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Lesson I.

Valuing Our Elder’s Wisdom

Week 1. Day 3
I. Objectives:
Observe rules on subject-verb agreement

II. Resources:
a. Materials:
- Visual aids

III. Activities:
a. Initial Task
Task 1. Examining a paragraph

- Ask the students to read the given paragraph. Tell them that it contains
sentences with common errors in subject- verb agreement.
- Allow students to work in pairs to discuss if the sentences were written

The number of recorded proverbs are unknown. A number of them are from the Tagalog
regions. There’s many scholars who proved that other regions also have their proverbs. Still,
there are those who think many proverbs have not yet been recorded. Prof. Jose, as well as
Prof. Lacsamana have the same belief. One of their findings are important to many folk
literature scholars. Prof. Ruiz, who studied their findings are very much interested in such

- Elicit from the students their observations regarding the subjects and verbs of
the sentences.

The number of recorded proverbs is unknown. A number of them are from the Tagalog
regions. There are many scholars who proved that other regions also have their proverbs.
Still, there are those who think many proverbs have not yet been recorded. Prof. Jose, as
well as Prof. Jose, as well as Prof. Lacsamana has the same belief. One of their findings is
important to many folk literature scholars. Prof. Ruiz, who studied their findings is very much
interested in such finding.

- Present the version of the paragraph that shows grammatically correct.

- Discuss subject- verb agreement.

B. Rules concerning Subject-verb Agreement

1. The Number vs. A Number- The expression the number is followed by a singular
verb while the expression a number is followed by a plural verb.

Examples: The number of people we need to hire is thirteen.

A number of people have written in about this subject.

2. There is/ There are - Use there is when the noun is singular (“There is a cat”). Use
there are when the noun is plural (“There are two cats”).
3. Intervening words, phrases and clauses - Sometimes a word or phrase comes
between the subject and the verb. Ignore that word or phrase when locating the
subject and verb, making sure that the verb agrees with the subject.
Examples: My brother, along with our friends, is looking forward to this weekend.
WRONG: One of my friends are graduating.

RIGHT: One of my friends is graduating.

4. A prepositional phrase is a group of words consisting of a preposition, its object,

and any words that modify the object. Most of the time, a prepositional phrase
modifies a verb or a noun.

Examples: Today is the first day of the month. The first day is part of the month.

I take my coffee with milk and sugar. My coffee includes milk and sugar.

5. Relative Clauses - Relative clauses are clauses starting with the relative pronouns
who*, that, which, whose, where, when. They are most often used to define or
identify the noun that precedes them.

Examples: Do you know the girl who started in grade 7 last week?
Can I have the pencil that I gave you this morning?
A notebook is a computer which can be carried around.


Task 1 – study each sentence below. Identify the subject and the verb in the
sentence. Observe if the subject agrees with the verb.

- If the (sentence) verb does not agree with the subject. Rewrite the sentence
on the board.

1. Folk literary forms from our regions are varied.

2. The researcher with all his assistants explain such claim to be true.

3. It was emphasized that the number of folk literary forms have increased.

4. The research center which published related reports supports the observation.

5. The researcher, accompanied by local translators were able to gather proverbs.

6. There are still many questions about folk literature that need to be answered.

7. Folk literature, including oral forms remain a source of ethnic knowledge.

8. The translations of folk literature helps us overcome difficulties in understanding.

9. A compilation that contain folk literature has to be given recognition.

10. The government with the help of private groups promotes folk literature research.


Use the information given on the chart to write a sentence based on the case listed. Write your
answer on a ¼ sheet of Manila paper.

Sentence Leo said it is Your analysis

1. Folk literary forms from our regions are varied. grammatical

2. The researcher with all his assistants explain ungrammatical
such claim to be true
3. It was emphasized that the number of folk ungrammatical
literary forms have increased.
4. The research center which published related grammatical
reports supports the observation
5. The researcher, accompanied by local grammatical
Translators were able to gather proverbs

D. Explanation

Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. The number of people lined up for tickets ( was, were ) four hundred.
2. A number of suggestions ( was, were ) made.
3. There ( is, are ) a number of important announcements in the bulletin.
4. There ( is, are ) a red car parked in our driveway.
5. Here ( is, are ) the number of milk shakes you requested.
6. There ( is, are )many options to pick from.
7. Justin, along with his friends ( goes, go ) to the party.
8. Bart, including his brother ( is, are ) going abroad next year.
9. The mountain ( where, which ) we climbed yesterday was the highest mountain in the
10. I bought a new car ( that, which ) is very fast.
E. Final Task

Case Sentences

A/ The number

There is/ are

Intervening phrase

Intervening clause

References: K to 12 Learning Kit & www.

