MAP is better than both BOA-MAP and MCS-MAP in terms

of Root mean square error (RMSE) [36].

Sun et al. have proposed a multiobjective node localization algorithm

based on multiobjective particle swarm optimization, called multiobjective

particle swarm optimization localization algorithm (MOPSOLA). The

multiobjective functions include the space distance and the geometric topology

constraints. In the proposed algorithm, the size of the archive remains limited

using a dynamic method. Simulation results have shown that the proposed

algorithm has achieved significant enhancements in terms of localization

accuracy and convergence rate [37].

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Arsic et al. have proposed a node localization algorithm based on

Fireworks Algorithm (FWA). The proposed algorithm provides optimal results

in case of no ranging errors and provides good results in case of ranging errors.

Moreover, they proposed an Enhanced Fireworks Algorithm (EFWA), which

achieved better results compared to FWA. Also, the two proposed localization

algorithm outperforms other PSO based localization algorithm [38].

Shieh et al. have compared several well-known heuristics such as Genetic

Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to more recent

methods such as Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO), Firefly Algorithm (FA), and

Brain Storm Optimization (BSO) algorithms in terms of sensor nodes

localization accuracy. Also, they proposed an enhancement in the localization

algorithms to increase the number of localized nodes. The improved algorithms

have been compared to the original ones in terms of the number of localized

nodes and execution time in different network deployments [39].

J. Cheng and L. Xia have proposed a Cuckoo Search (CS) algorithm-

based node localization algorithm. In the proposed method, the step size has

been modified to obtain a global optimal solution in a short time. Also, the

candidate solutions’ fitness is used for constructing mutation probability to

avoid local convergence. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been

evaluated using different anchor density, node density, and communication

range in terms of average localization error and localization success ratio. The

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

simulation results have proved that the proposed algorithm is better than the

standard CS and PSO in terms of average localization error and convergence

time [40].

P.T. Daely and S.Y. Shin have proposed a node localization algorithm

based on Dragonfly Algorithm (DA) optimization algorithm. The proposed

localization algorithm was designed to determine the positions of the nodes

which are randomly distributed in a specific area. The simulation results proved

that the proposed DA based algorithm is better than PSO in terms of localization

accuracy [41].

Nguyen et al. have employed the multi-objective firefly algorithm to

estimate the coordinates of sensor nodes in WSNs. The used objective functions

depend on two criteria namely, the nodes’ distance constraint and geometric

topology constraint. The simulation results have shown the superiority of the

proposed algorithm compared to well-known localization methods in terms of

localization accuracy and convergence rate [42].

S. Arora and S. Singh have used the butterfly optimization algorithm to

localize the sensor nodes in WSNs. The proposed localization algorithm has

been validated using different numbers of nodes with distance measurements are

corrupted through the Gaussian noise. The simulation results have shown that

the proposed localization algorithm is better than several well-known

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

localization algorithms including particle swarm optimization (PSO) and firefly

algorithm (FA) in terms of localization accuracy [43].

Rajakumar et al. have presented a node localization algorithm based on

grey wolf optimization (GWO) whose main objective is to localize sensor nodes

in WSNs accurately. The proposed algorithm has been validated under different

scenarios using several performance metrics including computing time, number

of localized nodes, and localization accuracy. Also, the performance of the

proposed algorithm has been compared to other meta-heuristics localization

algorithms such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) and modified bat

algorithm (MBA). The simulation results have shown the superiority of the

proposed algorithm in terms of convergence rate and success rate [44].

S. Sujatha and M. Siddappa have proposed a hybrid localization algorithm

based on Dynamic Weight Particle Swarm (DWPSO) and Differential Evolution

(DE) algorithms. The authors observed that decreasing the square error of

estimated and measured distance can improve the localization accuracy. The

obtained simulation results proved that the proposed localization algorithm is

better than the Linearization Method (LM) in terms of localization accuracy and

performance stability [45].

R. Kaur and S. Arora have compared the performance of several bio-

inspired algorithms including Flower pollination algorithm (FPA), Firefly

algorithm (FA), Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) and Particle Swarm

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Optimization (PSO) in localizing the sensor nodes of WSNs. The performance

of the different algorithms has been evaluated in terms of several performance

metrics including localization accuracy, computing time and a number of

localized nodes. The simulation results have shown the superiority of FPA

compared to the other algorithms in terms of localization accuracy [46].

Srideviponmalar et al. have proposed a hybrid node localization algorithm

called genetic algorithm–differential evolution localization algorithm

(GADELA) in order to estimate the positions of the unknown nodes in WSNs.

Based on the conducted experiments, the obtained results have shown that the

localization accuracy and time complexity get better when the size of the

population vector increases [47].

Lui et al. have introduced a node localization scheme based on lightening

search algorithm (LSA) combined with the trilateration method. The

performance of LSA based localization algorithm is compared to genetic

algorithms and the obtained results have shown the superiority of the proposed

algorithm in terms of localization accuracy and convergence [48].

Rauniyar et al. have presented a localization algorithm for the Internet of

Things (IOT) using social learning based particle swarm optimization (SL-PSO).

The design objectives of the proposed algorithm are reducing the localization

error and time complexity. The obtain results have shown that SL-PSO is better

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

than other PSO based localization algorithms in terms of localization accuracy

and convergence rate [49].

Mihoubi et al. have presented a node localization algorithm in WSNs using

effective Bat algorithm. The effectiveness of their proposed localization

algorithm is based on the adaptation of velocity of bats by hybridization, with

Doppler effect for improving the performance. The obtained results have shown

that the proposed algorithm is better than traditional bat algorithm and PSO

based localization algorithms in terms of convergence rate and localization

precision [50].

Tuba et al. have proposed a two-stage node localization algorithm with semi-

mobile anchors using firefly algorithm. The conducted experiments have shown

that the proposed localization algorithm is better that another PSO based

algorithm in terms of localization accuracy [51].

To the best of our knowledge, Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) algorithm

was never used for the localization problem in WSNs so far. Therefore, the main

objective of this thesis is to employ the SSA algorithm for handling the

localization problem in WSNs and is to evaluate its performance against a

number of well-known swarm intelligence algorithms.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

2.5. Summary

In this chapter, the basic concepts that are relevant to the thesis have been

introduced and clarified. The chapter has presented an overview on the

definition of wireless sensor networks and its applications. Then, taxonomy has

been provided for the different metaheuristic algorithms. Finally, a number of

researches that are relevant to the topic of thesis have been covered and

summarized. In the next chapter, the basic concepts of node localization in

wireless networks are presented and clarified. Additionally, a number of

metaheuristic algorithms that have been used in the proposed work are

introduced and described in detail.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms
Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Chapter 3: Metaheuristic Algorithms for Localization in

Wireless Sensor Networks

3.1. Introduction

This chapter provides taxonomy for the node localization scheme with a

summary for each category. In addition, it reviews some of the applications in

which accurate node localization is critical to perform the specified tasks of

these applications. Finally, it concluded by describing in detail the different

metaheuristic algorithms used in the proposed work.

