PC 960 DataValidationOption ReleaseNotes en

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Informatica® Corporation

PowerCenter® Data Validation Option

Version 9.6.0
Release Notes
April 2014
Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Informatica Corporation. All rights reserved.

Fixed Limitations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Known Limitations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Informatica Global Customer Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

This document contains important information about known limitations and fixed limitations for
PowerCenter Data Validation Option. Perform a fresh install of Data Validation Option in a Kerberos
environment. Do not upgrade to this release from a previous version.
Install Data Validation Option on an operating system that is certified to support Data Validation Option
in a Kerberos environment. Informatica has certified the Windows 7 64-bit and the Windows Server 2008
operating system. Informatica has certified DVOCmd on Linux 64-bit operating systems. Ensure that you
have configured Informatica services on a Windows 64-bit or Linux 64-bit operating system.

Fixed Limitations
Review the Release Notes of previous releases for information about previous fixed limitations.
The following table describes fixed limitations:

CR Description

361804 An error appears when you try to import a NOT_NULL, NOT_BLANK, or UNIQUE test for
a single-table constraint from a spreadsheet and you did not set the operator to '=.'

346950 When you run a test with an expired repository password, Data Validation Option does not
hide passwords that are displayed during authentication and in the logs files and error

294909 An error occurs when you create a Join view, the (alias table name + field name) exceeds
31 characters, and you configure the database to process the WHERE clause, sorting,
and aggregation.

Known Limitations
Review the Release Notes of previous releases for information about previous fixed limitations.

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The following table describes known limitations:

CR Description

385573 A NullPointer exception occurs when you use the Everything option to refresh
repositories if the PowerCenter repository is on UNIX or Solaris operating system and if
your Data Validation Client repository is on DB2 with more than 3000 sources or targets.
Workaround: Use the Refresh Folders(Sources & Targets) option to refresh the required

383297 If the first row of the Bad Records is null, then the columns Difference and % Difference
will not appear in the Japser Detailed Test Result Report

333075 A memory exception occurs if you run the RefreshRepository DVOCmd command with the
--allfolders option on UNIX and the repository has more than 20,000 objects.
Workaround: Run the command on Windows.

304741 Cannot add column definitions in an SQL View if the Table Definitions have the same
name and description with different aliases.
Workaround: Add all the Table Definitions and save the SQL View with the description
and a dummy query. Edit the SQL View to add ports of the Table Definitions and update
the query.

309456 Incorrect data might appear in Jasper reports that you generate at the Data Validation
Option repository level with the all users option.

286246 Data Validation Option fails to refresh the repository and import connection metadata if a
relational connection and an application connection have the same name in the
PowerCenter repository.
Workaround: Ensure that relational connections and application connections have
different names in the Connection dialog box in the Workflow Manager.

283971 When you view the BIRT reports after you run tests with the DVOCmd command line
program on UNIX and the port number of the reporting service is 8181, page not found
error occurs.
Workaround: Change the port number to the tomcat port in the URL.

275875 When you refresh the PowerCenter repository, Data Validation Option fails to import
folders with folder names that contain special characters like ampersand (&), asterisk (*),
percentage (%), and comma (,).
Workaround: Rename the folder in PowerCenter so that the folder name does not contain
any special characters.

275352 Data Validation Option repository connection disconnects in the Data Validation Option
client even if database host and database are online.
Workaround: Restart the Data Validation Option client to reconnect to the repository.

274553 The Data Validation Option client becomes slow and unresponsive for several seconds
when you search for sources in a large PowerCenter repository with more than 10000

274215 You cannot import data sources into the Data Validation repository from folders in the
PowerCenter repository that have special characters in the folder description.

2 PC-DVR-960-0001
Informatica Global Customer Support
You can contact a Customer Support Center by telephone or through the Online Support.
Online Support requires a user name and password. You can request a user name and password at
The telephone numbers for Informatica Global Customer Support are available from the Informatica web
site at http://www.informatica.com/us/services-and-training/support-services/global-support-centers/.

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