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Document & Certified Mail No, 7016 2070 0000 0218 5487 Estoppel Notice NON-NEGOTIABLE ©Thomas-James: Brown-Bey Authorized Representative for THOMAS JAMES BROWNO®™" Trust and all derivatives thereof c/o [15216] CARLISLE DETROIT, MI [48205-9999] (248)385-7250 Michael Poulos d/b/a MICHAEL POULOS acting as CEO ‘Mary Alfaro d/b/a MARY ALFARO acting as RISK MANAGER [MICHIGAN FIRST CREDIT UNION) (27000 EVERGREEN ROAD} 701b 2070 OO00 O21 S48? [LATHRUP VILLAGE, MI 48076] : [Mary Alfaro] Risk Management Manager AUGUST 22, 2019 Notice of irrevocable Estoppel by Acquiescence Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal. Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent Ref: Account Number [30051112] Dear MR. POULOS With reference to the letter dated AUGUST 22, 2019 all delivered by recorded USPO mail [70162070000002185463, RF162220931US, 70162070000002185470]. In those letters | asked you to provide the following reasonably requested specific items: 1. Proof of Claim that the alleged liability has been created in the form of an original contract. 2. Proof of Claim that the alleged non-deposit exists in the form of a verified true bill signed by your client and charged to THOMAS JAMES BROWN@®™ TRUST pursuant to the The Bills of Exchange Act (1882) 3. Proof of Claim that MICHIGAN FIRST CREDIT UNION has the legal right and lawful authority to attempt to deny Deposit of the alleged liability in the form of Proof of Agency, I herby serve Notice that failure to provide Proof of Claim by MICHIGAN FIRST CREDIT UNION, has created a permanent and irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence, forevermore barring MICHIGAN FIRST CREDIT UNION from bringing any and all claims, legal actions, orders, demands, lawsuits, costs, levies, penalties, damages, interests, liens and expenses whatsoever, against THOMAS JAMES BROWN©®™ TRUST. It is important that you acknowledge and understand that this is not a letter but a legal notice, which is a different specie of correspondence all together. | hereby declare that the THOMAS JAMES BROWN©®™ TRUST Page 1 of 2 Document & Certified Mail No. 7016 2070 0000 0218 5487 law of agent and principal shall apply and that service upon one is service upon another. Furthermore, your failure to provide Proof of Claim in the form of the above reasonably requested specific items comprises the tacit procuration of MICHIGAN FIRST CREDIT UNION’s agreement to the following terms and conditions. 4: 2 av ey That the debt did not exist in the first place; OR Ithas already been paid in full; ‘AND That any damages | suffer, you will be held culpable; ‘That any negative remarks made to a credit reference agency will be removed; You will no longer pursue this matter any further. You have not proven any debt, if you sell the alleged liability, and/or appoint an agent to act on its/your behalf on this matter you will have broken our agreement and you agree to pay the following fee schedule Fee Schedule Any further invalid claims against THOMAS JAMES BROWN©*™ and/or attempting to contact the Authorized Representative by mail, mobile phone and/or telephone will constitute the agreement of MICHIGAN FIRST CREDIT UNION to the following Fee Schedule: ay a 3. 4. 5, 6. $10,000.00 (TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS } per invalid claim in writing, nunc pro tunc, $10,000.00 (TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS } per letter and/or notice sent by recorded mail, nunc pro tunc, $10,000.00 (TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ) per hour or portion thereof, of the Authorized Representative, Representative’s time, nunc pro tunc, $10,000.00 (TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ) per attempt to contact by telephone and/or mobile phone $10,000,000 (TEN MILLION DOLLARS ) per Authorized® or ™ infringement. Alll fees are payable in Twenty One (21) days of date of bill, as evidenced by recorded delivery tracking number. Without malice or mischief, in sincerity and honour. Yours sincerely By: 2g koqque Authorized Agent and Representative for THOMAS JAMI IN©®™TRUST No assured value, No liability. Errors & O1 sions Excepted. All Rights Reserved. WITHOUT RECOURSE — NON-ASSUMPSIT Calls maybe recorded THOMAS JAMES BROWN©®™ TRUST Page 2 of 2 URSA ges Sa ” RECEIPT S55 oe OFFICIAL USE SSS an : = —ae S SS aa ae | S— 8 = S See oS a —— ——z S| Ss oh Roe. 25,20) ——— aan SAN Fest C.0 ere ae Qe eeem © Th : Brown-Bey vue WuS. 25, ZO\R POSTAGE PAID UPU RL 11423) oe MICGAN Frest CREDIT Unio t LLOOG BER GREED RD Ss g 3 MATHROP WILLA, AL AQRRTE ca USPS Tracking eee Tracking History Track Another Package ++ 10126, 208, 1200 a eset ame X ‘Teacking Number: 70162070000002185487 August 28.2019, 1200 am, Wie WAcuicad Mast CO. Estapeel Nokce eiaaeere Product information ste STOP 1920S, © anf Wo Raced ou Request Can't find what you're looking for? Goto our FAO section ta ind answers to

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