3.2. Taxonomy of Node Localization Algorithms

Accurate node localization in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a major

concern for many applications such as cyber-physical systems, military, eHealth,

environment monitoring, home and office automation, weather forecasting, etc

[52-56]. Equipping each sensor node with a GPS can be a direct solution for this

problem. However, this is impractical solution because of high cost and high

energy consumption. In addition, GPS receivers cannot works properly in indoor

environments and dense forests. These problems associated with The GPS-

based solution motivated the researches to develop many localization algorithms

[57]. Node localization is defined as the estimation of the location of unknown

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

nodes with the help of some nodes with known positions or using the

connectivity information between the unknown nodes.

In this thesis, as shown in Figure 3.1, localization schemes in WSNs are

classified into “Sparse vs. Dense”, “Anchor based vs. Anchor free”, “Indoor vs.

Outdoor” and “Static vs. Mobile”. “Anchor Based" and “Anchor Free"

localization schemes are further divided into “Range Based" and “Range Free"

schemes [58].


Sparse vs. Anchor Based Static vs.

Dense vs. Anchor Free Mobile

Anchor Based Anchor Free

Range Based Range Based

Range Free Range Free

Figure 3.1: A Taxonomy for the node localization schemes [58]

The aforementioned classification considers the network size (sparse vs.

dense) and the type of applications that employ WSNs (indoor vs. outdoor). In

addition, it considers the mobility of sensor nodes (static vs. mobile) and the

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

using of anchor nodes (beacons). Below, a separate section is dedicated to

describe each branch of the above classification.

3.3. Localization in Sparse and Dense Networks

Based on the sparseness of the network, the localization scheme can be

categorized into global and sequential. Semi-definite programming (SDP) [59]

and multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) [60] are widely-adopted for global

localization. These schemes can simultaneously calculate the locations of the

nodes in dense networks and they are subject to erroneous measurements in

sparse networks.

On the other side, sequential schemes compute the locations of sensor nodes

sequentially [61]. In order to address the node localization issue in sparse

networks, two types of algorithms are proposed namely, node based localization

and component based localization.

The node based localization based algorithm called ‘Sweeps’ [62] is related to

the iterative method ‘trilateration’. In the trilateration method, a primary set of

three nodes with fixed location information is utilized to define a coordinate

system. Node based localization algorithms include ‘TERRAIN’ [63], which is

based on trilateration and local maps.

In component based localization, a component, a rigid structure of a

collection of nodes, is employed as a basic unit for localization. ‘Component

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

bAsed Localization aLgorithm’ (CALL) [64] was presented as a new

mechanism for component based localization.

3.4. Anchor Based Vs. Anchor Free Localization Scheme

3.4.1. Anchor Based Localization

In anchor based localization, a number of nodes are equipped with GPS

receivers. They are called known nodes, anchors, or beacons. The unknown

nodes estimate their positions (self-localization) using the information gathered

from the anchors. If the unknown nodes cooperate with each other and share

their location information, the localization process is called remote or

cooperative localization. Further, if the information flow is handled through

individual nodes the localization is called distributed localization; while, if the

information flow is handled using a central processor, the localization process is

called centralized localization. The shared information contains distance

measurements or connectivity information, which further divides the anchor

based localization approaches into: “Range based” and “Range free” localization


1) Range Based Approaches:

Range-based approaches compute the positions of unknown nodes location

using point-to-point distance measurements. Many approaches can be employed

to measure the distances including angle of arrival (AoA), time of arrival (ToA),

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

time difference of arrival (TDoA), acoustic energy, and received signal strength

indicator (RSSI). The first three methods provide more accurate distance

measurements compared to RSSI; however, complex hardware setup is required.

After collecting the information of anchors and sometimes of other unknown

nodes, distances are combined using techniques like lateration or particle filter

etc [58].

2) Range Free Approaches:

Range free localization schemes employ the connectivity information among

the sensor nodes to compute the positions of the unknown nodes. It can be an

alternative for range based localization schemes that need complex and

expensive hardware to be configured [58].

3.4.2. Anchor Free Localization

Unlike anchor based localization schemes, anchor free localization schemes

do not localizes the unknown nodes using the known locations of some nodes

(anchors). These algorithms have freedom on translation and orientation. Based

on the usage of the range measurement technique, these localization algorithms

are classified into: range based anchor free and range free anchor free. Anchor

free localization algorithms do not need the anchor selection process, which is

very complex task [59].

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

3.5. Indoor Localization

Recently, the indoor positioning system became very popular because of its

relevance to many real world applications in the construction industry, logistics

industry, healthcare, and other official environments. Indoor localization is more

difficult compared to outdoor positioning because the GPS receivers do not

work properly under roofs. Additionally, measuring the distance is a challenging

task because the indoor environments are usually crowded and cluttered.

Moreover, the mobility of objects in indoor environments makes them more

complex. So far, the two widely-employed strategies to estimate the positions of

objects in an indoor environment depend on Received Signal Strength (RSS).

These are known as range based and range free, or profiling or fingerprinting.

Also, other hybrid localization schemes that depend on new concepts have been

introduced. Most of these localization schemes address the mobility issue along

with consideration of different environmental discontinuity. Among these

localization schemes [65] which uses maximum likelihood estimation, [66]

which use triangulation, [67] which uses spectrum analysis, [68] which uses

curve fitting, [69] which uses multi-lateration, and [70] which uses a

fingerprinting localization method. Moreover, [71] which combine

fingerprinting and kernel density estimation for the localization of unknown


Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

3.6. Localization in Static and Mobile Sensor Networks

Node localization schemes can also be categorized into “Static” and “Mobile”

localization schemes. Generally, few research works that addressed the mobility

issue of sensor nodes in WSNs. Most of them use the nodes’ mobility

information to improve the accuracy of localization. However, build an accurate

localization scheme for mobile sensors is a challenging task because they

usually need centralized processing which requires long time to run. In addition,

centralized schemes usually make assumptions about network topology, which

is not suitable for mobile wireless sensor networks (MWSN) [75].

Mobility can influence the localization process in many aspects. One of the

major concerns related to MWSNs is latency. Longer time taken by localization

may lead to latency, where the sensor will have changed its position since the

measurement took place. Another issue is Doppler shift which can occur when

the transmitter of a signal is moving relative to the receiver [58].

3.7. Applications of Localization

Although WSNs were first presented for military purposes, it now deployed

in many applications to perform a variety of tasks. The fields that employ WSNs

include healthcare, weather forecasting, environmental observation,

transportation systems, and home and office applications. Accurate node

localization is critical to allow these applications to perform its specified tasks

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

[58]. A review on these application in which node localization is necessary is

given below.

1. Military Applications

Sensors are used in military for many purposes including battlefield

application, infrastructural application, application beyond the battlefield, and

force protection. In the battlefield, sensors with different measurement

techniques are employed for different arms technology. Distributed self-

contained acoustic position systems and accelerometer sensors provide antitank

landmines [73] with sensing information regarding threats from their neighbor

states and help to respond.

2. Emergency Service Applications

WSNs are employed effectively in emergency services, such as police, fire,

and medical via 911 calling. One such implementation involves the localization

of a mobile station placed within a city for citizens to place immediate 911 calls


3. Internet of things (IoT) and Cyber Physical Systems

The Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber Physical Systems are newly

developed applications in which localization of sensors has a critical role when a

wide variety of electronic devices communicate with each other and control the

systems [58].

