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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition

Project Name

Project Definition


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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

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Created by "Author"
Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

Table of Contents

1. Introduction........................................................................................................4
1.1 General Information......................................................................................4
2. Project Name......................................................................................................4
3. Client Name.......................................................................................................... 4
4. Decision Makers.................................................................................................4
5. Project Description and Goals..........................................................................4
6. Business Case....................................................................................................4
7. Key Business Requirements.............................................................................5
8. Project Objectives..............................................................................................5
9. Benefits............................................................................................................... 5
10. Target Audience..............................................................................................5
11. The Problem....................................................................................................5
12. The Solution....................................................................................................5
13. Project Scope..................................................................................................6
13.1 In Scope.......................................................................................................6
13.2 Out of Scope...............................................................................................6
14. Pre-requisites...................................................................................................6
15. Assumptions...................................................................................................6
16. Project Constraints...........................................................................................6
17. Project Risks...................................................................................................7
18. Time and Costs...............................................................................................8
19. Project Organization.......................................................................................8
20. Organization Chart...........................................................................................8
21. Project Definition Approval................................................................................9

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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

1. Introduction

1.1 General Information

2. Project Name

3. Client Name
Dutch President
Green Administrative assistant
David Legal reviewer
Lisa Accountant

4. Decision Makers
Hind PM Leader 541-908-5814
Todd Developer Leader 503-997-8633
Fangqin QA Leader 503-917-1554

5. Project Description and Goals

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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

We are going to set up a coffee shop, which will offer people internet, coffee,

video game areas, and TV areas. We want people have fun over drinking coffee.

This design is very creative and attractive for college students, and is very

workable. CaféIT is a small start-up coffee shop located close to the Western

Oregon University campus, in the heart of the small town of Monmouth. Our

desired result for this project is for our extra floor space in the shop to become

an entertainment area for customers. Management would like the project to

create an area that will generate business for the coffee shop as well as draw

patrons for use of the newly renovated entertainment features. CaféIT has space

to utilize for technology that will bring in customers for a relaxing cup of coffee

while they check email, study for a test, or forget about school while they play a

video game alone or with a group of friends.

6. Business Case
1. Partnership
2. Product
3. Pricing
4. Capital investment

7. Key Business Requirements

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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

We would like to make sure our stuffs in project run without any problems at all.

We will support the employee to learn how to run everything in shop and to know

how to run business as well. The project group name will be called CafeIT-

BuildIT. The technical requirements will be determined as part of the proposal.

The project group will make choices on technical equipment based on what is

needed for problem free daily use. Cost will be accounted only once quality has

been met.

8. Project Objectives
1. Coffee

2. Coffee machine

3. Computers

4. Coffee tables

5. Coffee chairs

6. Video Games

7. TV

8. TV set

9. Electricity

10. Cables

11. Microsoft software installment

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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

9. Benefits

We built a coffee shop with technology around the idea that work should be

challenging and the challenge should be fun. To that end, Coffee shop's culture

is unlike any in coffee shop America, and it's not because of the environment at

university and certain amount of college students, or the fact that one of the

coffee shop’s staff was a football coach at this university. In the same way we

puts customers first when it comes to online services, and puts employees first

when it comes to daily life in its offices. "The goal is to strip away everything that

gets in our employees way. We provide a standard package of fringe benefits,

but on top of that are first-class coffee drinking environment, internet facilities,

playing and relaxing area, communicating environment - just about anything a

college person might want. After classes, they don’t want to study any more, and

don’t want to go home to make coffee or play on their own. So we make it easy

for them to do both. We strive to be innovative and unique in all services we

provide both to customers and employees, including our benefits and perks

offerings. We realize and celebrate that our employees have diverse needs, and

that this diversity requires flexible and individually directed support. Our priority is

to offer a customizable program that can be tailored to the specific needs of each

individual, whether they enjoy drinking coffee by themselves, or watching TV

programs for a whole day.

10. Target Audience

College Students who interested in Video Games

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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

College Students who like coffees

College Students who like to relax on TV

College Students who like to hang out with friends in coffee shop

College Students who like to play Video Games with friends

College Students who like to watch TV program with friends

College Students who like to chat with people online.

Faculty who like Coffees

Faculty who like to have their break in coffee shop

Faculty who like to discuss their business with colleagues over coffee

Faculty who like to have a private space to do something on their own

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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

11. The Problem

We want to be the number one in Monmouth.