Lesson 2. Searching for Our Beginnings

Week 2- Day 1.

I. Objectives:
a. Express awareness of diversity in our culture.
b. Use information presented on a creation story to infer, to evaluate and to express critical ideas.

II. Assessment Plan

1. Pre- Assessment
a. Identifying our fellow Filipinos

III. Resources
1. Materials:
- Pictures of famous landmarks
- Pictures of indigenous people in the Philippines
- Coloring materials
2. Equipment

IV. Activity: Task 1

Direction: Brainstorm with a partner to determine who our fellow Filipinos are and where
they reside in our country. Match items in columns A, B and C then write your answers on a
one- fourth sheet of paper.





Ethnic Group and Province

a. Maranaws in Lanao del Norte

b. Ilongots in Cagayan

c. Negritos in Capiz

C. Region
a. Western Visayas

b. Cagayan Valley

c. Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao

Task 2.

Complete the chart below. Use a whole sheet of paper


What do you know about the… What else do you want to know about them?




Task 3 – Vocabulary Enhancement

1. Diversity - It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our
individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender,
sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs,
political beliefs, or other ideologies.

2. Interspersed- scatter among or between other things; place here and there.

B. Reading of the text


The Filipino is basically of Malay stock with a sprinkling of Chinese, American, Spanish
and Arab blood. The Philippines has a population of 70 million, and it is hard to
distinguish accurately the lines between stocks. From a long history of Western colonial
rule, interspersed with the visits of merchants and traders evolved a people of a unique
blend of east and west, both in appearance and culture.

The Filipino character is actually a little bit of all the cultures put together. The bayanihan
or spirit of kinship and camaraderie that Filipinos are famous for is said to be taken from
Malay forefathers. The close family relations are said to have been inherited from the
Chinese. The piousness comes from the Spaniards who introduced Christianity in the
16th century. Hospitality is a common denominator in the Filipino character and this is
what distinguishes the Filipino. Filipinos are probably one of the few, if not the only,
English-proficient Oriental people today. Pilipino is the official national language, with
English considered as the country’s unofficial one.

The Filipinos are divided geographically and culturally into regions, and each regional
group is recognizable by distinct traits and dialects – the sturdy and frugal llocanos of the
north, the industrious Tagalogs of the central plains, the carefree Visayans from the
central islands and the colorful tribesmen and religious Moslems of Mindanao. Tribal
communities can be found scattered across the archipelago. The Philippines has more
than 111 dialects spoken, owing to the subdivisions of these basic regional and cultural

Some 80 percent of the population is Catholic, Spain’s lasting legacy. About 15 percent
is Moslem and these people can be found basically in Mindanao. The rest of the
population is made up mostly of smaller Christian denominations and Buddhist.

The country is marked by a true blend of cultures; truly in the Philippines, East meets
West. The background of the people is Indonesian and Malay. There are Chinese and
Spanish elements as well. The history of American rule and contact with merchants and
traders culminated in a unique blend of East and West, both in the appearance and
culture of the people of the Filipinos, or people of the Philippines.

C. Self-Check: ( Oral )

Task 1: Agree or Disagree

1. The Filipinos are uniquely diversified

2. The Filipinos are religious in nature
3. The diversity of the Filipinos in culture, language, and religion is a
hindrance to the country’s unity and progress.
4. The strength of the Filipino culture lies in the resiliency of its people who
overcame the colonizers’ oppressive rule.
5. Acceptance of differences in culture, belief, and language can only start
with awareness.

D. Enhancement: Group Task

Task 1:
Each group will be given a pictures. They are going to discuss within their group the strengths
and weaknesses of the Filipinos characters based on the picture.