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

4. Traffic Monitoring Applications

One of the most popular applications of WSNs is the transport control and

monitoring system, where localization has become a complementary part of

modern vehicular technology. Intelligent transport system (ITS) adopts sensor

technology for traffic management and safety in addition to building an ideal

city with smart traffic control mechanisms [75].

5. Environmental Observation and Weather Forecasting Applications

One of the most important applications of WSNs is environment monitoring

and weather forecasting. The applications of a sensor network in the field of

weather monitoring and weather forecasting include habitat monitoring,

agricultural issues, forest and water quality monitoring etc. Being necessary for

these applications, different localization algorithms ensure suitable position

estimation [60].

6. Home and Office Applications

Wireless sensor networks have improved the home and office environment by

exploiting the sensor technology to reduce the energy consumption in indoor

environments [60].

3.8. Metaheuristic Algorithms for Localization in WSN

Recently, researchers have used to look into natural processes and creatures to

get inspired for solving the difficult real-world problems. Many natural

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

processes highly depend on optimization process including Darwinian evolution,

social group behavior and foraging strategies. During the last decades, the field

of nature-inspired search and optimization algorithms has become an active

research area and getting an increasing attention. Currently, these algorithms are

widely adopted to solve a wide range of problems that belong to different fields

including scientific research, industry, and commerce. The proposed algorithms

in this field constitute two main families: the evolutionary computing methods

and the swarm intelligence algorithms. Although both families of algorithms are

generally dedicated towards solving search and optimization problems, they are

certainly not equivalent, and each has its own distinguishing features [76].

Swarm Intelligence (SI) is a relatively new interdisciplinary field of research,

which has gained huge popularity in these days. Algorithms belonging to this

domain, draw inspiration from the collective intelligence emerging from the

behavior of a group of social insects (like bees, termites and wasps). When

acting as a community, these insects even with very limited individual capability

can jointly (cooperatively) perform many complex tasks necessary for their

survival. Problems like finding and storing foods, selecting and picking up

materials for future usage require a detailed planning, and are solved by insect

colonies without any kind of supervisor or controller. Swarm intelligence is a

family of bio-inspired algorithms that has recently emerged to meet these

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

requirements, and it has successfully been applied to a number of real world

optimization problems [77].

In this thesis, we employ a recently proposed swarm intelligence algorithm

called salp optimization algorithm (SSA) to perform the node localization in

WSNs. Moreover, the performance of the proposed algorithm is compared to

other four optimization algorithms namely, particle swarm optimization (PSO),

butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA), firefly algorithm (FA), and grey wolf

optimizer (GWO). The ideas behind the different the swarm optimization

algorithms are presented in the next subsections.

3.8.1. Particle Swarm Optimization

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a swarm optimization algorithm

proposed by Eberhart and Kennedy in 1995. It inspired by the collective

behavior of bird flocking and fish schooling. It employs a number of particles

that simulate a swarm population moving around in the search space to find the

best solution. Each particle provides a candidate solution for the problem and is

usually represented as a point in D-dimensional space. The position of each

particle is represented as a vector xi = (xi1 , xi2 , … , xiD ). Particles moves in the

search space to find optimal solutions and each particle has a velocity

represented as a vector vi = (vi1 , vi2 , … , viD ). During movement, the position of

each particle is updated based on the best position that has been achieved by the

particle himself (pbest) and the best position that has been achieved by all the

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

particles so far (gbest). The velocity and the position of each particle are updated

as shown below [78].

𝑡+1 𝑡 𝑡+1
𝑥𝑖𝑑 = 𝑥𝑖𝑑 + 𝑣𝑖𝑑 (3.1)

𝑡+1 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡
𝑣𝑖𝑑 = 𝑤 ∗ 𝑣𝑖𝑑 + 𝑐1 ∗ 𝑟1 ∗ (𝑝𝑖𝑑 − 𝑥𝑖𝑑 ) + 𝑐2 ∗ 𝑟2 ∗ (𝑝𝑔𝑑 − 𝑥𝑖𝑑 ) (3.2)

where 𝑡 refers to the iteration number, 𝑤 is inertia weight that aims at

determining the effect of previous velocities on current velocity, 𝑐1 and 𝑐2 are

acceleration constants, 𝑟1 and 𝑟2 are random variables whose values are

normally distributed in [0,1], and 𝑝𝑖𝑑 and 𝑝𝑔𝑑 indicate the elements of pbest and

gbest in the 𝑑 𝑡ℎ dimension, respectively. The velocity is limited by a predefined

maximum velocity 𝑣𝑚𝑎𝑥 . The pseudocode and the flowchart of PSO are shown

in Figures 3.2 and 3.3, respectively.

Initialize the population of particles

While (stopping condition is not met)

Evaluate the fitness of each particle

Update individual and global best

Update the individual and global bests

Update the velocity and position of each particle

Until the stopping condition is met

The new velocity and positions will be updated using Eq. 3.1 and 3.2 respectively.

Figure 3.2: The pseudocode of the PSO algorithm [79]

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms


Initialize the particle population

Evaluate the fitness of each particle

Fitness <pid Renew pid and

pid <pgd Renew pgd


vid = w*vid + c1*r1*(pid - xid) + c1*r1*(pgd - xid)

xid = xid + vid

No Yes

Figure 3.3: The flow chart of the PSO algorithm [79]

3.8.2. Butterfly Optimization Algorithm

Butterfly Optimization Algorithm (BOA) is a swarm intelligence algorithm

that is recently proposed by Arora [80]. It is inspired from the food-foraging

behaviour of butterflies. Biologically, butterflies find the source of food using

sense receptors. The role of these sense receptors, also called chemoreceptors, is

to sense fragrance/smell [81]. In BOA, butterflies are the search agents that

perform optimization. Each butterfly emits fragrance with some intensity. This

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

fragrance is propagated and sensed by other butterflies in the region. The

fragrance emitted by butterfly is correlated with the butterfly’s fitness. This

means that the fragrance of a butterfly changes according to its current location

[80]. When a butterfly is able to sense fragrance from any other butterfly that is

larger than its fragrance, it will move toward the latter and this phase is called

global search. On the other side, when a butterfly cannot sense fragrance from

other butterflies that is larger than its local fragrance, it will move randomly and

this phase is called local search [82]. In BOA, the fragrance is defined as a

function of the physical intensity of stimulus as shown below [82]:

𝑓𝑖 = 𝑐𝐼 𝑎 (3.3)

where 𝑓𝑖 is the perceived magnitude of fragrance, 𝑐 is the sensory modality, 𝐼 is

the stimulus intensity and 𝑎 is the power exponent dependent on modality,

which accounts varying degree of absorption. As mentioned before, there are

two phases in BOA algorithm namely, local search phase and global search

phase. In global search phase, the butterfly moves one step toward the best

butterfly/solution 𝑔∗ which can be formulated as:

