Dap An de Thi Chon Hoc Sinh Gioi Mon Tieng Anh Lop 9 Vong 3 Huyen Thanh Chuong Nghe An Nam Hoc 2015 2016

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NĂM HỌC 2015 -2016


Question 1 (10 points). Choose the correct answer from A, B, C or D to complete each of the following
1. Are you sure you told me? I don’t recall ____________ about it.
A. having told B. having been told C. to have told D. to have been told
2. If you want to develop inner tranquility, you have to stop ____________by every little thing that happens.
A. bothering B. being bothered C. to bother D. to be bothered
3. Never ___________that poem.
A. do I have read B. I read C. have I read D. I have read
4. Only by working independently ____________ so quickly.
A. he could grow up B. he did grow up C. he grew up D. could he grow up
5. _____________ the salary meets my expectations, I will accept the job offer.
A. Due to B. Even if C. Provided that D. Unless
6. No one could account for it. They couldn’t __________ it.
A. explain B. estimate C. interpret D. describe
7. Many a candidate ____________ unsuccessful in the oral test.
A. was B. aren’t C. weren’t D. were
8. You have to pay extra if you take too _________ with you.
A. much luggages B. many luggages C. much luggage D. many luggage
9. She told me that she _____________ happy for what he _________.
A. is feeling/did B. was feeling/had done C. feels/did D. had left/ has been doing
10. The professor said that Vietnam __________ to South-East Asia.
A. has belonged B. had belonged C. belonged D. belongs
Question 2 (10 points). Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and
some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by the number. If a line has a
word which should not be there, write it in the blanks on the right. Number 0 and 00 have been done for you.


0. I was born in a small country town. When I was young ………..√…..
00. it seemed as an idea place to live. I had lots of friends to play with and I ……as….…
01. was enough happy. But, as I got older, everything suddenly seemed ……enough....
02. like a bit boring. I wanted to go to museums and theaters but they were too far ……like....
03. away to get to very often. Then, when I was 16, we moved to London because …………....
04. my father was offered a much more better job in a big hospital in the city center. ……more…....
05. At first, my brothers and I were very unhappy. The people in the city seemed be ……be……....
06. really unfriendly to us. However, we made friends eventually and we slowly realized …………....
07. there was a lot much more to do in the city than in the country. Near our house, …much....
08. for example, there was a fantastic amusement park. It was the most greatest place …most…....
09. I could imagine! We used to spend as much time as we could there. We were too ………....
10. young for to go on many of the rides, but we loved the atmosphere. When I was a ……for…....
little older, I discovered many more exciting places to visit.

Question 3 (10 points). Read the text below. Use the word given in capital letters at the end of each line to
form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Number (0) has been done for you.

Voices Foundation is a music education (0) organization. Its founder, Susan Digby, 0) ORGANISE
believes (1) _________________ that learning to sing is the best way to introduce 1) PASSION
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children to music. ‘Playing a (2) ___________________instrument is difficult, and the 2) MUSIC
(3) _______________of children who begin usually give up, but everyone has a 3) MAJOR
voice,’ she says.
Digby’s (4) _________________for the Foundation came when she was travelling in 4) INSPIRE
Hungary. ‘People there believe that a child’s (5) ______________________benefits 5) DEVELOP
from music education, and it has a (6) ___________________effect on other skills, 6) SIGNIFY
like (7) ________________and linguistic skills. Music education provides a training 7) MATHEMATICS
which extends children’s (8) ________________and listening powers.’ Digby believes 8) COMMUNICATE
that if children get (9) ______________from singing, they are more likely to learn an 9) ENJOY
instrument (10) __________________when they are older. 10) WILL

1. passionately 2. musical 3. majority 4. inspiration 5. development

6. significant 7. mathematical 8. communication 9. enjoyment 10. willingly


Question 1 (10 points). Complete this passage using sentences marked by A-G. There is one extra sentence
which you do not need to use. Write your answer in the box.


A. Pupils were put into groups to listen to different things
B. Pupils doing best had probably liked what they had heard.
C. Those listening to pop music did best on the test.
D. It was thought that difficult music made the brain work better.
E. The experiment suggests that the children did not listen to Mozart.
F. Listening to Mozart seemed to improve mental ability.
G. The experiment was carried out in all parts of Britain

0 G

Listening to pop music may make you cleverer, according to a Megalab experiment in which 11,000 children in 250
schools across Britain took part.

1 F

The idea was put forward as a scientific study by Dr Sue Hallam of the Institute of Education, London, to follow up
work in California which suggested that listening to music by Mozart for ten minutes had a direct effect on people’s
ability to work out problems.
2 A

The Megalab experiment took place at eleven o’clock one Thursday morning. School children were split at random
into three separate groups: one listening to Mozart, one to a pop group and one to a conversation in which Dr Hallam
discussed Megalab.
3 C

The children were the given problem-solving tasks. The group which had listened to the discussion scored 52 per
cent, those who had listened to Mozart also scored 52 per cent, but those who had listened to pop group scored 56
per cent. Dr Hallam said the result is interesting and ‘approaching significance’.