GROUP 1 Strong Family Ties





E. Evaluation

Presentation of students output.


Criteria Excellent Meets expectations Approaches Needs improvement


Teamwork The group worked The group worked Group Group did not work
very well with each well with each other communicated well together. There
other and the and communicated relatively well were obvious
presentation was well. Some with a few miscommunications
shared equally members lapses in the and lapses in the
among the group participated slightly presentation; presentation.
members. more than others. some students
dominated the
and others did
not participate

Focus The thesis is very The thesis is clear or The thesis is The topic and thesis
clearly stated; the clearly implicit; it is unclear; the are unclear; no
topic is narrowed implied that the topic is only apparent attempt has
sufficiently; the specific audience partially limited; been made to limit
specific audience has has been considered the specific the topic; the specific
clearly been taken when delivering the audience has audience has not
into account when speech been partially been considered
delivering the speech considered
when delivering
the speech

Organization The speech has a The introduction The introduction No attempt has been
clear introduction and conclusion are and conclusion made to compose an
that catches the clear and somewhat may be effective introduction
audience’s attention related to the ineffective and or conclusion; there is
effectively and is whole; some not related to no logical plan to the
connected to the transitions are used the whole; the speech
whole; effective logical plan must
transitions recap be inferred, as
each main point; the no transitions
conclusion effectively are used
summarizes the
speech and is related
to the whole
Delivery Eye contact is Eye contact with the Eye contact with No eye contact is
effectively audience is the audience is made with the
established with the somewhat hardly audience; gestures
audience; gestures established; established; and verbal cues are
and verbal gestures and verbal gestures and not used to reinforce
cues are used to cues are sometimes verbal cues particularly important
reinforce particularly used to reinforce are seldom used ideas; vocalized
important ideas; no particularly to reinforce pauses are used in
excessive use of important ideas; particularly abundance and
vocalized pauses several vocalized important ideas; distract from the
(e.g., “ah”, “um”); pauses vocalized pauses overall message
student is very are used; student is are used
articulate. Adheres somewhat frequently;
to time articulate. Adheres student is not
limit/requirement. to time very articulate

Adapted from and

Lesson 2. Searching for Our Beginning

Week 2. Day 2.
I. Objectives :
a. Enhance your production of critical vowel and consonant sounds. / I / , / I /
/s / /sh /
b. Pronounce the words with / I / , / I / /s / and /sh /

II. Resources:
1. Materials:
Visual aids
Hand outs

III. Activities
a. Initial task
Task 1- Loud and Clear

- Present the set of words and phrases vowel sounds / I / , / i / , / s / and

/ sh /

[I] [i]
bit unique
kinship east
basic appearance
archipelago camaraderie
Philippines fifteen

[s] [ ]
Spirit Spanish
Stock population
Sturdy Indonesian
Scattered distinguishes
Some kinship

- Teacher reads first, students follow.

[I] [i]
bit unique
kinship east
basic appearance
archipelago camaraderie
Philippines fifteen

[s] [ ]
Spirit Spanish
Stock population
Sturdy Indonesian
Scattered distinguishes
Some kinship

Task 2- Practice Makes Perfect

Let the students read the phrases and sentences correctly focusing on the words with
critical vowel sounds ( I ) , ( i ) and the critical consonant sounds ( s ) ( sh )

1. a little bit of all the cultures

2. spirit of kinship
3. East meets West
4. Chinese and Spanish
5. people of the Philippines

B. What to know?

Task 3 : Let the students watch a video

Link :
Task 4 : Exercise / Oral Practice
Word Pairs
/i/ /I/
bead bid
bean bin
beat bit
beaten bitten
cheap chip
deep dip
ease is
eat it
eats its
feast fist
feel fill
Minimal Pairs
/s/ /sh/
sip ship
sea she
sign shine
D.Evaluation : Tongue Twister
Sea shells by the seashore
She sells sea shells by the seashore
The shells she sells are surely seashells
So if she sells shells on the seashore
I’m sure she sells seashore shells.

Rubrics for Tongue Twister

Excellent Very Good Good Needs improvement

1. Made eye contact

2. Spoke clearly and loudly
3. Spoke with vocal variety
4. Use correct posture
5. Memorized

References: K to 12 Learning Kit & www.