𝑥𝑖𝑡+1 = 𝑥𝑖𝑡 + (𝑟 2 × 𝑔∗ − 𝑥𝑖𝑡 ) × 𝑓𝑖 (3.4)

where 𝑥𝑖𝑡 is the solution vector 𝑥𝑖 of 𝑖 𝑡ℎ butterfly in iteration number t, 𝑔∗ is the

best solution found in the current stage, 𝑓𝑖 is the fragrance of 𝑖 𝑡ℎ butterfly, and 𝑟

is a random number in [0, 1]. Local search phase is formulated as:

𝑥𝑖𝑡+1 = 𝑥𝑖𝑡 + (𝑟 2 × 𝑥𝑘𝑡 − 𝑥𝑗𝑡 ) × 𝑓𝑖 (3.5)

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

where 𝑥𝑗𝑡 and 𝑥𝑘𝑡 are 𝑗𝑡ℎ and 𝑘 𝑡ℎ butterflies chosen randomly from the solution

space. Eq. (3.5) is considered a local random walk if and only if 𝑥𝑗𝑡 and 𝑥𝑘𝑡

belongs to the same sub-swarm and 𝑟 is a random number in[0, 1]. Search for

food and mating partner by butterflies can occur at both local and global scale;

therefore, a switch probability p is employed in BOA to switch between

common global search and intensive local search. The pseudocode and the flow

chart of the BOA algorithm are shown in Figures 3.4 and 3.5, respectively.

Objective function f(x), x=(x1……xdim)

Generate population of n Butterflies xi= (i=1,2,…n)
Define c, a and p
while stopping criteria not met do
for each butterfly bf in population do
Calculate fragrance for bf using Eq. (3.3)
end for
Find the best bf
for each butterfly bf in population do
Generate a random number r from [0, 1]
if r < p then
Move towards best butterfly using Eq. (3.4)
Move randomly using Eq. (3.5)
end if
end for
end while
Output the best solution found.

Figure 3.4: The pseudocode of the BOA algorithm

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms


Initialize the butterfly population randomly

Initialize the value of switch probability p, sensory

modality c and power exponent alpha

Evaluate the fitness and find the best solution g*

Yes No
rand1 <p

Perform global search Perform local search

Perform intensive exploitation rand2 <p

Update the position of all
butterflies Fitness Evaluation

Update the best values of butterflies in the population



Output the best solution


Figure 3.5: The flow chart of the BOA algorithm

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

3.8.3. Firefly Algorithm

Firefly Algorithm (FA) is a nature-inspired algorithm proposed by Yang [83]. It

mimics the social behaviors and flashing patterns of fireflies. FA depends on the

next three idealized rules [83, 84]:

1) Fireflies are unisex which means that a firefly can get attracted to any

other firefly regardless their sex.

2) The attractiveness of fireflies is directly proportional to their brightness.

Thus, for any two flashing fireflies, the firefly with less brightness moves

toward the one with higher brightness. If there is no a brighter firefly than

a particular firefly, the latter moves randomly.

3) The brightness of a firefly is calculated using an objective function.

A firefly’s attractiveness is proportional to the light intensity visualized

by other fireflies in the region; therefore, the relationship between the

attractiveness β and the distance r can be formulated as:

𝛽 = 𝛽0 𝑒 −𝛾𝑟 (3.6)

where 𝛽0 is the brightness at distance 𝑟 = 0 and 𝛾 is the light absorption

coefficient. The movement of a firefly 𝑖 toward a more attractive (brighter)

firefly 𝑗 is represented as:

𝑥𝑖𝑡+1 = 𝑥𝑖𝑡 + 𝛽0 𝑒 −𝛾𝑟𝑖𝑗 (𝑥𝑗𝑡 − 𝑥𝑖𝑡 ) + 𝛼𝑡 𝜖𝑖𝑡 (3.7)

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

where 𝑟𝑖𝑗 is the distance between the fireflies 𝑖 and 𝑗 that is calculated using the

Euclidean norm, the second term is due to the attraction, the third term is a

randomization with 𝛼𝑡 being the randomization parameter, and 𝜖𝑖𝑡 is a vector

that includes random numbers. The pseudocode and the flow chart of the FA

algorithm are shown in Figures 3.6 and 3.7, respectively.

Objective Function f(X), X= (x1, x2, …xd)

Generate population of n fireflies, Xi, i = 1, 2,…, n

Light intensity Ii at Xi is determined by f(Xi)

Define the light absorption coefficient γ

while (t < MaxGeneration)

for i = 1: n, all n fireflies

for j = 1: n, all n fireflies (inner loop)

if (Ii < Ij),

Move firefly i towards j using Eq. (3.7)

end if

Vary attractiveness with distance i via exp[- γr2]

end for j

end for i

Rank the fireflies and find the global best solution

end while

Post-process the results

Figure 3.6: The pseudocode of the FA algorithm

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms


Initialize the firefly population

Compute the fitness of each firefly

f(j) > f(i) Move firefly I toward firefly j


Compute attractiveness and update light intensity




Figure 3.7: The flow chart of the FA algorithm

3.8.4. Grey Wolf Optimizer

Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) is a recent swarm intelligence algorithm

inspired by the grey wolf community. It is developed by Seyedali Mirjalili et al.

in 2014. Grey wolf is a very dangerous creature which belongs to the Canidae

family. Grey wolves usually live in packs that consist of 5 to 12 wolves. Each

group has social dominance hierarchy: alpha, beta, and omega, in order. The

alphas are a male and female which represent the leaders of the group. The betas

are the second level of management hierarchy. The omegas are the final level in

the hierarchy [85].

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

In order to mathematically model the social hierarchy of wolves in GWO, The

fittest solution is referred to as the alpha (α). Consequently, the second and third

best solutions are Beta (β) and Delta (δ), respectively. The rest of candidate

solutions are Omega (ω) [28]. The mathematical model of the encircling

behavior is represented as follows [85]:

⃗ = |𝐶 . 𝑋𝑝 (𝑡) − 𝑋(𝑡)|
𝐷 (3.8)

𝑋(𝑡 + 1) = |𝑋𝑝 (𝑡) − ⃗⃗⃗

𝐴. 𝐷⃗| (3.9)

⃗ = 2. r2 , A
where t indicates the current iteration, C ⃗ = 2a⃗. r1 − a⃗, X
⃗ m is the

position vector of the wolf, 𝑟1 and 𝑟2 are random vectors in [0, 1] and a linearly

varies from 2 to 1, C and A are coefficient vectors, 𝑋𝑝 is the position vector of

the prey. During the optimization, the 𝜔 wolves update their positions around

𝛼, 𝛽, and 𝛿. Therefore, the 𝜔 wolves are able to reposition with respect to 𝛼, 𝛽,

and 𝛿 as shown below [85]:

⃗ 𝛼 = |𝐶 1. 𝑋𝛼 − 𝑋|,

⃗ 𝛽 = |𝐶 2. 𝑋𝛽 − 𝑋|,

⃗ 𝛿 = |𝐶 3. 𝑋𝛿 − 𝑋|
𝐷 (3.10)

⃗ 𝛼),
𝑋1 = 𝑋𝛼 − 𝐴1. (𝐷

⃗ 𝛽),
𝑋2 = 𝑋𝛽 − 𝐴2. (𝐷

⃗ 𝛿)
𝑋3 = 𝑋𝛿 − 𝐴3. (𝐷 (3.11)

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

⃗ 1+𝑋
𝑋 ⃗ 2+ 𝑋
𝑋(𝑡 + 1) = (3.12)

With these equations, a search agent updates its position according to α, β,

and δ in an n-dimensional search space. In addition, the final position would be

in a random place within a circle which is defined by the positions of α, β, and δ

in the search space [85]. The pseudocode and the flowchart of the GWO

algorithm are shown in Figures 3.8 and 3.9, respectively.