4 B

She thought that the reason was not due to the ‘Mozart effect’ but because the mood of the children had changed,
so they were more aroused and tried harder. ‘They were probably enjoying it and so they were well motivated,’ she
said. ‘The others were probably uninterested or not particularly inspired by Mozart or by the discussion.’
5 D

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Dr Frances Rauscher, of the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory in Berkeley, California, had
suggested that students would do better after listening to Mozart because his music is complex and stimulates
particular activity in the brain.
Question 2 (10 points). Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for each question. Choose
the correct answers by circling A, B, C or D.
‘The best age to start learning the violin is between three and six,’ said Margaret Porter, a violinist and music
teacher. ‘It’s the time when you are learning about the world,’ Margaret, who lives in London, prefers to take pupils at
three and four, although she has made lots of exceptions for keen five-year-olds. When she started teaching the
violin in 1972, her first class consisted of her children’s five-year-old school friends.
Margaret’s pupils have group lessons. Each group has about a dozen pupils and each lesson lasts an hour,
once a fortnight. In addition, each pupil has one individual lesson a week with her. Parents also have to attend the
lessons. It is important that the parents take an active interest in the lesson.
From the earliest lessons pupils learn to play by ear. They do not even try to read music until they have been
playing for several years, and for a long time there is a big difference between their playing and reading of music.
Margaret says that her method is not supposed to produce great violinists, and always suggests that pupils who
perform particularly well should leave and study the violin using more traditional methods.
1. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. explain why Margaret likes teaching the violin. B. describe a different way of learning the violin.
C. give advice on how to find a music teacher D. explain why Margaret has a lot of pupils
2. Why should someone read the text?
A. to discover how Margaret learnt the violin B. to learn why it is important to read music.
C. to find out about Margaret’s teaching method. D. to learn why children should play the violin.
3. What opinion does Margaret have about her best pupils?
A. They ought to find another teacher. B. They will become great violinists using her method
C. They could try harder D. They take several years to learn to read music.
4. Who were Margaret’s first pupils?
A. her children B. three and four – year – olds
C. her own friends D. her children’s friends
5. Which of the following would Margaret include in an advertisement for her classes?
A. Learn to play the violin with your children – 2 lessons a week
B. Watch your children learn to play the violin.
C. Group violin lessons for children – no more than 5 per group.
D. We’ll look after your children while you learn the violin.

Question 3 (10 points). Fill ONE suitable word into each numbered blank.
Dictionaries are (0) AMONG the most important tools of self-education. (1)________________Samuel Johnson
wrote his influential English dictionary in the eighteenth century, the work kept him busy for seven years. At the
end of that period he (2) __________________written the meanings of over forty thousand words. Most modern
dictionaries require a (3)_________________ deal less time and effort to write because writers often use earlier
dictionaries as a source of reference.
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Nowadays, most dictionaries are put together by teams of writers, or lexicographers. Sometimes they need to
work together in meetings; at other times they work independently of (4)__________________other, on different
parts of the dictionary.
(5) ____________________one time, the starting point for deciding on which words to include used to be the
lexicographer’s own knowledge. These days, teams (6) ____________________use of a large collection of
examples of (7)__________________only writing but also every day speech, which is known as a corpus. Teams
also refer (8) _________________books and articles about language as (9) ______________ as asking experts
in particular subjects about the more specialized words. Finally, ordinary people are asked to say what they think
about the way the words are defined and (10) ____________they find the examples provided helpful or not.

1. when 2. had 3. great/good 4. each 5. At

6. make 7. not 8. to 9. well 10. whether/if

Question 1 (10 points). Using the word in capital letters, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first one. Do not change the word given.
1. He took a taxi so he wouldn’t have to walk in the rain. AVOID
 He took a taxi ___(to avoid having to walk)____in the rain.
2. No one has ever stolen my car. HAD
 I have ______(never had my car)___________ stolen.
3. My parents met for the first time thirty year ago. THAT
 It ______(was thirty years ago that)____________my parents first met.
4. Although the main actor performed well, the critics didn’t like the play. GOOD
 In spite _of a/the good performance or of (the) good acting by the main actor, the critics didn’t like the play.
5. I always trust Carla’s advice. SOMEBODY
 Carla ____(is somebody whose advice)_____ I always trust.
6. We appear to have been given the wrong address. AS
 It ______(seems/appears/looks as if/ though)_______ we have been given the wrong address.
7. Valerie doesn’t object to her photograph appearing in the magazine. OBJECTION
 Valerie ____(has no objection to)________her photograph appearing in the magazine.
8. I find Robert’s taste in music very hard to tolerate. PUT
 I find it ____(hard to put up with)________Robert’s taste in music.
9. Golf is becoming increasingly popular in Britain. POPULARITY
 The ______(popularity of golf is increasing) __________in Britain.
10. Too tired to continued, Phil stopped walking. CARRY
 Phil couldn’t ______(carry on walking because/since/as) ______ he was too tired.
Question 2 (10 points). Rewrite the following sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original
1. I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting.
 Rather…than disturb the meeting I left without saying good bye.
2. That’s the last time I go to that restaurant.
 I certainly……won’t ever go to that restaurant again.
3. The drama critic of the ‘Daily News’ regards the new play as a major breakthrough.
 According to.………the drama critic of the ‘Daily News’, the new play is a major breakthrough.
4. I didn’t realize he was the author and that’s why I was rude about his new book.
 Had………I realized he was the author I would not have been so rude about his new book.

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5. She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard.
 However…………hard she works, she never seems to succeed.
6. The people who were there didn’t notice anything unusual.
 No one …..…(who was) there noticed anything…strange
7. I wasn’t a bit surprised to hear that Karen had changed her job.
 I came as..………no surprise to me that Karen had changed her job.
8. It was more of an argument than a discussion.
 It was not so ….……much a discussion as an argument.
9. I would do anything for you.
 There’s…………nothing that I wouldn’t do for you.
10. The computer will be available anytime but one o’clock.
 The computer will ..……not be available at one o’clock.
Question 3 (20 points). Nowadays some parents think that English Grammar is more important than spoken
English. Do you agree or disagree with that? Write an essay about 120 – 150 words to express your ideas.
- Format: 3 điểm (opening, body, conclusion)
- Grammar: 4 điểm
- Vocabulary: 3 điểm
- Ideas: 10 điểm

Tổng điểm: 100/10 = 10 điểm

___The end___

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