12. The Solution

The quality of Computers:

We will order the high quality computers from an authority company.

The high education of Employees:

We need our employees should be working with their bachelor degrees in CS.

The location:

We need to choose a location to set up our coffee shop campus, which is very

easy to be seen and to be comfortable to sit down.

The quality of decoration:

We need to hire a decorative specialist to design a college style coffee IT shop.

The video games:

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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

We will do some researches on video games, and make sure what we have in

coffee shop are very in and are very popular with college students.

The system:

We will make our system very organized and very modernized, so we can attract

the clients to come, and make them feel there is no second one like our coffee

shop can offer the best thing to them.

The service:

We will train our employees to be very polite to deal with any emergency and to

treat the clients.

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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

13. Project Scope

13.1 In Scope

1. Coffee

2 .Coffee machine

3. Computers

4. Coffee tables

5. Coffee chairs

6. Video Games

7. TV

8. TV set

9. Electricity

10. Cables

11. Microsoft software installment

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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

13.2 Out of Scope

1. Different requirements from customers for different kinds of coffee

2. Different Video Games requirements

3. Different drinking environmental requirements

4. Different playing environmental requirements

14. Pre-requisites
To run this tech- coffee shop, we are required to have some previous knowledge

about computer’s software and hardware, how to make coffee, as well as

knowing what kind of video games that college students really want to play. This

requires us to hire employees with good computer technology, and to hire

employees with good making coffee skills. We need them to know the basic way

to run a coffee shop like this.

15. Assumptions
1. We can easily make enough sales to make a profit

2. We’ll have plenty of available cash if the income statement shows a profit

at year’s end.

3. Our stakeholders will protect our business

4. The weakness won’t matter later on.

5. We can manage the business ourselves

6. Our decent environment will attract customers itself

7. Our financial projections are realistic

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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

8. We can save a lot of money if there was no accidents

9. We have no competition

10. All we need is to serve people around campus

16. Project Constraints

The project must start by December 1st, 2008

The project must be completed by May 11th, 2009.


Most of the tasks are independent of each other, but few tasks, mainly in the

implementation phases, are dependent upon the completion of predecessors

planning task and configuration tasks.

Implementation of the system must not modify or effect the HOF operation.

The subcontractor must install the cables and the electrical wires before placing

the Information data. The cost for the installation should not exceed $80,000.

The subcontractor will be bound by fix-priced contract.


Workers has been scheduled and budgeted to 8 hour a day. “Day” starts at

08:00AM and ends at 12:00PM. Workers will have to have flexibility since most

of the on-site technical work will take place after HOF operation hours. GTR

cannot pay overtime, but workers who wish to finish their tasks will be

compensated through bonuses for high performance in productivity

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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

17. Project Risks

Risk 1 The sponsors stop offering money for building up the coffee shop.

Rick 2 The computers are damaged by car crash accidentally during the delivery.

Rick 3 The coffee machines is not what we ordered.

Risk Impact Risk Plan Actions

1. Project risk 1 H Risk plan action 1 Find another sponsor
Risk plan action 2 Collect money from
organization members
2. Project risk 2 M Reorder it again as soon as possible
3.Project risk 3 L Order anther kind of coffee in near location

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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name

18. Time and Costs

CafeIT has the budget to cover the costs of each phase. All proposals will be

reviewed. Budget is not going to be the element that makes the decision on the

project group that will be hired. Just be sure that each added feature is

budgeted separately so that decisions can be made as to which features to

include into which phases of the project. It will be done in 6 months, and it costs

about 200,000 dollars.

19. Project Organization

Hind PM Leader

Todd Developer Leader

Fangqin QA Leader

Todd Technology Leader

Fangqin Business Analysis

Hind&Todd Development

Todd QA Engineer

Fangqin QA Manager

Hind-Todd System Engineer

20. Organization Chart

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Fundamentals of Technology Project Management Project Definition
Project Name


Technical Business
QA Development
lead analysis
Fangqin Hind-Todd
(Todd) (Fangqin)

QA engineer QA manager
Todd Fangqin

21. Project Definition Approval

This section should document the approval process and authorized signatories for the project
definition document. The client project approval process and timeline should also be contained in
this section.

Client Sponsor: Print Name:


Sponsor: Print Name:

Project Manager:
Print Name:

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