Initialize the grey wolf population Xi = (i = 1,2, …, n)

Initialize a, A, and C
For all Xi do
Calculate fitness F(Xi)
End for
Get the first three best wolves Xα, Xβ, and Xδ
While (t < Max number of iterations)
For each search agent
Update the position of the current search agent using equation 3.12.
End for
Update a, A, and C
For all Xi do
Calculate fitness F(Xi)
End for
Update Xα, Xβ, and Xδ
End while
Return Xδ

Figure 3.9: The pseudocode of the GWO algorithm

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms


Initialize the grey wolves’ population

Initialize a, A, and C

Compute the fitness

Find Xα, Xβ, and Xδ

Update the positions of

search agents

Update a, A, and C



Display Xα and fitness



Figure 3.9: The flow chart of the GWO algorithm

3.8.5. Salp Swarm Algorithm

Salps are part of Salpidae family with the limpid cylinder design body. They

look like jellyfishes in texture and movement. The shape of a salp is shown in

Figure 3.10 (a). The water is pushed Salps bodies to move forward [86].

Generally, the biological researches about salps in its early stages because their

living environments are hardly accessible, and it is very difficult to keep them in

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

laboratory environment. Salps swarming attitude is the main inspiration to build

Salp Swarm Algorithm [87]. Salps compose a swarm in profound oceans which

is called Salp chain. This chain is illustrated in Figure 3.10 (b). This chain can

help to achieve better locomotion during the foraging process [88].

(a) (b)
Figure 3.10: (a) Individual salp. (b) Salps chain [29]

Originally, the salps population is divided into two groups to formulate the

mathematical model for salp chains: head and followers. The head position is at

the beginning of the chain while the rest of the chain is referred to as the

followers [89].

The salps location is determined likewise swarm-based methods, by an n-

dimensional search area via considering the number of variables inside the

presented problem represented by n. Accordingly, a two-dimensional matrix

described as x will contains the position of all Salps. It is supposed too, in search

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

space, there is 'F' which is a food source as the target of the swarm. The

following equation is suggested to upgrade the leader location [87]:

𝐹𝑗 + 𝑐1 ((𝑢𝑏𝑗 − 𝑙𝑏𝑗 )𝑐2 + 𝑙𝑏𝑗 ) 𝑐3 ≥ 0

𝑥𝑗1 = { (3.13)
𝐹𝑗 − 𝑐1 ((𝑢𝑏𝑗 − 𝑙𝑏𝑗 )𝑐2 + 𝑙𝑏𝑗 ) 𝑐3 < 0

where 𝑥𝑗1 shows the position of the first Salp (leader) in the 𝑗th dimension, 𝐹𝑗 is

the position of the food source in the 𝑗th dimension, 𝑢𝑏𝑗 indicates the upper

bound of 𝑗th dimension, 𝑙𝑏𝑗 indicates the lower bound of jth dimension, 𝑐1 , 𝑐 2 ,

and 𝑐3 are random numbers.

Eq. (3.13) shows that the leader only updates its position with respect to the

food source. The coefficient 𝑐1 is the most important parameter in SSA because

it balances exploration and exploitation defined as follows [87]:

4𝑙 2
𝑐1 = 2𝑒 − ( 𝐿 ) (3.14)

where l is the current iteration and L is the maximum number of iterations. The

parameter 𝑐2 and 𝑐3 are random numbers uniformly generated in the interval of

[0, 1]. In fact, they dictate if the next position in jth dimension should be towards

positive infinity or negative infinity as well as the step size. To update the

position of the followers, the following equations is utilized (Newton’s law of

motion) [87]:

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

𝑥𝑗𝑖 = 𝑎 𝑡 2 + 𝑣0 𝑡 (3.15)

where 𝑖 ≥ 2, 𝑥𝑗𝑖 shows the position of 𝑖 th follower Salp in 𝑗th dimension, 𝑡 is

𝑣𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑥 − 𝑥0
time, 𝑣0 is the initial speed, and 𝑎 = where 𝑣 = . Because the time
𝑣0 𝑡

in optimization is an iteration, the discrepancy between iterations is equal to 1

and considering 𝑣0 = 0, this equation can be expressed as follows [87]:

𝑥𝑗𝑖 = (𝑥𝑗𝑖 + 𝑥𝑗𝑖−1 ) (3.16)

where 𝑖 ≥ 2 and 𝑥𝑗𝑖 shows the position of 𝑖 th follower Salp in 𝑗th dimension.

Using equations (1) and (4), the Salp chains can be simulated. Figure 3.11 and

3.12 show the pseudocode and the flow chart of the SSA algorithm,

Initialize the Salp population 𝑥𝑖 (𝑖 = 1, 2, … , 𝑛)considering 𝑢𝑏 and 𝑙𝑏
While (end condition is not satisfied)
Calculate the fitness of each search agent (salp)
F = the best search agent
Update 𝑐1 by Eq. 2
For each salp (𝑥𝑖 )
If (𝑖 == 1)
Update the position of the leading salp by Eq. 3.13
Update the position of the follower salp by Eq. 3.16
Figure 2.13: The pseudocode of the SSA algorithm
Amend the salps based on the upper and lower bounds of variables
Return F
Figure 3.11: The pseudocode of the SSA algorithm

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms


Initialize the salp population

Compute the fitness of each agent

Yes No
The current salp
is the leader

Update the position of the Update the position of the

following salp using Eq. 3.13 leading salp using Eq. 3.16

Amend the salps based on the upper and lower bounds of variables

Stop condition is



Figure 3.12: The flow chart of the SSA algorithm

3.9. Summary
In this chapter, the different types of localization schemes are briefly

described in addition to the applications of node localization in wireless sensor

networks. Finally, a detailed description has been provided for five

metaheuristic algorithms that are used in the proposed work. In the next chapter,

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

a node localization scheme based on the salp swam algorithm is presented and

evaluated in terms of the suitable performance metrics.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms
Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Chapter 4: Node Localization Using Salp Swarm


4.1. Introduction

This chapter includes the implementation details of the proposed localization

scheme. Also, intensive experimentations are conducted to evaluate the

performance of the proposed localization scheme against a number of other

swarm optimization algorithms in terms of accepted performance metrics.

4.2. Formulation of WSN Localization Problem

WSN node localization problem is formulated using the single hop range-

based distribution technique to estimate the position of the unknown node

coordinates (X, Y) with the aid of anchor nodes (position of known nodes)

coordinates (x, y). Anchor nodes are provided with a GPS device, so it has the

capability of automatically determining its position. Most of the nodes in the

WSN are not equipped with GPS due to high cost. To measure the coordinates

of N unknown nodes, the procedure followed is given below.