First Quarter
Lesson 2. Searching for Our Beginning
Week 2 – Day 3

I. Objectives:
a. Use information presented in a creation story to infer, to evaluate, and to
express critical ideas.
b. Clarify words to associate its meaning with another word.
c. Determine the use of precise words to create objectivity a written

II. Resources :
Materials: pictures, colors, colored papers

III. Activities:
Initial Task

1. Folklore- the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community,

passed through the generations by word of mouth.
2. Attach as many words you can find in the selection which you could
associate with each idea featured in each box. Use a whole sheet of paper
for your webs.



The Origin of This World (Maranao)

from the Anthology of Philippine Myths by Damiana L. Eugenio

According to Maranaw folklore, this world was created by a great Being. It is not known,
however, who exactly is this great Being. Or how many days it took him to
create this world.

This world is divided into seven layers. The earth has also seven layers. Each layer is inhabited
by a different kind of being. The uppermost layer, for example, is the place we
are inhabiting. The second layer is being inhabited by dwarfs. These dwarfs are short, plump,
and long-haired. They are locally known as Karibanga. The Karibanga are said to
possess magical powers. They are usually
invisible to the human eye. The third layer of the earth which is found under the sea or lake is
inhabited by nymphs. These nymphs also possess certain magical powers. It is
stated in the story of Rajah Indarapatra that he met and fell in love with the princessnymph with
whom he had a child.

The sky also consists of seven layers. Each layer has a door which is guarded
day and night by huge mythical birds called garoda. The seventh layer of the sky is the seat of
heaven which is also divided into seven layers. Every layer in the sky is
inhabited by angels. Maranaws believe that angels do not need food. They all possess wings
with which they fly.
Heaven which is found on the seventh layer of the sky is where good people‘s
spirits go after death. Saints are assigned to the seventh layer while persons who
―barely made it‖ are confined to the lower most layer which is found at the bottom of

It is in heaven where we find the tree-of-life. On
each leaf of the tree-of-life is written the name of every
person living on earth. As soon as a leaf ripens or dries
and falls, the person whose name it carries also dies.
The soul of every person is found in tightly
covered jars kept in one section of heaven. This
particular section of heaven is closely guarded by a
monster with a thousand eyes, named Walo. Walo, in
addition to his thousand eyes, has also eight hairy
heads. The epic Darangan speaks of Madale,
Bantugan‘s brother and, Mabaning, Husband of
Lawanen, entering this section and retrieving the soul
of Bantugan.

1. Task 2 – Locate, Reflect, Evaluate
Locate information in the selection to determine whether each statement is true (T) or false
(F). Write your answer on a one-whole sheet of paper.
_____ 1. Everything has its own place in heaven or on earth.
_____ 2. Even monsters have a place in heaven.
_____ 3. The nymphs, unlike the Karibanga, have magical powers.
_____ 4. The number seven is a significant detail in the narrative.
_____ 5. Angels can fly.
_____ 6. The heaven in the selection accommodates saints and sinners.
_____ 7. There is a reward for good people in heaven.
_____ 8. The narrative is close to the accounts of other stories of origin of the
_____ 9. Death as explained in the narrative is a natural occurrence.
_____ 10. The Maranaw story of the origin of the world is unique.

a. Based on the story ask the students to illustrate the part of the story where they found
puzzling, interesting, intriguing or strange.
Divide the class into four groups. Each group will be given a task.





They are require to compose a brief paragraph describing this illustration.

b. Presentation of Illustrations.

Way to go! (11-15 points) Just fine! (6-10 points) Nice try! (1-5 points)
The illustrations show an interesting The illustration shows an The illustration shows an
and orderly play of images and colors. interesting but not so orderly interesting
play of images and colors. The
The explanation observed the three explanation observed only two The illustration is not as
of the three considerations interesting and orderly. The
considerations and demonstrated
very adequately. A few lapses images and colorsseem
careful and correct language use and in language use and unrelated. The explanation
mechanics can be seen. observed only one of the three
very adequately. A
number of lapses
in language use
mechanics can be
References: K to 12 Learning Kit & www. Google

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