Autobiographical Slide Show

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English III Autobiography Assignment | L.

Johnson | Due: Friday, August 30th, 2019

PowerPoint or Prezi Autobiography Project

[140 points]

Task: You will construct a 13 slide PowerPoint presentation. (10 points per slide
plus 10 points for presentation.) The topic is going to be all about YOU!
This autobiography will be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation -
complete with visual effects, sound and animation. We will use the computer
lab Tuesday, August 30 and Wednesday, August 31st to complete this
assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to get to know each other very

Here are the topics for each of your slides: (in any order you choose except the
introduction should be first)

1. Name and Introduction slide (interest, motivations, likes, dislikes, etc.)

2. Family
3. Friends
4. Favorites (food, movies, songs, vacation spots, animals, sports, etc.)
5. Hobbies
6. Biggest Accomplishment
7. Topic of your choice – must have something to do with YOU
8. Topic of your choice – must have something to do with YOU
9. Background information: This may include any relevant personal
information you think I should or would like to know about you. You might
include where you have grown up, moves you've made, and activities you
enjoy doing outside school.
10.Your opinion of yourself as a student: Be sure to include what your strengths
and weaknesses as an English student. What are your favorite subjects? What
English III Autobiography Assignment | L. Johnson | Due: Friday, August 30th, 2019

kind of grades have you made in the past? What are your work habits and
attitude about school?
11.Your expectations of this class: What do you expect to get out of this class?
Is there some particular area of English you would like me to cover this
year? Is there a particular area in English that you really don't enjoy? How do
you learn best: are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner?
12.Your goals for this semester: What do you plan to do this semester? Is your
goal simply to pass or actually to do well? Do you plan to participate in a
sport or other extracurricular activity?
13.Conclusion (must be final slide) – Finally, tell me one long-term goal you
have. This is a goal you would like to accomplish after graduating from high
school. Also, tell me why this goal is important to you. Include an anecdote
on the last slide. An anecdote is a short interesting story used to leave the
listener or reader with an indelible impression.

10 points for presentation- Present at least 10 out of the 13 slides as some slides
may be too personal for the class. However, you must not read your slides

Must include the following formatting:

 Slide transitions to all of the slides

 Animation schemes to at least 3 slides
 Custom animation to at least 2 slides
 Custom animation to a picture
 Insert pictures, clip arts, and media clips (at least 5)
 Change slide design/background to something other than white for all slides

*Honors: Please include a table of content.



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