Step 1: Randomly Initialize the N unknown nodes and M anchor nodes

within the communication range (R). Anchor nodes measure their position

and communicate their coordinates to their neighbors. For all iterations, the

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

node which settles at the end is termed as reference node and this node will

act as anchor node.

Step 2: Three or more anchor nodes within the communication range of a

node are considered as a localized node.

Step 3: Let (x, y) be the coordinates of the target node to be determined and

di be the distance between the target node and the ith anchor node.

𝑑𝑖 = √(𝑥 − 𝑥𝑖 )2 + (𝑦 − 𝑦𝑖 )2 (4.1)

Step 4: The optimization problem is formulated to minimize the error of the

localization problem. The objective function for the localization problem is

formulated as:
𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) = min( ∑𝑀 2 2
𝑖=1(√(𝑥 − 𝑥𝑖 ) + (𝑦 − 𝑦𝑖 ) ) ) (4.2)

where M is the anchor nodes within the transmission range (R) of the target


Step 5: All target localized nodes (NL) is determined, the whole localization

error is calculated as the mean of the square of distances of the estimated

coordinates node (xi, yi) and the actual node coordinates (Xi, Yi), for i = 1, 2,

. . ., NL.
𝐸𝐿 = ∑𝐿𝑖=1(√(𝑥𝑖 − 𝑋𝑖 )2 + (𝑦𝑖 − 𝑌𝑖 )2 ) (4.3)

The performance of SSA algorithm evaluated using EL and the number of

non-localized nodes NNL, where NNL = [N − NL].

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Step 6: Repeat the steps 2–5 until all unknown/target nodes get localized or

no more nodes can be localized.

4.3. Experimental Analysis

In this section, the proposed WSN localization approach that is employs the

salp swarm algorithm is evaluated under different scenarios, and its performance

is compared to four other swarm based algorithms (PSO, BOA, FA, and GWO)

in terms of localization accuracy and computing time. The computations of the

different algorithms are performed using MATLAB R2012b on a machine of

Intel Core i7 CPU, 4GB RAM, and Windows7 operating system. The

parameters’ values of the deployment area are shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Parameters setting of simulation environment

Parameters Values
Sensor Nodes Varies on ∑6𝑖=1 𝑖 ∗ 2 5
Anchor nodes Varies on increment 𝑖 = 𝑖 + 5
Node transmission range (R) 30 m
Deployment area 100 m*100 m
Maximum number of iterations 100

For BOA, the sensory modality c is set 0.01, whereas the initial value of

power exponent a is set to 0.1 [43]. For PSO, initial values of ω = 0.7 and c1 =

c2 = 1.494 were recommended for faster convergence after experimental tests

[43]. For FA, the randomization parameter α is set to 0.25, the absorption

coefficient γ is set to 1.0, and the initial attractiveness parameter β is set to 1.

For GWO, the parameter a linearly decreases in the interval of [2 to 0] and the C

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

parameter linearly increases from 0 to 2 [44]. Finally, for SSA, c1 is calculated

using Eq. 3.14, whereas c2 = 0.7 and c3 = 0.3 and c2 , c3 are random numbers

uniformly generated from the interval [0, 1].

4.3.1. Sensor Nodes Localization Using SSA

In all conducted experiments, the coordinates of central nodes (N) and

destination nodes (M) are randomly configured during the construction of the

deployment area. The deployment area includes three types of nodes: anchor

nodes whose known position, target nodes whose unknown position, and

localized nodes whose positions are already estimated. In this section, the

performance of the SSA based localization algorithm is evaluated under

different scenarios using different numbers of target nodes and different

numbers of anchors as shown in Figure 4.1.

(a) Target nodes = 25 Anchor nodes = 10

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

(b) Target nodes = 50 Anchor nodes = 15

(c) Target nodes = 75 Anchor nodes = 20

(d) Target nodes = 100 Anchor nodes = 25

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

(e) Target nodes = 125 Anchor nodes = 30

(f) Target nodes = 150 Anchor nodes = 35

Figure 4.1: Node localization using different numbers of target nodes and anchor nodes

4.3.2. Comparison among Different Localization Algorithms

In this section, SSA and the other swarm algorithms have been evaluated

under different scenarios in terms of localization error, computing time, and

number of localized nodes. The obtained results of the different algorithms are

shown in Table 4.2.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Table 4.2: Performance metrics of different localization algorithms

Target Anchor No. PSO BOA FA GWO SSA
Nodes Nodes Iterations EL(m) T(s) NL EL(m) T(s) NL EL(m) T(s) NL EL(m) T(s) NL EL(m) T(s) NL
25 0.818 0.40 16 0.232 0.37 22 0.265 0.6 19 0.744 0.22 20 0.465 0.35 22
50 0.812 0.40 15 0.225 0.38 23 0.262 1.2 20 0.741 0.41 21 0.462 0.35 23
25 10
75 0.803 0.41 18 0.223 0.39 25 0.258 1.5 21 0.741 0.54 21 0.458 0.36 23
100 0.792 0.41 18 0.221 0.40 25 0.251 1.8 19 0.740 0.79 23 0.451 0.37 24
25 0.419 0.71 41 0.338 0.84 47 0.477 1.6 46 0.690 0.42 44 0.477 0.67 43
50 0.426 0.73 47 0.332 0.85 48 0.473 1.9 49 0.688 0.63 45 0.472 0.69 47
50 15
75 0.429 0.76 46 0.326 0.86 49 0.465 2.5 49 0.686 0.81 46 0.468 0.69 48
100 0.434 0.76 48 0.323 0.86 49 0.465 3.5 48 0.682 0.98 48 0.464 0.70 50
25 0.735 1.31 73 0.257 1.49 66 0.519 2.9 71 0.641 0.72 72 0.519 0.90 69
50 0.728 1.32 74 0.257 1.49 66 0.513 3.8 72 0.641 0.95 72 0.513 0.92 72
75 20
75 0.728 1.33 74 0.255 1.50 70 0.504 4.7 73 0.638 1.3 73 0.504 0.95 73
100 0.724 1.35 75 0.253 1.52 72 0.503 5.2 73 0.635 1.4 74 0.503 0.96 75
25 0.661 2.10 97 0.355 2.40 97 0.711 3.8 98 0.611 1.1 95 0.511 1.31 98
50 0.658 2.16 97 0.355 2.44 99 0.709 4.2 98 0.606 1.5 97 0.509 1.33 98
100 25
75 0.642 2.17 99 0.333 2.47 100 0.702 5.6 99 0.602 1.8 98 0.502 1.36 99
100 0.641 2.20 100 0.331 2.50 100 0.704 6.3 98 0.602 2.1 98 0.504 1.37 100
25 0.754 4.87 120 0.549 3.84 122 0.829 2.7 122 0.589 1.5 122 0.529 1.67 123
50 0.748 4.86 121 0.548 3.85 123 0.824 4.5 123 0.580 2.2 123 0.524 1.68 124
125 30
75 0.750 4.89 122 0.534 3.86 124 0.822 5.9 125 0.580 2.8 123 0.522 1.70 125
100 0.752 4.95 125 0.534 3.89 124 0.822 6.5 124 0.572 3.3 125 0.522 1.72 125
25 0.625 5.41 145 0.766 5.88 147 0.911 2.5 149 0.559 2.8 148 0.511 2.12 149
50 0.622 5.42 146 0.765 5.61 148 0.909 4.2 150 0.547 3.6 149 0.509 2.14 149
150 35
75 0.619 5.44 148 0.763 5.64 149 0.904 6.4 150 0.523 4.3 150 0.504 2.16 150
100 0.616 5.45 150 0.763 5.69 149 0.904 7.2 149 0.523 4.8 150 0.504 2.18 150

Under the different scenarios (number of nodes/ number of anchors), it is

noticed that, for all the localization algorithms, increasing the number of

iterations increases both of the number of localized nodes and the computing

time while reduces the localization error. This notice is rational because

increasing the number of iteration means higher amounts of computations,

which requires longer computation time. On the other side, increasing the

number of iterations means that the chance to find a better solution get bigger;

hence, the number of localized nodes get larger and the value of localization

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

error get smaller. For better results analysis, the experimental results are

summarized in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3: Summary of experimental results of the different localization algorithms

Target Anchor PSO BOA FA GWO SSA

Nodes Nodes EL(m) T(s) NL EL(m) T(s) NL EL(m) T(s) NL EL(m) T(s) NL EL(m) T(s) NL
25 10 0.79 0.40 18 0.22 0.38 25 0.25 1.8 19 0.74 0.54 21 0.45 0.35 24
50 15 0.43 0.76 46 0.32 0.86 49 0.42 2.5 49 0.69 0.81 46 0.46 0.69 48
75 20 0.72 1.35 75 0.25 1.52 68 0.51 4.7 73 0.64 0.95 72 0.50 0.96 73
100 25 0.65 2.16 100 0.35 2.45 100 0.70 5.3 98 0.60 2.1 98 0.51 1.35 100
125 30 0.74 4.90 123 0.54 3.87 124 0.82 6.5 124 0.58 2.8 123 0.52 1.70 125
150 35 0.62 5.43 149 0.76 5.65 149 0.90 7.2 149 0.52 4.3 150 0.50 2.15 150

Based on Table 4.3, regarding the Mean Localization Error (EL), there is no

clear pattern that can be detected to represent the relationship between this

performance metric and the number of target nodes and anchor nodes. However,

it is noticed that SSA has the best results regarding this performance metric

compared to PSO, BOA, FA, and GWO, particularly, when the numbers of

target nodes and anchor nodes are increased. Regarding the computing time, it is

noticed that increasing the number of target nodes and anchor nodes increase the

computing time for all localization algorithms. However, once again, SSA has

the best computing time compared to PSO, BOA, FA, and GWO. Finally,

regarding the number of localized nodes (NL), it is noticed that SSA has the best

results compared to other localization algorithms. In addition, it is noticed that

SSA has inferior EL when the percentage of (number of anchor nodes/ number

of target nodes) becomes larger such as (10/25) in the first case in Table 4.3.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

That is because the localization accuracy increases when the anchor density

increases with respect to the number of the target nodes [83].

The graphical representations of the experimental results for the different

performance metrics are shown in Figures 4.2-4.4.

Mean Localization Error (m)




0.5 BOA
0.4 GWO



25 -10 50 -15 75 - 20 100 -25 125 - 30 150 - 35
(Number of Target Nodes - Number of Anchors)

Figure 4.2: The localization error of the different localization algorithms in different WSN deployments

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms



25 -10 50 -15 75 - 20 100 -25 125 - 30 150 - 35


Figure 4.3: The computing time of the different localization algorithms in different WSN deployments


150 - 35

125 - 30

100 -25

75 - 20

50 -15

25 -10

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


Figure 4.4: The number of localized nodes of the different localization algorithms in different WSN deployments

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

4.4. Summary

This chapter has introduced the details of system implementation in addition

to the conducted experiments. The proposed work has employed the salp swarm

algorithm to localize the unknown nodes in wireless sensor networks for the first

time. The proposed work is implemented and its performance is compared to

other well-known metaheuristic algorithms including PSO, BOA, FA, and GWO

through intensive experimentation under different scenarios. The next chapter

contains the conclusion of the thesis and presents a set of recommendations for

extending the current work in the future.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms
Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Work

5.1. Conclusion

Many applications that deploy WNS cannot perform its functions properly

unless the locations of the sensor node used to collect the data are known. These

applications include environment monitoring, object tracking, rescue, and

military applications. Therefore, accurate node localization is a major concern

WSNs. In this thesis, a node localization scheme has been proposed based on a

novel bio-inspired algorithm call Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) which handled

the node localization problem as an optimization problem. The proposed

algorithm has been implemented and validated in different WSN deployments

using different numbers of target nodes and anchor nodes. Moreover, the

proposed algorithm has been evaluated and compared to four well-known

optimization algorithms, namely particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO),

butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA), firefly algorithm (FA), and grey wolf

optimizer (GWO) in terms of localization accuracy, computing time, and a

number of localized nodes. The obtained simulation results have proved the

superiority of the proposed algorithm compared to the other localization

algorithms regarding the different performance metrics.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

5.2. Future Work

The proposed work can be extended in the future through following one or

more from the points listed below:

• Addressing the problem of flip ambiguity in WNS which occurs when

the network is sparse and the set of reference nodes are almost

collinear. In this case, there is a possibility that the target node can be

reflected by a mirror formed from the reference nodes.

• The proposed approach can be hybridized with other algorithm to

reduce the localization error.

• Addressing the localization problem in mobile WSNs.

• Addressing the localization problem in dense WSNs in which large

numbers of sensor nodes are deployed.

• Proposing a localization algorithm that can employ the minimum

number of anchors in order to localize the unknown nodes.

• Addressing the problem of secure localization where WSNs may be

deployed in hostile environments and the localization procedures may

be vulnerable to different kinds of attacks.

• Addressing the anchors movement problem in WSN.

• Addressing the energy consumption problem during the process of

node localization.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms

• Addressing the node localization problem in 3D WSNs.

• Addressing the error propagation problem during the node localization

process in WSNs.

Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Based on Meta-heuristic Algorithms


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‫تحديد مواقع شبكات االستشعار الالسلكية باستخدام خوارزميات التحسين االرشادية‬

‫هيكلية الرسالة‬

‫تتكون‌الرسالة‌من‌خمسة‌فصول‌‪‌ ‌:‬‬

‫الفصل األول‌‪ :‬مقدمة‌عامة‌‪‌,‬وأما‌الفصول‌المتبقية‌فهي‌كما‌يلي‌‪‌ :‬‬

‫الفصل الثانى ‪ :‬في ‌هذا ‌الفصل ‌نعرض ‌خلفية ‌المفاهيم ‌لهذه ‌الرسالة ‌‪‌ ,‬والتي ‌تشمل ‌مبادئ‌‬
‫شبكات ‌اإلستشعار ‌الالسلكية ‌وتطبيقاتها‪‌ ,‬ويعرض ‌أيضا ‌شرح ‌ألنواع ‌الخوارزميات‌‬
‫)‪‌ (Metaheuristic Algorithms‬التى ‌يمكن‌استخدامها‌لحل‌مشكالت‌التحسين‪‌,‬وينتهى‌‬
‫بعرض‌مجموعة‌من‌الجهود‌البحثية‌التى‌بذلت‌فى‌هذا‌المجال‪‌ ‌.‬‬

‫الفصل الثالث ‪ :‬فى ‌هذا ‌الفصل ‌يتم ‌عرض ‌المفاهيم ‌الخاصة ‌بتوطين ‌العقد ‌فى ‌شبكات‌‬
‫اإلستشعار ‌الالسلكية ‌بما ‌فيها ‌األنواع ‌المختلفة ‌للتوطين‪‌ .‬أيضا ‌يتم ‌شرح ‌خمس ‌من‌‬
‫الخوارزميات‌المستخدمة‌فى‌التجارب‌لتوطين‌العقد‌فى‌شبكات‌اإلستشعار‌الالسلكية‪‌ .‬‬

‫الفصل الرابع ‪ ‌ :‬ويعرض‌هذا‌الفصل ‌توصيف‌لمشكلة‌توطين‌العقد‌فى‌شبكات‌اإلستشعار‌‬


‫الفصل الخامس ‪ ‌ :‬وفيه ‌قمت ‌بعرض ‌ما ‌تم ‌إنجازه ‌في ‌البحث ‌‪‌ ,‬كما ‌قدمت ‌توصيات ‌لعمل‌‬
‫أبحاث‌مستقبلية‌في‌مجاالت‌متعلقة‌بموضوع‌الرسالة‪‌ .‬‬

‫تحديد مواقع شبكات االستشعار الالسلكية باستخدام خوارزميات التحسين االرشادية‬

‫ملخص الرسالة‬
‫دورا حيويًا في العديد من تطبيقات‬
‫في الوقت الحاضر ‪ ،‬تلعب شبكات االستشعار الالسلكية (‪ً )WSNs‬‬

‫الحياة الواقعية مثل الرعاية الصحية والتطبيقات العسكرية ومراقبة حركة المرور والمراقبة البيئية‪ .‬في‬

‫العديد من الحاالت ‪ ،‬يتم نشر نقاط اإلستشعار بشكل عشوائي فى شبكات االستشعار الالسلكية‪.‬‬

‫ومع ذلك ‪ ،‬ال يمكن للعديد من هذه التطبيقات أداء وظيفتها بشكل صحيح دون معرفة الموقع الدقيق لعقد‬

‫االستشعار المستخدمة في جمع البيانات‪ .‬لذلك ‪ ،‬توطين العقدة )‪ (Node localization‬الدقيق مهم للغاية‬

‫في شبكات اإلستشعار الالسلكية‪ .‬توطين العقدة يعني تقدير مواقع العقد غير المعروفة بمساعدة بعض‬

‫العقد ذات األماكن المعروفة التي تسمى المراس أو المنارات‪.‬‬

‫في هذه األطروحة ‪ ،‬يُقترح مخطط تعريب العقدة استنادًا إلى خوارزمية حديثة تسمى ‪(Salp Swarm‬‬

‫)‪Algorithm‬والتي تتم فيها معالجة مشكلة توطين كمشكلة تحسين‪ .‬تم تنفيذ الخوارزمية المقترحة‬

‫والتحقق من صحتها فى حاالت مختلفة لنشر عقد شبكات االستشعار الالسلكية باستخدام أعداد مختلفة‬

‫من العقد المستهدفة وعقد المراس‪ .‬عالوة على ذلك ‪ ،‬تم تقييم الخوارزمية المقترحة ومقارنتها بأربع‬

‫خوارزميات تحسين معروفة ‪ ،‬وهي خوارزمية تحسين سرب الجسيمات (‪ ، )PSO‬خوارزمية تحسين‬

‫الفراشة (‪ ، )BOA‬خوارزمية اليراع (‪ ، )FA‬وخوارزمية الذئب الرمادي (‪ )GWO‬من حيث دقة تحديد‬

‫أماكن العقد ووقت الحوسبة وعدد العقد التى تم تحديد أماكنهم‪ .‬أثبتت نتائج المحاكاة التي تم الحصول‬

‫عليها تفوق الخوارزمية المقترحة مقارنة بخوارزميات التوطين األخرى فيما يتعلق بمقاييس األداء‬



‫تحديد مواقع شبكات االستشعار الالسلكية باستخدام خوارزميات التحسين االرشادية‬

‫السيرة الذاتية لمقدم الرسالة‬

‫االسم ‪ :‬حذيفة محمد كنوش الجبوري‬

‫تاريخ الميالد ‪1980/10/22 :‬‬

‫العنوان‪ :‬العراق – صالح الدين‬

‫الدرجة العلمية ‪ :‬بكالوريوس علوم في قسم علوم الحاسوب‬

‫جهة منح الدرجة العلمية ‪ :‬قسم علوم الحاسوب ‪ -‬كلية الرافدين الجامعة‬

‫تاريخ التخرج‪2002 :‬‬

‫الدرجة العلمية ‪ :‬دبلوم عالي علوم في قسم علوم الحاسوب‬

‫جهة منح الدرجة العلمية ‪ :‬قسم علوم الحاسوب ‪ -‬كلية علوم الحاسوب والرياضيات‬

‫جامعة الموصل‬

‫تاريخ التخرج‪2012 :‬‬

‫تاريخ التسجيل لدرجة الماجستير ‪2017 / 7 / 1 :‬‬

‫كلية الحاسبات والذكاء األصطناعي‬ ‫جامعة بنها‬
‫قسم علوم الحاسب‬

‫تحديد مواقع شبكات االستشعار الالسلكية باستخدام‬

‫خوارزميات التحسين االسترشادية‬

‫رسالة مقدمة إلى كلية الحاسبات والذكاء األصطناعي ‪ -‬جامعة بنها الستكمال متطلبات‬
‫الحصول على درجة الماجستير فى الحاسبات والمعلومات في "علوم الحاسب "‬

‫مقدمة من الباحث‬
‫حذيفة محمد كنوش الجبوري‬
‫قسم علوم الحاسب‬
‫كلية الحاسبات والذكاء األصطناعي‬
‫جامعة بنها‬


‫الدكتور‪ /‬عصام حليم حسين‬ ‫األستاذ الدكتور‪ /‬مازن محمد سليم‬

‫استاذ مساعد علوم الحاسب‬ ‫استاذ علوم الحاسب‬
‫وكيل الكلية لشئون الدراسات العليا والبحوث‬ ‫وكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم والطالب‬
‫كلية الحاسبات والمعلومات‬ ‫كلية الحاسبات والذكاء األصطناعي‬
‫جامعة المنيا‬ ‫جامعة بنها‬
‫جمهورية مصر العربية‬ ‫جمهورية مصر العربية‬

‫‪ 2019‬م‬

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